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Going far at the start is always the best choice


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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > @"allias.1420" said:

> > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > Can you link a block, invuln, or stealth that necro has access to or not? I finished last season in 40th, and play on a blood scourge with a carrion amulet. You literally don't get tankier unless you're running some kind of kitten bunker build. I can LoS just fine, i even run flesh worm because i know i'm going to get chain CC'd and tunneled- just like i know that if 4 people are attacking me i'm going to go down unless my teammates are very good. If one of my teammates is off kitten around on far, then i know they suck right off the bat.

> >

> > > Here's a match from saturday, where i could not carry the people on my team. You tell me, should i learn more about the game? Exactly where did you finish up last season at?

> >

> > When I play scourge solo I like to run rune of the undead + carrion or rabid depending on the matchup.

> >

> > You play scourge solo without a dedicated support so you probably end up losing most team fights anyway, unless the enemy is kitten. I'm curious to know though, are you NA?

> >

> > Showing me a single picture of one of your matches doesn't tell me anything. Sure it seems you did pretty well, but I'm not seeing the full scope of your match history here, chap. Also, how will I be able to tell what went on in your matches? For all I know you could be making it up because you are salty and you wanted to blame something or someone for your losses.

> >

> > Yes, you can always learn more about the game. So can everyone. No matter how many hours you have practised, there is always something to learn.

> >

> > Last season I ended up with a rating of 1,666 in 33 games EU. Is it incredible? Nope. I've done better in the past. As time goes on I'm becoming increasingly inactive, so I don't care enough to climb the ladder.



> Lmao gtfo, 1666 in EU is like 1500 in NA. How impressive!


> Undead runes with carrion, for all that toughness you're packing right? Scavenging=carrion, undead=rabid. And why would you run rabid with blood? It has no on crit procs. Why run rabid period, as vit increases your max lf pool which means each lf generating skill provides more.


> Do you know of some way to always have a dedicated support for ranked play? Or do you just do unranked, because walking in here to correct me packing all 2" of fury sure is cute.




> There's plenty of those up there, take notes.


Since when is it this way around? I'd say he'd be a legendary player in NA based on what I've seen of the match quality there. :lol:

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> @"allias.1420" said:

> Yet there were 40 people in legendary rank EU last season and how many legendary players in NA? Something like 10?


Lower player population, lower overall rankings. What matters is your place relative to the rest of the population. 1666 isn't even top 250 in EU, whereas 1720 got me in top 50.


> @"Undo.5091" said:

> @"Egorum.9506" You’ll probably find that running sage amulet is better with blood magic necro. Transfusion is essentially a ~5k AoE heal (over time).


Actually that isn't true. Sages is 4653 heal vs carrion 3141. A difference of 1512, whereas the hp difference is 3400. You need to get 2 transfusions off completely in order to make up for the loss of vitality. This doesn't take into account the increased lf generation from having higher vitality, higher starting health pool to protect from burst (because necros are everyones favorite target!), or the increased condition damage from carrion. Sages is a worse pick.


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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> Yeah, I hate when people go far at start... Even if your team miraculously wins mid, everyone who just died is going to spawn and clear you out anyways. At best you denied them like 15-25 points, and if your team is good enough to win mid shorthanded, you were probably going to annihilate them no matter what you did... So it's like risking a lot to gain literally nothing.


This is accurate. Going far very rarely is a good idea. There are situations where this might work, but it requires much communication and very specific setups, it is not worth it.



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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> So much misinformation here.


> 3 people shouldn't die at mid on an open. Rotate off the point and don't die. It's not that hard. What you are going to do is cap home, keep mid & far neutral (maybe even cap far), and now you have a 1-2 cap advantage. The enemy team HAS to rotate off mid or get stuck in a drawn out fight while having zero caps.


> But do as you want.



U must be new for sure.

Atm its really ...really, rare to see players not insta die in 5- 10 seconds.

If its a 3vs 4 mid ,those 3 will last 30-40 secs max.

Even when they have +1 they still die in seconds.

Before my main problem was players afk at point, now not so much, dont see many afk at point, but insta dying omg, every game.

Ofc some time u have no chance if u get jumped by a glass thief or an engi ...too much damage atm ingame.

So yes players insta die.

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Yes and no. To climb to plat, I'd say being able to hold far is definitely the best way to carry games, as it's the hardest point to hold and you can make a huge impact by holding it. However if you're not confident, then trying this will just make you feed. You can do this up about Plat because most players are bad.


Eventually you'll hit a point where people can deal with that better. At that point, there are certain builds that are just better at holding far. Thief/Mirage are very good at decapping far. While I see Warrior being able to hold the point solo for a decently long time with it's sustain.


The true best class at harrassing far imo is Druid, as they can harass almost indefinitely if they don't mess up their sustain. They can 2v1 the best and I see this even when I fight the top 10 on the leaderboard. Stawk is the best example of this that I know.

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> @"Prince Vingador.8067" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > So much misinformation here.

> >

> > 3 people shouldn't die at mid on an open. Rotate off the point and don't die. It's not that hard. What you are going to do is cap home, keep mid & far neutral (maybe even cap far), and now you have a 1-2 cap advantage. The enemy team HAS to rotate off mid or get stuck in a drawn out fight while having zero caps.

> >

> > But do as you want.



> U must be new for sure.

> Atm its really ...really, rare to see players not insta die in 5- 10 seconds.

> If its a 3vs 4 mid ,those 3 will last 30-40 secs max.

> Even when they have +1 they still die in seconds.

> Before my main problem was players afk at point, now not so much, dont see many afk at point, but insta dying omg, every game.

> Ofc some time u have no chance if u get jumped by a glass thief or an engi ...too much damage atm ingame.

> So yes players insta die.


Insta dying is usually the fault of the player insta dying.


When it isn't is a stealth burst that is being coordinated. In this season of ranked it shouldn't happen since it's all YOLO Q

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