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Arkk related to Scarlet?( or vice-versa)


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While checking the wiki page about Arkk (the asura from fractals storyline) I found that Potion of Slaying Scarlet’s Armies works on him and he’s considered to be a part of Scarlet’s Alliance.


He was also described as being the mastermind in one of Shattered Observatory achievements.


He also seems to be interested in Scarlet’s work.(Nightmate Fractal)


He also wields the cannon of Horrik ( who was an Aetherblade) during the final fight against him.


Arkk also has a debt toward the Inquest. And Scarlet worked with the Inquest.


What do you guys think? Is Arkk’s story over?


I’ll link the wiki page here.




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Its possible that Arkk and his crew are a fringe group of the Aetherblades after they retreated to the Mists (last lore about them is that they are in the Edge of the Mists map). My **speculation** is that he was originally Inquest like his mother, trying to retrace her steps to find her. Stole some tech, research and equipment and joined the Aetherblades faction as their plans against Lion's Arch became obvious, since it was around that time that the Fractals of the Mists became one of the emerging Consortium's attractions there. He probably hoped unhindered and unrestricted access to the Fractals in return, but Scarlet was defeated and the Aetherblades retreated to the Mists, so he had to work out a method from there, eventually succeeding in his tragic way. His story is over. As "over" as any story can be that repeats endlessly in the fractals.

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I think the potion is just mechanics, so that he could fight alongside Aetherblade stuff from Chaos Fractal. There's no evidence to actually support him being a member of the Aetherblades or whathaveyou.


Along with Horrik's cannon, he also wields the Archdiviner's Hammer and summons mobs from various fractals (notably Chaos and Cliffside). His use of the cannon, as he explains, is that he took it from the fractal after we butchered the pirates thousands of times.


As to whether his story is over... perhaps. I rather wish that they saved him for a true penultimate fractal, but now part of me hopes that once they have 25 fractals they create a 26th as the final to function as "Fractal 101" which is a fight against the Harbinger of Woe using mechanics from all 25 fractals.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


> As to whether his story is over... perhaps. I rather wish that they saved him for a true penultimate fractal, but now part of me hopes that once they have 25 fractals they create a 26th as the final to function as "Fractal 101" which is a fight against the Harbinger of Woe using mechanics from all 25 fractals.


That's an amazing idea!


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