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Season starts 16th so...when balance patch?

Mr Godlike.6098

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.


> There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


what a joke

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.


> There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.




*Claps slowly*

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > Mid season makes a lot of sense lol


> The competitive team has been pushing to get more frequent balance patches, but we've also decreased the off-season time from 4 weeks to 2.


> In the end, we decided that getting more frequent balance is worth the mid-season shake-ups.


no offense but this is very dissapointing. the last balance patch was no offense again.. a joke. u basically made like 10/15 changes and buffed the strong builds a bit more and nerfed some non meta builds.


pls dont tell me the last balance patch took u much effort.. it was so small.


you have a team that is working on nothing but balance and ur not able to bring out a patch every season? EVERYBODY knows what the issues are with the balance. its not hard to tell. and i believe ur balance team is smart enough to tell what has to be nerfed and buffed. again its not that hard.


anet... ur probably doing a great job on ur pve stuff but u are completly ruining pvp because u wont listen to the players. everyone is just wanting a balance and nothing else lol !!!


beides that u can do other things to make it easier for new players to understand how pvp works BUT inb4 u do that u should balance ur game cuz ppl have been quitting pvp like crazy. for months.


i might jus go back to playing sims or tetris cuz those games get more balance patchs than gw2 does.


also, in tetris u dont have to buy an xpac to stay competetive in pvp cuz of a bad balance.



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> @"Adolfas.2180" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.

> >

> > There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


> what a joke


yeah what a joke lmfao

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> @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > > Mid season makes a lot of sense lol

> >

> > The competitive team has been pushing to get more frequent balance patches, but we've also decreased the off-season time from 4 weeks to 2.

> >

> > In the end, we decided that getting more frequent balance is worth the mid-season shake-ups.


> I am very disappointed and upset Ben. It's tiresome to see the same sick meta over and over again. Nothing profound has been done to improve the sPvP scenario. I hope this competitive team gets the point that meta is pretty unhealthy for this game and how this game suffers from the lack of build diversity, build options, counterbuilds and so on. Maybe it's time to stop playing sPvP altogether because it's not going to...change? There's not a single word about what the next balance patch is aimed towards. You guys don't talk to us about those things beforehand. The lack of transparency makes most of us, players, quit playing and stop hoping for the best. It's disappointing, really.



This. Its pretty sad that we dont even get a heads up or any input into what changes are being worked on until things go live. Many of the blunders made to balance could've easily been prevented if the community got wind of them before implementing, or even having a test shard with 100/200 player capacity, some test golems and pvp areas. Just enough so you guys could get decent data from the community and the gaps in balance would be patched sooner and more effectively.

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> @"Strages.2950" said:

> > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > > > Mid season makes a lot of sense lol

> > >

> > > The competitive team has been pushing to get more frequent balance patches, but we've also decreased the off-season time from 4 weeks to 2.

> > >

> > > In the end, we decided that getting more frequent balance is worth the mid-season shake-ups.

> >

> > I am very disappointed and upset Ben. It's tiresome to see the same sick meta over and over again. Nothing profound has been done to improve the sPvP scenario. I hope this competitive team gets the point that meta is pretty unhealthy for this game and how this game suffers from the lack of build diversity, build options, counterbuilds and so on. Maybe it's time to stop playing sPvP altogether because it's not going to...change? There's not a single word about what the next balance patch is aimed towards. You guys don't talk to us about those things beforehand. The lack of transparency makes most of us, players, quit playing and stop hoping for the best. It's disappointing, really.



> This. Its pretty sad that we dont even get a heads up or any input into what changes are being worked on until things go live. Many of the blunders made to balance could've easily been prevented if the community got wind of them before implementing, or even having a test shard with 100/200 player capacity, some test golems and pvp areas. Just enough so you guys could get decent data from the community and the gaps in balance would be patched sooner and more effectively.


This would imply they care what we think my friend ;)

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.


> There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


Just be sure to actually nerf classes that *need* to be nerfed, and actually give a decent balance patch for once

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Lonely Wayfarer.5189" said:

> - What about the mm changes you were working on? when will we get new info and would u change the system mid season? (i bet not so another season with kitten mm?)

The new Matchmaker is on ranked already and will be up for this season. We've been posting regular updates about it here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/21863/new-matchmaker-on-unranked#latest


> - do you ever plan on bringing duoq back?

The rule for duo queue only for rating 1600+ will continue for now.


> - will 2v2 be released b4 2030?


We still have plans for a 2v2 special tournament. We're waiting for the tournament improvements to be finished first. (Swiss, tournament capacity.)


> - hows decreasing the off season time an arguement for your competitive team to not be able to release a simple patch? did you only start working on it after the season 9 ended? whats the argument for that?


Decreasing off-season to 2 weeks decreased the windows where the balance team can push out changes unless we decided they could be pushed mid-season. If we delayed the season to wait for the balance patch, it would be a much lengthier off-season than we want.


> - why cant you play around with some numbers and do a quick change to holo, scourge, mirage, fb, druid?


This is much easier said than done.


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So last small changes, which left the game kinda uneffected was more than one month ago. This means on a 40hrs week 160hrs per member of the balance team to create some meaningfull changes. Since pof realese it has been about 4 months, still most of these specs remain untouched with an amazing powercreep. If i would work like the balance team does i would have to search for a new job in less than one month. This is really disappointing and not a serious work. And i guess balance team is more than a onemanshow.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Lonely Wayfarer.5189" said:

> > - hows decreasing the off season time an arguement for your competitive team to not be able to release a simple patch? did you only start working on it after the season 9 ended? whats the argument for that?


> Decreasing off-season to 2 weeks decreased the windows where the balance team can push out changes unless we decided they could be pushed mid-season. If we delayed the season to wait for the balance patch, it would be a much lengthier off-season than we want.


So you are saying that you had the choice between mid-season patch and a very long off-season because the Profession team is not able to get things done?



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> @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > You are making it really hard to actually argue against the people who say PvP is dead in this game and isn't worth to be bothered with anymore.


> Now you see it - well I foresaw this situation in the very moment they revamped the trait system.


Which was like 3 years ago. Why on earth are you still here then?

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> You are making it really hard to actually argue against the people who say PvP is dead in this game and isn't worth to be bothered with anymore.


well.. the expansion is out for like 4-5 months now.


MOST ppl can only be successfull playing PoF specs / its way easier to be good in pvp playing pof specs.


you are screwed without pof.


what does anet do? buff PoF specs even more (togetmoresales) and just cancel the next balance patch to have the first part of the next seaosn be as shítty as the last season



what next? a dissapointing balance patch mid season. wanna bet?

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.


> There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


Possible to at least give us some sort of time frame? In a month, in less than a month

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> @"Devilman.1532" said:

> > @"Toron.4856" said:

> > working schedule anet balance team:

> >

> > monday - off (who likes to work on mondays?)

> > tuesday - work 3-4 pm ( 30 mins break included)

> > wednesday work 3-5 pm ( testing the balance aka playing some pvp )

> > thursday - work 2-3 pm (home office watching twitch streams for sience reasons)

> > friday - off (who wants to work on fridays)

> > weekend - did u rly expect ppl to work on the weekend? what is wrong with u...


> One problem with his sir.. you are operating under the assumption that there IS a "balance" team. I have never seen definitive proof that that team even exists at all lol



Karl McLain, Irenio Calmon-Huang and Robert Gee are part of the skill balance and elite spec team.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > > You are making it really hard to actually argue against the people who say PvP is dead in this game and isn't worth to be bothered with anymore.

> >

> > Now you see it - well I foresaw this situation in the very moment they revamped the trait system.


> Which was like 3 years ago. Why on earth are you still here then?


Because I play other parts of the game? Silly question.

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> @"Wichidi.9281" said:

> > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > You are making it really hard to actually argue against the people who say PvP is dead in this game and isn't worth to be bothered with anymore.


> well.. the expansion is out for like 4-5 months now.


> MOST ppl can only be successfull playing PoF specs / its way easier to be good in pvp playing pof specs.


> you are screwed without pof.


> what does anet do? buff PoF specs even more (togetmoresales) and just cancel the next balance patch to have the first part of the next seaosn be as shítty as the last season



> what next? a dissapointing balance patch mid season. wanna bet?


I bet 10g it's going to be worse than you think.

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> @"Nebilim.5127" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.

> >

> > There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


> Possible to at least give us some sort of time frame? In a month, in less than a month


do u rly wanna know when ur gonna get dissapoínted the next time? lul




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