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Arena Net ignoring support tickets?

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> @"Skarthrax.4610" said:

> What's the average wait time for a response on a ticket? I read that its 72 hours that's working days or any day? I have a ticket for 4 days now with only the automated response that my ticket got submitted


We don't know the average and it wouldn't help anyone with a ticket to know what it was. Tickets can take differing amounts of time to address depending on a variety of factors. Some tickets can be handled by anyone; some need a specialist. Sometimes Support is extra busy due to high volume, e.g. when PoF was announced, there were lots of people asking for password reset requests, as people came back to the game. Sometimes, weather or flu can affect how many of the staff are available. Some tickets need extra research.


In short: it depends.


ANet tries to answer questions as quickly as they can, which can be within hours or can take up to 3 days (normally). I've had tickets of mine updated on a weekend, so it seems they have people working 24/7 (but perhaps fewer people some times compared to others).

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Skarthrax.4610" said:

> > What's the average wait time for a response on a ticket? I read that its 72 hours that's working days or any day? I have a ticket for 4 days now with only the automated response that my ticket got submitted


> We don't know the average and it wouldn't help anyone with a ticket to know what it was. Tickets can take differing amounts of time to address depending on a variety of factors. Some tickets can be handled by anyone; some need a specialist. Sometimes Support is extra busy due to high volume, e.g. when PoF was announced, there were lots of people asking for password reset requests, as people came back to the game. Sometimes, weather or flu can affect how many of the staff are available. Some tickets need extra research.


> In short: it depends.


> ANet tries to answer questions as quickly as they can, which can be within hours or can take up to 3 days (normally). I've had tickets of mine updated on a weekend, so it seems they have people working 24/7 (but perhaps fewer people some times compared to others).


I Don't think word "Depends" is good . a big company big game like this should do better than that. if you said to many ticket slow you down. so I'm asking why your game have so many problem that cause ppl to submit a lot of ticket in the first place ? //// Or you said you low on man power Why don't you hire more staff ? To me it was a problem in management Anet should reconsider about How to handling a problem for example >>>> Build some automate system that let player do it by them self EX : Changing email by provide some private in formation to system. OR Improve your AI in detecting a high risk transaction// Unauthorized access . OR a system that show how many queue you have to Waite for your ticket. ( it help a lot to see how long you have to Waite better than waite endlessly for first reply). With something like this should reduce a number of ticket you receive in future . and put a less burden on support team. I hope this massage reach Anet CEO or any who can take action. A prolong action about ticket waite time will only low you reputation and give a customer more frustration plz keep that in mind.


Ps. Unable to play game that your paid for 5 day is huge frustration for me. I even miss a guild mission or some run from my friend. with some of you may think it just a daily mission but for me it not. When a time you did't see me or other customer babbling about this ticket waite time it because they give up and move to other game


Thank you

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> @"ToraTarou.5290" said:

> I Don't think word "Depends" is good . a big company big game like this should do better than that. if you said to many ticket slow you down. so I'm asking why your game have so many problem that cause ppl to submit a lot of ticket in the first place ? //// Or you said you low on man power Why don't you hire more staff ? To me it was a problem in management Anet should reconsider about How to handling a problem for example >>>> Build some automate system that let player do it by them self EX : Changing email by provide some private in formation to system. OR Improve your AI in detecting a high risk transaction// Unauthorized access . OR a system that show how many queue you have to Waite for your ticket. ( it help a lot to see how long you have to Waite better than waite endlessly for first reply). With something like this should reduce a number of ticket you receive in future . and put a less burden on support team. I hope this massage reach Anet CEO or any who can take action. A prolong action about ticket waite time will only low you reputation and give a customer more frustration plz keep that in mind.


> Ps. Unable to play game that your paid for 5 day is huge frustration for me. I even miss a guild mission or some run from my friend. with some of you may think it just a daily mission but for me it not. When a time you did't see me or other customer babbling about this ticket waite time it because they give up and move to other game


> Thank you


In theory, we'd all like there to be no problems. But that's just never going to happen, so the job of working out how many support staff to hire is a matter of averaging out how many problems you can expect.


Support is going to be very busy for the first months following a major release. They won't be so busy in between, and that's when they'll be training new staff. However, they can't hire so many new staff that response times are nearly instant during peak periods, because then they'll have 50-80% of their staff being paid to do nothing during off-peak. The only other alternative is temporary positions, and that would mean most of their team would be rookies who are inefficient at their jobs and don't know much about the game.


Then there's players sorting out their own problems... that can cause as many problems as it solves. If you can change your own email address, so can a hacker who's gleaned your email login from a hacked database somewhere. That problem is extraordinarily common, and in a game the size of GW2, there will be dozens if not hundreds of players **per day** who get their email accounts compromised in that way. Automating the security details required to do it yourself would save a lot of time in most cases, but it can also leave accounts vulnerable to brute-force attacks and identity theft that might have been picked up by a real person.


The length of the queue may not necessarily be helpful either, as there may be several queues depending on the urgency of the issue, and queues may not be strictly followed if there are other players with similarly severe issues that can be resolved more quickly. If I can't play because I have three major problems with my account, I'd expect three other people who can't play because they have one major problem with each of their accounts to be dealt with first.

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> @"Leamas.5803" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > @"Leamas.5803" said:

> > > But it's not a game related issue...it's an account issue. He can't get in to the game to have issues or log on to the web site to contact support since his entire account is locked. What will calling hurt? They might say they can't help, or they might be able to forward him to someone who can.

> >

> > An account issue is a game issue. The issue at hand is a GW2 account issue and not an NCSoft account issue, so NCSoft would just direct the caller to the support website for GW2 (just as the NCSoft support webpage does). Sure, calling wouldn't hurt anything, but it'd be a waste of time.


> Perhaps, whether it's a game issue or not is a matter of semantics, but I lack patience, and have worked on an IT service desk as well as tier-2 technical support, so know how they work. I would definitely be looking for a more direct means of contact than an anonymous support ticket, which I'm sure gets the lowest of low priorities and you're most likely to get a form reply, if at all. If the anonymous tickets turned out to be the ONLY option for contact, which is ridiculous, I would be sending them requests at least a couple times a day until they acknowledged me.


> I recently went through the exact same thing with my PSN account, which got compromised in one of the big hacker attacks on Sony. Support told me I'd have to wait 6 months for the lock to clear and I had JUST renewed my PS+ membership a week previous to that. Well, that was not an acceptable answer since it was preventing my kids from using the PS+ games and I only have PS+ for them. Between on-line chats, support tickets and the phone, it magically got resolved within 4 days when I demanded to speak to support supervisor and demanded a refund if it didn't get pushed to tier-2 support (Specifically a DBA to remove the lock flag from my account).


> It's the squeaky wheel man... ;)


Bad advice in this case. Anet is not Sony. They don't have Thousands of employees and if everyone followed that example they'd be swamped and they'd be forced not to help anyone on the phone anyway. There is no phone support set up at all. It doesn't exist. They're not going to patch you through. THey're not going to solve your problem. But you will be wasting your time and theirs. I'm not even sure how you compare a company like Sony and Anet. Anet is a company that thus far makes two games from one IP. Sony has a huge offering of products and probably thousands if not tens of thousands of employees.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Our CS Team would not ignore legitimate tickets so rest assured we will want to give your friend all the help we can.


> I'd suggest that your friend do this: Take all the concerns and update the oldest ticket by simply responding to the e-mail on that ticket. (Numbers are consecutive, look for the lowest, or judge by ticket date.) With all the information in **one ticket** the team would be helped greatly. Thank you for passing this along to him.


They do all the time Gaile. I am sorry you are not aware of the many I have put in that aren't being answered.


My posts can't even be seen here - which you may or may not know, but I am pretty sure you do....


GMs aren't doing their jobs, so please stop telling people they are.


I have friends who have the game but can't login to the website so they can't even put IN a ticket.


This game is falling apart, Gaile, and you aren't even aware of where, what, why or how... :(

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  • 4 months later...

> @"CounterCookie.9403" said:

> So my friend jerks.3172 sent in like 3 tickets to get his account back


The more tickets you create on the same issue, the longer it will take to get results. New tickets won't help you with any issue.


That said, it took the support team one and a half months to get back to me on a security alert issue (I eventually figured it out myself and everything was settled by the time I received a response). I think that ANet needs to hire a separate team for account security related issues, because those need to be addressed immediately.


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> @"atheria.2837" said:

> They do all the time Gaile. I am sorry you are not aware of the many I have put in that aren't being answered.


> My posts can't even be seen here - which you may or may not know, but I am pretty sure you do....


> GMs aren't doing their jobs, so please stop telling people they are.



I have contacted Support first in May, and it took them about... what 18 days to reply? To ask me for a screenshot - because I guess they can't check one's account and see. (This is a tactic we used at a certain telecommunication software's support when we didn't have a fix to a new issue yet, and needed one more day to figure it out.)


By the time I replied with the screenshot, my ticket had been closed, and it bounced back.




So nah, nothing is ok at GW2 support.



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  • ArenaNet Staff

For issues or questions about customer support tickets, please post in [this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/39093/customer-support-ticket-response-times-merged/p1 "this thread"). There is no need, and indeed a great deal of reason not to, create an individual thread about such issues.


Additional information can be found in our [Helping Us Help You thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/343/account-support-helping-us-help-you "Helping Us Help You thread").

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