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Weaver Specialization Updates for the Path of Fire Launch

Karl McLain.5604

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> @"Jski.6180" - What burst skills are you referring to out of curiosity?

> I think my idea of making it so that when you have Barrier up that you take no damage from conditions would be good, kind of like an active version of the old Diamond Skin trait. It would still need our Barrier traits and skills to be buffed as they are still very much trash.


> heres the part i was talking about Change Woven Strikes to Hexed Strikes:

> Hexed Strikes: You take reduced damage from Conditions when you have barrier active. Remove 1 condition every 1/2second when you have Barrier active.


> I would say making it an active version of the old Diamond Skin would be good. So you become immune to conditions while you have Barrier up and you remove condis with it being active. I think the reason this would be balanced is because we have really low access to Barrier unlike say Scourge. Along with this, i would buff Elemental Refreshment to make it at least 1k base and maybe improve the scaling for it because Ele has VERY low access to it and its meant to be pretty much our defense when in melee.


The slow dmg ones? Out of 40 ish skills one is unblockable mud slide but its not a dmg skill. Unblockable is the only realy anty dmg migation ele as a class has. The slow moving or long cast burst skills need to be unblockable. But to just have one dam skill unblockable with out adding in any other effects like anty healing or anty boons is a joke for real dmg.


Taking no condi dmg when you have barrier up is to much i think it needs to just be take less dmg from condi when you have barrier up. Barrier on weaver seems like its a core class effect not swiftness and super speed as its build in and not trated for so having barrier up should give you a few effects.

The old diamond skin was to much with a class like tempest so much heal but as is the 1 condi clear per sec per hit realy dose not cut it on its own.

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Given how the barriers can be killed with just a few auto attacks and given how fast they degrade i think it would be fine to have them so that they are immune to conditions while active. This would give the ele the chance to recover and the other person could even use other skills and attacks to help take down the barrier faster . This would still be an active use so it would be about the other person (the condi player) trying to save his/her big condi bombs after they have baited your barrier use with the auto attack spamming and other conditions, which most classes have on many, many abilities.


The old diamond skin was SO easy to counter. It was simple: Don't be full condi bunker. It would take even now on my Ele 2k damage to get me below 90% health. No class should really win a fight if they cant deal 2,000 direct damage. Any Hybrid build countered Diamond Skin with ease. The only problem was that Anet made Condition builds focus on Bunker. They put every stat into Toughness/Vit and Condition damage. Now with stat combos like Grievers the Old Diamond skin wouldnt actually be that good, it was only good because 99% of condition builds were Bunker Condi.

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Its not just about the barrier from the weaver its about the barrier from the scorge. If your getting immune (and i dislike any thing that is giving out immune effects no real counter play so not fun to have) with a scorge you may never feel the effect of condis so it would be to powerful. I suggest a 15% or 20% dmg - vs condis when the weaver has barrier up as well as weaver doing more dmg.


On stop of the slower / longer cast time bust effects becoming unblockable. Maybe even make some of the slower sword skills unblockable that are non burst say the 3ed hit in the chain as you must put a lot of time into getting to that 3ed hit.

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@"Jski.6180" I should have added that it would ONLY be from Barrier that you apply to yourself. Barrier you get from anyone else doesnt affect the trait. This would stop the Scourge/Ele unkillable combo. Though, of course i am not sure how it would work. maybe have it that barrier you get from another class would be in a different colour or something so you could tell?


Also remember, this would be a GM Weaver trait. Thus it wouldnt affect any other class.


I think skills like Pile Driver, i am guessing hat is one of the main ones you are talking about would be a little too powerful if it was unblockable in group fights. I actually think that the Sword auto attacks should have their speed increased. No idea why the cast times are so slow for them :/

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> @"Jski.6180" I should have added that it would ONLY be from Barrier that you apply to yourself. Barrier you get from anyone else doesnt affect the trait. This would stop the Scourge/Ele unkillable combo. Though, of course i am not sure how it would work. maybe have it that barrier you get from another class would be in a different colour or something so you could tell?


> Also remember, this would be a GM Weaver trait. Thus it wouldnt affect any other class.


> I think skills like Pile Driver, i am guessing hat is one of the main ones you are talking about would be a little too powerful if it was unblockable in group fights. I actually think that the Sword auto attacks should have their speed increased. No idea why the cast times are so slow for them :/


I do not think there tech can do that a barrier is a barrier think on thoughs lines. So weaver needs to take some dmg from condis and be effected by them but having a barrier up should help them deal with the effects.


Pile driver, Twin Strike, Gale Strike, Plasma Blast, and Plasma Beam should all be unblockable burst skills. That what you give to weaver or you give it anty healing or anty boons or just give it an unblockabe all attks stances like ALL OF THE OTHER CLASSES IN THE GAME. IT should be powerful as they take longer cast time and offten root you to cast them. You put up all the risk to land big hits where other classes just get all of there attks unblockable for x sec with out any though of how hard they hit there cast time or cd.


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I want to add some feedback after doing two map completions on weaver.


I liked that I can now switch from water/earth to full water, for example. So If I need the defensive skills of an element I can get them with 1 swap, that helps a lot. Also the global CD is still hindering, and I still think it should be like 2 sec instead of 4 sec. No CD would definitely be too good, but at least having a trait that reduces CDs should have been a must if it isn't straight up changed.


The traits... still feel lackluster. They're not memorable. The damage on the 3 skill, ok. The rest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


What really gets to me is the missing damage. I'm full zeker, a total glass cannon, <12k HP, and I hit like a wet noodle. This is a melee spec and I stand right there dying with the veteran on 10% because he one-hit's me – like srsly there's a hero point in Desert Highlands that plain nukes me. That's not a l2p issue at that point.

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The damage is what's missing on the sword, for sure. I feel far more survivable than I thought I'd be thanks to the movement skills, but sword/dagger just makes me feel sad since I love the concept of melee mages, yet my friend that plays a mesmer is in there beside me with axe+sword killing things almost twice as fast. I bought a sword because I want to cut someone with it, not slap them with the flat of the blade.

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I am doing my best to get weaver to work as dmg in wvw but it seems like even the highish dmg builds is not out dpsing tempest overloaded. You have better spike dmg but air overloads are soo much stronger then any thing weaver can do as a class its not worth runing. Anet did you even try a side by side game play to see if your just putting out something that is made for dmg that is weaker then something that was made for support. In the span of 4-3 years what did you really do to test this class out.

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> @Jski.6180 said:

> I am doing my best to get weaver to work as dmg in wvw but it seems like even the highish dmg builds is not out dpsing tempest overloaded. You have better spike dmg but air overloads are soo much stronger then any thing weaver can do as a class its not worth runing. Anet did you even try a side by side game play to see if your just putting out something that is made for dmg that is weaker then something that was made for support. In the span of 4-3 years what did you really do to test this class out.


I agree with this.

The weaver is so bad for dps it's actually better for me to stay as a tempest and just do water bot ele

If this is a bruiser spec I want to know what we were supposed to be bruising.


To reiterate feedback from a month ago,


-The damage is not their on power sword.

I could take any other light armored class with zerk stats and out perform the weaver at every turn


-The sword AA attacks are too slow

They are as slow as greatsword attacks and afaik the slowest single handed melee weapon in the game, on a class with the lowest health. REALLY?!




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I still agree that post-launch PoF, sword damage is still too low.


I sort of found a staff rotation that works for WvW that mostly involves avoiding attunement to Air, but if you do go to Air, then exit with Water for the chill unless you know you're in a good position/safe to use Earth/Air 3 Pile Driver because it roots you in place to cast. It still should be really strong and have good AOE pressure with all the dual skills. It doesn't really offer much to WvW zerg play outside of damage and hard/soft CC. It can be built like the classic squishy backline builds that can't reliably offer water fields on regroup without Unravel. I still want to test healing and condi damage scaling later, but right now I'm thinking cele staff or marauder might be okay.

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