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Question regarding the new garden plots

Mr Pin.6728

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I did a quick scan of the forums but did not see this particular question asked. Apologies if it is a duplicate topic.


My question is it seems each individual plot counts as a node regardless of what that plot is growing. Is this intended?


To explain, my guildie and I often farm each others home instances. We each have individual nodes the other doesn't have such as iron ore or ancient wood. However we have noticed that if I harvest her garden plot which for examples sake is growing onions I cannot harvest my garden plot which is growing black peppercorn. Harvesting her plot in her instance seems to reset my plot in my instance. Out of curiosity is this working as intended? Other then that I love the garden plots. Kind of sad dedicated gardener isn't a title but I also understand why it isn't. Solid work all around. A big thank you to the team that worked on this.



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> @"Mr Pin.6728" said:

> My question is it seems each individual plot counts as a node regardless of what that plot is growing. Is this intended?

Yes, each plot counts as a node for whatever that item is. Guaranteed two (exactly two) drops. This appears to be intended.



> To explain, my guildie and I often farm each others home instances. We each have individual nodes the other doesn't have such as iron ore or ancient wood. However we have noticed that if I harvest her garden plot which for examples sake is growing onions I cannot harvest my garden plot which is growing black peppercorn. Harvesting her plot in her instance seems to reset my plot in my instance. Out of curiosity is this working as intended? Other then that I love the garden plots. Kind of sad dedicated gardener isn't a title but I also understand why it isn't. Solid work all around. A big thank you to the team that worked on this.


If they set it up as you or I would have done, then people would farm each other's instances all day and get extra mats. Right now, I can farm the iron node in my instance or in my friend's, but not both. The same mechanic applies to Garden Plot #1: you can farm that plot at home or at your friend's, not both.



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