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PoF Download and Size


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> @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> Both, but who cares. With today's connections, it usually takes a couple of minutes to download it.


It may come as a shock to you but the average connection speed in the US/UK isn't that high unless you're in a metropolitan place.


The "average" in the us for Download speed is 18.7Mbps and is 13Mbps for the UK.


While some of us might be fortunate to have Gb connections others aren't.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> > Both, but who cares. With today's connections, it usually takes a couple of minutes to download it.


> It may come as a shock to you but the average connection speed in the US/UK isn't that high unless you're in a metropolitan place.


> The "average" in the us for Download speed is 18.7Mbps and is 13Mbps for the UK.


> While some of us might be fortunate to have Gb connections others aren't.


what will really shock him is that the 1gbps speeds are the top 1 percentile of speeds in the world still.... which should be common knowlage

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> @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> Both, but who cares. With today's connections, it usually takes a couple of minutes to download it.


Wow, he asks a question and you come up with "who cares(?)". Well, probably the guy you quote and asking cares?`


First, the download as far as I remember was a couple of GByte, I think it was around 6 or 8 GByte. But I might be wrong, also some other updates might have been loaded, not exclusively for PoF (beta weekends). Also, the client itself also updates, so the obligatory 12 MByte it receives were also a higher.

I have a 50 MBit/s downstream, that is roughly 6 MByte down. It works for like 10% of the time, because there are thousands of individual files, and this causes the speed to drop down to 500 KByte/s for a long stretch. Probably the overhead (wasted space per package), on some computers slow harddrives etc. It's all being written into one huge file, managing the GW2.dat and writing it properly also takes "time".


On a normal installation, you download one big archive at full speed, because it's just one huge file. Then you lose that time you saved when the MSI installer extracts those (that's what I love on OSX - the DMG contains an APP, which contains the data like a ZIP archive, so all this is not required) thousands of files and writing registry keys. In GW2 it's the other way round: You receive 6,000 individual files slowly, but immediately written into the GW2.dat and thus can start immediately.


AFAIK, it was playble during the update, but the "playable" marker was kinda far in the back of course, I mean, incomplete maps are useless.

Excelsior and good day.

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> @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> Both, but who cares. With today's connections, it usually takes a couple of minutes to download it.


What? Couple of minutes? There are many countries where DLS 25-50.000 is still the standard and 100, 200 or 500 are not available. Even in developed countries. Germany for example has one of the worst developed internet connections in Europe and is by far the most developed industrial nation there.

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Just for fun, did some quick calculations. With my current horrible sucky 4g network stuck in the woods at the very edge of coverage, affected by weather and wind and what nots.


I can usually keep a rough 5KB/s average download speed (when it can connect at all, often timeouts). Going by that number, and assuming 7gb total, which is also my entire monthly data cap atm, it would take me aprox 408 hours.


About 17 days, to download the POF patch.


So yeah, asking about the size is a very valid question, even in the year 2017, not everyone can have good internet everywhere (without paying a fortune).

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> @joneirikb.7506 said:

> Just for fun, did some quick calculations. With my current horrible sucky 4g network stuck in the woods at the very edge of coverage, affected by weather and win and what nots.


> I can usually keep a rough 5KB/s average download speed (when it can connect at all, often timeouts). Going by that number, and assuming 7gb total, which is also my entire monthly data cap atm, it would take me aprox 408 hours.


> About 17 days, to download the POF patch.


> So yeah, asking about the size is a very valid question, even in the year 2017, not everyone can have good internet everywhere (without paying a fortune).


LOL :)


Meanwhile, I'm with 750 Mb/s dl and 500Mb/s upload and alternative wifi connection if this net drop (it doesn't) ... still cant cover my ssd speed.. damn, need more speed.


Paying 15$ in total for both, monthly without a contract. But I think with 2 years contract it will be like 10$.

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> @joneirikb.7506 said:

> Just for fun, did some quick calculations. With my current horrible sucky 4g network stuck in the woods at the very edge of coverage, affected by weather and win and what nots.


> I can usually keep a rough 5KB/s average download speed (when it can connect at all, often timeouts). Going by that number, and assuming 7gb total, which is also my entire monthly data cap atm, it would take me aprox 408 hours.


> About 17 days, to download the POF patch.


> So yeah, asking about the size is a very valid question, even in the year 2017, not everyone can have good internet everywhere (without paying a fortune).


I feel you...

Until last year I was dowloading my games at friends place because he had 100Mbps and I had only 2Mbps.

Hope you won't downloading it for 17 days :/

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> @joneirikb.7506 said:

> Just for fun, did some quick calculations. With my current horrible sucky 4g network stuck in the woods at the very edge of coverage, affected by weather and win and what nots.


> I can usually keep a rough 5KB/s average download speed (when it can connect at all, often timeouts). Going by that number, and assuming 7gb total, which is also my entire monthly data cap atm, it would take me aprox 408 hours.


> About 17 days, to download the POF patch.


> So yeah, asking about the size is a very valid question, even in the year 2017, not everyone can have good internet everywhere (without paying a fortune).


Yeah, and they don't get the bears knocking on their back doors either, slackers. I hear you. Then there's the but satellite is highspeed yes?


Good gaming to you!

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Not to mention the download speed will be affected by the large amount of people downloading it too right? And Yeah I'm sitting here with DLS so I know it's gonna be a long haul.

If I may ask a somewhat related question does anyone know WHEN the download might be available? Was looking for something official but I don't see anything. My guess is Noon pst, but I was taking a break form the game when HOT launched so I don't know how that worked?

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Ouch. 7 GB? I hope not. With my download speed and my cap on data before I start getting charged $10/ Gb over cap, that will be both a long and expensive download. Expansions are expensive if you have data caps. :/


and that's one of the reasons that I wished for a physical copy, or some way to get the expansion without wondering exactly how its going to affect my capped satellite internet. I know its going to be super slow and I might be up with it through the night as I have a bonus 50GB after my initial daytime 50GB usage that goes from 2am to 8am only. I would just like to plan for it too. As it is, I'm going to have to wait to purchase it until I see exactly how much is going to be needed to download for it. I have never seen a place with no viable, reliable high speed uncapped unlimited internet before buying this house so its been a lot to get used to. But the view outside of the lake and the mountains, well...I'll just have to get used to satellite internet because I'm never heading back to the city again :)

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> @DelphiFaela.6823 said:

> Not to mention the download speed will be affected by the large amount of people downloading it too right? And Yeah I'm sitting here with DLS so I know it's gonna be a long haul.

> If I may ask a somewhat related question does anyone know WHEN the download might be available? Was looking for something official but I don't see anything. My guess is Noon pst, but I was taking a break form the game when HOT launched so I don't know how that worked?


I use this [timer](http://thatshaman.com/tools/countdown/) to see how much longer before the download is available.

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the rural area. I live in only places that have what they call high speed internet even tho it is not . is in the big city's . and for 60mb down and 5 mb up that is $65.00 from charter spectrum internet . but if your a mile out side of the big towns well sucks to be you. as you only choice for internet is satellite internet or dsl and both of them run about a $100.00 a month


and if you live in a really small town of say only 300 people your lucky you can even get dsl and stuck with satellite internet . unless your really lucky the phone company has re run the lines in the last 10 years. they charge you to do that where I live at .


go 500 miles south of me and you can get 100mb down and I think its 15 up mb speed for a $100.00 .


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> @TheGrimm.5624 said:

> ANet, please please please info on size, really would help us bandwidth limited gypsies that will be travelling to get to somewhere to download it.


They can't tell you how much you need to download. At best, they can tell you the total size of the final installation; how much easy of us would need to DL before being able to play will vary considerably. Microsoft can do it with most of their updates because (a) they require you download the entirety of the individual patch and (b) they spend 5-15 minutes evaluating your computer first to figure out which patches you need.


If you are a bandwith nomad, then you should assume that you'll need to take a thumb drive to your favorite alternative DL location. It's either going to be really big or huge.

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