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Going far at the start is always the best choice


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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> So here's the split: 1 goes home, 3 go mid, one (who is always a warrior, thief, or ranger) says kitten it-I can get far so fast it won't even matter!


> Its a 3v4 at mid, your team loses mid.


Don't blame your far pusher for losing mid. You have to know how to play defensively and disengage safely. Even in this "pof" meta. If you know the enemy team consists of a holo, deadeye or thief just take the necessary steps to avoid being facerolled. Use los obstruction to your advantage for example. Don't just blindly charge into the middle of the node and expect to survive for a long time.

However, if your far pusher dies in a 1v1 then you have all the right to be angry at them, haha.



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> @"allias.1420" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > So here's the split: 1 goes home, 3 go mid, one (who is always a warrior, thief, or ranger) says kitten it-I can get far so fast it won't even matter!

> >

> > Its a 3v4 at mid, your team loses mid.


> Don't blame your far pusher for losing mid. You have to know how to play defensively and disengage safely. Even in this "pof" meta. If you know the enemy team consists of a holo, deadeye or thief just take the necessary steps to avoid being facerolled. Use los obstruction to your advantage for example. Don't just blindly charge into the middle of the node and expect to survive for a long time.

> However, if your far pusher dies in a 1v1 then you have all the right to be angry at them, haha.




It doesn't matter if they die or don't die, they're still sitting around accomplishing nothing for a minute at a time. If a mirage and holo jump you at mid and you aren't a sb or druid, you die. Guess who the favorite burst target is? Necros.


Do you know of some way for a necro with no lf to kite a mirage and holo? Do they have access to blocks, invuln, or stealth? Please, teach me your ways o bright one

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Trevor Boyer described it very well.

Losses occour on a lack of communication and people doing "Their" thing. If you have a team where everyone knows what he can do and what not you usually win.

I always look at opposing team at start and if we have something like two thief's and opponent FB + Scourge which we don´t have i write that the thiefs shall team up and blow far and i go mid ALONE. And i add we don´t fight for mid we only stall ... Thiefs often actually answer and do it but at least one other don´t, follows me mid, rushes on point and dies ... I can just watch my team struggle and dying running around like crazy chickens while i kite 1:2 or 1:3 the whole match and i often have the situation that someone sees me struggling in an 1:3 (woo no wonder ...) and wants to help dying against the same two i just fought for a minute. Writing in chat please just let me die in a corner and take points doesn't help.

I know i won´t win 1:1 against mirrage and avoid it and i know a Scourge will blow me if he has a +1 (I can stall him 1:1 or even kill him but need to be careful and it cost time) but i usually can 1:2 annything else for a while and i disengage! That´s something a lot of players can´t handle well. Disengage and go somewhere better before you die ...

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Going far is one of the best strategy on some maps if they have thief. Whenever i am on druid and i see enemy has a thief i will ALWAYS push far because 99% of the time it is thief who will be closing.

I can 1 vs 1 pretty much any class on my druid but a thief is an extremely easy win. A bad thief will try to duel me and die giving me a quick cap or a good theif will always try to disengage and reinforce mid (in which case you simply follow them to mid) leaving their home un-capped.

Also its extremely wise to split their team if you see heavy condi comps and don't have a FB in your team or good condi-cleansing.

So assuming going FAR is a bad strategy is wrong, its situation dependent. Key point here is communication, if you wander aimlessly without mentioning in your team-chat then that is totally a different problem.

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> @"Sandzibar.5134" said:

> TIL "fuckwads." isnt filtered.


I knew I'd find one eventually!


> @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> Going far is one of the best strategy on some maps if they have thief. Whenever i am on druid and i see enemy has a thief i will ALWAYS push far because 99% of the time it is thief who will be closing.

> I can 1 vs 1 pretty much any class on my druid but a thief is an extremely easy win. A bad thief will try to duel me and die giving me a quick cap or a good theif will always try to disengage and reinforce mid (in which case you simply follow them to mid) leaving their home un-capped.

> Also its extremely wise to split their team if you see heavy condi comps and don't have a FB in your team or good condi-cleansing.

> So assuming going FAR is a bad strategy is wrong, its situation dependent. Key point here is communication, if you wander aimlessly without mentioning in your team-chat then that is totally a different problem.


This scenario is rarely the case. If they send the thief mid to stealth, are you going to duel on far for a minute? Because now it's a 3v4 at mid with a thief to burst, and they get to open from stealth- which will almost always end in a down.


Why would it not make sense to go mid, win the fight there, then go bunk far? That gives you a better chance of success overall.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> * If your team cannot survive 3v4 for the10s that it takes the home capper to arrive mid to make it 4v4, they shouldn't be staying in that team fight to begin with. They should be falling back to home to defend and when 1 enemy peels off the mid fight to go 2v1 far, then your team will have advantage 4v3 at mid. Then you push back in. Not doing this is a rotational error in fault of the people who losing the 4v4.


It's more accurate to say that your team has to survive ten seconds as 2v4 because the most vulnerable person of that 3 is going to be chain cc'ed, focused, and forced into pure defensive play, whether they get killed or not depends mostly on the other two players there... But, it's pretty difficult for two people to stop four from finishing off their chosen target without going down themselves to the insane cleave, even if they're both playing something like FB supp. 10 seconds is more than enough time to take out their weakest link when the other team is short handed and can't apply any counter pressure to slow you down... There's just too many easy gap closers that shoot you right through terrain and LoS and too much unblockable/chainable cc to realistically survive or kite away a dedicated onslaught.


You could say, "Oh, well maybe the other team isn't good enough to coordinate a kill," or whatever... But that's part of what makes 1-3-1 such a wild choice in Solo Queue--you're going into the game with the assumption that everyone on your team is competent and/or the other team is not. And I don't have to tell you that even in plat2 there are plenty of clueless people using OP builds as crutches and others that are just blatantly botting.


Not saying you have to push mid all game and never go far, but I feel like 99% of the time it's better to just start as safe as possible, see where everyone's skill is at, and then make adjustments. Which brings us back to the point that it's an almost unnecessary advantage you get from going far at start... Sure, you'll beat worse teams a lot harder and faster, but it's not going to win the game if you're on the weaker team. And while it may be a stronger start when both teams are playing at top performance, that's literally never the case in solo queue except at the very top, top tier... And that's such a small player base that they all know each other and have to use alternate strategies anyways to avoid being "I know you, bruh, countered."

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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> It doesn't matter if they die or don't die, they're still sitting around accomplishing nothing for a minute at a time. If a mirage and holo jump you at mid and you aren't a sb or druid, you die. Guess who the favorite burst target is? Necros.

> Do you know of some way for a necro with no lf to kite a mirage and holo? Do they have access to blocks, invuln, or stealth? Please, teach me your ways o bright one


If you're a necromancer of course you have to pay attention and be extra careful. You might have to think about gearing up more defensively if you don't have a fb present in your team. Like I said, also use the map to your advantage. Take care when positioning yourself and don't reveal yourself at mid node so quickly, let the others go first and then go in after them. I would like to teach you my ways, but it looks like you don't want to learn so I won't bother anymore, cheers.


@"Egorum.9506" said:


> 5 losses today from incompetent fuckwads. Anyone have any pepper?


Also, if you lost 5 matches due to some guy pushing far then that is on you, mate. Don't just blame others, think reflectively about what you could have done in order to improve your chances of winning. It looks to me like you need to learn a lot about the game.

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It depend. Can you 1v2 or even stall 1v3 at far. If your team get wipe at mid really quick. If so get ready for a really bad start. Because they will snowball your team at home and far, then go back to mid to snowball your team again. Your team will most likely have 1 less in fight, untill they can break through the snowball.

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The strategy behind the far push is, with more organized teams, you'd have a support who is actually good keeping people alive at mid while they stall the cap and look for an opening to try and win the outnumbered fight. You get the free cap on home (assuming they go 1 home 4 mid) and start ticking point while your far pusher either denies the cap giving you an early point lead or they win extending your lead even further. The home capper moves mid and makes it an even 4v4 and ideally this is enough to win the fight for you. The far pusher either holds against the guy coming to him over and over for the same 1v1 and wins multiple times extending the lead even further or they watch for them to either go to your home or to mid in a last ditch attempt to create a snowball. (far pusher then moves to counter rotate or if the other team wiped, prepares to either 1vX for a time to buy their team more of a lead or they rotate off and prep for the next team fight. It's a great strategy but everyone needs to be paying attention for it to work. If people yolo into mid and try to go ham off the bat ofc you will lose that fight. The strat itself is fine, it's poor execution that leads to you getting snowballed.

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A lot of the discussion here is based on the far pusher winning or contesting his point. But, what if he loses?


He sent his whole team into a lopsided nightmare one sided blowout.


If he was in a teamfight, at least teammates could do things to prevent this from happening.


So the decision matrix looks like:


Go far

1. Lose -->. Team down 180 points or more

2. Win

A: Your teammates can't survive a 3v4 for the 30 seconds or so until they get help --->. You gain 60 points, but lose 180 points

B: Your teammates do survive the 3v4 --->. Your team goes up 60 points (and more if they actually win, but you're not contributing to that and should take credit for that because you made it harder for them).


These are the three most common outcomes. If even the best far rushers flat out lose up to 30% of the time, then are you willing to risk a huge deficit on the ability of players (who in ranked you don't even know your teammates or their build) to survive in a burst heavy meta? And even if you do win this bet, the reward is relatively small.


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> @"emblack.3754" said:

> > @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

> > You announce in team chat that you will take home point at start and tell the rest to go mid. Match starts and you see on the map that 2 of your teammates have decided to go to home point as well...


> This actually happens a lot in unranked. I`m not good/confident enough for ranked so I practice unranked to get that muscle memory but sometimes my practice turns to kitten all because i give into the frustration caused by the idiotic behavior of my team mates.


This happens in ranked too sorry to say lol

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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > @"Sandzibar.5134" said:

> > TIL "fuckwads." isnt filtered.


> I knew I'd find one eventually!


> > @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> > Going far is one of the best strategy on some maps if they have thief. Whenever i am on druid and i see enemy has a thief i will ALWAYS push far because 99% of the time it is thief who will be closing.

> > I can 1 vs 1 pretty much any class on my druid but a thief is an extremely easy win. A bad thief will try to duel me and die giving me a quick cap or a good theif will always try to disengage and reinforce mid (in which case you simply follow them to mid) leaving their home un-capped.

> > Also its extremely wise to split their team if you see heavy condi comps and don't have a FB in your team or good condi-cleansing.

> > So assuming going FAR is a bad strategy is wrong, its situation dependent. Key point here is communication, if you wander aimlessly without mentioning in your team-chat then that is totally a different problem.


> This scenario is rarely the case. If they send the thief mid to stealth, are you going to duel on far for a minute? Because now it's a 3v4 at mid with a thief to burst, and they get to open from stealth- which will almost always end in a down.


> Why would it not make sense to go mid, win the fight there, then go bunk far? That gives you a better chance of success overall.


I already said, 99% of the time its the thief who will go home cap so it works most of the time. If i see another bunker class (like another druid on close) then i am not stupid enough to 1 vs 1 far for a minute leaving my team 3 vs 4. Druid is a very fast class which can survive 1 vs 2 for a long time and can then disengage so there is no loss pushing far.

Besides, in my experience the team which consistently rotates far almost always win against a team who tries to only play close+mid. So if i can push far and even deadlock 1 vs 1 forcing enemy to 2 vs 1 me then i have done my job.

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> @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> > @"vorpal.1497" said:

> > > @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> > > 1-3-1 split is actually the most common split in higher tiers.

> > > As long as people are competent enough to not go full out offense when they are outnumbered and insta die, its really the best strategy.

> >

> > No, it's almost always a huge gamble. No matter what you force mid to lose, don't tell me "well engage 3v4, just don't die, it's easy lol" in this burst meta. No matter what, going far guarantees a loss at mid. Also don't tell me it's more viable in higher tiers, as if their far defender isn't also in a higher tier.


> I think you are missing my point. First of all, i said that engaging a 4v3 is a bad idea and that the best you can do is maybe contest the node. Even if you give it up thats fine, since you ll have close cap and far still contested...so its one cap for either grp. Sure, the 1v1 on far is a gamble, but as long as its contested, thats all you need.

> If people actually know how and when to disengage, even if you dont get mid, its still a stalemate (cap-wise).


> Also, in all fairness, if people get insta bursted in <5 seconds thats completely on them.




Problem is there aren't any people that know how to disengage in pvp

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Good points to both sides! But I'd like to say, that many of these are based on good communications, and that rarely happens when you are soloq'ing to a match. When I go to a match, how can I know if the far pusher is going to be good or not? Asking her/him? Before match? Usually people don't tell their intentions in chat, most often they tell their intentions *after* they tried it and died. Would I know beforehand that one of my team mates is able to hold 1vs2 against the team we get, I certainly would consider more effective tactics.

In ideal world, I'd follow the ideas given @"Trevor Boyer.6524" and others. But in unideal world, where you meet your team about 1 min before match, I would say that KISS is better approach: concentrate on near & mid, if you can push forward, go to far. If you can win mid w/ 5vs4, it is a big relief to your group. Your enemies are anyways going to respawn near far (their near): if the match is not a total murder, they will outnumber in that location. If you then see that one of you is able to keep them busy there, by all means, let her continue, and go to outnumber mid and (our) near.

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> @"allias.1420" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > It doesn't matter if they die or don't die, they're still sitting around accomplishing nothing for a minute at a time. If a mirage and holo jump you at mid and you aren't a sb or druid, you die. Guess who the favorite burst target is? Necros.

> > Do you know of some way for a necro with no lf to kite a mirage and holo? Do they have access to blocks, invuln, or stealth? Please, teach me your ways o bright one


> If you're a necromancer of course you have to pay attention and be extra careful. You might have to think about gearing up more defensively if you don't have a fb present in your team. Like I said, also use the map to your advantage. Take care when positioning yourself and don't reveal yourself at mid node so quickly, let the others go first and then go in after them. I would like to teach you my ways, but it looks like you don't want to learn so I won't bother anymore, cheers.


> @"Egorum.9506" said:


> > 5 losses today from incompetent fuckwads. Anyone have any pepper?


> Also, if you lost 5 matches due to some guy pushing far then that is on you, mate. Don't just blame others, think reflectively about what you could have done in order to improve your chances of winning. It looks to me like you need to learn a lot about the game.

Can you link a block, invuln, or stealth that necro has access to or not? I finished last season in 40th, and play on a blood scourge with a carrion amulet. You literally don't get tankier unless you're running some kind of retarded bunker build. I can LoS just fine, i even run flesh worm because i know i'm going to get chain CC'd and tunneled- just like i know that if 4 people are attacking me i'm going to go down unless my teammates are very good. If one of my teammates is off fucking around on far, then i know they suck right off the bat.


Here's a match from saturday, where i could not carry the people on my team. You tell me, should i learn more about the game? Exactly where did you finish up last season at?

> @"nekretaal.6485" said:

> A lot of the discussion here is based on the far pusher winning or contesting his point. But, what if he loses?


> He sent his whole team into a lopsided nightmare one sided blowout.


> If he was in a teamfight, at least teammates could do things to prevent this from happening.


> So the decision matrix looks like:


> Go far

> 1. Lose -->. Team down 180 points or more

> 2. Win

> A: Your teammates can't survive a 3v4 for the 30 seconds or so until they get help --->. You gain 60 points, but lose 180 points

> B: Your teammates do survive the 3v4 --->. Your team goes up 60 points (and more if they actually win, but you're not contributing to that and should take credit for that because you made it harder for them).


> These are the three most common outcomes. If even the best far rushers flat out lose up to 30% of the time, then are you willing to risk a huge deficit on the ability of players (who in ranked you don't even know your teammates or their build) to survive in a burst heavy meta? And even if you do win this bet, the reward is relatively small.


This is it exactly. You gamble with the far push every single time unless the rest of the team is good enough to carry your sorry ass.

> @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> I already said, 99% of the time its the thief who will go home cap so it works most of the time. If i see another bunker class (like another druid on close) then i am not stupid enough to 1 vs 1 far for a minute leaving my team 3 vs 4. Druid is a very fast class which can survive 1 vs 2 for a long time and can then disengage so there is no loss pushing far.

> Besides, in my experience the team which consistently rotates far almost always win against a team who tries to only play close+mid. So if i can push far and even deadlock 1 vs 1 forcing enemy to 2 vs 1 me then i have done my job.

99% of the time it's a mesmer going home because they can drop portal. Or a druid, or a spellbreaker. Thief stealth open is too good to not use. Read above to find out what happens when you split 1/3/1 and don't quickly decide the outcome on far!


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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> Can you link a block, invuln, or stealth that necro has access to or not? I finished last season in 40th, and play on a blood scourge with a carrion amulet. You literally don't get tankier unless you're running some kind of kitten bunker build. I can LoS just fine, i even run flesh worm because i know i'm going to get chain CC'd and tunneled- just like i know that if 4 people are attacking me i'm going to go down unless my teammates are very good. If one of my teammates is off kitten around on far, then i know they suck right off the bat.


> Here's a match from saturday, where i could not carry the people on my team. You tell me, should i learn more about the game? Exactly where did you finish up last season at?


When I play scourge solo I like to run rune of the undead + carrion or rabid depending on the matchup.


You play scourge solo without a dedicated support so you probably end up losing most team fights anyway, unless the enemy is retarded. I'm curious to know though, are you NA?


Showing me a single picture of one of your matches doesn't tell me anything. Sure it seems you did pretty well, but I'm not seeing the full scope of your match history here, chap. Also, how will I be able to tell what went on in your matches? For all I know you could be making it up because you are salty and you wanted to blame something or someone for your losses.


Yes, you can always learn more about the game. So can everyone. No matter how many hours you have practised, there is always something to learn.


Last season I ended up with a rating of 1,666 in 33 games EU. Is it incredible? Nope. I've done better in the past. As time goes on I'm becoming increasingly inactive, so I don't care enough to climb the ladder.





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that has always been a pet peeve of mine. when one of ours goes far you naturally think "well, i guess we better stall at mid and not overcomit". Then all of a sudden your other two teammates make a beeline for mid and explode and then waste time whining in chat.

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> @"allias.1420" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > Can you link a block, invuln, or stealth that necro has access to or not? I finished last season in 40th, and play on a blood scourge with a carrion amulet. You literally don't get tankier unless you're running some kind of kitten bunker build. I can LoS just fine, i even run flesh worm because i know i'm going to get chain CC'd and tunneled- just like i know that if 4 people are attacking me i'm going to go down unless my teammates are very good. If one of my teammates is off kitten around on far, then i know they suck right off the bat.


> > Here's a match from saturday, where i could not carry the people on my team. You tell me, should i learn more about the game? Exactly where did you finish up last season at?


> When I play scourge solo I like to run rune of the undead + carrion or rabid depending on the matchup.


> You play scourge solo without a dedicated support so you probably end up losing most team fights anyway, unless the enemy is kitten. I'm curious to know though, are you NA?


> Showing me a single picture of one of your matches doesn't tell me anything. Sure it seems you did pretty well, but I'm not seeing the full scope of your match history here, chap. Also, how will I be able to tell what went on in your matches? For all I know you could be making it up because you are salty and you wanted to blame something or someone for your losses.


> Yes, you can always learn more about the game. So can everyone. No matter how many hours you have practised, there is always something to learn.


> Last season I ended up with a rating of 1,666 in 33 games EU. Is it incredible? Nope. I've done better in the past. As time goes on I'm becoming increasingly inactive, so I don't care enough to climb the ladder.



Lmao gtfo, 1666 in EU is like 1500 in NA. How impressive!


Undead runes with carrion, for all that toughness you're packing right? Scavenging=carrion, undead=rabid. And why would you run rabid with blood? It has no on crit procs. Why run rabid period, as vit increases your max lf pool which means each lf generating skill provides more.


Do you know of some way to always have a dedicated support for ranked play? Or do you just do unranked, because walking in here to correct me packing all 2" of fury sure is cute.



There's plenty of those up there, take notes.

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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > @"allias.1420" said:

> > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > Can you link a block, invuln, or stealth that necro has access to or not? I finished last season in 40th, and play on a blood scourge with a carrion amulet. You literally don't get tankier unless you're running some kind of kitten bunker build. I can LoS just fine, i even run flesh worm because i know i'm going to get chain CC'd and tunneled- just like i know that if 4 people are attacking me i'm going to go down unless my teammates are very good. If one of my teammates is off kitten around on far, then i know they suck right off the bat.

> >

> > > Here's a match from saturday, where i could not carry the people on my team. You tell me, should i learn more about the game? Exactly where did you finish up last season at?

> >

> > When I play scourge solo I like to run rune of the undead + carrion or rabid depending on the matchup.

> >

> > You play scourge solo without a dedicated support so you probably end up losing most team fights anyway, unless the enemy is kitten. I'm curious to know though, are you NA?

> >

> > Showing me a single picture of one of your matches doesn't tell me anything. Sure it seems you did pretty well, but I'm not seeing the full scope of your match history here, chap. Also, how will I be able to tell what went on in your matches? For all I know you could be making it up because you are salty and you wanted to blame something or someone for your losses.

> >

> > Yes, you can always learn more about the game. So can everyone. No matter how many hours you have practised, there is always something to learn.

> >

> > Last season I ended up with a rating of 1,666 in 33 games EU. Is it incredible? Nope. I've done better in the past. As time goes on I'm becoming increasingly inactive, so I don't care enough to climb the ladder.



> Lmao gtfo, 1666 in EU is like 1500 in NA. How impressive!


> Undead runes with carrion, for all that toughness you're packing right? Scavenging=carrion, undead=rabid. And why would you run rabid with blood? It has no on crit procs. Why run rabid period, as vit increases your max lf pool which means each lf generating skill provides more.


> Do you know of some way to always have a dedicated support for ranked play? Or do you just do unranked, because walking in here to correct me packing all 2" of fury sure is cute.




> There's plenty of those up there, take notes.


I'm really not sure how the video relates to the topic other than two impressions:


Scourge is entirely too strong. You can hold a point toe to toe with a holo + mirage and more or less nuke an entire team.


The enemy teams would have been much better off to split and run around you.



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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > @"allias.1420" said:

> > > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > > Can you link a block, invuln, or stealth that necro has access to or not? I finished last season in 40th, and play on a blood scourge with a carrion amulet. You literally don't get tankier unless you're running some kind of kitten bunker build. I can LoS just fine, i even run flesh worm because i know i'm going to get chain CC'd and tunneled- just like i know that if 4 people are attacking me i'm going to go down unless my teammates are very good. If one of my teammates is off kitten around on far, then i know they suck right off the bat.

> > >

> > > > Here's a match from saturday, where i could not carry the people on my team. You tell me, should i learn more about the game? Exactly where did you finish up last season at?

> > >

> > > When I play scourge solo I like to run rune of the undead + carrion or rabid depending on the matchup.

> > >

> > > You play scourge solo without a dedicated support so you probably end up losing most team fights anyway, unless the enemy is kitten. I'm curious to know though, are you NA?

> > >

> > > Showing me a single picture of one of your matches doesn't tell me anything. Sure it seems you did pretty well, but I'm not seeing the full scope of your match history here, chap. Also, how will I be able to tell what went on in your matches? For all I know you could be making it up because you are salty and you wanted to blame something or someone for your losses.

> > >

> > > Yes, you can always learn more about the game. So can everyone. No matter how many hours you have practised, there is always something to learn.

> > >

> > > Last season I ended up with a rating of 1,666 in 33 games EU. Is it incredible? Nope. I've done better in the past. As time goes on I'm becoming increasingly inactive, so I don't care enough to climb the ladder.

> >

> >

> > Lmao gtfo, 1666 in EU is like 1500 in NA. How impressive!

> >

> > Undead runes with carrion, for all that toughness you're packing right? Scavenging=carrion, undead=rabid. And why would you run rabid with blood? It has no on crit procs. Why run rabid period, as vit increases your max lf pool which means each lf generating skill provides more.

> >

> > Do you know of some way to always have a dedicated support for ranked play? Or do you just do unranked, because walking in here to correct me packing all 2" of fury sure is cute.

> >

> >

> >

> > There's plenty of those up there, take notes.


> I'm really not sure how the video relates to the topic other that two impressions:


> Scourge is entirely too strong. You can hold a point toe to toe with a holo + mirage and more or less nuke an entire team.


> The enemy teams would have been much better off to split and run around you.




The video's for the fuckwad that thinks I need to l2p.


You're completely right, if they have a better team fight comp play sides to split it up. This thread was about people who push far, every game, when there was a better play to make at mid that doesn't result in a restart at 180-10

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