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Arena Net ignoring support tickets?

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So my friend jerks.3172 sent in like 3 tickets to get his account back, 3 problems is that he had. The authenticate app hooked up to it and now it doesn't work anymore and secondly he can't access his old email. Lastly he is denied login access from his email because it was possibly hacked into. He has sent 3 support tickets for the past 3 months and no response. Is his account gone forever?


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  • ArenaNet Staff

Our CS Team would not ignore legitimate tickets so rest assured we will want to give your friend all the help we can.


I'd suggest that your friend do this: Take all the concerns and update the oldest ticket by simply responding to the e-mail on that ticket. (Numbers are consecutive, look for the lowest, or judge by ticket date.) With all the information in **one ticket** the team would be helped greatly. Thank you for passing this along to him.

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> @"CounterCookie.9403" said:

> So my friend told me he sent his ticket due to being denied access to his account he had to submit one anonymously but has never gotten a reply on it. He has no ticket # or email, what should he do then?


So why doesn't "your friend" post on the forums and ask about this himself?

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> @"coglin.1496" said:

> > @"CounterCookie.9403" said:

> > So my friend told me he sent his ticket due to being denied access to his account he had to submit one anonymously but has never gotten a reply on it. He has no ticket # or email, what should he do then?


> So why doesn't "your friend" post on the forums and ask about this himself?


Because like the OP said, he is denied access to his account.

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But it's not a game related issue...it's an account issue. He can't get in to the game to have issues or log on to the web site to contact support since his entire account is locked. What will calling hurt? They might say they can't help, or they might be able to forward him to someone who can.

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> @"Leamas.5803" said:

> But it's not a game related issue...it's an account issue. He can't get in to the game to have issues or log on to the web site to contact support since his entire account is locked. What will calling hurt? They might say they can't help, or they might be able to forward him to someone who can.


An account issue is a game issue. The issue at hand is a GW2 account issue and not an NCSoft account issue, so NCSoft would just direct the caller to the support website for GW2 (just as the NCSoft support webpage does). Sure, calling wouldn't hurt anything, but it'd be a waste of time.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"Leamas.5803" said:

> > But it's not a game related issue...it's an account issue. He can't get in to the game to have issues or log on to the web site to contact support since his entire account is locked. What will calling hurt? They might say they can't help, or they might be able to forward him to someone who can.


> An account issue is a game issue. The issue at hand is a GW2 account issue and not an NCSoft account issue, so NCSoft would just direct the caller to the support website for GW2 (just as the NCSoft support webpage does). Sure, calling wouldn't hurt anything, but it'd be a waste of time.


Perhaps, whether it's a game issue or not is a matter of semantics, but I lack patience, and have worked on an IT service desk as well as tier-2 technical support, so know how they work. I would definitely be looking for a more direct means of contact than an anonymous support ticket, which I'm sure gets the lowest of low priorities and you're most likely to get a form reply, if at all. If the anonymous tickets turned out to be the ONLY option for contact, which is ridiculous, I would be sending them requests at least a couple times a day until they acknowledged me.


I recently went through the exact same thing with my PSN account, which got compromised in one of the big hacker attacks on Sony. Support told me I'd have to wait 6 months for the lock to clear and I had JUST renewed my PS+ membership a week previous to that. Well, that was not an acceptable answer since it was preventing my kids from using the PS+ games and I only have PS+ for them. Between on-line chats, support tickets and the phone, it magically got resolved within 4 days when I demanded to speak to support supervisor and demanded a refund if it didn't get pushed to tier-2 support (Specifically a DBA to remove the lock flag from my account).


It's the squeaky wheel man... ;)

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To be clear, did your friend not even receive an automated email confirming the ticket was made? Because if not even that, there might have been a technical issue that prevented the creation of the ticket. Anonymous or not, you still should get an automated response to confirm you made a ticket. This automated response also has your ticket number in its subject line.

Replying to this email updates the ticket, hence why i ask if your friend even got this automated email. If he didn't, either he has got the mail adres blocked, the ticket creation failed, he miss-spelled his email adres or his mail provider blocks such automated mails.


Only way i see to fix this is to make a hotmail or gmail email adres. Make a new ticket with that email adres and recreate the ticket. Since there is no knowing if its a miss-spelled email adres, a blocked mail or a technical problem.


I hope this helps.

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> @"Leamas.5803" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > @"Leamas.5803" said:

> > > But it's not a game related issue...it's an account issue. He can't get in to the game to have issues or log on to the web site to contact support since his entire account is locked. What will calling hurt? They might say they can't help, or they might be able to forward him to someone who can.

> >

> > An account issue is a game issue. The issue at hand is a GW2 account issue and not an NCSoft account issue, so NCSoft would just direct the caller to the support website for GW2 (just as the NCSoft support webpage does). Sure, calling wouldn't hurt anything, but it'd be a waste of time.


> Perhaps, whether it's a game issue or not is a matter of semantics, but I lack patience, and have worked on an IT service desk as well as tier-2 technical support, so know how they work. I would definitely be looking for a more direct means of contact than an anonymous support ticket, which I'm sure gets the lowest of low priorities and you're most likely to get a form reply, if at all. If the anonymous tickets turned out to be the ONLY option for contact, which is ridiculous, I would be sending them requests at least a couple times a day until they acknowledged me.


> I recently went through the exact same thing with my PSN account, which got compromised in one of the big hacker attacks on Sony. Support told me I'd have to wait 6 months for the lock to clear and I had JUST renewed my PS+ membership a week previous to that. Well, that was not an acceptable answer since it was preventing my kids from using the PS+ games and I only have PS+ for them. Between on-line chats, support tickets and the phone, it magically got resolved within 4 days when I demanded to speak to support supervisor and demanded a refund if it didn't get pushed to tier-2 support (Specifically a DBA to remove the lock flag from my account).


> It's the squeaky wheel man... ;)


Your issue was pushing through up the chain with the company you had an issue with. And you had leverage.


NCSoft has no way to fix the player's problem and the OP would find it hard to have enough leverage to get them to do anything other than tell him to contact GW2 Support.


The OP's friend needs to sort out the email problem and resubmit a ticket.

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All tickets were 'anonymous' until recently, because the log-in function was only added a few months ago. Submitting a ticket 'anonymously' does not give the ticket less weight or importance. I'm sure anyone having difficulties purchasing Guild Wars 2 (who, of course, can not log in and must submit a ticket anonymously) is not 'low priority'.


If multiple tickets are sent in, it only slows the response. Of course, an automated reply is sent. Whether you log in or submit anonymously, the CS Team wants to let you know, almost immediately, that your ticket has been received.


It's been some time since the OP posted; perhaps his/her friend has had the issue resolved.

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it hasn't been resolved yet, friend made a new account and submitted a ticket there ,they're really slow on replies and my friend hasn't gotten 1 since. His ticket # is 6770017 but overall he still hasn't gotten a reply from anything. He would play again if he got his account back but problem is hes unable to access it and isn't getting any help

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> @"CounterCookie.9403" said:

> it hasn't been resolved yet, friend made a new account and submitted a ticket there ,they're really slow on replies and my friend hasn't gotten 1 since. His ticket # is 6770017 but overall he still hasn't gotten a reply from anything. He would play again if he got his account back but problem is hes unable to access it and isn't getting any help


Honestly, your friend probably already got a response to the original ticket but was unable to see it due to not being able to access that email account. If they made a new email account for the new ticket, then they should check for the ticket confirmation email; if they got that email, then they just need to wait for a response (which should happen more quickly if the new email account is on the ticket info).

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> @"CounterCookie.9403" said:

> it hasn't been resolved yet, friend made a new account and submitted a ticket there ,they're really slow on replies and my friend hasn't gotten 1 since. His ticket # is 6770017 but overall he still hasn't gotten a reply from anything. He would play again if he got his account back but problem is hes unable to access it and isn't getting any help


I see it was resolved but I must just add that over the years ive contacted support maybe 3-4 times and every time im responded to within minutes so your buddies experience was not the norm ive experienced. I think it was more a technical issue of responses in transit than ignoring.

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> @"Trae.2384" said:

> > @"CounterCookie.9403" said:

> > it hasn't been resolved yet, friend made a new account and submitted a ticket there ,they're really slow on replies and my friend hasn't gotten 1 since. His ticket # is 6770017 but overall he still hasn't gotten a reply from anything. He would play again if he got his account back but problem is hes unable to access it and isn't getting any help


> I see it was resolved but I must just add that over the years ive contacted support maybe 3-4 times and every time im responded to within minutes so your buddies experience was not the norm ive experienced. I think it was more a technical issue of responses in transit than ignoring.


And the nature of the request. They have to make sure the person making the anonymous request actually does own the account in the ticket which can take more time than someone who has an in game problem like accidentally salvaging an ascended or legendary.

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