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Deadeye, Damage and Boonwalls


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So it seems like everyone is moaning that the Deadeye doesn't have very good damage (which is kinda false) and are treating deadeye like a pve only spec (which it isn't). Uh... chances are they probably didn't try it enough during PoF beta or even looked at the traits and skills extensively. Maybe spent 5 minutes with a DPS meter, but nothing beyond that. So I made a [hypothetical support build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU6InkFDtFDePBUGjFYCjfZONzmephzQbQLBEA2NA-j1BBQBp8iA0v9Heo6PwUJ4HV+9PdDA4JAEAABYn7MdWnB7cn7cn7cnVn7cn7cn7cn7cn7MA-w "http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU6InkFDtFDePBUGjFYCjfZONzmephzQbQLBEA2NA-j1BBQBp8iA0v9Heo6PwUJ4HV+9PdDA4JAEAABYn7MdWnB7cn7cn7cnVn7cn7cn7cn7cn7MA-w") for this thread to show those of you who think this way _that you couldn't be any more wrong._ c:


So according to the build, simply landing Deadeye's Mark gives you and your allies:

(Thrill of the Crime)

* Fury 17.25s

* Might 17.25s

* Swiftness 17.25s


You then get a Stolen Skill that has a buff on it and use it. Let's say you get [steal Warmth](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Steal_Warmth "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Steal_Warmth"). And since we have [improvisation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Improvisation "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Improvisation") we get to use it again! That's:

(Bountiful Theft)

* Vigor 17.25s

* 3 Boons stripped and shared.


(Steal Warmth x2)

* Vigor 34.5s (69s with max malice)


(Fire for Effect)

* 20 Might 25.75s (up to 10 people near you and target)


So right now, by casting Deadeye's Mark on an Elementalist and then immediately using the two stolen skills, our allies have:

* Fury 17.25s

* 21 Might 17.25s (20 Might 25.75s)

* Swiftness 17.25s

* Vigor 51.75s (86.25s with maxed malice)

* +3 boons.


All in a few seconds. At this point, guard is just there for protection, aegis and regen. c:


Oh wait, the ele just died. [Renewing Gaze](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Renewing_Gaze "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Renewing_Gaze") happens. Let's do that again! \o/




Now let's talk about damage. Let's say you wanna maximize your damage or something instead of put Guardian to shame. [(fart noise)](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU6YnkFDtFjNOBGOBUGjFaCj/XWMfmb5phzeSLAMhiAA-jlRBAB4pbwMlgUq+zCXEgr2fU+BwTAIAACwNvZ2sNDu5Nv5Nv5NrNv5Nv5Nv5Nv5NvZA-w "http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU6YnkFDtFjNOBGOBUGjFaCj/XWMfmb5phzeSLAMhiAA-jlRBAB4pbwMlgUq+zCXEgr2fU+BwTAIAACwNvZ2sNDu5Nv5Nv5NrNv5Nv5Nv5Nv5NvZA-w")


Let's see what the Deadeye could pull off in the best conditions, using what we have:

* Total power: 2827

* Plus 25 Might: 3577

* Plus 25 Bloodlust: 3827

* Plus Revealed Training: 4027

* Plus BQoBK: 4227

* Plus Signet of Power Active: 4587

* Max Malice: +15%

* [Death's Judgement](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_Judgment "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_Judgment") Malice bonus: +75%


# Maffs

Raw Damage = (Weapon strength * Power * Skill coefficient)

Raw Damage vs. Armor = (Weapon strength * Power * Skill coefficient) / Armor

Buffed Damage vs. Armor = (Skill damage * Positive multipliers) / (Armor * Negative multipliers)


Weapon Strength: 1265

Power: 4587

Skill Coefficient: 1.65

Positive Multipliers: 1.15 x 1.75 x 1.1 (from scholar runes)

Crit Multiplier: 234.93% --> 2.35 (rounded up)

Total Multiplier: 5.2023125 --> 5.2 (rounded down)


Raw Skill Damage:

1265 x 4587 x 1.65 = 9574215.75 --> 9574216 (rounded up)


Buffed Skill Damage:

9574216 x 5.2 = 49785923.2


Buffed Skill Damage vs. Light Target Golem (2185):

49785923.2 / 2185 = 22785 (rounded down)


Buffed Skill Damage vs. Heavy Target Golem (2597):

49785923.2 / 2597 = 19171 (rounded up)


Buffed Skill Damage vs. Block of Hard (5466 after stunbreak):

[ugh...](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJAseANeIsiAJQCA-jlhNABp+AAIV5X+KBpUPAA7PYp6PBAQAmP5DADdoDdoDdoVoDdoDdoDdoDdoDNA-w "http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJAseANeIsiAJQCA-jlhNABp+AAIV5X+KBpUPAA7PYp6PBAQAmP5DADdoDdoDdoVoDdoDdoDdoDdoDNA-w")

49785923.2 / 5466 = 9108 (rounded down)


Perfectest world... Block of Hard vs 9001 Deadeye, Block of Hard has full vuln/protection and recently broken out of a stun and is reviving someone, defense banner present and is under half health. 9001 Deadeye max power level

49785923.2 x 1.20 = 59743107.84

59743107.84 / 5653 = 10568 (rounded down)

(10568 x 1.25) / (1.25 x 1.33)

13210 / 1.6625 = 7946 (rounded up)




Now while this assumes the Death's Judgement has landed as a crit, a thief can easily gain 40% Crit Chance by simply kneeling and hitting 2. Which means his crit rate starts getting wasted at 60% crit chance. Now I cannot guarantee that all of this is accurate, but if I was shooting at something with this discussion it would be dead or dying.


Point being of this whole discussion, the damage can get pretty stupid with the Deadeye. The Deadeye is also capable of keeping your squad buffed midfight much better than most professions. In fact, it is possible to balance your build for both. This means that Deadeye is not only fantastic in WvW, but it could be generally used in any gamemode for support and long ranged pressure. And because of this, I can say with much confidence that Deadeye could punt d/p daredevil out of its +1 throne like a chihuahua.


That is just one instance I made above. But players, more often than not, get close to these combat conditions. So dismissing the Deadeye's damage capability because a realtime auto-calculator said so is ignorant. From my [Deadeye Tips&Tricks](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/2279/teef-some-deadeye-tips-you-should-know "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/2279/teef-some-deadeye-tips-you-should-know") write up, I stated a few things I know people won't agree with. However, like with this post I crunched numbers before I came to those conclusions and posted them. Because otherwise it would be misleading and horrible for thieves who want a little more from an elite spec everyone else is downplaying. Not only that, but for bad reasons too, like no mobility or gimmicky/boring/RP gameplay. All three of them being complete BS btw.


The issue is not the spec, but the player. The Deadeye has so many capabilities core AND Daredevil thief does not. But all I have seen are players complaining and comparing Deadeye to Daredevil like they have any common ground. The reality is that Deadeye is a sniper. A sniper stays still, kills from afar and then gets the fuck out of dodge. The Daredevil is a warrior monk. They beat your face in up close, with fist and stick. Comparing the two is more like comparing an M1A1 and a Boeing AH-64 Apache more than apples to oranges.


But this is kind of expected. So I don't expect these numbers to convince you of anything. But I warn you, all it takes is a few thieves picking this spec up and performing well with it. This spec is way more than everyone gives it credit for and it will come and bite you when you least expect it. _Almost literally._


EDIT: general cleanup

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This is the reason I want to try DE. I don't like the elementalist or engineer complicated rotations to feed boons to my party and I don't like playing melee. Someone even posted a[ build ](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAsYUnkFDFPhNGD+OBUGjFsCjfP2HPkdBgoTOyLCcB6AA-jlSBQB5TfAAeCAmUJYCV/JjKDewhA4KKxK3JAALKN43+DkCYsdWA-w " build ")where they also feed 24 seconds of Quickness when kneeling (though I don't see where they come from since only Be quick or be killed is a source and only 6 seconds of that).

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> @Kanto.1659 said:

> This is the reason I want to try DE. I don't like the elementalist or engineer complicated rotations to feed boons to my party and I don't like playing melee. Someone even posted a[ build ](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAsYUnkFDFPhNGD+OBUGjFsCjfP2HPkdBgoTOyLCcB6AA-jlSBQB5TfAAeCAmUJYCV/JjKDewhA4KKxK3JAALKN43+DkCYsdWA-w " build ")where they also feed 24 seconds of Quickness when kneeling (though I don't see where they come from since only Be quick or be killed is a source and only 6 seconds of that).


Depends on their boon duration but... For sources you've got Haste, Lesser Haste if you hit their flank and you've got Burst of Agility traited, and Sigil of Rage, along with the aforementioned BQBK.


Even with no Concentration aside from Acrobatics, you can get pretty good Quickness durations.





Woops, forgot to check the build you were referring to. But yeah, he's using Burst of Agility, Haste and BQBK.


Sleep deprivation is a mean mistress...

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Honestly, everyone's been so negative, and the Kneel mechanic not being as smooth as maybe it should be I can fully get behind.

I'm an inexperienced Thief player, really just got my character ready and all, however just thinking about the traits in my head a bit, there seems to be so much synergy that can all be applied at the same time, that I really feel like we might actually end up being very okay, damage-wise. It's not even that hard to apply, running Crit Strikes/Acrobat + Trickery + Deadeye you'll be getting loads of Crit/dmg boosts all over simply by using Stealth and Steal/Mark some (Acrobat probably for some more survivability, Crit strikes for nukes).

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Those #'s are nice, but only on paper. When the slightest daze interrupts your kneel and you're initiative starved from kneeling again or trying to build might with the now nerfed skill, theoretical dps isn't going to mean much. And you're especially going to feel it if either a thief brings pulmonary for the interrupt, or if a mes brings power lock, preventing you from kneeling again.


Now let's assume your positioning is perfect and the enemies have 0 awareness. You still need time for malice to build up while other classes can just start cleaving or applying burns with crazy numbers from the get go. Furthermore your malice stacks just straight up reset after a kill or 20s, while DD damage modifiers stays consistently strong out the gate. It's also bizzarre that malice itself has a cast time when it's so central to the tree if it's to compete with any other trait line. A mark that doesn't connect (be it line of sight, blind, walls, w/e) basically invalidates the tree's worth.


And then even with all that aside, a SINGLE reflect will pretty much just ruin your day.


So yeah. I don't think you'll be seeing rifle in higher levels of pvp, unless bunkering becomes stupid crazy (lol hot release) to warrant needing such spike damage.

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All I remember during the Preview weekend is that. I applied Mark, kneeled, spam TRB, Mercy, apply Mark again, spam TRB again = dead target (both marks trig9ered BQBK). It took 5 TRBs since 1 TRB was fully dodged. Didn't even need to get back up from kneeling. Also, swapping weapon is the fastest way to get out of kneeling. Yes, I went with Rifle - P/P during that time.


The problem with my target is that they think they can rush me while I'm kneeling instead of trying to break LoS and I'd bet they are the ones who are QQing.


And seeing all these numbers gives me a mixed feeling -- sad that it will definitely get nerfed, glad that Karl took off the gloves this time around.

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> @kuyaDEAN.2785 said:

> Those #'s are nice, but only on paper. When the slightest daze interrupts your kneel and you're initiative starved from kneeling again or trying to build might with the now nerfed skill, theoretical dps isn't going to mean much. And you're especially going to feel it if either a thief brings pulmonary for the interrupt, or if a mes brings power lock, preventing you from kneeling again.


> Now let's assume your positioning is perfect and the enemies have 0 awareness. You still need time for malice to build up while other classes can just start cleaving or applying burns with crazy numbers from the get go. Furthermore your malice stacks just straight up reset after a kill or 20s, while DD damage modifiers stays consistently strong out the gate. It's also bizzarre that malice itself has a cast time when it's so central to the tree if it's to compete with any other trait line. A mark that doesn't connect (be it line of sight, blind, walls, w/e) basically invalidates the tree's worth.


> And then even with all that aside, a SINGLE reflect will pretty much just ruin your day.


> So yeah. I don't think you'll be seeing rifle in higher levels of pvp, unless bunkering becomes stupid crazy (lol hot release) to warrant needing such spike damage.


Except if you get dazed out of a kneel it's probably a good idea to switch to melee weapons right? The Malice still stacks, damage is still there. You don't HAVE to shoot people, it's probably generally a good idea to swap to your melee set if you get focused a bit (or disengage with mobility)

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> @kuyaDEAN.2785 said:

> Those #'s are nice, but only on paper. When the slightest daze interrupts your kneel and you're initiative starved from kneeling again or trying to build might with the now nerfed skill, theoretical dps isn't going to mean much. And you're especially going to feel it if either a thief brings pulmonary for the interrupt, or if a mes brings power lock, preventing you from kneeling again.


> Now let's assume your positioning is perfect and the enemies have 0 awareness. You still need time for malice to build up while other classes can just start cleaving or applying burns with crazy numbers from the get go. Furthermore your malice stacks just straight up reset after a kill or 20s, while DD damage modifiers stays consistently strong out the gate. It's also bizzarre that malice itself has a cast time when it's so central to the tree if it's to compete with any other trait line. A mark that doesn't connect (be it line of sight, blind, walls, w/e) basically invalidates the tree's worth.


> And then even with all that aside, a SINGLE reflect will pretty much just ruin your day.


> So yeah. I don't think you'll be seeing rifle in higher levels of pvp, unless bunkering becomes stupid crazy (lol hot release) to warrant needing such spike damage.


This is one of the reasons why I don't like Gw2 PvP arguments. You're playing your cards like Rifle is the only weapon you'll be bringing to the table. You have ways of avoiding being dazed. And being dazed is not the end of the world. Swap your weapons, or force a reposition. You ALWAYS have options.

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> @tnhalbertsma.7682 said:

> > @kuyaDEAN.2785 said:

> > Those #'s are nice, but only on paper. When the slightest daze interrupts your kneel and you're initiative starved from kneeling again or trying to build might with the now nerfed skill, theoretical dps isn't going to mean much. And you're especially going to feel it if either a thief brings pulmonary for the interrupt, or if a mes brings power lock, preventing you from kneeling again.

> >

> > Now let's assume your positioning is perfect and the enemies have 0 awareness. You still need time for malice to build up while other classes can just start cleaving or applying burns with crazy numbers from the get go. Furthermore your malice stacks just straight up reset after a kill or 20s, while DD damage modifiers stays consistently strong out the gate. It's also bizzarre that malice itself has a cast time when it's so central to the tree if it's to compete with any other trait line. A mark that doesn't connect (be it line of sight, blind, walls, w/e) basically invalidates the tree's worth.

> >

> > And then even with all that aside, a SINGLE reflect will pretty much just ruin your day.

> >

> > So yeah. I don't think you'll be seeing rifle in higher levels of pvp, unless bunkering becomes stupid crazy (lol hot release) to warrant needing such spike damage.


> Except if you get dazed out of a kneel it's probably a good idea to switch to melee weapons right? The Malice still stacks, damage is still there. You don't HAVE to shoot people, it's probably generally a good idea to swap to your melee set if you get focused a bit (or disengage with mobility)


True you don't have to shoot, but having a fighting chance against the enemy in melee range as deadeye HINGES on the one engaging you being the marked target in mind and the malice having ticked for sometime already so you can even get comparable #'s to daredevil's consistent damage modifiers against all targets within melee range. And if you choose to disengage with shortbow 5, you're going to have to burn precious initiative that the deadeye's rifle skills eat so much of. So either you're going to be already too starved to escape or too starved on your next engagement. Your only out at that point is just slowly crawling away with the stealth elite or your stunbreak utilities, which you may have popped already if you're being jumped.

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @kuyaDEAN.2785 said:

> > Those #'s are nice, but only on paper. When the slightest daze interrupts your kneel and you're initiative starved from kneeling again or trying to build might with the now nerfed skill, theoretical dps isn't going to mean much. And you're especially going to feel it if either a thief brings pulmonary for the interrupt, or if a mes brings power lock, preventing you from kneeling again.

> >

> > Now let's assume your positioning is perfect and the enemies have 0 awareness. You still need time for malice to build up while other classes can just start cleaving or applying burns with crazy numbers from the get go. Furthermore your malice stacks just straight up reset after a kill or 20s, while DD damage modifiers stays consistently strong out the gate. It's also bizzarre that malice itself has a cast time when it's so central to the tree if it's to compete with any other trait line. A mark that doesn't connect (be it line of sight, blind, walls, w/e) basically invalidates the tree's worth.

> >

> > And then even with all that aside, a SINGLE reflect will pretty much just ruin your day.

> >

> > So yeah. I don't think you'll be seeing rifle in higher levels of pvp, unless bunkering becomes stupid crazy (lol hot release) to warrant needing such spike damage.


> This is one of the reasons why I don't like Gw2 PvP arguments. You're playing your cards like Rifle is the only weapon you'll be bringing to the table. You have ways of avoiding being dazed. And being dazed is not the end of the world. Swap your weapons, or force a reposition. You ALWAYS have options.


Without rifle though, deadeye's saving grace is basically just malice then. And if you're playing without rifle, why bring malice when it has a ramp up period of 20s, resets, AND is single target? DD meanwhile gets a consistent damage modifier to any target in melee range, extra dodges, and various other traits that are just overall strong.

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> @kuyaDEAN.2785 said:

> > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > > @kuyaDEAN.2785 said:

> > > Those #'s are nice, but only on paper. When the slightest daze interrupts your kneel and you're initiative starved from kneeling again or trying to build might with the now nerfed skill, theoretical dps isn't going to mean much. And you're especially going to feel it if either a thief brings pulmonary for the interrupt, or if a mes brings power lock, preventing you from kneeling again.

> > >

> > > Now let's assume your positioning is perfect and the enemies have 0 awareness. You still need time for malice to build up while other classes can just start cleaving or applying burns with crazy numbers from the get go. Furthermore your malice stacks just straight up reset after a kill or 20s, while DD damage modifiers stays consistently strong out the gate. It's also bizzarre that malice itself has a cast time when it's so central to the tree if it's to compete with any other trait line. A mark that doesn't connect (be it line of sight, blind, walls, w/e) basically invalidates the tree's worth.

> > >

> > > And then even with all that aside, a SINGLE reflect will pretty much just ruin your day.

> > >

> > > So yeah. I don't think you'll be seeing rifle in higher levels of pvp, unless bunkering becomes stupid crazy (lol hot release) to warrant needing such spike damage.

> >

> > This is one of the reasons why I don't like Gw2 PvP arguments. You're playing your cards like Rifle is the only weapon you'll be bringing to the table. You have ways of avoiding being dazed. And being dazed is not the end of the world. Swap your weapons, or force a reposition. You ALWAYS have options.


> Without rifle though, deadeye's saving grace is basically just malice then. And if you're playing without rifle, why bring malice when it has a ramp up period of 20s, resets, AND is single target? DD meanwhile gets a consistent damage modifier to any target in melee range, extra dodges, and various other traits that are just overall strong.


Not exactly. DE has Shadow Meld, Shadow Flare, Binding Shadow, Revealed Malice, Unforgiving, and BQBK. All these work well with my PvE P/P build.


The bottom traits have a lot of Party support that Thief never had before. Personally, Rifle is a good ranged weapon, but it is not the only reason to pick DE.

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> Not exactly. DE has Shadow Meld, Shadow Flare, Binding Shadow, Revealed Malice, Unforgiving, and BQBK. All these work well with my PvE P/P build.


> The bottom traits have a lot of Party support that Thief never had before. Personally, Rifle is a good ranged weapon, but it is not the only reason to pick DE.


Sounds like you haven't forgotten the face of your father! Let those bullets rip.


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> @flyingfox.6150 said:

> > Not exactly. DE has Shadow Meld, Shadow Flare, Binding Shadow, Revealed Malice, Unforgiving, and BQBK. All these work well with my PvE P/P build.

> >

> > The bottom traits have a lot of Party support that Thief never had before. Personally, Rifle is a good ranged weapon, but it is not the only reason to pick DE.


> Sounds like you haven't forgotten the face of your father! Let those bullets rip.



Is that a meme from somewhere. Sorry I'm completely lost.

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The critical consensus seemed to be more that Deadeye's PvP damage is fine (good burst), it's their PvE damage that's not so great. Rifle in particularly has really crappy sustained damage (that autoattack, ugh), and even if you use another weapon, it's hard to break the dominance of Daredevil.

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> @kuyaDEAN.2785 said:

> > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > > @kuyaDEAN.2785 said:

> > > Those #'s are nice, but only on paper. When the slightest daze interrupts your kneel and you're initiative starved from kneeling again or trying to build might with the now nerfed skill, theoretical dps isn't going to mean much. And you're especially going to feel it if either a thief brings pulmonary for the interrupt, or if a mes brings power lock, preventing you from kneeling again.

> > >

> > > Now let's assume your positioning is perfect and the enemies have 0 awareness. You still need time for malice to build up while other classes can just start cleaving or applying burns with crazy numbers from the get go. Furthermore your malice stacks just straight up reset after a kill or 20s, while DD damage modifiers stays consistently strong out the gate. It's also bizzarre that malice itself has a cast time when it's so central to the tree if it's to compete with any other trait line. A mark that doesn't connect (be it line of sight, blind, walls, w/e) basically invalidates the tree's worth.

> > >

> > > And then even with all that aside, a SINGLE reflect will pretty much just ruin your day.

> > >

> > > So yeah. I don't think you'll be seeing rifle in higher levels of pvp, unless bunkering becomes stupid crazy (lol hot release) to warrant needing such spike damage.

> >

> > This is one of the reasons why I don't like Gw2 PvP arguments. You're playing your cards like Rifle is the only weapon you'll be bringing to the table. You have ways of avoiding being dazed. And being dazed is not the end of the world. Swap your weapons, or force a reposition. You ALWAYS have options.


> Without rifle though, deadeye's saving grace is basically just malice then. And if you're playing without rifle, why bring malice when it has a ramp up period of 20s, resets, AND is single target? DD meanwhile gets a consistent damage modifier to any target in melee range, extra dodges, and various other traits that are just overall strong.


It's 10 seconds if you have made a single attack during each stack's interval period. If you take M7, then the 10-20 second interval is spread out across


And again, this is going back to "bringing only one weapon to the table". You have two weapons. And you have options with all of your weapons.


The point is, the fight is not over if you're dazed. The likely hood of another class being able to burst you down during that short period is slim. Don't want to swap off of rifle? Fine, You got Shadow Step, If you've pre-empted a dive you've got Shadow Flare ready to slam the person when you swap places. You've got Shadow gust and Death's Retreat to put distance between you again. You've got blinding powder and Shadow Arts to bail your ass out immediately and reposition. You can use Death's Retreat, Mercy, and Mark again to reapply a stun - yes you lose your malice but it's actually tactically advantages at times. Dump a smokescreen and shadow retreat, You're cloaked, strike them with cursed bullet and blind at the same time, catch them with a 2, spin shadow retreat and recloak. Lets not forget Roll for Initiative... the utility very people seem to take and is at a 35s cool down, and lower if you took trickery (which most people probably do).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dis crazy maffs be dizzying. I have a more simple question that maybe someone can help me with: when does Death's Judgement do more damage than Three Round Burst? I.e. how many malice dots do you need for judgement to do more damage than a triple tap?


Let's keep it simple and say Three Round Burst does 3x 1000 = 3000 (ignoring all the weird modifiers)

So each dot of malice adds 15% per dot to my example base damage of 1000. Actual text: fire a shot that deals increased damage based on your number of malice stacks - damage bonus per stack :15%

I don't understand what it means by 15% per stack. So for my poor addled brain - how many dots do I need before I press 4 instead of 3? :p

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Theory is theory and doesn't apply at all in a real life/gameplay environment. Deadeye suffers from something big and that's being an immobile buffer that, when exposed by enemies, is dead in seconds (or well, in under a secdond tbh). Stealth won't help you at all, and just running away takes away your role as a "squad buffer". You try to explain to the people not to compare daredevil to deadeye - which is fine. Yet daredevil is probably deadeye's biggest counter. So there's absolutely no need to play deadeye over daredevil. If you wanna argue with "oh but deadeye buffs your squad" - so what? Heralds, Druids, Tempests or Eles in general, Engis and so on also buff your squad. Not to mention that at the moment, as far as pvp goes, buffs are a killer. Scourges and Spellbreakers are just gonna laugh at your 25 might stacks you try to apply.


EDIT: I just saw that this post is over 2 weeks old. I guess your point on the deadeye matter changed by now.

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Stolen skills are also being maligned with peopel not having a clear idea of their potential. As example how does 20 seconds protection sound when fighting an Engineer along wih applying 20 of vuln with a skill that can not be reflected?


Get your DE Might stacks on along with that malice and you can lay a whole lot of hurt on Mr Engineer from 1500 range.



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> @Sypher.8975 said:

> Theory is theory and doesn't apply at all in a real life/gameplay environment. Deadeye suffers from something big and that's being an immobile buffer that, when exposed by enemies, is dead in seconds (or well, in under a secdond tbh). Stealth won't help you at all, and just running away takes away your role as a "squad buffer". You try to explain to the people not to compare daredevil to deadeye - which is fine. Yet daredevil is probably deadeye's biggest counter. So there's absolutely no need to play deadeye over daredevil. If you wanna argue with "oh but deadeye buffs your squad" - so what? Heralds, Druids, Tempests or Eles in general, Engis and so on also buff your squad. Not to mention that at the moment, as far as pvp goes, buffs are a killer. Scourges and Spellbreakers are just gonna laugh at your 25 might stacks you try to apply.


> EDIT: I just saw that this post is over 2 weeks old. I guess your point on the deadeye matter changed by now.


To being stealthed will not save you.I think you should try it. Trait Iron sights. Get your protection running via steal or perfectionist. Take Shadows rejuv OR CIS (I prefer CIS)


you have a source of 33 percent reduction one of 15 percent one of 25 percent nd one that prevents any attack from doing a crit. You can eat a whole lot of damage. I have had Daredevils swing away where they saw me stealthed, Knelt and pulled off a DJ on them as i ate the damage. The Daredevil damage plummets when it can not crit and when it faces all that damage reduction and daredevil has no reveal.

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> @babazhook.6805 said:

> Stolen skills are also being maligned with peopel not having a clear idea of their potential. As example how does 20 seconds protection sound when fighting an Engineer along wih throwing two stacks of vuln with a skill that can not be reflected?


> Get your DE Might stacks on along with that malice and you can lay a whole lot of hurt on Mr Engineer from 1500 range.




All fine on paper. The moment the engineer blocks and reflects all your shots is the moment you realize how bad the spec actually is (slow projectile speed making it easy to reflect/block/avoid). On top of that (since rocket boots became kinda meta), the engi (or holosmith w/e) is just gonna gapclose on your face and unleash a bigass burst on you. That's only an example with engineer. All other 8 classes can gapclose, block, avoid or reflect even better.

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> @babazhook.6805 said:

> > @Sypher.8975 said:

> > Theory is theory and doesn't apply at all in a real life/gameplay environment. Deadeye suffers from something big and that's being an immobile buffer that, when exposed by enemies, is dead in seconds (or well, in under a secdond tbh). Stealth won't help you at all, and just running away takes away your role as a "squad buffer". You try to explain to the people not to compare daredevil to deadeye - which is fine. Yet daredevil is probably deadeye's biggest counter. So there's absolutely no need to play deadeye over daredevil. If you wanna argue with "oh but deadeye buffs your squad" - so what? Heralds, Druids, Tempests or Eles in general, Engis and so on also buff your squad. Not to mention that at the moment, as far as pvp goes, buffs are a killer. Scourges and Spellbreakers are just gonna laugh at your 25 might stacks you try to apply.

> >

> > EDIT: I just saw that this post is over 2 weeks old. I guess your point on the deadeye matter changed by now.


> To being stealthed will not save you.I think you should try it. Trait Iron sights. Get your protection running via steal or perfectionist. Take Shadows rejuv OR CIS (I prefer CIS)


> you have a source of 33 percent reduction one of 15 percent one of 25 percent nd one that prevents any attack from doing a crit. You can eat a whole lot of damage. I have had Daredevils swing away where they saw me stealthed, Knelt and pulled off a DJ on them as i ate the damage. The Daredevil damage plummets when it can not crit and when it faces all that damage reduction and daredevil has no reveal.


As I said above, all nice on paper. That's why stuff like [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bountiful_Theft "http://") exist. You won't be able to keep up your protection against any daredevil - except if you dodge his steal. Even if you do that, daredevil (or rather d/p weaponset) has access to basically perma blind. Even if you can avoid all the blinds and whatever, daredevil has access to stealth (again d/p weaponset). Even then, daredevil can potentially dodge 6 times in a row (even more with the right food+sigils) and make you waste initiative. And if all that isn't enough: since all your abilities have a casttime - well, have fun being interrupted throughout the whole fight and eating 3-4k impacting disruptor procs.


I ate a lot of burst by deadeye's in the last couple days (mostly WvW), just to see how much they can burst. I usually ended up to like 2-3k hp, healed up to around 8k, stole on them and oneshotted them in a matter of 2 seconds. Let me tell you that deadeye just doesn't work in a pvp environment at all.


So now tell me, where does deadeye shine? By having 1500 range? Laughable.

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