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Campfires! Suggestion to ArenaNet

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Hi all


Couldn't find a suggestions thread so I'm posting in here. Please redirect me if I'm wrong. Also, the thing I'm about to say is probably obsolete for many reasons and is a minor QoL feature. Some of the ideas I have for this game are silly and maybe don't fit GW2 that much, but still, I want to put it out here and see what you guys think.


I haven't seen campfires in any MMO I played so far, except LotRO. The thing was (or still is), that Hunter class could put down a campfire to buff a party. And that would be so cool sometimes, but pls be aware that what I'm about to say might not be entirely true as I haven't been playing LotRO for a long while. Anyway... In LotRO, there wouldn't be anything to it more than a mere click on a Hunter class skill, and party members (or any player player in the open world - not sure) would get say 30 minute buff on specific stats if they're near the fire. I'm not an RPer, but every now and then when I'd went on an adventure, I would immerse myself and unwind for a minute to get this boost and move on.


Now some ideas for GW2:

- this could be a Ranger skill, or maybe some profession that could squeeze this skill in if it doesn't have a 4th utility skill and it fits the lore

- might not be an active skill or fit a certain character, but a passive trait or mastery for anyone

- might be possible to light certain pyres or campfires that are already an asset in-game

- each class could have it's own version of campfire or fire it can ignite - for instance: Mesmer's fire could be pinkish and give certain stats, Necro's fire could be greenish, etc

- different versions, be it size, colour or any attribute, that could give certain stats. Like +10 on exp from kills, +30 on might etc.

- with different versions, different interface (not UI!) or mini-game. For instance if you'd like to go for a Fractal/Dungeon/Raid/PvP/OW Boss, OR if certain stat that you and your party really, really want - maybe there could be a timer on how long you need to sit by the fire to gain this - something symbolic, say 10-15 secs depending on what you want


In the end, this might even be a cosmetic thing for what it's worth. I'd like it even in that was the case.

If ANet is listening, please make this a reality in GW3 :P.


Hope there's someone who remotely likes the sound of that.

In any case, take care have a nice day.


P.S. also PIPEWEED! - That would be much easier to implement - just a consumable!

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Ranger already has a set of drop-and-forget buffs called Spirits which are currently used in the meta-game, and the buffs you describe already exist as Food, Feasts and Utilities.


I'm not sure this would really add anything into the game without a little more thought. Personally, I would prefer for player-made bonfires to be be reserved for when we reach the Far Shiverpeaks, to stave off the frostbite (like in Fractals).

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> I'm not sure this would really add anything into the game without a little more thought. Personally, I would prefer for player-made bonfires to be be reserved for when we reach the Far Shiverpeaks, to stave off the frostbite (like in Fractals).


That's a great idea.


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Well, there's this, which is something like what you are suggesting: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Communal_Boost_Bonfire


> Good luck.


This is neat, but is 300 gems per 1 use. :'(

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I would like a campfire that if you don't put it out before leaving, causes a major fire which can lead to a giant event. Can even be called "Fire Elemental Returns" or something and the map have to fight it and get a random set of loot for completing it.

The loot would depend on the map.

Beginner maps would get "okay" loot and usually stuff that beginners would use or like or need (like Tier 1 materials) and the higher level areas would gradually have higher loot to get from it.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I would like a campfire that if you don't put it out before leaving, causes a major fire which can lead to a giant event. Can even be called "Fire Elemental Returns" or something and the map have to fight it and get a random set of loot for completing it.

> The loot would depend on the map.

> Beginner maps would get "okay" loot and usually stuff that beginners would use or like or need (like Tier 1 materials) and the higher level areas would gradually have higher loot to get from it.


I love the idea, but worry about arsonists trolling the map constantly.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I would like a campfire that if you don't put it out before leaving, causes a major fire which can lead to a giant event. Can even be called "Fire Elemental Returns" or something and the map have to fight it and get a random set of loot for completing it.

> The loot would depend on the map.

> Beginner maps would get "okay" loot and usually stuff that beginners would use or like or need (like Tier 1 materials) and the higher level areas would gradually have higher loot to get from it.


A player-made meta event? I LOVE IT. B)

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