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Season starts 16th so...when balance patch?

Mr Godlike.6098

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Ok we had quite short brake from seasons but what about balance update? We had kinda patch last week so next one should be...23th? I missed something? I am bit confused cause I don't remember big balance update during season ever (ok there was one in season 1). Could any dev give us date? Thanks for your time.

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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> Ok we had quite short brake from seasons but what about balance update? We had kinda patch last week so next one should be...23th? I missed something? I am bit confused cause I don't remember big balance update during season ever (ok there was one in season 1). Could any dev give us date? Thanks for your time.


Probably on 16th. I know, time's up but at least it sure shows how A-net surprises us with...new metas...if you know what I mean.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.


> There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


U R joking? Please tell us that U R joking ... soooo far away from a customer driven company

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> Mid season makes a lot of sense lol


The competitive team has been pushing to get more frequent balance patches, but we've also decreased the off-season time from 4 weeks to 2.


In the end, we decided that getting more frequent balance is worth the mid-season shake-ups.

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i don't really care when the patch is really. just as long as it makes sense. The last balance patch was a step in the right direction (except for the mesmer and FB buffs....) but really there needs to be a lens held up to the current issues in PVP, which is the over-abundance of conditions, and gameplay that doesn't offer enough counterplay.


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You have to be kidding me. When we received the last balance patch mid season you guys mentioned it was not supposed to interrupt the quarterly balance patches, of which one was planned at the beginning of the season. Surprise, surprise, it did. And honestly, if we are in a stable state (like things were at the end of HoT), I would be okay with that. But since PoF released the game has been the most imbalanced during my 3 year experience and the last 2 balance patches failed to address the vast majority of the issues. Not to mention that releasing the balance patch mid season instead of pre-season is so ass backwards. And honestly, we are due for a major balance patch and we did not have one since the balance patch pre PoF (over 4 month now). Most of the changes (except SB nerfs) were very limited.


You guys have been dropping the ball hardcore from PoF release to date. This is starting to take a toll, and will surely impact my willingness to buy further products from Anet.





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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.


> There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


Ya'll still planning on a January patch?



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We already know what builds are best and what beats what under the current balance. I can't say there is really a point in trying to play ranked under the current rule set especially when you have already awarded titles to people under them...


I guess the season will actually start at mid season depending on how drastically balance changes things.


There is no surprise in being able to predict how things are going to turn out based upon seeing them play out so many times already...


Hope the balance team actually does something meaningful. This is what causes people to *leave* this game.


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.


> There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


Thank you Ben for answers, but it's really bad news generally.


This creates situation when depending how far changes will be, balance team will influence directly players performance during mid ranked season. Balance is everything for pvp but pve/wvw can wait cause both of these game modes doesn't need to achieve something during any kind of time-frame. Incoming balance update probably is unstoppable cause devs have realise schedule on their heads but it should be last one like this. On the day of realise...pvp forum literally will be on fire.


Still thanks for your time.



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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.


> There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


ARE YOU KIDDING? Lol you must be trolling us at this point. I mean I really hope you're kidding... I know sadly that you aren't. Because dropping a "balance" patch was a real great idea mid season last time you did that lol... I guess PvP in this game is pretty much over/on maintenance mode.

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- What about the mm changes you were working on? when will we get new info and would u change the system mid season? (i bet not so another season with retarded mm?)

- will you do anything about wintraders besides banning random innocent people? (if you can do that without any proof why cant you do something about the obvious wintraders?)

- do you ever plan on bringing duoq back?

- will 2v2 be released b4 2030?

- hows decreasing the off season time an arguement for your competitive team to not be able to release a simple patch? did you only start working on it after the season 9 ended? whats the argument for that?

- why cant you play around with some numbers and do a quick change to holo, scourge, mirage, fb, druid?

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > Mid season makes a lot of sense lol


> The competitive team has been pushing to get more frequent balance patches, but we've also decreased the off-season time from 4 weeks to 2.


> In the end, we decided that getting more frequent balance is worth the mid-season shake-ups.


I am very disappointed and upset Ben. It's tiresome to see the same sick meta over and over again. Nothing profound has been done to improve the sPvP scenario. I hope this competitive team gets the point that meta is pretty unhealthy for this game and how this game suffers from the lack of build diversity, build options, counterbuilds and so on. Maybe it's time to stop playing sPvP altogether because it's not going to...change? There's not a single word about what the next balance patch is aimed towards. You guys don't talk to us about those things beforehand. The lack of transparency makes most of us, players, quit playing and stop hoping for the best. It's disappointing, really.

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