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Danger Time


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I'd like to see this trait changed/improved, along with Lost Time. Slow-focused Chronomancer idea appeals to me a lot, but these traits are quite underwhelming imo. I mean, who would take them over Illusionary Reversion/Improved Alacrity and Chronophantasma?

I don't think I've ever seen any Lost Time + Danger Time chrono in this game, be it Pvp, Pve or WvW. These traits simply can't compete with other ones in their tiers.


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Slow Based Chrono is sad. But out of all the Chrono slow traits, Danger time is the only one that's actually pretty good.


Lost Time and Delayed Reactions need the most rework imo.


Lost Time is underwhelming for a Grandmaster, compared to Chronophantasma especially. Make Lost Time into a Damage trait that deals power damage every time you slow an enemy, in addition to its previous effect. Makes Time Warp, Well of Action and Phantasmal Avenger into potent Power Damage dealers while supplying a lot of control. Add in autos, then you have a pretty strong Power Elite Spec for Mesmer immediately. (though i think it needs an ICD just because Time Warp would become a Meteor Shower lol.)


Delayed Reactions would improve significantly if Lost Time gets buffed as I proposed.

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Though I agree to that slow based chrono is a lost cause, I have seen people using delayed reaction(PvP) and lost time(pve). Danger time however has no usage all Gamemodes due to the short duration. A 15% critical damage on that 30% critical damage would enable more power play on chrono.

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The bonus of Danger Time itself is quite significant and doesn't need to be buffed in my opinion. Which makes it less appealing than comparable traits on other classes is that Slow is way less accessible in small scale or PvP and even less accessible for Mesmers on their own. You might be able to set it up for bursts but you won't be able to sustain it for a longer time since the Shield Phantasm basically is the only sustained source of Slow we have. I think merging Delayed Reactions and Lost Time into a new GM would help a lot to make Danger Time more appealing and at the same time make Lost Time more versatile and appealing as a GM.


If the two traits were merged, the new Adept trait could give a short Slow on block (ICD per attacker) which would work very nicely with Sword, Scepter and Shield.


I still feel that core Mesmer could use more Slow on their baseline skills. But since they just added some on Arcane Thievery we might not see more.

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I'd change the DT trait to simply give a ~10s duration effect with a 20-30% increased Crit Chance to the Mesmer whenever he applies Slow to an enemy.


No stacking, it would simply reset the 10s duration when reapplied. It would obviously stack with Fury.


This would allow the Slow-based Chrono to work out quite well, allowing it --for example-- to run low Precision builds and still attain a good critical chance. The issue with basing DT on your target having Slow is that due to the current Condie Spam meta, everyone has tons of cleanses at their disposal to counter it. The only counter to that counter is Slow spam which would only exacerbate the issue and be fairly imbalanced. However DT is extremely unreliable as a trait, without being able to spam Slow. With an effect granted on landing Slow, DT continues to be useful even if Slow is cleansed.

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> @"Windwalker.7421" said:

> I'd change the DT trait to simply give a ~10s duration effect with a 20-30% increased Crit Chance to the Mesmer whenever he applies Slow to an enemy.


While I generally like your idea, 10s, maybe even 5s, would be too easy to maintain. Just look at Fencers Finesse which is much weaker and has to be stacked first (luckily, there is the cooldown reduction as well...). That aside, after PoF I feel that ANet would be way more likely to rework the trait into sth. like "+x% crit chance when under the effect of Quickness" rather than introducing a new unique buffs.


I do agree that we don't need more spam ingame. But I don't think this would be an issue when merging DR + LT. Both are single target after all.


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> @"dude.2950" said:

> Though I agree to that slow based chrono is a lost cause, I have seen people using delayed reaction(PvP) and lost time(pve). Danger time however has no usage all Gamemodes due to the short duration. A 15% critical damage on that 30% critical damage would enable more power play on chrono.


Delayed Reaction in PvP and Lost Time in PvE? Are you sure we're playing the same game? lol Lost Time is borderline useless in PvE, and outclassed by Chronophantasma in PvP. Same with Delayed Reaction, outclassed by Time Marches On.


Danger Time at least has some use. It's picked over Improved Alacrity at times that you can upkeep 100% Alacrity on yourself.

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Yeah slow Chrono is just bad and needs some love.


A problem I particularity have beyond it's lack of usefulness is how it breaks it's own synergy. You don't need much crit on most condi specs, and expertise would be nice but they are all 1050 condi amulets. Which still is pretty awful with expertise.


Even worse in PvE since it feels pretty bad vs break bar.


Lol @ "I'm worried about great sword beam stacking slow" even if you get 100% crit 2 seconds after 6 hits feels pretty lame for a GM. Delayed Reactions feeling even worse.


Really should have made it so illusion hits stack their own charges, or help you stack charges or something.


Considering what you sacrifice for that line it should be a lot better.

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> A problem I particularity have beyond it's lack of usefulness is how it breaks it's own synergy. You don't need much crit on most condi specs, and expertise would be nice but they are all 1050 condi amulets. Which still is pretty awful with expertise.


I'd rather not see condi amulets with expertise and without precision on other classes... :s


> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> Lol @ "I'm worried about great sword beam stacking slow" even if you get 100% crit 2 seconds after 6 hits feels pretty lame for a GM. Delayed Reactions feeling even worse.


> Really should have made it so illusion hits stack their own charges, or help you stack charges or something.


At HoT launch, LT + GS could permanently keep Slow on at least a single target without too much effort. It got nerfed pretty fast if I remember correctly. So this actually is something ANet considers to be an issue. I personally don't feel that a higher uptime would be problematic if the associated effort is on a reasonable level. Right now, it's too difficult. Before that, it probably was too easy.


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I like how investing seriously into the ability to GS-AA to keep someone perma-slowed is seen as a balance problem.


Because well, back at game release, maybe. Nowadays, with buffs and conditions and secondary effects blasting you by the dozen every single second of combat because **everything** is overloaded to the point of bringing the kitchen sink, who cares? At least it'd feel somewhat cool to do that.

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> power mesmer needs a complete remake

> starting with letting us choose when a clone/phantasm overrides the other! Its just stupid that you cant use a shield or sword to block without messing with your entire swordsmen


Sword Riposte yeah, but Shield Block? you could untarget and not spawn a Phantasm that way.

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