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[BUG] New Collection not searchable

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The new collection probably follows the same system as the other Black Lion collections, in that you need to have at least one item in the collection unlocked for it to be visible, i.e. you don't see weapon collections for sets that you never collected any weapons from. It would be cool if there were some way to see this in-game before the wiki gets updated.

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Soooo... I went and logged on an account that didnt unlock the collection... and its not showing, on my main account that has it unlocked I can search for garden and find it. So yeah, its probably hidden, not just locked, until you buy the plot. Which actually makes sense, since you cant use the seed items without the plots anyway.

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I had not planted the seeds at that point. You are right that now the collection IS findable in the search. However, counterpoint to that I have never purchased any of the Winter's Weapons collection, yet it is both unlocked and findable with the search function. I know this is super minor, just thought it would be nice for those like me who have just purchased the new plot to actually be able to find the collection easily without having to manually sift to figure out what to do. Thanks all for y our helpful comments.

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> @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> However, counterpoint to that I have never purchased any of the Winter's Weapons collection, yet it is both unlocked and findable with the search function.

Nearly all the BL weapon set collections are hidden until you unlock at least one. Some exceptions are there because they predate the 'collection' achievement or the skins were available in some other way outside the BL chests/ticket scrap system.


I'm not sure why ANet decides some collections are worth hiding and some aren't, but they've never been known for being consistent, especially if different teams are in charge of implementation.


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