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Past your prime cosmetic options

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We want our characters to be beautiful, perfectly in shape (of every in shape shape) and mostly young..... or do we?


Maybe a few npcs can fall into the truly ugly or fat/out of shape category, but mostly I feel like in Tyria the rest may have already performed Carousel/Renewal like in Logan's Run, for those that have seen that movie.

A while, while, while, long-while back on the old forums I asked about chunky/pot belly and out of shape bodies. It is clear to me now that with all the varieties or armors that fitting them to even a single new body would be quite the undertaking.


But how about these ideas?

* balding hairdos, widows peaks, witch hair (**crazy little pieces of straw or trinkets, wildly flowing, maybe a birds nest**), hair with a white streak regardless of hair color.


* Also a few honker sized noses, caveman/cavewoman eyebrow meat.


* For the plant people some wilting hair, dehydrated faces. or fall leaf hair


* The norn are already hideous so maybe actually give the men some studly faces and the women some pleasing faces...lol..joke


* The charr should have some missing teeth, scar or patched eye(do they have that?), some burnt fur options.


* Give Asurans some crazy beard option. Look up yoda beard, and take that direction.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> * Also a few honker sized noses, caveman/cavewoman eyebrow meat.

You have NOT seen many Norn and human faces, have you? I mean seriously.


Also, the issue would still be the voices.

Imagine having a male human character thing, looking like he's that old man guy thing from The Witcher (I never played the games, hush.) and having the voice of a jock like he does in this game.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> I've been a bit disappointed in the nose shape controls. I'd like to be able to give a character a nice hook nose, but the 'bridge height' control does not seem to support any kind of adequate bump.


> Also, among body type controls, bad posture should be an option. Everyone walks around straight as an arrow.


Yeah I want a better nose slider... more like a better face slider. I should be able to take ANY of the faces and make them look like another face with a different texture.

If I like human face 1 look but like the lipstick/pattern on face 9 or something, I should be able to replicate what I could with face 1 if I edited it with face 9.


As for posture, I think human females already have bad posture.

Asurans I know don't.

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