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Mantra of solace issues


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> @"Zantal.4798" said:

> > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > > @"Zantal.4798" said:


> > >

> > > I generally avoid making comments like these because we don't know really what's happening there,

> > >

> > > it might be the dev in charge changed job , is home sick or died.

> > > it might be it is super difficult bug that once you fix it another 10 things break

> > >

> > > Or it just might be the freaking gem store comes before everything else.

> > > (or more probably something that we have no clue about)

> > >

> > > Yes I do like to play the devil's advocate.

> >

> > You probably aren't responding to me, but I'm willing to wager 99.999 to 0.001 that the Indomitable Courage bug is actually very easy to fix and is only being neglected because the meta build in all 3 game modes for FB doesn't really use virtues (or when it does, it's a burn build that uses Permeating Wrath over Indomitable Courage). This is a terrible excuse and doesn't justify laziness, but oh well.


> if 90% of the players who play guardian as a main (this might be a relatively small subset) do not use that trait then there is less incentive to spend resources to fix it quickly, emphasis on quickly.


> This might be another reason and it might be true, what I am arguing here is that after a while it becomes like beating a dead horse and with no true insight on what they are doing at work it's just speculation based on our emotinal responses about the subject.


> So let's not all get too emotional about this, it won't do us any good.


This is logically true but still a poor excuse. The problem is, where do you draw a line? 4 months? 4 months and a day? 5 months, 6 months, a year, two years? At some point the damage will have already been done and it wouldn't matter if it got fixed. In concept what you said makes sense, but it just doesn't pan out when you see this skill/trait being broken for over 4 months without so much as a reply from devs despite all the player reports and threads.

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > @"Zantal.4798" said:

> > > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > > > @"Zantal.4798" said:


> > > >

> > > > I generally avoid making comments like these because we don't know really what's happening there,

> > > >

> > > > it might be the dev in charge changed job , is home sick or died.

> > > > it might be it is super difficult bug that once you fix it another 10 things break

> > > >

> > > > Or it just might be the freaking gem store comes before everything else.

> > > > (or more probably something that we have no clue about)

> > > >

> > > > Yes I do like to play the devil's advocate.

> > >

> > > You probably aren't responding to me, but I'm willing to wager 99.999 to 0.001 that the Indomitable Courage bug is actually very easy to fix and is only being neglected because the meta build in all 3 game modes for FB doesn't really use virtues (or when it does, it's a burn build that uses Permeating Wrath over Indomitable Courage). This is a terrible excuse and doesn't justify laziness, but oh well.

> >

> > if 90% of the players who play guardian as a main (this might be a relatively small subset) do not use that trait then there is less incentive to spend resources to fix it quickly, emphasis on quickly.

> >

> > This might be another reason and it might be true, what I am arguing here is that after a while it becomes like beating a dead horse and with no true insight on what they are doing at work it's just speculation based on our emotinal responses about the subject.

> >

> > So let's not all get too emotional about this, it won't do us any good.


> This is logically true but still a poor excuse. The problem is, where do you draw a line? 4 months? 4 months and a day? 5 months, 6 months, a year, two years? At some point the damage will have already been done and it wouldn't matter if it got fixed. In concept what you said makes sense, but it just doesn't pan out when you see this skill/trait being broken for over 4 months without so much as a reply from devs despite all the player reports and threads.


Yeah I can feel the frustration, but it still holds up, remember that every choice they make is to maximize profits


Most of the times when I come on the forums and read this kind of posts it always seems like they are doing it on purpose because they evil.


Now we could argue if the path they are taking is the correct one, but most of you guys never worked in the gaming industry (I do)

And when you get in you soon face the reality of game development.

what I am trying to say is that these kind of decisions are most of the times not as easy as it seems from the outside.

Everyone wants to make the perfect game, but at the end of the day there is someone higher up the chain who tells you what to do, when and why.


The only thing you can do about it is complain, and if you feel you are not being heard the only last solution is to move on.

Trust me when I say that 1000 whispers count much more than 10 loud voices.

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> @"Zantal.4798" said:

> > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > > @"Zantal.4798" said:

> > > > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > > > > @"Zantal.4798" said:


> > > > >

> > > > > I generally avoid making comments like these because we don't know really what's happening there,

> > > > >

> > > > > it might be the dev in charge changed job , is home sick or died.

> > > > > it might be it is super difficult bug that once you fix it another 10 things break

> > > > >

> > > > > Or it just might be the freaking gem store comes before everything else.

> > > > > (or more probably something that we have no clue about)

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes I do like to play the devil's advocate.

> > > >

> > > > You probably aren't responding to me, but I'm willing to wager 99.999 to 0.001 that the Indomitable Courage bug is actually very easy to fix and is only being neglected because the meta build in all 3 game modes for FB doesn't really use virtues (or when it does, it's a burn build that uses Permeating Wrath over Indomitable Courage). This is a terrible excuse and doesn't justify laziness, but oh well.

> > >

> > > if 90% of the players who play guardian as a main (this might be a relatively small subset) do not use that trait then there is less incentive to spend resources to fix it quickly, emphasis on quickly.

> > >

> > > This might be another reason and it might be true, what I am arguing here is that after a while it becomes like beating a dead horse and with no true insight on what they are doing at work it's just speculation based on our emotinal responses about the subject.

> > >

> > > So let's not all get too emotional about this, it won't do us any good.

> >

> > This is logically true but still a poor excuse. The problem is, where do you draw a line? 4 months? 4 months and a day? 5 months, 6 months, a year, two years? At some point the damage will have already been done and it wouldn't matter if it got fixed. In concept what you said makes sense, but it just doesn't pan out when you see this skill/trait being broken for over 4 months without so much as a reply from devs despite all the player reports and threads.


> Yeah I can feel the frustration, but it still holds up, remember that every choice they make is to maximize profits


> Most of the times when I come on the forums and read this kind of posts it always seems like they are doing it on purpose because they evil.


> Now we could argue if the path they are taking is the correct one, but most of you guys never worked in the gaming industry (I do)

> And when you get in you soon face the reality of game development.

> what I am trying to say is that these kind of decisions are most of the times not as easy as it seems from the outside.

> Everyone wants to make the perfect game, but at the end of the day there is someone higher up the chain who tells you what to do, when and why.


> The only thing you can do about it is complain, and if you feel you are not being heard the only last solution is to move on.

> Trust me when I say that 1000 whispers count much more than 10 loud voices.


IMO there is a bare minimum one can do when faced with a problem. In this case the minimum would be releasing a statement/communicating. Even if it's a vague statement, it'd be better than nothing. It would at least show that they acknowledge it. Right now, I'm interpreting their radio silence as them believing that there is nothing wrong with Indomitable Courage/Tome of Courage and devoting absolutely zero resources to fixing it. Many other rather pressing bugs have been addressed in a somewhat timely manner if fixes weren't directly implemented; FB's heal mantra bug, various bugs on Mirage mainhand axe about 2 months ago, and Scourge's sand shade obstructed bugs are good examples.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Brutaly.6257" said:

> > @"stone cold.8609" said:

> > Bumping this to the top. Any chance this will be addressed in the new patch? I've pretty much parked my FB because of this bug.


> I am in the exact same spot, i even parked the entire game until they fix this.


You have to wait a lot longer. Anet shows again and again their failure to understand simple game mechanics and the problems GW2 has as a whole.

Either caused by ignorance or simply missing ressources, but Guild Wars is a freaking joke by modern game standards, not even talking about modern RPG standards.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any update on this? Mantra of Solace is still bugged so it doesn't have the 1 second cooldown after using a charge when going from 2 --> 1. It works fine when going from 3 --> 2 but I tested all the other mantras and they always work correctly, no matter the amount of charges.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> Still happening, even worse since last patch if anything. Affects the quickness mantra also.


> Should be an easy fix - put a 1/2 sec or 1s recast delay on it.


Yup this is all they need to do. Every other mantra has a 1s ICD between counts except the final Mantra of Solace and quickness I guess if this guy is right.


If anyone is wondering I found a work around after this shit was literally throwing monthly ATs for me:

1. Setup autohotkey to prevent double clicks of your heal bind

2. I then had a problem where AHK would auto press my caps lock bind

3. I rebound my caps lock to a macro that hit caps lock and F8 (random key i dont use)

4. Bound f8 to my heal


fucking ridiculous I had to try shit for weeks to fix a bug it takes these devs under 5 minutes to do. like you don't "break" anything by using the same ICD code as every other mntra.

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> @"Best.3479" said:

> bug it takes these devs under 5 minutes to do. like you don't "break" anything by using the same ICD code as every other mantra.


Ha, that's what I constantly said about the Indomitable Courage + Tome of Courage bug that took them 5 freaking months to fix. This bug surprises me though.... A good number of guardians actually use the heal mantra (especially the endgame FB builds in raids/fractals) and it seems they prioritize fixes based on how many players it will affect rather than how easy it is to fix.

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