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Stupid poll. Please ignore.

Daniel Handler.4816

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> @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> These arguments seem to apply to all sorts of minions.

> Gyros would also be quite a bit stronger if you couldn't destroy them- but you can. It's a key balance point.

> And honestly it seems like it would somewhat diminish the class fantasy.

> You have either powerful, yet destructible, on-field effects in targetable spirits, or you have relatively weak indestructible effects. I would rather summon very strong spirits than weak indestructible ones.


> If being an effective healer is a big concern why not use Ventari stance? If you want an untargetable object with powerful effects that's basically the ticket for you.


Yeah the problem, IS that the current way they are VERY weak, killable, cant move. They are just simply put dreadful :/

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> Yeah the problem, IS that the current way they are VERY weak, killable, cant move. They are just simply put dreadful :/


I'm just looking at it on the wiki and to me it looks like their energy cost is 5 energy too high for their limitations.

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> @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > Yeah the problem, IS that the current way they are VERY weak, killable, cant move. They are just simply put dreadful :/


> I'm just looking at it on the wiki and to me it looks like their energy cost is 5 energy too high for their limitations.


5!? It should GIVE you energy for using the utilities. The Heal and Elite arent too bad. The utilities? They are dreadful. I could think of SO many that are better. I think they just need a redesign. I personally wouldnt say no to them being an upkeep but without this stupid killable aspect.


I would change Razerclaw to something better, the other issue with this is, its ALWAYS going to be better in groups, solo this is going to just be trash. Remove the group aspect. Remove the whole making attacks do something. Change it a sort of field that pulses and deals conditions, more than just a little bleeding. Make it so it can apply any of the damaging conditions, give it the Etherfield aspect as well so attacks into it by allies cause conditions. Then make it so that with it being a Upkeep. When you cancel it it does like an AoE explosion, dealing damaging and inflicting conditions.


Something like this should be done to Icerazer and Darkrazer as well. Just buffed and made into upkeep skills, but without the cheese boon spamming that Herald had. Soulcleave is already in a good spot to be a upkeep, just make the dismiss part do something, something like Dealing AoE damaging to enemies, heal allies and make it so that it heals the Rev for each ally and enemy hit or something? Breakrazer could be quite easy something like making it so that allies and the Rev take 25% less condi damage for a few seconds or something?

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The only utility I'd actually actively use is Darkrazor. A lot of interrupts pulsing in a quite well-sized area can be quite helpful when you're +1ing or joining a teamfight. It's expensive if you only manage to land one interrupt, but if you land two or three it's okay. There might be a silly Dismantle Fortifications interaction there too when planting it in a Stability-rich group, but I'd have to test.


Razorclaw is supposed to be used to support Darkrazor (and yourself) but this forces you into weird positioning that you can easily get punished for. Never mind that the amount of Bleeding it applies is a joke- one Bloodbane Path does more bleeding than Razorclaw can cause you to do across his entire duration. DPE wise, Razorclaw isn't competitive with Bloodbane Path *even if Razorclaw causes 5x10 attacks*. And that's just one skill you can easily weave into your attacks.


Icerazor is supposed to be used when you're using Razorclaw and that's just nonsensical. You use Darkrazor so that you can use Razorclaw so that you can use Icerazor! 80 energy investment before you're even looking at Icerazor. There was actually decent synergy before, with Icerazor activating the Chill->Torment trait... Which isn't even that scary compared to the premier area control class, Scourge.


And all your opponent has to do is step out of their area, and they do nothing.

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> @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> The only utility I'd actually actively use is Darkrazor. A lot of interrupts pulsing in a quite well-sized area can be quite helpful when you're +1ing or joining a teamfight. It's expensive if you only manage to land one interrupt, but if you land two or three it's okay. There might be a silly Dismantle Fortifications interaction there too when planting it in a Stability-rich group, but I'd have to test.


I think that it could do with a little something extra, like if it interrupts something that it does damage or something. I do think the energy cost is about 5-10 too much as well. I'd say increase the cool down from 12 seconds to 15seconds and then decrease the energy from 30 to 20, maybe 25 if it deals good good damage and then good damage if it interrupts someone.


> @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> Razorclaw is supposed to be used to support Darkrazor (and yourself) but this forces you into weird positioning that you can easily get punished for. Never mind that the amount of Bleeding it applies is a joke- one Bloodbane Path does more bleeding than Razorclaw can cause you to do across his entire duration. DPE wise, Razorclaw isn't competitive with Bloodbane Path *even if Razorclaw causes 5x10 attacks*. And that's just one skill you can easily weave into your attacks.


Yeah it just sucks. Just flat out sucks. Low, low condition duration, even in groups- how is it ever going to be useful? This one i just think needs to be redesigned. From the ground up. Something new. Something good.


> @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> Icerazor is supposed to be used when you're using Razorclaw and that's just nonsensical. You use Darkrazor so that you can use Razorclaw so that you can use Icerazor! 80 energy investment before you're even looking at Icerazor. There was actually decent synergy before, with Icerazor activating the Chill->Torment trait... Which isn't even that scary compared to the premier area control class, Scourge.


Yeah its just flat out stupid design. They ALL need to be made so that they are good on their own. I dunno what Anet has this obsession with mindless spam. Marks, Traps, Wells. Its always the same. Use them all at the same time. Yawn.


> @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> And all your opponent has to do is step out of their area, and they do nothing.


Yep. This is the BIGGEST issues these skills have, yeah they have long duration. The problem is it means nothing, they can be easily destroyed,. you have VERY limited ways to keep them inside it for the effects. Others have ways to keep you inside, like DH Guardians with the elite, Rangers and thieves with all their immobilize, Chrono Mesmer with their Elite and CC. Revenants just dont have anything to keep people in there. They need to have strong effects when they are first placed down.



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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> > The only utility I'd actually actively use is Darkrazor. A lot of interrupts pulsing in a quite well-sized area can be quite helpful when you're +1ing or joining a teamfight. It's expensive if you only manage to land one interrupt, but if you land two or three it's okay. There might be a silly Dismantle Fortifications interaction there too when planting it in a Stability-rich group, but I'd have to test.


> I think that it could do with a little something extra, like if it interrupts something that it does damage or something. I do think the energy cost is about 5-10 too much as well. I'd say increase the cool down from 12 seconds to 15seconds and then decrease the energy from 30 to 20, maybe 25 if it deals good good damage and then good damage if it interrupts someone.


What I would like to add here is that Darkrazor can meme out in WvW and open world Pve by targeting critters,flag poles etc and it would be nice if for WvW at least we could have a different variant of this skill that does not meme out or if we can fix the targeting.


> > @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> > Razorclaw is supposed to be used to support Darkrazor (and yourself) but this forces you into weird positioning that you can easily get punished for. Never mind that the amount of Bleeding it applies is a joke- one Bloodbane Path does more bleeding than Razorclaw can cause you to do across his entire duration. DPE wise, Razorclaw isn't competitive with Bloodbane Path *even if Razorclaw causes 5x10 attacks*. And that's just one skill you can easily weave into your attacks.


> Yeah it just sucks. Just flat out sucks. Low, low condition duration, even in groups- how is it ever going to be useful? This one i just think needs to be redesigned. From the ground up. Something new. Something good.



Razorclaw is good only for ranged classes that can benefit from bleeds. The other way to benefit from this skill without puting yourself in harm way is to use hammer.


Icerazor is just situational - you use it to prevent people from runing away. It would be nice if it applied 4 stacks of chilled instead of criple and vulnerability and have SB4 changed to just apply burning and maybe vulnerability to compensate.

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> @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > > > > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > > > > >(Revenant's) defenses are sustained resistance, evasion, projectile destruction or damage reduction at the expense of dps. This in contrast with the bursty defenses of the meta professions.

> > > > >

> > > > > >A warrior can pop resistance when needed without affecting its dps. Mallyx can perma resistance but wastes energy and remains vulnerable to corruption.

> > > > >

> > > > > True.A revenant in sPvP would have to run Ventari to get the amount of condi cleanse needed to stay viable and that would still/further reduce the amount of dps Revenant can pump out. It will also increase the amount of stuff the Revenant player has to multitask.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also the way Revenant gets his Resistance is the worst possible execution imaginable - resistance on legendary demon stance utility instead of on weapon skill.

> > > > > To add insult to injury, Malyx's thematic is outdated - hold on to condis and then copy them on others. The execution of this concept is so bad because it needed a GM that is ridiculously weak in comparison with Diabolic Inferno and should have been baseline.

> > > >

> > > > You accidentally messed up the quoting there.

> > > >

> > > > Copying was nerfed but the rest of the condition manipulation playstyle remains intact. And putting resistance on weapon skills was never possible. Resistance and Mallyx are like stone heart and earth attunement. You are supposed to be weak to x burst so any partial immunity must be paired with slow ramping conditions to give the enemy more time to burst you down, and to make the opportunity costs of camping accumulate. Ele uses conjures, and Rev can spam/upkeep abilities, but they do so at the expense of utility slots and energy.

> > > >

> > > > There has to be a side effect and what disadvantage is there to putting resistance on weapons?

> > >

> > > Firstly resistance would be applied only when in Demon Stance, meaning as long as you can do damage with a weapon skill you can get Resistance.

> >

> > You are addressing swapping but not energy. Powerful effects are split across Legends AND between the skills within them.

> >

> So?While în Demon stance you get to spam Resistance with weapon skills - more value for the Energy spent.


You aren't supposed to get more value. Look at D/P thief with full initiative

1. You can spam heartseeker for damage. But you are 0 away, not in stealth, and have 0 initiative leftover.

2. You can spam heartseeker to leap 1800 away. But you have 0 damage, no stealth and have 0 initiative leftover.

3. You can spam heartseeker within BP to perma stealth. But you have 0 damage, must stay within BP while stacking, and have 0 initiative leftover.

4. You can combo heartseeker with BP once with a target for damage and some stealth with initiative leftover. But you are 0 away and its harder to stack stealth. However, you can easily backstab.

5. You can combo heartseeker with BP once without a target for some stealth and leap 450 away with initiative leftover. But you have 0 damage and it's harder to stack stealth. However, you can easily spam heartseeker to leap an additional 900 away while in stealth.


You don't get more value for energy spent without less value somewhere else. You have to choose attack or defense, and lose the one you didn't select.


> >

> > > Secondly, you can't copy condis WI th Malyx unless you sacrifice Diabolic Inferno for Pulsating Pestilence - the only mechanic in game for Revenant to copy conditions.

> >

> > So?

> Wasn't the main reason for Malyx to pull condis was so he can copy them ....similar to how Necro's do it with their coruption stuff? Or did arena net never claim this stuff?


> Demon stance focuses on conditions, with a twist. Let's call it condition manipulation. Instead of dealing with conditions in the traditional sense—mostly by removing them—your approach to conditions as a revenant is all about accumulating them in order to empower your attacks. The more conditions you have, the stronger and more impactful your demon legend skills will become.... - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revenant:_The_Master_of_the_Mists


It wasn't about copying, it was about being stronger with more condis. They removed that effect from 2 legend skills and nerfed Pulsating Pestilence but left the rest. Healing, damage modifiers, and the resistance mechanic scale with the number of condis.


> >

> > > Thirdly, if there is indeead a limitation of the game engine that makes it imposible to do this,then that sucks and the devs should consider making Demonic Defiance baseline and Oportune Extraction not as well as giving us easy to use mechanics for coruption transferal instead of just condi copying.

> >

> > Copying has not been Mallyx's theme for years. Just like UA doesn't teleport you anymore.

> >

> > They increased the damage of the spec, they aren't going to add more utility.

> Wasn't that utility the justification for why we manage condis the way we do în Demon stance ?

> If we had resistance on weapon skills then yeah we could argue that we are meant to deal damage and ignore condis ..... right now we have to split energy between weapon skills and demon stance skills.....and for moștenire of us its not working.


Ultimately the other way around. They want the class to be weak to condi burst because it's too strong to power. So demon stance is the justification for why you get resistance.


Demon isn't like the other stances. It needs condi damage, expertise, and concentration, and those stats don't exist together on anything. And I mean anything. There are no armor/runes/sigils/trinkets/foods/buffs/infusions that have them together. (besides Traveler rune, but it has a weaker version of all of them). You have to mix and match gear and traits but you can never max everything.


This is a bigger issue in PvP because concentration amulets are either power, precision, ferocity, concentration or power, healing power, concentration. You cannot perma resistance without losing all the condi damage Demon provides. It's not the end of the world, now the skills just heal, stun break, remove boons, give you 600 mobility and boost your stats by 10%. Use the 3% power damage per condition trait, and you can play as Mallyx as defensive utility to augment power weapons. You will only have your base health to protect you from conditions should resistance be ripped or corrupted.


The reverse happens when you use Mallyx for its condi damage. Now Mallyx becomes offensive, and any attempt to use it for defense will lower condi dps. This includes Demonic Defiance which is now at the expense of Venom Enhancement. If you attempt to stack resistance you will lose all dps. If you leave mace or shortbow you will lose most dps. Now you play the power weapons (and the shield) as defensive utility to augment Mallyx. Staff/hammer/sword mainhand come with cleanse/evasion/block/projectile denial while mace/shortbow/axe have cc but no defenses. You can run Deadshot to give you more vitality as a buffer against conditions without losing dps.


It's an ingenious design. No matter what you do, energy and stats will restrict Mallyx's potential. Multitasking just makes them both weaker. You can't ignore this with traits. You can't run herald for boon duration and renegade for condi damage. In invocation, Furious Aggression and Spirit Boon require swapping or healing AND take the slots for cleansing and healing.


The other legends don't have resistance. And cleanse and condi damage reduction are easier to balance because they aren't boons. For cleanse you give it extreme tradeoffs like energy expulsion or you lock it behind cooldowns until its super slow. And you don't need to balance condi damage reduction, it is the balance, you get sustain to condis but not to burst condis because you aren't cleansing.

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > > > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > > > > > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > > > > > >(Revenant's) defenses are sustained resistance, evasion, projectile destruction or damage reduction at the expense of dps. This in contrast with the bursty defenses of the meta professions.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > >A warrior can pop resistance when needed without affecting its dps. Mallyx can perma resistance but wastes energy and remains vulnerable to corruption.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > True.A revenant in sPvP would have to run Ventari to get the amount of condi cleanse needed to stay viable and that would still/further reduce the amount of dps Revenant can pump out. It will also increase the amount of stuff the Revenant player has to multitask.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Also the way Revenant gets his Resistance is the worst possible execution imaginable - resistance on legendary demon stance utility instead of on weapon skill.

> > > > > > To add insult to injury, Malyx's thematic is outdated - hold on to condis and then copy them on others. The execution of this concept is so bad because it needed a GM that is ridiculously weak in comparison with Diabolic Inferno and should have been baseline.

> > > > >

> > > > > You accidentally messed up the quoting there.

> > > > >

> > > > > Copying was nerfed but the rest of the condition manipulation playstyle remains intact. And putting resistance on weapon skills was never possible. Resistance and Mallyx are like stone heart and earth attunement. You are supposed to be weak to x burst so any partial immunity must be paired with slow ramping conditions to give the enemy more time to burst you down, and to make the opportunity costs of camping accumulate. Ele uses conjures, and Rev can spam/upkeep abilities, but they do so at the expense of utility slots and energy.

> > > > >

> > > > > There has to be a side effect and what disadvantage is there to putting resistance on weapons?

> > > >

> > > > Firstly resistance would be applied only when in Demon Stance, meaning as long as you can do damage with a weapon skill you can get Resistance.

> > >

> > > You are addressing swapping but not energy. Powerful effects are split across Legends AND between the skills within them.

> > >

> > So?While în Demon stance you get to spam Resistance with weapon skills - more value for the Energy spent.


> You aren't supposed to get more value. Look at D/P thief with full initiative


No need,because in my example,I was just proposing that weapon skills be more valuable when cast exclusively in Demon Stance as in it doesn't matter why you spamed them,you took this trait over the others,you get Resistance when you spam them. Bam case closed.


Also I just had a quick read through the link you provided. How exactly does Malyx get empowered by puting condies on himself?

Are they changing Embrace the Darkness this upcoming patch to convert condies into boons at a set interval instead of pulsating Torment?If so that would be super but 1 expac too late for this legend to finaly work as proposed by the devs...but still, thank you devs.

If not,then I need to be enlightened,because outside of leveling with mace and axe on a power build featuring Jallis/Shiro + some sPvP stuff with Herald (which I hated because I don't like using Glint) I appear to not know much about Malyx because without Demonic Defiance and Pulsating Pestilence,there are no tools on this legend to help with the "condition manipulation".

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> @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> No need,because in my example,I was just proposing that weapon skills be more valuable when cast exclusively in Demon Stance


Maybe a trait in Each legend that gives some sort of effect when using Weapon skills would be a good idea?


Idea could be:


Mal: Gain Resistance 2seconds. When you use weapon skills. 5second cool down.

Ventari: Heal per an energy point spent when using weapon abilities.

Shiro: Gian Might 1 stack, 10seconds when you use weapon skills with an Energy cost

Jalis: ????

Glint: ????

Kalla: ????





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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > No need,because in my example,I was just proposing that weapon skills be more valuable when cast exclusively in Demon Stance


> Maybe a trait in Each legend that gives some sort of effect when using Weapon skills would be a good idea?


> Idea could be:


> Mal: Gain Resistance 2seconds. When you use weapon skills. 5second cool down.

> Ventari: Heal per an energy point spent when using weapon abilities.

> Shiro: Gian Might 1 stack, 10seconds when you use weapon skills with an Energy cost

> Jalis: ????

> Glint: ????

> Kalla: ????


Assuming Daniel Handler.4816's information regarding the fact that the game engine can't process the notion of weapon skills creating boons on cast then what we need are mechanics to convert condies into boons for the Demon Stance.


As for the other legends...Ventari really wouldn't need something like this because of staff aa chain but it would be nice if we could get a trait that can change the functionality of those healing orbs which I still find hard to see on snowy terrain.

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> @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> Assuming Daniel Handler.4816's information regarding the fact that the game engine can't process the notion of weapon skills creating boons on cast then what we need are mechanics to convert condies into boons for the Demon Stance.


> As for the other legends...Ventari really wouldn't need something like this because of staff aa chain but it would be nice if we could get a trait that can change the functionality of those healing orbs which I still find hard to see on snowy terrain.


Well, that would go against the orignal design choice that Anet had for Mal, which they then gutted, didnt replace and thought it would be a good idea to have a legend with a traitline that just doesnt make sense.


As for ventari and staff, this would be a good idea because it would mean you wouldnt be forced into Staff, plus the staff auto attack is DREADFUL for healing and the healing skill it does have is long cast time with minor healing. I think a change like this would actually benefit everyone as you could get really good sustain and healing if combined with Devastation traitline. I think it would just be flat out better if rather than healing allies, the orbs are just removed and you are healing when you use each part of the auto attack, then make the trait grant you the regen and swiftness when you land the 3rd hit on the auto attack.



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> @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > > > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > > > > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > > > > > > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > > > > > > >(Revenant's) defenses are sustained resistance, evasion, projectile destruction or damage reduction at the expense of dps. This in contrast with the bursty defenses of the meta professions.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >A warrior can pop resistance when needed without affecting its dps. Mallyx can perma resistance but wastes energy and remains vulnerable to corruption.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > True.A revenant in sPvP would have to run Ventari to get the amount of condi cleanse needed to stay viable and that would still/further reduce the amount of dps Revenant can pump out. It will also increase the amount of stuff the Revenant player has to multitask.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Also the way Revenant gets his Resistance is the worst possible execution imaginable - resistance on legendary demon stance utility instead of on weapon skill.

> > > > > > > To add insult to injury, Malyx's thematic is outdated - hold on to condis and then copy them on others. The execution of this concept is so bad because it needed a GM that is ridiculously weak in comparison with Diabolic Inferno and should have been baseline.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You accidentally messed up the quoting there.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Copying was nerfed but the rest of the condition manipulation playstyle remains intact. And putting resistance on weapon skills was never possible. Resistance and Mallyx are like stone heart and earth attunement. You are supposed to be weak to x burst so any partial immunity must be paired with slow ramping conditions to give the enemy more time to burst you down, and to make the opportunity costs of camping accumulate. Ele uses conjures, and Rev can spam/upkeep abilities, but they do so at the expense of utility slots and energy.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There has to be a side effect and what disadvantage is there to putting resistance on weapons?

> > > > >

> > > > > Firstly resistance would be applied only when in Demon Stance, meaning as long as you can do damage with a weapon skill you can get Resistance.

> > > >

> > > > You are addressing swapping but not energy. Powerful effects are split across Legends AND between the skills within them.

> > > >

> > > So?While în Demon stance you get to spam Resistance with weapon skills - more value for the Energy spent.

> >

> > You aren't supposed to get more value. Look at D/P thief with full initiative


> No need,because in my example,I was just proposing that weapon skills be more valuable when cast exclusively in Demon Stance as in it doesn't matter why you spamed them,you took this trait over the others,you get Resistance when you spam them. Bam case closed.


> Also I just had a quick read through the link you provided. How exactly does Malyx get empowered by puting condies on himself?

> Are they changing Embrace the Darkness this upcoming patch to convert condies into boons at a set interval instead of pulsating Torment?If so that would be super but 1 expac too late for this legend to finaly work as proposed by the devs...but still, thank you devs.

> If not,then I need to be enlightened,because outside of leveling with mace and axe on a power build featuring Jallis/Shiro + some sPvP stuff with Herald (which I hated because I don't like using Glint) I appear to not know much about Malyx because without Demonic Defiance and Pulsating Pestilence,there are no tools on this legend to help with the "condition manipulation".


Condi manipulation does not mean removing condis. It means you get stronger by recieving condis. They scale up for every condi you receive. For instance, resistance can block the effects of 1 or 14 condis wth 1 effect. Thats very, very strong. Stability only blocks the effect of 1.






and technically https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spontaneous_Destruction with Demonic Defiance



>Assuming Daniel Handler.4816's information regarding the fact that the game engine can't process the notion of weapon skills creating boons on cast then what we need are mechanics to convert condies into boons for the Demon Stance.


I'll try to be clearer. This is not about the game engine. This is about the developers wanting rev to be weak to conditions.


Look at this Revenant build:




It has almost perma resistance, almost perma stability. Tons of condi pressure. It can indefinitely gain 360 toughness. It can keep 50% uptime of 20% condi/power damage reduction and 50% of 10% stat increases.


The only things keeping this build from living forever

* stability is limited to jalis and stacking is limited to a defensive skill.

* resistance is mostly (except spontaneous destruction) limited to malkyx and stacking is limited to a defensive skill

* gaining huge amounts of toughness + reduction/stats makes you stop gaining energy

* you can only cleanse with traits/sigils/rune with 10,15,30,45 second cd.

* **evasion, cleanse, projectiles denial and block are only on power weapons, so you can't use those defesnses without swapping out of a condi weapon and losing dps for 10 seconds**


Why would they let you gain resistance from using weapons?

* so this build can spam it without losing dps? No!

* so power ferocity Mallyx can burst with staff and use cleanse/block/evasion when it's corrupted? No!


You don't want to die to conditions? Dodge more.


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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > > > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > > > > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > > > > > > > >(Revenant's) defenses are sustained resistance, evasion, projectile destruction or damage reduction at the expense of dps. This in contrast with the bursty defenses of the meta professions.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >A warrior can pop resistance when needed without affecting its dps. Mallyx can perma resistance but wastes energy and remains vulnerable to corruption.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > True.A revenant in sPvP would have to run Ventari to get the amount of condi cleanse needed to stay viable and that would still/further reduce the amount of dps Revenant can pump out. It will also increase the amount of stuff the Revenant player has to multitask.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Also the way Revenant gets his Resistance is the worst possible execution imaginable - resistance on legendary demon stance utility instead of on weapon skill.

> > > > > > > > To add insult to injury, Malyx's thematic is outdated - hold on to condis and then copy them on others. The execution of this concept is so bad because it needed a GM that is ridiculously weak in comparison with Diabolic Inferno and should have been baseline.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > You accidentally messed up the quoting there.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Copying was nerfed but the rest of the condition manipulation playstyle remains intact. And putting resistance on weapon skills was never possible. Resistance and Mallyx are like stone heart and earth attunement. You are supposed to be weak to x burst so any partial immunity must be paired with slow ramping conditions to give the enemy more time to burst you down, and to make the opportunity costs of camping accumulate. Ele uses conjures, and Rev can spam/upkeep abilities, but they do so at the expense of utility slots and energy.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > There has to be a side effect and what disadvantage is there to putting resistance on weapons?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Firstly resistance would be applied only when in Demon Stance, meaning as long as you can do damage with a weapon skill you can get Resistance.

> > > > >

> > > > > You are addressing swapping but not energy. Powerful effects are split across Legends AND between the skills within them.

> > > > >

> > > > So?While în Demon stance you get to spam Resistance with weapon skills - more value for the Energy spent.

> > >

> > > You aren't supposed to get more value. Look at D/P thief with full initiative

> >

> > No need,because in my example,I was just proposing that weapon skills be more valuable when cast exclusively in Demon Stance as in it doesn't matter why you spamed them,you took this trait over the others,you get Resistance when you spam them. Bam case closed.

> >

> > Also I just had a quick read through the link you provided. How exactly does Malyx get empowered by puting condies on himself?

> > Are they changing Embrace the Darkness this upcoming patch to convert condies into boons at a set interval instead of pulsating Torment?If so that would be super but 1 expac too late for this legend to finaly work as proposed by the devs...but still, thank you devs.

> > If not,then I need to be enlightened,because outside of leveling with mace and axe on a power build featuring Jallis/Shiro + some sPvP stuff with Herald (which I hated because I don't like using Glint) I appear to not know much about Malyx because without Demonic Defiance and Pulsating Pestilence,there are no tools on this legend to help with the "condition manipulation".


> Condi manipulation does not mean removing condis. It means you get stronger by recieving condis. They scale up for every condi you receive. For instance, resistance can block the effects of 1 or 14 condis wth 1 effect. Thats very, very strong. Stability only blocks the effect of 1.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Empowering_Misery

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pain_Absorption

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Replenishing_Despair

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bolstered_Anguish

> and technically https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spontaneous_Destruction with Demonic Defiance



> >Assuming Daniel Handler.4816's information regarding the fact that the game engine can't process the notion of weapon skills creating boons on cast then what we need are mechanics to convert condies into boons for the Demon Stance.


> I'll try to be clearer. This is not about the game engine. This is about the developers wanting rev to be weak to conditions.


> Look at this Revenant build:


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNApemnfNWNSuJrJRHl/kskygS4S5QJorcrklTlxe92vn9omqKNgEaA-jpxHQBK7QAkwTAwBfAAib/B+VGAAHBAA


> It has almost perma resistance, almost perma stability. Tons of condi pressure. It can indefinitely gain 360 toughness. It can keep 50% uptime of 20% condi/power damage reduction and 50% of 10% stat increases.


> The only things keeping this build from living forever

> * stability is limited to jalis and stacking is limited to a defensive skill.

> * resistance is mostly (except spontaneous destruction) limited to malkyx and stacking is limited to a defensive skill

> * gaining huge amounts of toughness + reduction/stats makes you stop gaining energy

> * you can only cleanse with traits/sigils/rune with 10,15,30,45 second cd.

> * **evasion, cleanse, projectiles denial and block are only on power weapons, so you can't use those defesnses without swapping out of a condi weapon and losing dps for 10 seconds**


> Why would they let you gain resistance from using weapons?

> * so this build can spam it without losing dps? No!

> * so power ferocity Mallyx can burst with staff and use cleanse/block/evasion when it's corrupted? No!


> You don't want to die to conditions? Dodge more.



Thank you for the enlightening lessons on condi rev.

I would like to corect you on one thing. With my proposed change,that build would spam resistance,only while in Demon Stance.When you run out of energy in Demon stance and swap,you no longer gain Resistance on weapon skills.

If that is still to much.....ok,let's wait and hope that during the next expansion we get an elite specialization that make's more sturdy vs condi.

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > Assuming Daniel Handler.4816's information regarding the fact that the game engine can't process the notion of weapon skills creating boons on cast then what we need are mechanics to convert condies into boons for the Demon Stance.

> >

> > As for the other legends...Ventari really wouldn't need something like this because of staff aa chain but it would be nice if we could get a trait that can change the functionality of those healing orbs which I still find hard to see on snowy terrain.


> ....As for ventari and staff, this would be a good idea because it would mean you wouldnt be forced into Staff, plus the staff auto attack is DREADFUL for healing and the healing skill it does have is long cast time with minor healing. I think a change like this would actually benefit everyone as you could get really good sustain and healing if combined with Devastation traitline. I think it would just be flat out better if rather than healing allies, the orbs are just removed and you are healing when you use each part of the auto attack, then make the trait grant you the regen and swiftness when you land the 3rd hit on the auto attack.


It feels like I'm just having to explain traits to you both.


It doesn't matter that each orb heals for 165 +(0.15*healing power). You can stack and damage mitigation.




With 0 healing power from gear you can auto attack with staff and spam the ventari move skill heal for 1k+ healing per second, 3k+ damage per second, and near perma blind/weakness. AND spam the staff 2 chain for 6 k. AND you'll still be gaining energy for staff 3,4,5 or the rest of ventari.


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The way I see it, it should be:


* Icerazor: Damage when solo or when allies cannot stand in the Razorclaw AE.

* Razorclaw: *far* superior damage when there are allies constantly attacking around. Like, easily 3x-5x the current output, it needs to be *that* superior due to how many downsides it has

* Duskrazor: Interrupts/offensive support

* Scorchrazor: extra damage with good-scaling healing, defensive support. Needs to scale better on the healing and damage though given the huge cost, if Razorclaw is ever fixed to not be a joke this would be laughably bad by comparison for 9 upkeep. I mean, it kinda is already :cry: *

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> It feels like I'm just having to explain traits to you both.


> It doesn't matter that each orb heals for 165 +(0.15*healing power). You can stack and damage mitigation.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQFAmnnNikTC1UiFVCOVCEWiFNFpVgIrLfeVN2ugA-j5AXABAs/QDlBS+BAAA


> With 0 healing power from gear you can auto attack with staff and spam the ventari move skill heal for 1k+ healing per second, 3k+ damage per second, and near perma blind/weakness. AND spam the staff 2 chain for 6 k. AND you'll still be gaining energy for staff 3,4,5 or the rest of ventari.


Even with the Staff trait, you are going to be doing such minor damage and remember you are having to focus on the fight, having to collect the orbs, control the tablet, move the tablet and everything else. All that healing means nothing when you wont be doing any damage to be a threat. Remember using staff 5 stops your healing, eats energy, moves you AWAY from the healing orbs


3k+ damage? Means nothing when you're going to be taking SO much damage when you only have 1.1k Toughness and that is ignoring the whole "Condi Meta" that is going on. You would be such an easy target for a condi player. Also you do know that it isnt anywhere near "perma" Weakness right? The Weakness from Retribution BOTH have 20second cool downs. So how is that perma? I mean sure, you could spam Staff 2 all the time but even that wouldnt be perma and with all the condition removal/conversion it wouldnt really stay that long anyway.


You could likely drop the whole Retribution traitline and not really notice the difference. As much as i dont like it, Wouldnt you be better off with Herald, combined with Ventari that would be near perma Protection. Combined with the high amounts of Weakness, the Healing fragments and such would be better than 2 high cool down traits for weakness.

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The energy cost is too d*mn high to be counter by just a random CC that cancel the duration (of 6 or 10 sec - depends on the skill) and they won't cast again after the CC ... it's bad design in PVP and in PVE too . We all now that there's a lot of CC in pvp and ofc in raids and fractals too. So being targetable is way too bad as a "support" spec.


No saying that most of the skills are not usefull at all for its energy cost... but we are used to that with legend skills (Jalis taunt , reflect on ventari, almost every skills except elite on mallyx ,...)

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> The energy cost is too d*mn high to be counter by just a random CC that cancel the duration (of 6 or 10 sec - depends on the skill) and they won't cast again after the CC ... it's bad design in PVP and in PVE too . We all now that there's a lot of CC in pvp and ofc in raids and fractals too. So being targetable is way too bad as a "support" spec.


> No saying that most of the skills are not usefull at all for its energy cost... but we are used to that with legend skills (Jalis taunt , reflect on ventari, almost every skills except elite on mallyx ,...)


Blame it on Guardian or on Darkrazor.


In WvW you can stack Darkrazors, or line them up, over siege, choke points etc. The diameter is larger than two dodges. And with dismantle fortifications each summon potentially removes 60 stacks of stab.


The issue is that


* 3 Renegades could remove 180 stacks of stability from the zerg. 6 per target each second and Firebrand can't handle that.

* 1 renegade could use Darkrazor as free siege disabler.

* the majority of players are not Jalis/Herald and with be unable to deal with this


Everything had to suffer because of that one skill and the one Guardian per party meta.


Maybe Darkrazor needs to go.


* Right now one flame ram will cancel Darkrazor for three seconds and then (if the summon isn't feared too far) it will do 3 more daze pulses. Two flame rams cancel it entirely. That seems balanced.


* But now Icerazor has its dps split by flame rams, and by target limit they gave for the combo with soulcleave. While other classes have persistent aoes a ram couldn't counter and that already doo more damage.






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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > It feels like I'm just having to explain traits to you both.

> >

> > It doesn't matter that each orb heals for 165 +(0.15*healing power). You can stack and damage mitigation.

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQFAmnnNikTC1UiFVCOVCEWiFNFpVgIrLfeVN2ugA-j5AXABAs/QDlBS+BAAA

> >

> > With 0 healing power from gear you can auto attack with staff and spam the ventari move skill heal for 1k+ healing per second, 3k+ damage per second, and near perma blind/weakness. AND spam the staff 2 chain for 6 k. AND you'll still be gaining energy for staff 3,4,5 or the rest of ventari.


> Even with the Staff trait, you are going to be doing such minor damage and remember you are having to focus on the fight, having to collect the orbs, control the tablet, move the tablet and everything else. All that healing means nothing when you wont be doing any damage to be a threat. Remember using staff 5 stops your healing, eats energy, moves you AWAY from the healing orbs



Its really not that complicated, staff orbs don't move far and are generated quickly. You can drop the Ventari grandmaster and just autoattack while healing.


> 3k+ damage? Means nothing when you're going to be taking SO much damage when you only have 1.1k Toughness and that is ignoring the whole "Condi Meta" that is going on. You would be such an easy target for a condi player.


Rev has heavy armor, you are blinding and weakening, and only ele can get this amount of healing in berserker stats. With demolisher and above you are tankier to power damage then Warrior or Guardian.


Anet doesn't care what meta it is, they want you to die to condi burst and not die to Warrior or Guardian but not be immortal to them either.








>Also you do know that it isnt anywhere near "perma" Weakness right? The Weakness from Retribution BOTH have 20second cool downs. So how is that perma? I mean sure, you could spam Staff 2 all the time but even that wouldnt be perma and with all the condition removal/conversion it wouldnt really stay that long anyway.


BOTH? You misread.


> You could likely drop the whole Retribution traitline and not really notice the difference. As much as i dont like it, Wouldnt you be better off with Herald, combined with Ventari that would be near perma Protection. Combined with the high amounts of Weakness, the Healing fragments and such would be better than 2 high cool down traits for weakness.


This isn't an actual build. The point is Rev is extremely resistant to power damage in glass cannon gear. Making staff autos stronger would just upset that balance.

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > The energy cost is too d*mn high to be counter by just a random CC that cancel the duration (of 6 or 10 sec - depends on the skill) and they won't cast again after the CC ... it's bad design in PVP and in PVE too . We all now that there's a lot of CC in pvp and ofc in raids and fractals too. So being targetable is way too bad as a "support" spec.

> >

> > No saying that most of the skills are not usefull at all for its energy cost... but we are used to that with legend skills (Jalis taunt , reflect on ventari, almost every skills except elite on mallyx ,...)


> Blame it on Guardian or on Darkrazor.


> In WvW you can stack Darkrazors, or line them up, over siege, choke points etc. The diameter is larger than two dodges. And with dismantle fortifications each summon potentially removes 60 stacks of stab.


> The issue is that


> * 3 Renegades could remove 180 stacks of stability from the zerg. 6 per target each second and Firebrand can't handle that.

> * 1 renegade could use Darkrazor as free siege disabler.

> * the majority of players are not Jalis/Herald and with be unable to deal with this


> Everything had to suffer because of that one skill and the one Guardian per party meta.


> Maybe Darkrazor needs to go.


> * Right now one flame ram will cancel Darkrazor for three seconds and then (if the summon isn't feared too far) it will do 3 more daze pulses. Two flame rams cancel it entirely. That seems balanced.


> * But now Icerazor has its dps split by flame rams, and by target limit they gave for the combo with soulcleave. While other classes have persistent aoes a ram couldn't counter and that already doo more damage.







I think Darkrazor needs to change. Remove the pulsing daze, which is stupid. Instead it should convert 1 condi to a boon per pulse, 3 pulses.


I think Icerazor should change as well to something that is more useful. Maybe an initial 0.25 secdaze, then 3 pulses of AOE chill, effecting 5 targets.


This way they can be made indestructible without issues.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > The energy cost is too d*mn high to be counter by just a random CC that cancel the duration (of 6 or 10 sec - depends on the skill) and they won't cast again after the CC ... it's bad design in PVP and in PVE too . We all now that there's a lot of CC in pvp and ofc in raids and fractals too. So being targetable is way too bad as a "support" spec.

> > >

> > > No saying that most of the skills are not usefull at all for its energy cost... but we are used to that with legend skills (Jalis taunt , reflect on ventari, almost every skills except elite on mallyx ,...)

> >

> > Blame it on Guardian or on Darkrazor.

> >

> > In WvW you can stack Darkrazors, or line them up, over siege, choke points etc. The diameter is larger than two dodges. And with dismantle fortifications each summon potentially removes 60 stacks of stab.

> >

> > The issue is that

> >

> > * 3 Renegades could remove 180 stacks of stability from the zerg. 6 per target each second and Firebrand can't handle that.

> > * 1 renegade could use Darkrazor as free siege disabler.

> > * the majority of players are not Jalis/Herald and with be unable to deal with this

> >

> > Everything had to suffer because of that one skill and the one Guardian per party meta.

> >

> > Maybe Darkrazor needs to go.

> >

> > * Right now one flame ram will cancel Darkrazor for three seconds and then (if the summon isn't feared too far) it will do 3 more daze pulses. Two flame rams cancel it entirely. That seems balanced.

> >

> > * But now Icerazor has its dps split by flame rams, and by target limit they gave for the combo with soulcleave. While other classes have persistent aoes a ram couldn't counter and that already doo more damage.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> I think Darkrazor needs to change. Remove the pulsing daze, which is stupid. Instead it should convert 1 condi to a boon per pulse, 3 pulses.


> I think Icerazor should change as well to something that is more useful. Maybe an initial 0.25 secdaze, then 3 pulses of AOE chill, effecting 5 targets.


> This way they can be made indestructible without issues.


I disagree . They are just disabled too easily.


It's better to preserve the daze by having pulses every other second than lose it entirely. And the Icerazor steal heals 9k with the elite


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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > > The energy cost is too d*mn high to be counter by just a random CC that cancel the duration (of 6 or 10 sec - depends on the skill) and they won't cast again after the CC ... it's bad design in PVP and in PVE too . We all now that there's a lot of CC in pvp and ofc in raids and fractals too. So being targetable is way too bad as a "support" spec.

> > > >

> > > > No saying that most of the skills are not usefull at all for its energy cost... but we are used to that with legend skills (Jalis taunt , reflect on ventari, almost every skills except elite on mallyx ,...)

> > >

> > > Blame it on Guardian or on Darkrazor.

> > >

> > > In WvW you can stack Darkrazors, or line them up, over siege, choke points etc. The diameter is larger than two dodges. And with dismantle fortifications each summon potentially removes 60 stacks of stab.

> > >

> > > The issue is that

> > >

> > > * 3 Renegades could remove 180 stacks of stability from the zerg. 6 per target each second and Firebrand can't handle that.

> > > * 1 renegade could use Darkrazor as free siege disabler.

> > > * the majority of players are not Jalis/Herald and with be unable to deal with this

> > >

> > > Everything had to suffer because of that one skill and the one Guardian per party meta.

> > >

> > > Maybe Darkrazor needs to go.

> > >

> > > * Right now one flame ram will cancel Darkrazor for three seconds and then (if the summon isn't feared too far) it will do 3 more daze pulses. Two flame rams cancel it entirely. That seems balanced.

> > >

> > > * But now Icerazor has its dps split by flame rams, and by target limit they gave for the combo with soulcleave. While other classes have persistent aoes a ram couldn't counter and that already doo more damage.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I think Darkrazor needs to change. Remove the pulsing daze, which is stupid. Instead it should convert 1 condi to a boon per pulse, 3 pulses.

> >

> > I think Icerazor should change as well to something that is more useful. Maybe an initial 0.25 secdaze, then 3 pulses of AOE chill, effecting 5 targets.

> >

> > This way they can be made indestructible without issues.


> I disagree . They are just disabled too easily.


> It's better to preserve the daze by having pulses every other second than lose it entirely. And the Icerazor steal heals 9k with the elite



Yet neither is of any use in sPvP and the heal is not of high relevance in PvE. So we will remain stuck in where we are, which is the worst position we can be in.

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > The energy cost is too d*mn high to be counter by just a random CC that cancel the duration (of 6 or 10 sec - depends on the skill) and they won't cast again after the CC ... it's bad design in PVP and in PVE too . We all now that there's a lot of CC in pvp and ofc in raids and fractals too. So being targetable is way too bad as a "support" spec.

> >

> > No saying that most of the skills are not usefull at all for its energy cost... but we are used to that with legend skills (Jalis taunt , reflect on ventari, almost every skills except elite on mallyx ,...)


> Blame it on Guardian or on Darkrazor.


> In WvW you can stack Darkrazors, or line them up, over siege, choke points etc. The diameter is larger than two dodges. And with dismantle fortifications each summon potentially removes 60 stacks of stab.


> The issue is that


> * 3 Renegades could remove 180 stacks of stability from the zerg. 6 per target each second and Firebrand can't handle that.

> * 1 renegade could use Darkrazor as free siege disabler.

> * the majority of players are not Jalis/Herald and with be unable to deal with this


> Everything had to suffer because of that one skill and the one Guardian per party meta.


> Maybe Darkrazor needs to go.


> * Right now one flame ram will cancel Darkrazor for three seconds and then (if the summon isn't feared too far) it will do 3 more daze pulses. Two flame rams cancel it entirely. That seems balanced.


> * But now Icerazor has its dps split by flame rams, and by target limit they gave for the combo with soulcleave. While other classes have persistent aoes a ram couldn't counter and that already doo more damage.







Removing stacks of stab 1 at a time or 2 at a time with the grand-master trait is really not very strong considering that curses scourge and winds of disenchantment will simply remove all stab in one go and either corrupt it straight to fear or prevent reapplication for the duration of the bubble. And that is before considering how fast darkrazor will die to random cleave.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > > > The energy cost is too d*mn high to be counter by just a random CC that cancel the duration (of 6 or 10 sec - depends on the skill) and they won't cast again after the CC ... it's bad design in PVP and in PVE too . We all now that there's a lot of CC in pvp and ofc in raids and fractals too. So being targetable is way too bad as a "support" spec.

> > > > >

> > > > > No saying that most of the skills are not usefull at all for its energy cost... but we are used to that with legend skills (Jalis taunt , reflect on ventari, almost every skills except elite on mallyx ,...)

> > > >

> > > > Blame it on Guardian or on Darkrazor.

> > > >

> > > > In WvW you can stack Darkrazors, or line them up, over siege, choke points etc. The diameter is larger than two dodges. And with dismantle fortifications each summon potentially removes 60 stacks of stab.

> > > >

> > > > The issue is that

> > > >

> > > > * 3 Renegades could remove 180 stacks of stability from the zerg. 6 per target each second and Firebrand can't handle that.

> > > > * 1 renegade could use Darkrazor as free siege disabler.

> > > > * the majority of players are not Jalis/Herald and with be unable to deal with this

> > > >

> > > > Everything had to suffer because of that one skill and the one Guardian per party meta.

> > > >

> > > > Maybe Darkrazor needs to go.

> > > >

> > > > * Right now one flame ram will cancel Darkrazor for three seconds and then (if the summon isn't feared too far) it will do 3 more daze pulses. Two flame rams cancel it entirely. That seems balanced.

> > > >

> > > > * But now Icerazor has its dps split by flame rams, and by target limit they gave for the combo with soulcleave. While other classes have persistent aoes a ram couldn't counter and that already doo more damage.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I think Darkrazor needs to change. Remove the pulsing daze, which is stupid. Instead it should convert 1 condi to a boon per pulse, 3 pulses.

> > >

> > > I think Icerazor should change as well to something that is more useful. Maybe an initial 0.25 secdaze, then 3 pulses of AOE chill, effecting 5 targets.

> > >

> > > This way they can be made indestructible without issues.

> >

> > I disagree . They are just disabled too easily.

> >

> > It's better to preserve the daze by having pulses every other second than lose it entirely. And the Icerazor steal heals 9k with the elite

> >


> Yet neither is of any use in sPvP and the heal is not of high relevance in PvE. So we will remain stuck in where we are, which is the worst position we can be in.


actually , the renegade healing skill is not that bad in pve ! it gives a good regen over time if allies stand in it. But it's still not as efficient than ventari ... you have to be sure (as a healing renegade) that you allies won't need that much burst healing while being stuck in khalla legend

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> I think Darkrazor needs to change. Remove the pulsing daze, which is stupid. Instead it should convert 1 condi to a boon per pulse, 3 pulses.


Why would you make it this bad in PvE, just because it sometimes causes issues in a minority game mode? We already have decent anti-condi for PvE in the heal skill.

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