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Weaver Specialization Updates for the Path of Fire Launch

Karl McLain.5604

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It would have been the worst thing in tyria.


> * Call Lightning: Increased lightning damage by 12.5%. Slightly reduced the aftercast of this ability.


More damage on a potential usefull skill (spam 1 is okay) = me pleased


> * Polaric Leap: Increased the leap distance of this ability from 450 to 600. This ability will no longer queue and will interrupt skills, if able, in order to cast.


600 ? Well it's okay, Since I'll not take lightning flash anymore. (and probably regret it) I wanted something that could close the range a bit more, but that's ok I'll take it.


> * Quantum Strike: The cooldown of this ability has been increased from 15 to 18 seconds. Physical damage has been increased by 10%.

> * Cauterizing Strike: The physical damage of this ability has been increased by 17%.


Did you buff 3rd skill in full air and fire attunements ? The skills almost noone will use since they don't give you anything (no barrier no life)

Going into full attunements is a pain, and it forces you to shut down your dps (Going from air / water to air / air to fire / air mean you probably have cd on 2 and 3 when you're in air/air, and will have cd on 4 and 5 when you will go fire/air, which mean during this period you'll have few skills to fire.) I think it's better to avoid full attunement if you want to play competitive weaver, cause barrier on dodge is golden and you have nothing that encourages you going into full attunements.


> * Earthen Vortex: This ability will no longer queue and will interrupt skills if able, in order to cast.

> * Primordial Stance: Fixed a bug that caused this ability to deliver 3 instances of burning instead of 1, when dual attuned to Earth and Fire.




> * Unravel Hexes: Trait has been renamed to Woven Stride. Trait now grants swiftness when inhibiting conditions are inflicted, regeneration when swiftness or superspeed is gained, and increases swiftness effectiveness from 33% to 40%.


( Could be funny an hour or so In WvW : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bowl_of_Seaweed_Salad

but Weaver in WvW is dead since devs didn't want to take this case seriously and wanted us to wait with tempest until next expansion )

But by doing that YES you're encouraging people to play with water line, which is something they've done since 2012, but YES you can't do anything else cause if Woven Stride cleanse condition by itself, then water + arcana + weaver would be an almost no condition combination. I'm fine playing water line, you can get some good traits, I would have been sad if water line was only for condi clear, but you can get a nice frost aura, less cd on water skills which work well with the sword (and a bit more damages somtimes), nice healing when switchin water, a nice smoothing mist which can't be corrupted, and condi clear on regen works with sword's 2 (main water) and 3 (in full water). I'm okay with those traits, it's not bad, and has been with me forever now, it's a part of my ele.


I'm kinda sad since weaver doesn't have anything for large scale battle, we'll be stuck with retardnistrelmancer, but I'm happy cause it really feels like we can be a real 1v1/PvP class (I've been a huge fan of 1v1 long time ago)

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Thanks to all the staff for this elite spec, the changes are pretty good and i am not mad about using water for condi cleanse, but the problem is that the major issues of the class are still there and untouched: 4s cd on attunement change feels a bit clunky (i guess that 3s would be better), the unravel utility skill feels a bit underwhelming it could at least give us a boon or something, and the sword still feels like a fancy looking weaker dagger :/ i really love the concept of sword and the animations but the damage is a bit low especially with this slow AA chain (this is the stuff that troubles me more, maybe more than attunement swap) btw is an awesome concept for an awesome class but those issues can`t be ignored :3

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Every class has been forced> @BlackBeard.2873 said:

> I am disappointed, like every ele, that we will be chained forever to the water-traitline. As with every ele spec, builds now become "So what is the third traitline". Still, I do see at least some decent synergy with both air AND arcana. Obviously, arcana/water/weaver eles will be basically immune to condis (swap air, cure 2 condis, swap water, cleanse 2-3 condis + dodge), use a dual skill and cure a condi, inflict chill - cure a condi), but air/w/w eles might see some play too, as you cleanse slightly less, but get much higher super-speed uptime to stick to foes, and more air-swap procs. Arcana gives you prot and super-duper cleanse, while air gives you mobility and damage. Fire and earth seem to lack true synergy, but perhaps if condi-built fire can see some play for some silly burst builds.


> I am concerned with the continued 4s swap time for all attunements, it really forces weavers into using sword as other weapons just don't have enough attacks to justify sitting in an attunement for 4s without losing effectiveness. Also, dagger, scepter, and staff all rely on really-strong 3-skills in their rotations (which this CD and lock-out of the 4-5 skills on-demand promote), while sword seems to have a LOT of defense (evades, mobility, interrupts) built into the 2 and dual skills, making a build less reliant on on-demand off-hand skill defense access.


> Also...are we really at the point where changing the 3rd hit of a chain skill by 12.5% is really the level of adjustments being made? Most of these changes seem more like QoL changes that you get in a down-quarter balance pass than truly substantial changes. Perhaps they are planning to tweak quickly after people have more time to play with the specs, but the FASTEST anet ever responds to balance concerns is about 6 months.


You won't be immune to condis lol trust me, you're still removing one condi at time

You will be fighting against scourges sitting on their shades, mirage condi, firebrand axe burning burst etc etc **and all at melee range**; you guys can't complain about weaver condi clear when the game has spellbreaker with perma resistance - firebrand spamming condi clear+resistance+full clear condi utilities - druid/soulbeast with resistance- condi immunity stunbreaks-condi dmg reduction traits and so on.


I don't want to play hard mode in GW2! The trait may sounds OP **but for sure condi application is OP for certain atm**, condi burst ( 8+ condis on you instantly) behind every corner at every turn...let me play ele in relaxed mode for once, like I can do on guardian/ranger

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> @Arheundel.6451 said:

> Every class has been forced> @BlackBeard.2873 said:

> > I am disappointed, like every ele, that we will be chained forever to the water-traitline. As with every ele spec, builds now become "So what is the third traitline". Still, I do see at least some decent synergy with both air AND arcana. Obviously, arcana/water/weaver eles will be basically immune to condis (swap air, cure 2 condis, swap water, cleanse 2-3 condis + dodge), use a dual skill and cure a condi, inflict chill - cure a condi), but air/w/w eles might see some play too, as you cleanse slightly less, but get much higher super-speed uptime to stick to foes, and more air-swap procs. Arcana gives you prot and super-duper cleanse, while air gives you mobility and damage. Fire and earth seem to lack true synergy, but perhaps if condi-built fire can see some play for some silly burst builds.

> >

> > I am concerned with the continued 4s swap time for all attunements, it really forces weavers into using sword as other weapons just don't have enough attacks to justify sitting in an attunement for 4s without losing effectiveness. Also, dagger, scepter, and staff all rely on really-strong 3-skills in their rotations (which this CD and lock-out of the 4-5 skills on-demand promote), while sword seems to have a LOT of defense (evades, mobility, interrupts) built into the 2 and dual skills, making a build less reliant on on-demand off-hand skill defense access.

> >

> > Also...are we really at the point where changing the 3rd hit of a chain skill by 12.5% is really the level of adjustments being made? Most of these changes seem more like QoL changes that you get in a down-quarter balance pass than truly substantial changes. Perhaps they are planning to tweak quickly after people have more time to play with the specs, but the FASTEST anet ever responds to balance concerns is about 6 months.


> You won't be immune to condis lol trust me, you're still removing one condi at time

> You will be fighting against scourges sitting on their kitten, mirage condi, firebrand axe burning burst etc etc **and all at melee range**; you guys can't complain about weaver condi clear when the game has spellbreaker with perma resistance - firebrand spamming condi clear+resistance+full clear condi utilities - druid/soulbeast with resistance- condi immunity stunbreaks-condi dmg reduction traits and so on.


> I don't want to play hard mode in GW2! The trait may sounds OP **but for sure condi application is OP for certain atm**, condi burst ( 8+ condis on you instantly) behind every corner at every turn...let me play ele in relaxed mode for once, like I can do on guardian/ranger


just sit on air and AA you will cleanse condi like crazy LOL

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> @messiah.1908 said:

> > @Arheundel.6451 said:

> > Every class has been forced> @BlackBeard.2873 said:

> > > I am disappointed, like every ele, that we will be chained forever to the water-traitline. As with every ele spec, builds now become "So what is the third traitline". Still, I do see at least some decent synergy with both air AND arcana. Obviously, arcana/water/weaver eles will be basically immune to condis (swap air, cure 2 condis, swap water, cleanse 2-3 condis + dodge), use a dual skill and cure a condi, inflict chill - cure a condi), but air/w/w eles might see some play too, as you cleanse slightly less, but get much higher super-speed uptime to stick to foes, and more air-swap procs. Arcana gives you prot and super-duper cleanse, while air gives you mobility and damage. Fire and earth seem to lack true synergy, but perhaps if condi-built fire can see some play for some silly burst builds.

> > >

> > > I am concerned with the continued 4s swap time for all attunements, it really forces weavers into using sword as other weapons just don't have enough attacks to justify sitting in an attunement for 4s without losing effectiveness. Also, dagger, scepter, and staff all rely on really-strong 3-skills in their rotations (which this CD and lock-out of the 4-5 skills on-demand promote), while sword seems to have a LOT of defense (evades, mobility, interrupts) built into the 2 and dual skills, making a build less reliant on on-demand off-hand skill defense access.

> > >

> > > Also...are we really at the point where changing the 3rd hit of a chain skill by 12.5% is really the level of adjustments being made? Most of these changes seem more like QoL changes that you get in a down-quarter balance pass than truly substantial changes. Perhaps they are planning to tweak quickly after people have more time to play with the specs, but the FASTEST anet ever responds to balance concerns is about 6 months.

> >

> > You won't be immune to condis lol trust me, you're still removing one condi at time

> > You will be fighting against scourges sitting on their kitten, mirage condi, firebrand axe burning burst etc etc **and all at melee range**; you guys can't complain about weaver condi clear when the game has spellbreaker with perma resistance - firebrand spamming condi clear+resistance+full clear condi utilities - druid/soulbeast with resistance- condi immunity stunbreaks-condi dmg reduction traits and so on.

> >

> > I don't want to play hard mode in GW2! The trait may sounds OP **but for sure condi application is OP for certain atm**, condi burst ( 8+ condis on you instantly) behind every corner at every turn...let me play ele in relaxed mode for once, like I can do on guardian/ranger


> just sit on air and AA you will cleanse condi like crazy LOL


how so? lol

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> @messiah.1908 said:

> > @Arheundel.6451 said:

> > Every class has been forced> @BlackBeard.2873 said:

> > > I am disappointed, like every ele, that we will be chained forever to the water-traitline. As with every ele spec, builds now become "So what is the third traitline". Still, I do see at least some decent synergy with both air AND arcana. Obviously, arcana/water/weaver eles will be basically immune to condis (swap air, cure 2 condis, swap water, cleanse 2-3 condis + dodge), use a dual skill and cure a condi, inflict chill - cure a condi), but air/w/w eles might see some play too, as you cleanse slightly less, but get much higher super-speed uptime to stick to foes, and more air-swap procs. Arcana gives you prot and super-duper cleanse, while air gives you mobility and damage. Fire and earth seem to lack true synergy, but perhaps if condi-built fire can see some play for some silly burst builds.

> > >

> > > I am concerned with the continued 4s swap time for all attunements, it really forces weavers into using sword as other weapons just don't have enough attacks to justify sitting in an attunement for 4s without losing effectiveness. Also, dagger, scepter, and staff all rely on really-strong 3-skills in their rotations (which this CD and lock-out of the 4-5 skills on-demand promote), while sword seems to have a LOT of defense (evades, mobility, interrupts) built into the 2 and dual skills, making a build less reliant on on-demand off-hand skill defense access.

> > >

> > > Also...are we really at the point where changing the 3rd hit of a chain skill by 12.5% is really the level of adjustments being made? Most of these changes seem more like QoL changes that you get in a down-quarter balance pass than truly substantial changes. Perhaps they are planning to tweak quickly after people have more time to play with the specs, but the FASTEST anet ever responds to balance concerns is about 6 months.

> >

> > You won't be immune to condis lol trust me, you're still removing one condi at time

> > You will be fighting against scourges sitting on their kitten, mirage condi, firebrand axe burning burst etc etc **and all at melee range**; you guys can't complain about weaver condi clear when the game has spellbreaker with perma resistance - firebrand spamming condi clear+resistance+full clear condi utilities - druid/soulbeast with resistance- condi immunity stunbreaks-condi dmg reduction traits and so on.

> >

> > I don't want to play hard mode in GW2! The trait may sounds OP **but for sure condi application is OP for certain atm**, condi burst ( 8+ condis on you instantly) behind every corner at every turn...let me play ele in relaxed mode for once, like I can do on guardian/ranger


> just sit on air and AA you will cleanse condi like crazy LOL


Ok then! For the love of god you guys!


I'd like to play a weaver with sword and only melee range will be applicable so what am I supposed to do against this never ending spam of condis? From shades to marks, firebrand symbols, consecration fire field, chrono condi, mirage....


If you think the trait is OP for the sake of your virtue...**Propose another solution**, you're sitting at melee range with the squishiest class in an environment where you get condi bombed left and right at every turn, condi bombed means : 8+ condis on you ( that's 24 AA hits while sitting in air sword....what stopping others from condi bombing you again?).


Instead than complaining simply because the crowd is doing so...propose another solution.

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Ok, let's see how the major complaints about the Weaver, widely discussed here and elsewhere after the Demo weekends, have been addressed:


- Sword auto-attack too slow. **Ignored**

- Attunements cooldown too long. **Ignored**

- Unravel as a utility skill not adequate. **Ignored**

- Increase the barriers to be able to melee with a low health, light armor class. **Ignored**

- Improve/make more interesting the dual skills. **Ignored**

- Give some condi cleanse without taking the water trait line. **Ignored**

- Need for more interaction between the Weaver traitline and all the other traitlines. **Ignored**

- Improve sword damage, especially the power component. **Got a minor buff to two skills, the rest is unchanged**


Nobody, I guess, expected the elite spec to receive changes and buffs on every single point, but at least something more meaningful and systematic that 2 or 3 minor adjustments. The changes to the Mirage and the Firebrand, in this sense, display much more professionalism and care: they took seriously every single complaint and tried to address it in some way. And, in any case, at least an explanation on why they decided to stick with their previous decision was due. Instead, nothing. I wonder why we even took the time to test this stuff and write down articulated feedbacks.


I am generally an enthusiastic supporter of this game and I always try to see the things from the point of view of the developers. But this crap is just bad and disrespectful: don't ask for feedback if you are just going to ignore it.


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I was hoping to see more of the community perceived issues addressed or at least acknowledged and explained, especially the sword AA resetting, damage, and attack speeds, default barrier amounts, condi cleansing outside of water, and attunement cooldowns. This "slow changes" balance philosophy can make reading these notes really frustrating due to the lack of knowledge on where the class is supposed to end up ultimately (or at least within a year).

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_These changes are really nice, thanks to the dev.

However, I have some propositions to make._


**1/ Sword auto are REALLY slow & still lack of DPS. It's really low compare to Dagger air autoattack or other auto.

Elementalist gets 1/2, 3/4, 3/4, It shdould be 1/4 1/2 1/2 in my opinion.**


2/ "Unravel Hexes: Trait has been renamed to Woven Stride. Trait now grants swiftness when inhibiting conditions are inflicted, regeneration when swiftness or superspeed is gained, and increases swiftness effectiveness from 33% to 40%."


I understand the change, it would have made Fresh Air Ele perma Superspeed & nearly invul to condition.

BUT with that change we still need to go water line...

Anet, we REALLY need another branch trait that help us with condi removal.

I suggest to make this change :


**"Trait now grants Resistance for 4s when inhibiting conditions are inflicted (ICD 15s), resistance (1s) when swiftness or superspeed is gained, and increases swiftness effectiveness from 33% to 40%."**


Resistance is for me the best alternative : can be strong especially with boon duration, BUT can be countered with boon removal.


**3/Polaric Leap : this skill is supercool, but please make it INSTANT CAST then we can combo with it without interruption our skill !**

(for example, Dagger earth 5 + Polaric Leap would be so coool)


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> @Alesthes.4287 said:

> Ok, let's see how the major complaints about the Weaver, widely discussed here and elsewhere after the Demo weekends, have been addressed:


> - Sword auto-attack too slow. **Ignored**

> - Attunements cooldown too long. **Ignored**

> - Unravel as a utility skill not adequate. **Ignored**

> - Increase the barriers to be able to melee with a low health, light armor class. **Ignored**

> - Improve/make more interesting the dual skills. **Ignored**

> - Give some condi cleanse without taking the water trait line. **Ignored**

> - Need for more interaction between the Weaver traitline and all the other traitlines. **Ignored**

> - Improve sword damage, especially the power component. **Got a minor buff to two skills, the rest is unchanged**


> Nobody, I guess, expected the elite spec to receive changes and buffs on every single point, but at least something more meaningful and systematic that 2 or 3 minor adjustments. The changes to the Mirage and the Firebrand, in this sense, display much more professionalism and care: they took seriously every single complaint and tried to address it in some way. And, in any case, at least an explanation on why they decided to stick with their previous decision was due. Instead, nothing. I wonder why we even took the time to test this stuff and write down articulated feedbacks.


> I am generally an enthusiastic supporter of this game and I always try to see the things from the point of view of the developers. But this crap is just bad and disrespectful: don't ask for feedback if you are just going to ignore it.



feedback doesnt have to be acted on, feedback can be just be looked at and seen, sure its disappointing but the devs might see things differently and while some changes would be nice, in the end its down to them to decide if the feedback is stuff they agree with or not.

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> @DanteZero.9736 said:

> I was hoping to see more of the community perceived issues addressed or at least acknowledged and explained, especially the sword AA resetting, damage, and attack speeds, default barrier amounts, condi cleansing outside of water, and attunement cooldowns. This "slow changes" balance philosophy can make reading these notes really frustrating due to the lack of knowledge on where the class is supposed to end up ultimately (or at least within a year).


It would be really nice to hear from the devs about how the class is supposed to condi clear without water. Ele dev only worked on 1 spec yet the changes are minor compared to other classes where the particular dev worked on more than 1 spec.

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> @morrolan.9608 said:

> > @DanteZero.9736 said:

> > I was hoping to see more of the community perceived issues addressed or at least acknowledged and explained, especially the sword AA resetting, damage, and attack speeds, default barrier amounts, condi cleansing outside of water, and attunement cooldowns. This "slow changes" balance philosophy can make reading these notes really frustrating due to the lack of knowledge on where the class is supposed to end up ultimately (or at least within a year).


> It would be really nice to hear from the devs about how the class is supposed to condi clear without water. Ele dev only worked on 1 spec yet the changes are minor compared to other classes where the particular dev worked on more than 1 spec.


Hmm, you want changes like the scourge or the thief?


The only thing that could use just a little work is Woven Stride:


Basically it would be better if we can keep the old Unravel Hexes but it should clear all condis, like it was saying in the description


Lose conditions at a rapid rate while under the effects of superspeed. Gain superspeed when you are inflicted with inhibiting conditions.

1st sentence: We lose 1 condition each 0.5 sec while under superspeed (this is similar to regen but will drop the need of water trait).

2nd sentence: Another source of superspeed.


Resistance is not a boon that should be applied by an ele.


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> * Unravel Hexes: Trait has been renamed to Woven Stride. Trait now grants swiftness when inhibiting conditions are inflicted, regeneration when swiftness or superspeed is gained, and increases swiftness effectiveness from 33% to 40%.


Well, might as well stay on tempest for imobilize clear with overload.

Everything else seems reasonable.

The only build I can think of that would gain anything from unravel hexes, aura ele, doesn't need unravel hexes...

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> @gereden.6983 said:

> feedback doesnt have to be acted on, feedback can be just be looked at and seen, sure its disappointing but the devs might see things differently and while some changes would be nice, in the end its down to them to decide if the feedback is stuff they agree with or not.


Which, if you actually read my post, it is exactly what I said. I did not expect all points to be addressed or all suggestions of the community to be implemented, as I easily understand that players tend to be overly "generous", so to speak, when advocating buffs to their class.

But, _first_, at least I would have expected acknowledgement of the very articulated feedback they received, or explanation of why they did not change this or that. This is what has been happening for thieves, as an example, if you look at their forum.

And, _second_, to be honest, it's hard to believe that almost **nothing** was valuable out of all the player feedback they received, including from people that are top PvP and PvE players in this community. Have a look at the Mirage or Firebrand threads. Their changes go systematically through all the issues that the community pointed out: weapon, traits, utilities. Did they implement everything the community asked for? Obviously not, as it should be. Did they ackowledge and address in some way all the major issues? Yes, they did. That's the difference.

There's a difference, basically, between "implementing everything the community asks" and "ignoring 90% of what they are saying". That's my point. And I know they can say "but we actually considered the feedback". Well, you need to show that, either by doing something about it or explaining why you are not. The devs working on other elite specializations did it, those working on the Weaver did not.


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The most disappointing thing here is that the auto attack chains on a one handed sword are still slower than most 2h weapons in the game.


As for the water complaint, we're never going to escape water in competitive settings. Our low HP and armor ensures we're always going to have to build very defensive for any build to be realistically viable as we lack the inherent survivability of other classes. When you objectively look at our high amount of condi cleanse we have most other classes also either have to spec in a trait line or completely change their utilities to be close or on par with what we can do. Just be thankful they've stopped nerfing water every single balance patch.

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Just a quick recap after digging into the new changes :

We were all theorycrafting a superspeed build before getting our hands on the Weaver.

All the condi removal by just looking for superspeed was great, but it didn't happen.

But hey, they decided to hear the fact that weaver didn't have enough cleansing.

A LOT of skills grant swiftness, so regen, so cleansing.


If you just take water (X-X-Down) / weaver (X-Mid-Mid and probably Mid-Mid-Mid), you're just have cleansing part of your rotation and THAT, my boyz, is amazing.

Air line has extra cleansing (Mid-X-X or Top-Down-X)

Arcana has extra cleansing as well (attuning to air or water) (X-X-Top (dodge water))

Fire has extra auto cleansing fire / Earth has diamond skin.


It become much more fun to play when you don't have to think of cleansing and can focus on damage.

If it's really swiftness = regen 100% of the time, then i'm more than happy about that.


I miss the time when dodging truly mattered. Now it's just eating HP bar with condis and more condis, but Weaver might be the kind of class you'd need to hit hard if you want to kill it.


I might have spoke too soon, maybe barrier on dodge isn't worth anymore in this world full of conditions.

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Seems like a decent place to ask:


What's the point of the Fire Attunement autoattack chain for sword? I sort of expected that to get changed before launch, but clearly it's intentionally how it is, and I'm not really sure I understand it. The first two hits are _miniscule_ and don't have any special effect to them, no burning or anything, and the final hit deals a decent but unimpressive amount of direct damage and applies a little bit of burning.


So... why? Why would I ever use that? Earth Attunement's sword chain applies bleeding with every hit and has a non-token amount of physical damage on each hit, too. Why is Fire Attunement's so back-loaded?

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> * Unravel Hexes: Trait has been renamed to Woven Stride. Trait now grants swiftness when inhibiting conditions are inflicted, regeneration when swiftness or superspeed is gained, and increases swiftness effectiveness from 33% to 40%.


After sleeping on this, I rather like it. I know people were hoping for a non-water mechanism to purge conditions. However, this rework provides some much needed sustain imho. I feel like the barrier mechanic is not going to be sufficient on its own to keep a fragile Weaver alive. Now we get a fairly easy source of regen.


As many others have pointed out, put in the water GM trait and we get the condi removal on top of the sustain.


Although at this point we haven't seen the duration of the regen and the cooldown of Woven Stride.

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Weaver seems very thoughtlessly implemented. I was hoping to see some real changes for them prior to launch, as having played it during the elite spec beta - I could tell it was very underpowered. These seemingly "slight tweaks" do not seem anywhere near enough, and the core issues are still there.


1. Dual Skills do not benefit from any of the damage increase or cooldown traits.

2. Dual Skills do not have interesting effects, and what they do have is not very strong considering their long cooldowns.

3. The 'Stance' skills are extremely boring, underpowered, and have too high of cooldowns regardless. Nobody is going to be using them.

4. The elite skill, as well as the attunement CD reduction - has pushed this class into the playstyle of "mash all the buttons you possibly can because it doesn't matter what you're casting any more".


Not lookin good anet.

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> Hello Elementalists!

> We hope you're ready and excited for the Path of Fire, with all of the elemental weaving to come. There has been some iteration on the the Weaver since you've seen it in Demo and Stress Tests, which you might have interest in! There will be a couple more release notes on launch day for the core profession, but we want to deliver the Weaver information a little early so you can know what changed.


> * Call Lightning: Increased lightning damage by 12.5%. Slightly reduced the aftercast of this ability.

> * Polaric Leap: Increased the leap distance of this ability from 450 to 600. This ability will no longer queue and will interrupt skills, if able, in order to cast.

> * Quantum Strike: The cooldown of this ability has been increased from 15 to 18 seconds. Physical damage has been increased by 10%.

> * Cauterizing Strike: The physical damage of this ability has been increased by 17%.

> * Earthen Vortex: This ability will no longer queue and will interrupt skills if able, in order to cast.

> * Primordial Stance: Fixed a bug that caused this ability to deliver 3 instances of burning instead of 1, when dual attuned to Earth and Fire.

> * Unravel Hexes: Trait has been renamed to Woven Stride. Trait now grants swiftness when inhibiting conditions are inflicted, regeneration when swiftness or superspeed is gained, and increases swiftness effectiveness from 33% to 40%.


> Most of these changes have been made with the goal of keeping the Weaver dangerous in combat. We felt that the physical damage ability for sword was a bit low, and that it also could use a little more distance on its primary engagement ability, Polaric Leap. Unravel Hexes was reworked due to its complicated nature and given something along the same vein of movement, with a few more trait synergies to boot.


> We're looking forward to seeing you in-game!


> *Edit: Fixed Earthen Vortex




This did very little to address the Weaver's main issues, mainly, "weaving" the attunements is slow, clunky and just plain NOT fun; contradicting traits and mechanics; slow auto-chain; feeling of lacking a coherent, cohesive theme that guides traits/skills/mechanics.


I am sorry to say that this is a very poor job. You could have done better if you put your mind into it. You have done better than this in the past.

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I've come here like most other ele main's to share my disappointment with Woven Stride.

PvP ele's will once again be forced into water traitline simply to survive, it's not like condi builds are rare, they're everywhere.

I was really looking into Unravel Hexes...


Perhaps we can see the best of both worlds and somehow receive the movement impairing cleanse appear somewhere on our traits? (Not water)

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> @"Bio Flame.4276" said:

> Karl:

> This did very little to address the Weaver's main issues, mainly, "weaving" the attunements is slow, clunky and just plain NOT fun; contradicting traits and mechanics; slow auto-chain; feeling of lacking a coherent, cohesive theme that guides traits/skills/mechanics.


> I am sorry to say that this is a very poor job. You could have done better if you put your mind into it. You have done better than this in the past.


I think Weaver is good and with some small tweaks great.


Example 1: Lowering the GCD of the attunements from 4s to 3.5s would help. Keep in mind with arcane we can get to 3.5s right now.

Example 2: Lowering sword auto-attack chain to 1/2 - 1/2 - 1/2

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> @LoreChief.8391 said:

> 1. Dual Skills do not benefit from any of the damage increase or cooldown traits.

yeah that's sad, I give you a point.


> 2. Dual Skills do not have interesting effects, and what they do have is not very strong considering their long cooldowns.


The CD is ok imo, 12 to 20 is more than enough, considering you're going to do at least a rotation of 4 combinaison of attunements (which is 13.6sec with arcana line or 16 without "if you smash your attunements when they're up, but it's rarely the case.")

Let's say 15 to 18 sec for a complete rotation of 4 combinaison of attunements, I think it's ok.


If you're playing sword, fire/water has good damage, and a relativly good burning, fire/earth is gorgeous (nice barrier / burning aoe) earth/air is a nice cc ! air/water has a good range water/earth has good damages and provide range attacks and air/fire looks decent (might be the worst of the 6, but still not that bad)


> 3. The 'Stance' skills are extremely boring, underpowered, and have too high of cooldowns regardless. Nobody is going to be using them.


This is where I should slap you in da face !

Twist of fate is THE best skill you could wish on ele, break stun ? check / Evade a burst ? check / Granting superspeed (and if traited, cleaning a condition) ? Check ! Two count ? check !

If you're playing weaver, you might want to be a condi weaver, of a mix of condi / power (I'm actually planning to do that tomorrow, we'll see)

So primordial stance + Lava skin is sooo strong, you're applying so much burning and bleeding at the same time, and you also have 2 counts and can easily use one each rotation you make.

Unravel is kinda meh, and stone resonance might not be played that much, but if you take twist of fate and primordial stance, you're golden.


> 4. The elite skill, as well as the attunement CD reduction - has pushed this class into the playstyle of "mash all the buttons you possibly can because it doesn't matter what you're casting any more".

Or it'll be the way to get into fire/fire or air/air or water/water or earth/earth without problem (actually, it is a problem since you got big cd on attunements with few skills to use, you end up smashin 1, and wasting your dps, but you might be able to use it as a counter to the cd, and end up going and get a nice 3 in fire/fire or air/air to get nice damages)


> Not lookin good anet.

Don't worry my friend, we'll be daijoubu

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