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To delete or not to delete


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I have this 3 year old level 30 guardian that is taking up a char slot and am wondering if I should keep it for the birthday gifts or not. I have 5 other slots with characters I like and want to make another one. My other characters are all way newer so I'm wondering what ya'll think. I'm never gonna play him because of the cringy name and ugly appearance that I don't want to spend gems on to change.

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I have deleted many a toon (for various reasons) during their first year because of aesthetics. About 4 months ago I deleted 7 of 9 classes (4 of whom were over 4 years old) to fix things like names, race, etc. All were level 80, with everything done, and that included my thief I made day 1 at launch. I do not regret it. Spending 200+ gold to change a name even (especially just a level 30 toon) is not worth the cost. You can easily re-level a toon (most of the time with tomes instantly), and you will make money completing things over.


The birthday gifts are trivial, almost always account bound items, that repeat. Look at the year 4 gift and the year 5. Year 6 looks to be the same. Choose another racial backpiece skin, more account bound dyes, more junk. Certainly, the gifts are no reason to keep a toon.

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Well, those 'account-bound dyes' are worth a fortune. I just chose one that sells for over 500 Gold. The new weapons are quite popular, as well.


I have L20s and L50s for Silver Doubloons and mid-tier mats, as well.


Still, it's your choice, OP. If the $10 or 200 Gold seems too much, then deletion would be the way to go.


Good luck.

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I never delete old characters. Level 30 toons can be used as bag openers (loot value is within 10-15% of the 'best' possible, since people started tracking), they serve as mules. They can also be parked at the end of a JP for extra loot (in the case of L30, they are eligible for Silver Doubloons, still worth nearly 1g each).


In the last 6 months or so, buying 800 gems has cost from 206-250 gold, so the question I'd ask is whether you'd get 250 gold worth of value from hanging on to an extra, unused character.

* The 3rd Year [Celebratory Dye Pack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebratory_Dye_Pack "Celebratory Dye Pack") offers dyes worth 30 to 130g

* The 4th Year [Jubilant pack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jubilant_Dye_Pack "Jubilant pack") has values from 35 to 525g

* The 5th Year [Exuberant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exuberant_Dye_Kit "Exuberant") offerings run 30 to 700g


To me, that value makes it worth spending 250g to buy a new toon slot, filling whatever role you'd want for a deleted toon.


tl;dr don't delete

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When I first bought the game near launch, I made 5 characters, one of each race, all within the first month. Really was only dedicated on one of them, but I still periodically play them. I found that I got a LOT of experience scrolls, and the other rewards are mostly the same. The most impressive thing about the birthday gifts are the titles they bestow upon you (I believe one just unlocked for 5 years). If you're really never going to play a guardian again, delete him and make a new one. If you are interested in playing guardian, try to find some way to appreciate the character. You could also look at your other characters and see if you're not really feeling one of the younger ones and delete one of them. And, if all else fails, buy a character slot. I try to do that when one goes on sale, and I'm up to 11 regular character slots. Only one is lying empty, begging for a soul to possess it.

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getting a new character slot is definitely affordable through the gold exchange.

I set myself a minimum amount of gold i always want to carry with me.


for example:

i set the minimum at 100g


all the gold I get above that 100g i use to buy gems (if i am looking to buy an item)

I wait for the gold exchange to be favorable so i can get the most gems out of my gold.

if I don't want or need anything for the gem store i keep the money and slowly raise te minimum i have on my person (as a sort of savings).


The item that i try to obtain are sometimes the one off items, but sometimes recurring items, i generally try to wait for a discount before i spend my gems. It might take long but it is really worth it, you can save 200 gems on a character slot for example, if you wait for it to be on discount (this can be tricky since there is no 100% way to predict when something will be on discount)


every year there seems to be a new kind of item you get from the birthday gift, who knows what might be added in the future. deleting the character now only to discover there is a magnificent item that you'd love to have but have to wait 5+ years for since you deleted your character is a risk i wouldn't take.


In short, don't delete it, you might lose out on a great item you want to have in the future, instead save gold for a character slot. in the meantime you can start using your old character to farm for items you'd like to have on your new character, or do achievements. most rewards are account-bound so you will be able to use them on your other characters aswell.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I never delete old characters. Level 30 toons can be used as bag openers (loot value is within 10-15% of the 'best' possible, since people started tracking), they serve as mules. They can also be parked at the end of a JP for extra loot (in the case of L30, they are eligible for Silver Doubloons, still worth nearly 1g each).


> In the last 6 months or so, buying 800 gems has cost from 206-250 gold, so the question I'd ask is whether you'd get 250 gold worth of value from hanging on to an extra, unused character.

> * The 3rd Year [Celebratory Dye Pack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebratory_Dye_Pack "Celebratory Dye Pack") offers dyes worth 30 to 130g

> * The 4th Year [Jubilant pack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jubilant_Dye_Pack "Jubilant pack") has values from 35 to 525g

> * The 5th Year [Exuberant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exuberant_Dye_Kit "Exuberant") offerings run 30 to 700g


> To me, that value makes it worth spending 250g to buy a new toon slot, filling whatever role you'd want for a deleted toon.


> tl;dr don't delete


The value of those dyes will fall as more and more people collect them - in 2 years time, the investment opportunity may have passed since his character will always be behind.


I'd personally vote delete it, it's a poor investment, especially if you're 100% certain you won't play it.

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> @Nyel.1843 said:

> I just deleted my first ever GW2 character from 5 years ago because it took a character slot and now I'm reading that I deleted a gold machine - can I somehow restore the character, maybe via ANet support? lol


Yes. They can restore old chars. You'll need an empty char slot and the name needs to be available.

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