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We Need Transparency - Discussion


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So, it's official, the Balance Patch is coming during the mid-season. I'd argue it's not a great idea, as the meta will instantly change, meaning that for about a week, people will rush to figure out the new meta, causing strange match-ups and little to no co-ordination. However, we can't stop that now. That's the 'law of the land' for PvP until the Balance Patch. Though, with all of this, I believe that the community needs a bit more transparency here. No more half-truths or veils, just factual information that speaks volumes and explains the situation at Anet in 2018. Here are some questions that need some solid answers in my opinion:


How many staff members make up the PvP Balance Team, considering that PvP has its own specific Balance?


How many Balance Patches are you aiming to deliver by the end of this year, and how often?


Which classes, for this upcoming Balance Patch, are going to be nerfed?


Which classes, for this upcoming Balance Patch, are going to see buffs in some shape or form?


Could you consider using Hotfixes as minor Balancing throughout a Season, to fix things that aren't working as intended?

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are they willing to not allow players to choose 2 specialiation tree-traits if they equip an elite spec ?


For example if a Warrior uses the ''Spellbreaker'' elite spec , he can choose only 1 remaining specialization-traitline-talent tree :

Either ''Defense'' for the extra subtain Healing + Condtion removal

or Discipline for the 25% movement speed + 5 sec cd to change weapons


Or an Enginner will choosee between the 5k Bomb trait , or 50% Endurance regeneration + Reveal on CC , or 25% speed + Aoe blindless field on CC


This will give the Core specs to keep their identity and effectiveness

And to be test subject for the WvWvW , while leaving alone PvE :P



1 Talent tree with be occupied by the Elite specialization , like

1 Talent will be chosen by the player

1Talent tree will be tied to a roulete like South Park , and iwill efects Non-HoT or PoF weapons to alternate their effect or encance them so that player benefit from changing weapons . And this meta...i mean weapon effect will be changed every 4months

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We really need a “Promote Thread” button in this forum. Having this burried here is likely to not get the coverage or outcry that it should. I’m sure that more than just the PvP fanbase will want to hear the answers to these questions.

Sadly all we have is reddit. Ripping ANet appart there or on Twitter seems to net better overall results, since that exposes the problem to not just the player base, but also to potential players and that’s when ANet really starts to care.

Would you mind reposting this thread on Reddit?

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> @"Twyn.7320" said:

> So, it's official, the Balance Patch is coming during the mid-season. I'd argue it's not a great idea, as the meta will instantly change, meaning that for about a week, people will rush to figure out the new meta, causing strange match-ups and little to no co-ordination. However, we can't stop that now. That's the 'law of the land' for PvP until the Balance Patch. Though, with all of this, I believe that the community needs a bit more transparency here. No more half-truths or veils, just factual information that speaks volumes and explains the situation at Anet in 2018. Here are some questions that need some solid answers in my opinion:


> How many staff members make up the PvP Balance Team, considering that PvP has its own specific Balance?


> How many Balance Patches are you aiming to deliver by the end of this year, and how often?


> Which classes, for this upcoming Balance Patch, are going to be nerfed?


> Which classes, for this upcoming Balance Patch, are going to see buffs in some shape or form?


> Could you consider using Hotfixes as minor Balancing throughout a Season, to fix things that aren't working as intended?


I agree with the point that we need more transparency. But looks like ArenaNet can't separate "toxic comments" from valid feedback.

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I am okay with the quarterly patches, as long as they are meaty enough to fix issues. The problem is we did not have one big balance patch since PoF release, and there are major balance issues. Add to that, the mid season balance changes were minor, PvE raid targeted and were not supposed to interrupt the quarterly patch, which they did. And the more frequent patches is a myth. The last patch was close to 2 month ago, and next one is coming at least after a month. We are not getting patches more frequently.


Transparency? How about Anet for a minimum do one major balance patch after expansions release. It has been 4 month now.


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> @"Twyn.7320" said:

> So, it's official, the Balance Patch is coming during the mid-season. I'd argue it's not a great idea, as the meta will instantly change, meaning that for about a week, people will rush to figure out the new meta, causing strange match-ups and little to no co-ordination. However, we can't stop that now. That's the 'law of the land' for PvP until the Balance Patch. Though, with all of this, I believe that the community needs a bit more transparency here. No more half-truths or veils, just factual information that speaks volumes and explains the situation at Anet in 2018. Here are some questions that need some solid answers in my opinion:


> How many staff members make up the PvP Balance Team, considering that PvP has its own specific Balance?


> How many Balance Patches are you aiming to deliver by the end of this year, and how often?


> Which classes, for this upcoming Balance Patch, are going to be nerfed?


> Which classes, for this upcoming Balance Patch, are going to see buffs in some shape or form?


> Could you consider using Hotfixes as minor Balancing throughout a Season, to fix things that aren't working as intended?


This is not gonna happen, you know why?

1. ArenaNet doesn't have a dedicated PvP and PvE balance teams, they just have one single balance team.

2. ArenaNet can't handle criticism. They can't separate or tolerate toxic and invalid feedback to the point that they just don't bother making threads about profession balance.

3. ArenaNet doesn't like to be proven wrong so they will simply avoid any discussions about profession balances or won't ask our opinions about their balance patch's quality because, like I said, they can't separate valid from invalid feedback.

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