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About agony resistance stats infusion

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+9 agony resistance/+5 stats infusions ... these things are expensive but can not be trade, can not be salvaged or downgraded, can not transfer into another stats.

Who designed this sick things and now this problem still live....

Since Anet updated fractal service that NPC can apply player's base account agony resistance, we no longer need more +9 AR/+5stats insfusions even +7AR/+5stats infusions.

So now only the way that transfer into lens infusion or chak egg sac infuion etc. if I needn't the infusions.

BTW, that means Anet might be increase fractal agony resistance required for over 100 scale fractals in the future?

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They aren't likely to offer ways to deconstruct existing infusions, because the costs were originally designed to sink fractal relics, matrices, and coin. The economic implications of breaking them down would be significant. (It's a lot of work to help out a narrow subset of players.)


I'm sure there will be future changes to how the game handles agony, but I'd be shocked if any happen soon, especially just after the last set of changes. That is, if they planned on adding such methods, they would have done it already.

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