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Za Shaloc.3908

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PLEASE DO NOT BUMP THIS POST. USED AS A TEMPLATE FOR FUTURE POSTS BECAUSE I SUCK AT FORMATTING.Yes, it's that time of month again when I suggest changes to the class I am most passionate about. I can't help myself. These changes are largely focused towards improving core Revenant and off-meta builds in PvP/WvW while attempting to minimize any meta-changing impact it would have on PvE. Explanation at the bottom.



INVOCATIONFor the most part, Invocation is a very solid traitline, arguably the best. It is clearly a fantastic choice for the meta Herald PvP build and a great choice for others. However, there are a couple underperforming aspects in the line. I personally believe that fury needs a non-DPS interaction if it is going to maintain 2 minors dedicated to it, considering Invocation is the jack-of-all-trades line and shouldn't be inherently favoring DPS specs more (see Arcane for Elementalist and Trickery for Thief for close comparisons). Song of the Mists is the trait that I have given the most attention to, as it should be a strictly utility choice since the other two GM options allow for increased DPS. Overall, this traitline could use some polish to its support potential.

MAJOR ADEPT* Fierce Infusion: Additionally, increase outgoing healing (10%) when you have fury.MAJOR MASTER* Spirit Boon: Additionally, grant yourself swiftness (10s) when swapping legends. Works out of combat. * [spirit Boon - Shiro]: Now grants quickness (3s) instead of might.

* Rapid Flow: Removed.* Harmonious Conduit: Reintroduced from old Herald traitline, replacing Rapid Flow: when you break a stun, break stuns for nearby allies (600 radius).* Incensed Response: Reduced 2 stacks of might only applies to Herald in PvP; it is now 5 stacks for core Revenant and Renegade in PvP.MAJOR GRANDMASTER* Song of the Mists: Radius has been increased to 300. No legends inflict damage or damaging conditions anymore.* [song of the Mists - Assassin]: Now dazes (0.5s) nearby foes and restores endurance (25) to nearby allies. Vulnerability application stays.* [song of the Mists - Demon]: Now corrupts 2 boons from nearby foes. Slow application stays.* [song of the Mists - Centaur]: Now also applies blind (5s) to nearby foes.* [song of the Mists - Dwarf]: Now grants a flat amount of barrier, which is granted to nearby allies as well. Weakness application stays.* [song of the Mists - Glint]: Now converts 2 conditions to boons for nearby allies. Chill application stays.

* Rolling Mists: Threshold increased to 15.


To me, this traitline is very solid and doesn’t need much changing. However, the change to Expose Defenses is implemented very poorly considering Shiro, its corresponding legend, has a 50e cost for its elite. It makes for awkward synergy with its other two minors and further pigeonholes one into using sword. Also, Jade Echo is a filler trait that should be replaced with something more interesting and versatile. The adept line lacks solid selection diversity.

MINOR ADEPT* Expose Defenses: Now refreshes when swapping legends instead of when using an elite skill.MAJOR ADEPT* Jade Echo: Removed.* Swift Gale: Reintroduced from old Herald traitline, replacing Jade Echoes: Gain superspeed (3s) when you successfully break a stun.

CORRUPTIONHas some great traits within it, but also some underperformers. Overall, could use some enhancement in resistance/condition management, as well as restoring some of its old condition pressure. MAJOR ADEPT* Replenishing Despair: Now heals you for conditions you apply instead of conditions applied to you. ICD removed, but numbers adjusted accordingly.* Demonic Defiance: Now also grants 1.5s of resistance when using non-Mallyx legend skills.* Venom Enhancement: ICD reduced to 5s.MINOR MASTER* Opportune Extraction: Threshold reduced to 3 to allow for easier synergy with slower weapons like hammer.MAJOR MASTER* Abyssal Chill: Now reverted to applying 2 stacks for 3 seconds instead of 1 stack for 6 seconds.* Spontaneous Destruction: Additionally, gain might (2x, 8s) whenever you remove a boon. No ICD, but does not scale with multiple targets.MAJOR GRANDMASTER* Diabolic Inferno: Now is also a blast finisher.* Maniacal Persistence: Now reverted to applying 4 stacks for 5 seconds instead of 2 stacks for 10 seconds. Additionally, resistance applied to you reduces incoming condition duration (33%).

RETRIBUTIONI personally find this traitline to be a bit underperforming in its tanking specialty, while also having a poorly executed emphasis on taunt. I introduced a barrier trait because it is a strong thematic fit that helps to improve its tanking capabilities. MAJOR ADEPT* Improved Aggression: Taunted foes no longer deal reduced damage to you. Instead, increase damage to disabled foes (10%). Deal further increased damage if they are taunted (10%).MINOR MASTER* Unwavering Avoidance: Duration increased to 4s.MAJOR MASTER* Eye for an Eye: No longer grants protection when triggered. Instead, taunts you apply also apply protection (5s) to you.* Retaliatory Evasion: Additionally, retaliation you apply gains increased effectiveness (20%).* Dwarven Battle Training: Additionally, weakness applied to you also has reduced duration (25%).MAJOR GRANDMASTER* Steadfast Rejuvenation: Now grants barrier instead of healing. ICD reduced to 2s. Additionally, barrier applied to you reduces incoming damage (10%).

SALVATIONThe traitline I am most passionate about changing. My suggestions are a huge overhaul to the line. There are significant buffs within the line, but my main goals with these are to make the traitline more flexible for all builds, to further emphasize the soft control aspect of the traitline, and to allow for dedicated healers to still invest in more self-sustain while not sacrificing so much healing potency. Beyond the healing modifiers, the traitline is very lackluster and needs a lot of attention. Since there are so many changes, the new “tooltips” without reference to the previous iteration.

MINOR ADEPT* Blinding Truths: Blind nearby foes when using a healing skill (5s, ICD: 3s). Healing skills gain reduced energy cost (100%).MAJOR ADEPT* Tranquil Benediction: Renewing Wave (Staff 4) grants regeneration and swiftness (8s). Removing a condition from an ally heals them.* Disarming Riposte: Disabling a foe blinds them (5s). Blindness you apply also applies slow (3s, ICD: 20s).* Preservation of Life: New trait. Cast Lesser Energy Expulsion (Ventari elite) when reviving an ally (ICD: 45s). Gain increased revive speed (10%). Allies nearby Ventari’s tablet are revived faster (10%).MINOR MASTER* Hardened Foundation: Gain increased healing power (120). Your outgoing healing is increased (15%) when above the health threshold (75%).MAJOR MASTER* Bolster Fortifications: Reintroduced from old Herald traitline: Grant protection (2s) to nearby allies when using a healing skill (600 radius). Additionally, increase incoming healing when you have protection (5%).* Eluding Nullification: Dodge rolling blinds nearby foes and removes a condition from nearby foes (240 radius, 10s ICD per legend).* Invoking Harmony: Increase outgoing healing (20%) when invoking a legend (10s).MINOR GRANDMASTER* Serene Rejuvenation: Increase outgoing healing (20%). Healing skills gain reduced cooldown (20%).MAJOR GRANDMASTER* Natural Abundance: Heal yourself when using a legend skill.* Momentary Pacification: Immobilize (3s) and slow (3s) nearby foes when using an elite skill (ICD: 30s, 360 radius). Non-damaging conditions gain increased duration (25%).* Selfless Amplification: Increase outgoing healing based on a percentage of your healing power (1.5% per 100 healing power). Additionally, increase the radius of Legendary Centaur Stance skills by 33%.



MALLYXWhile Mallyx does provide a very interesting set of skills, it has not been able to keep up with the powercreep of other specs in the game, especially post-PoF. It is naturally intended to be a melee/close-range brawler, but lacks both consistent pressure and self-sustain. Unyielding Anguish has been changed significantly in functionality to allow for better ranged pressure, while also increasing its mobility and kiting potential. Embrace the Darkness is a very lackluster skill that lacks flavor since the removal of its condition copy mechanic, so a new functionality of it enhancing other Demon skills has been added onto it. While the new benefits are pretty significant, they do come at the cost of a significant energy drain. Removing the stat bonus from EtD would probably necessitate a damage increase in other skills to make up for the lost DPS, but those are numbers that I don't feel comfortable addressing.* Pain Absorption: Cast time reduced from 0.5s to 0.25s. Now also grants 0.25s of stability to self immediately when skill is activated.

* Unyielding Anguish: Functionality has been changed to be a two-part skill:* 1. Unyielding Anguish: "Create a demonic field at the targeted area that torments and chills foes." This no longer causes you to leap to the affected area. Reduced energy cost to 20. Cast time has been reduced from 0.75 seconds to 0.5 seconds.* 2. Demonic Manifestation: "Consume yourself into the darkness, shadowstepping to your currently active Unyielding Anguish." Energy cost: 10. Cast time: 0.25 seconds.

* Embrace the Darkness: Now instant cast. No longer grants increased stats. Instead, Legendary Demon skills gain improved effects:* [EtD]: Empowering Misery: Gain might (2x, 5s) per condition currently active on you upon healing.* [EtD]: Pain Absorption: Also applies protection (3s).* [EtD]: Banish Enchantment: When reaching the target, this skill explodes, removing boons from foes in the surrounding area (240 radius). * [EtD]: Unyielding Anguish: Increase range by 300.* [EtD]: Demonic Manifestation: Increase range by 300. Applies burn [4s] to foes in your field if you shadowstep inside it.

JALISA glaring issue I see with the legend is that its stunbreak is not only 40 energy, but it also takes 1.25 seconds to cast. For being the tanky/resilient legend, this is an issue, so a stunbreak has been added to Inspiring Reinforcement so it has two different options. Otherwise, this is just some general polish to the legend to bring it up a bit.* Soothing Stone: Cast time reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.* Vengeful Hammers: Now grants barrier instead of healing.* Inspiring Reinforcement: Now also breaks stun and pulses retaliation.* Forced Engagement: No longer functions as a projectile.* Rite of the Great Dwarf: Cast time reduced from 1.25 seconds to 1 second.

VENTARIAgainst stationary targets, Ventari skills function just fine. However, the tablet lacks adaptability and reactability, making it difficult to use in PvP and WvW due to the naturally mobile nature of the game. A couple traits from Salvation were baked into the tablet baseline in order to provide more trait variety. A stunbreak has also been added as not having one severely limits its potential. Between these and the Salvation changes, I think this would dramatically increase Ventari's viability in both PvP and WvW (small- and large-scale). * Project Tranquility: Now also pulses regeneration (2s) per interval (3s). (Taken from Nourishing Roots in Salvation)* Ventari’s Will: Cooldown reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds. Reduced healing modifier by 33%.* Natural Harmony: Decrease delay from 1 second to 0.5 seconds. Alacrity application is now baseline.* Purifying Essence: Reduced cooldown from 5 seconds to 3 seconds. Reduced energy cost from 25 to 20. No longer heals per condition cleansed. Now breaks stun.* Protective Solace: Blocked projectiles now heal all allies within the dome for a small amount.



MACE* Searing Fissure: Decrease cast time from 0.75s to 0.5s.* Echoing Eruption: Now evades for 0.75s.

AXE* Frigid Blitz: Increase projectile velocity by 33%. Now shadowsteps you regardless of whether the attack lands or not (blindness/evasion currently negates it).* Temporal Rift: Decrease activation duration from 1s to 0.5s. Increase pull width from 300 to 320.

STAFF* Punishing Sweep: Cast time reduced from 0.75s to 0.5s.* Debilitating Slam: Energy cost reduced from 10 to 5.* Renewing Wave: Cast time reduced from 1s to 0.5s.

HAMMER:* Hammer Bolt: Aftercast decreased by 0.25s. Projectile velocity increased by 15%.


WHY SO MANY BUFFS?From a PvP and WvW perspective, Revenant struggles beyond the meta power Herald builds (roaming/zerging). One can find a certain degree of success with other builds, such as a healer Herald, but generally speaking, these builds do not perform up to part with equivalent builds from other classes. Core Rev as a whole is underperforming, being heavily reliant on Herald. My intention with these changes is not to break the current meta builds for Herald, or even to necessarily create new meta builds, but to increase general viability for underperforming aspects of the core class to further increase build diversity and viability, whether they become meta or not. Ultimately I would like for the core class to become a respectable choice. Are some of my suggested changes too much? Perhaps, but of course these are only ideas that I am unable to test. Revenant is my favorite profession in the game and I would like to see it perform better than it currently does. A recent Reddit poll illustrates that many others feel the same way:![](https://i.imgur.com/7XlbK4P.png "")Updated Dec 2, 2018


Anyways, that is all. I appreciate any responses and feedback to this.
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From the perspective of someone who often uses a support/healing Rev in WvW, I like your suggestions. None seem unreasonable, though I suspect merging with the tablet likely breaks their "this is how Rev healing gameplay should be". The combination you're suggesting between Blinding Truths and Blessed Stride might be a bit much, but would be an interesting change in helping Ventari catch up with the current condition-heavy meta.


My personal wishes (small changes):

* Tablet radius extended from 240 to 300. This isn't a massive area, but provides a little more room for a group to work around (length of a dodge roll for example).

* Give the Ventari stance a stun break. The only one right now is if you trait for invoking a new stance to break stuns. Why is my only tool for breaking a stun while under pressure (as healers often are) to switch away from healing? No other healer spec is stuck with that kind of weakness and it is a very easy one to exploit.

* "_Protective Solace_" - Reduce the maintain cost from -8e to -5e, but force it to go on cooldown for 15-20s if maintained for 15+ sec. Either that or give it some kind of secondary effect for allies within the bubble such as healing or condition removal on an interval basis. The effect is nice, but situational at best making it a difficult sell for a fixed skill at that energy cost. Giving it some added utility might change that.

* Trait / "_Eluding Nullification_" - Remove the cooldown on this or make it stronger. The limitations on endurance and how often you can actually dodge provides a sufficient cooldown for an effect that removes a single condition.

* Trait / "_Song of the Mists_" from the Invocation line - Increase the radius for "support" effects such as the ventari stance to either be larger than 180 or center them on the tablet like every other Ventari effect is.

* Staff #4 skill - "_Renewing Wave_" - Reduce casting time from 1s to 1/2s.


These types of changes seem realistic to me of the kind of numerical changes we can expect in a balance patch. I would like to see more interesting changes made to under-performing traits if not even full reworks of them, but is probably not going to happen outside of another expansion.

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TBH I would be happy with just:


* Radius buff on the tablet skills and making all the skills have the same radius

* Visual indicator on the ground for you and your allies so you can actually see where the effects will be


Also the trait which causes Natural harmony to grant alacrity could have effects added for the other utilities:


* Small pulsing barrier on Protective Solace (bubble) or blocked projectiles grant allies barrier - fits the shield theme

* Light aura on Purifying Essence (cleanse) - fits the anti-conditions theme

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It would be good if Staff, Ventarti and Traits like Natural Abundance werent so RNG based with how healing orbs spawn and such. Some changes i owuld make:


Auto attack chain: Make it similar to Sword Ele Water. Do okay self healing on the first and second trike and make the 3rd strike heal all allies in a reasonable range of the target. Remove the orbs. Maybe even have it slightly more than the Ele one due to all their other healing abilities.


Renewing Wave. Make an Instant cast, increase energy cost by 5 to make it "balanced" i personally wouldnt see much trouble with it staying the same cost and cool down and making it a instant cast, seems odd to have healing and condition removal behind a long cast time.


Ventari, I would make the Elite different, that makes the Tablet infuse with the player, This has a 2 energy upkeep cost. This will make all the healing abilities affect around the Revenant and increases their effects.


Ventaris Will: Moves the Revenant in the specified direction, healing all allies on their way and releasing a healing wave at the end. Cool down increased to 10seconds (increased cool down as it would be broken otherwise)

Protective Solace: The Barrier now reflects projectiles,

Natural Harmony: Healing is increased, no delay timer,

Purifying Essence: Now removes 5 conditions.


Energy Explosion: Acts the same way, just acts around the Revenant


Tranquil Benediction. Still happens on the last strike of the auto attack, but automatically affects the player.


Natural Abundance: Heals the Revenant when they use a centaur skill.

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Thank you all for contributing your feedback!


> @"Windyplains.4208" said:

> From the perspective of someone who often uses a support/healing Rev in WvW, I like your suggestions. None seem unreasonable, though I suspect merging with the tablet likely breaks their "this is how Rev healing gameplay should be". The combination you're suggesting between Blinding Truths and Blessed Stride might be a bit much, but would be an interesting change in helping Ventari catch up with the current condition-heavy meta.


> My personal wishes (small changes):

> * Tablet radius extended from 240 to 300. This isn't a massive area, but provides a little more room for a group to work around (length of a dodge roll for example).

> * Give the Ventari stance a stun break. The only one right now is if you trait for invoking a new stance to break stuns. Why is my only tool for breaking a stun while under pressure (as healers often are) to switch away from healing? No other healer spec is stuck with that kind of weakness and it is a very easy one to exploit.

> * "_Protective Solace_" - Reduce the maintain cost from -8e to -5e, but force it to go on cooldown for 15-20s if maintained for 15+ sec. Either that or give it some kind of secondary effect for allies within the bubble such as healing or condition removal on an interval basis. The effect is nice, but situational at best making it a difficult sell for a fixed skill at that energy cost. Giving it some added utility might change that.

> * Trait / "_Eluding Nullification_" - Remove the cooldown on this or make it stronger. The limitations on endurance and how often you can actually dodge provides a sufficient cooldown for an effect that removes a single condition.

> * Trait / "_Song of the Mists_" from the Invocation line - Increase the radius for "support" effects such as the ventari stance to either be larger than 180 or center them on the tablet like every other Ventari effect is.

> * Staff #4 skill - "_Renewing Wave_" - Reduce casting time from 1s to 1/2s.


> These types of changes seem realistic to me of the kind of numerical changes we can expect in a balance patch. I would like to see more interesting changes made to under-performing traits if not even full reworks of them, but is probably not going to happen outside of another expansion.


Yeah, I could see why my suggestion for elite would be breaking too far away from the theme of legend. The tablet is a very unique mechanic but the elite in its current implementation feels awkward. It has its uses (I love knocking enemies off cliffs in WvW while defending certain towers), and thematically it makes sense, but it just doesn't seem to have much thought put into it. With the implementation of support FB in sPvP, it goes to show just how powerful of a boon Stability is to share, and that is something that I think would go a long way for its viability. This of course could be implemented differently than what I suggested and I would totally be fine with that, but I figure the elite would be the most likely spot for it. You always have the option of choosing Jalis, but it just feels so crippling to not have Infuse Light as an oh-shit button and Jalis just feels clunky and energy-hungry. I think that they are on the right track with tweaking Invocation (Spirit Boon, Charged Mists), but it needs some more work. I like my idea for the elite because it not only gives us access to a much sought-after boon and allow us to move with our heals, but also the added mobility could very extremely helpful for PvP situations. Unrealistic for it to ever be implemented because of all the pathing issues it would create though.


As far as your suggestions go:

-A radius increase would go a long way for the tablet. Wasting all your energy on playing chase-the-ally is just not fun. I absolutely love the mechanic of the tablet, and it works well enough for blobs, but it is a struggle sometimes no matter how much you may try to predict their movement. I was thinking that reducing the cooldown on Ventari's Will would be helpful for this, but Alacrity can help alleviate this a bit and I'd fear that they'd put an ICD on Blinding Truths and/or Bolster Fortifications. I suggested increasing the speed at which the tablet moves as well as reducing the delay on Natural Harmony because these things, along with the radius on Ventari skills, is what makes it such a challenge to properly heal somebody.

-I agree that Ventari stance needs a stunbreak. I suggested Purifying Essence as the best qualifier for this (self-stun-break only); to me it's the only one it would really make sense for.

-I personally don't feel like Protective Solace needs an energy reduction. I wouldn't mind just a wee bit of utility put into it, though. I like the suggestion Salogel had of giving it a bit of barrier, as long as it isn't too overtuned. I think something like making boons uncorruptable or endurance regeneration while inside would be kinda cool, but perhaps too strong or niche.

-Eluding Nullifcation needs some sort of change, whether it be what you suggested or what I did. I definitely do think it's lacking though, very much so. Having no ICD would be very very nice.

-I hadn't realized the poor radius on Song of the Mists...how sad, especially for a GM trait. I like where they're going with the trait, but it needs some love. Even with a radius increase, I wouldn't trait it.

-I suggested a 0.75s cast time for Staff 4 because I felt it was more realistic of a change, but 0.5 would be even better. One can dream.



> @"salogel.1869" said:

> TBH I would be happy with just:


> * Radius buff on the tablet skills and making all the skills have the same radius

> * Visual indicator on the ground for you and your allies so you can actually see where the effects will be


> Also the trait which causes Natural harmony to grant alacrity could have effects added for the other utilities:


> * Small pulsing barrier on Protective Solace (bubble) or blocked projectiles grant allies barrier - fits the shield theme

> * Light aura on Purifying Essence (cleanse) - fits the anti-conditions theme


-I would be so damn happy with a visual indicator for the tablet. The white circle indicator that they already have implemented for other classes' skills work great because it's subtle but still effective.

-That's an interesting thought on adding other effects for the other utilities. I like your ideas for those. I was thinking a Light Aura would be fitting somewhere in there too but I couldn't figure out where it would work. How much barrier do you think would be a reasonable amount?



> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> It would be good if Staff, Ventarti and Traits like Natural Abundance werent so RNG based with how healing orbs spawn and such. Some changes i owuld make:


> Auto attack chain: Make it similar to Sword Ele Water. Do okay self healing on the first and second trike and make the 3rd strike heal all allies in a reasonable range of the target. Remove the orbs. Maybe even have it slightly more than the Ele one due to all their other healing abilities.


> Renewing Wave. Make an Instant cast, increase energy cost by 5 to make it "balanced" i personally wouldnt see much trouble with it staying the same cost and cool down and making it a instant cast, seems odd to have healing and condition removal behind a long cast time.


> Ventari, I would make the Elite different, that makes the Tablet infuse with the player, This has a 2 energy upkeep cost. This will make all the healing abilities affect around the Revenant and increases their effects.


> Ventaris Will: Moves the Revenant in the specified direction, healing all allies on their way and releasing a healing wave at the end. Cool down increased to 10seconds (increased cool down as it would be broken otherwise)

> Protective Solace: The Barrier now reflects projectiles,

> Natural Harmony: Healing is increased, no delay timer,

> Purifying Essence: Now removes 5 conditions.


> Energy Explosion: Acts the same way, just acts around the Revenant


> Tranquil Benediction. Still happens on the last strike of the auto attack, but automatically affects the player.


> Natural Abundance: Heals the Revenant when they use a centaur skill.


-I think getting rid of the orbs would be best too. I just don't like the idea of having to walk over something to benefit from it, and even moreso when involving allies. I would absolutely love it it just simply healed AoE around the target. That would make the staff trait a little more appealing too.


-Renewing Wave being instant cast is a little too much in my opinion. I think a 0.5-0.75s is much more realistic and would still go a long way.


-It would be nice to have an ability to merge with the tablet. I always felt that core revenant should have another F skill that changes based on the legend, and having a tablet-merge skill would fit so well for that.


-Having self-heals from Natural Abundance is actually a pretty cool (and safe) idea. As I mentioned, I have a problem with the mechanics(?) of the fragments, so essentially changing that to a more reliable trait would be very helpful for self-sustain. It wouldn't bring the clunkiness of the fragments and would be kept in check by having it apply to oneself only. I like that idea, especially in contrast to the more group-oriented Selfless Amplification.



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  • 4 weeks later...

ventari - mainly need more condi cleanse abilities and the bunker/support will be fine. atm ventari cant support the team versus condition builds

jallis - need some the hammer to attack faster for pvp. the utilities are fine although i agree stun break should not be in 40nrg elite skill and again condi dmg reduction should be implement without the trait

shiro - seems fine with bit power modification

mallyx - condi resistance should be pulse with all the currport around. condi dmg should be buffed

renegade - group support which aint working atm in pvp nor wvw

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> ventari - mainly need more condi cleanse abilities and the bunker/support will be fine. atm ventari cant support the team versus condition builds

> jallis - need some the hammer to attack faster for pvp. the utilities are fine although i agree stun break should not be in 40nrg elite skill and again condi dmg reduction should be implement without the trait

> shiro - seems fine with bit power modification

> mallyx - condi resistance should be pulse with all the currport around. condi dmg should be buffed

> renegade - group support which aint working atm in pvp nor wvw


How would you suggest incorporating better condition clear management? That's one of the reasons I incorporated Mist Tap, so there is potentially more energy to spare in situations where you need to stay in a specific legend, but it limits legend swapping frequency so I am not sure how it would realistically play out in a high pressure situation in PvP.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > ventari - mainly need more condi cleanse abilities and the bunker/support will be fine. atm ventari cant support the team versus condition builds

> > jallis - need some the hammer to attack faster for pvp. the utilities are fine although i agree stun break should not be in 40nrg elite skill and again condi dmg reduction should be implement without the trait

> > shiro - seems fine with bit power modification

> > mallyx - condi resistance should be pulse with all the currport around. condi dmg should be buffed

> > renegade - group support which aint working atm in pvp nor wvw


> How would you suggest incorporating better condition clear management? That's one of the reasons I incorporated Mist Tap, so there is potentially more energy to spare in situations where you need to stay in a specific legend, but it limits legend swapping frequency so I am not sure how it would realistically play out in a high pressure situation in PvP.


staff 4 cleanse 3 conditions and reduce cast time

shield cleanse 1 condition each pulse

legend swap cleanse 2 conditions

ventari elite skill cleanse 5 conditions. cd 10 sec

mallyx resistance is pulse 2 stack for 1 second , PA pulse resistance 2 stacks for 1 second.

renegade - the heal skill i would change to 5 sec but the same healing affect. 100% dmg reduction to condition

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I didn't see anything about additional utility skills?

I like how you are thinking, but I will start off with the one thing I thought was over board - Inspiring Reinforcement. I think it gives to much. Break it into 2 separate traits and make us choose between it doing this or that.


I have always been an advocate of not have a single trait granting to many things at once. This is where a majority of power creep and brokenness come from.


The other thing I would add, which would add a little more to Venturi is giving a it and the rest of the core legends an F2 skill. The F2 skill would be the merge/unmerge function, plus I would like to see the merged function be more defensive, while the unmerged would be more offensive. The F2 would also have a -2 energy consumption, which would occur when you are merged. So any of the traits dealing with the tablet would have a merged and unmerged application. For instance, while merged you heal yourself more and grant regen to allies around you, whereas unmerged you heal allies more and grant yourself regen, but the tablet doesn't need to be near you. Also when merged and you remove a condition you blind foes around you, unmerged when the tablet removes a condition from an ally it transfers it to a foe if within the radius.

I would also like Protective Solace to be more than a shield up keep. Merged it would blind foes whether they shoot or pass through it. Unmerged it could be used as a knockback or daze tool as it passes through a foes with an icd based on the foe(so you can't just push them all over the place)

Last thing on this - there should be a trait to allow you to reveal a stealthed foe(s) if the tablet passes through them.


The F2 skill all have a -2 energy upkeep


mallyx - all weapon skill corrupt boons

Shiro - tethers you to a foe and giving them vuln or gives you swiftness

Jalis - area of stability around you (need to redo Inspiring Reinforcement)

Glint - stays same

Kalla - stays same - maybe


Last couple of things:

I think Glint/Herald skills should use the ammo system and Kalla/Renegade should use the AOE up keep system like herald has now.

Make Unyielding Anguish do what it did during beta, where it pulsed a push/knockback with torment. This added awesome counterplay in WvW when someone was going to stomp a team mate, plus put it back as the 3rd down state skill - Vengeful Blast. was actually useful vs. the torment the area.


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  • 2 months later...

Hey all, I have been making little changes to this post every so often for the past couple months and figured now would be a good time to bump it to receive more feedback and see what you all think since quite a bit has changed. I incorporated some ideas from others and also made some additional tweaks. Some highlights of what I changed since last bump:


* Grandmasters of Salvation have been changed. In particular, Serene Rejuvenation is now a grandmaster so one must choose now if wanting Alacrity in their kit, at the sacrifice of other utility.

* Superspeed access has been incorporated into the Salvation line, as it fits thematically with the centaur stance and offers not only more mobility for oneself, but also more group utility.

* Equilibrium and Song of the Mists have been adjusted and given distinct functionalities: Equilibrium on damage and SotM on utility. SotM was largely buffed because it is quite an underperforming trait at the moment.

* Ventari Elite has completely changed from what I previously had. It is now an upkeep that functions similarly to Sand Savant but has decreased targets per area. Almost exactly what ArmageddonAsh had suggested. This comes at a huge sacrifice in control utility since the knockback would no longer be present, but an overall increase in functionality for what the spec is primarily intended for: healing/support. I scrapped the shadowstep idea I had here because realistically I don't think it would ever be implemented.

* Unyielding Anguish is now a targetable AoE and no longer leaps, but now has a shadowstep baked in as a flipover skill.

* A couple additional weapon changes were added. Mace 3 now has a short evade to give the kit more defensive utility, which it currently lacks. Staff 2 is now a short leap.


I play my Rev almost exclusively as a healer, so my experience with power and condition builds are much more limited, which is why I am not comfortable suggesting more changes for those things than I have. I obviously come from a very biased perspective with these suggestions, but I tried my best to make them reasonable. With that said, I am sure some of the stuff here is overtuned, and if you think so, I would love to hear what/why. Sorry if the bumping annoys you, but I would rather bump an updated post than create an additional thread.




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> @"Beezlebub.1538" said:

> I also love the idea of these reworks, as I continue to play tablet rev despite how frowned upon it is. This could be the easiest way to counter scourges in WvW - please consider these changes Anet.


I appreciate the comment. I don't think this would by any means put Ventari at the support potential of Firebrand, but to me FB needs to be tuned down more, at least in WvW. Ventari has clear limitations and to me that's fine, however it still needs more polish and I'd hope that my suggestions could bring it to a better level.

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Need to have **2 more utility skills for each legend!**All Legends should have an F2 ability.**Centaur Stance** - F2 would be a stow and unstow the tablet. Stowed - would be more selfish heals - either only you or a small area around youUnstowed - would work similar to how it works now.> LEGENDARY DEMON STANCE

> > • Unyielding Anguish: This skill's functionality has been changed and now has a secondary flip-over skill: > >1. Unyielding Anguish: "Create a demonic field at the targeted area that torments and chills foes." This no longer causes you to leap to the affected area. Reduced energy to 25. Cast time has been reduced to 0.5 seconds. Power damage scaling has been increased.> >2. Demonic Manifestation: "Consume yourself into the darkness, shadowstepping to your currently active "Unyielding Anguish"." Energy cost: 5. Cast time 0.25 seconds.>I like this, but I would like to add to it. 1. would also do what the original skill did by pushing foes out of the area, plus torment & chill & reveal stealth.2. when you port to the area it would suck the foes back in and negate their boons for X number of seconds.

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> @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:> Need to have **2 more utility skills for each legend!**> > All Legends should have an F2 ability.> > **Centaur Stance** - F2 would be a stow and unstow the tablet. > > Stowed - would be more selfish heals - either only you or a small area around you> Unstowed - would work similar to how it works now.> > > LEGENDARY DEMON STANCE

> > > > • Unyielding Anguish: This skill's functionality has been changed and now has a secondary flip-over skill: > > >1. Unyielding Anguish: "Create a demonic field at the targeted area that torments and chills foes." This no longer causes you to leap to the affected area. Reduced energy to 25. Cast time has been reduced to 0.5 seconds. Power damage scaling has been increased.> > >2. Demonic Manifestation: "Consume yourself into the darkness, shadowstepping to your currently active "Unyielding Anguish"." Energy cost: 5. Cast time 0.25 seconds.> >> > I like this, but I would like to add to it. > > 1. would also do what the original skill did by pushing foes out of the area, plus torment & chill & reveal stealth.> 2. when you port to the area it would suck the foes back in and negate their boons for X number of seconds.> > > As much as I would like to have more utility skills, I didn't include any because I have my doubts that ArenaNet will ever implement that (not that they'll implement these ideas regardless though). However, with that said, having even just one more choice in utility skill would really benefit the class and build diversity. Do you have any ideas for additional utility skills? I would love to hear your thoughts.I feel that including those two things for UA may be too powerful, but I love the idea behind it. How quickly would enemies get pushed out? It seems like it may be weird to have functionally opposing effects with the push/pull, but perhaps that is the point if using it as an area of control.I was thinking yesterday about how boring I find Embrace the Darkness, and how it would be cool to have it enhance the other Mallyx skills. This is just a super rough draft that I came up with on the spot yesterday, but I think it would give the legend some depth:

EMBRACE THE DARKNESS5 Energy, 2 Upkeep; Cast Time: 3/4 secSummon the power of the legendary demon to transform into a powerful avatar, chilling all foes around you. While transformed, your attributes are increased and your other Legendary Demon Stance skills are enhanced; resistance you apply heals.Initial Hit: AoE Chill [3s] (240 Radius, 5 Targets)Resistance: Follow regeneration's healing base/coefficients.

Enhanced Skills:>* Empowering Misery: Gain might [3x] per condition currently active on you upon healing.>* Pain Absorption: Also applies protection [3s]>* Banish Enchantment: When reaching the target, this skill explodes, removing boons from foes in the surrounding area. (Radius 240. Targets: 5)>* Unyielding Anguish: Increase range by 300. Increase radius by 60.>* Demonic Manifestation: Increase range by 300. Applies burn [4s] and slow [2s] to foes in your field.

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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> Staff Changes: I agree with the changes to autoattack orbs into a heal pulse. I agree with reducing the cast time of Punishing Strike. I do not agree with turning it into a leap.


> Other changes you propose are good. I hope devs consider.


Fair enough. I do believe that the leap could make the staff too powerful, but in its current form, staff #2 is quite awkward. Surely reducing the cast time would help, but I don't think it in itself would be enough. Would you say further increasing the CD would be enough? Or do you just not agree in general with moving the skill in that direction?

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > Staff Changes: I agree with the changes to autoattack orbs into a heal pulse. I agree with reducing the cast time of Punishing Strike. I do not agree with turning it into a leap.

> >

> > Other changes you propose are good. I hope devs consider.


> Fair enough. I do believe that the leap could make the staff too powerful, but in its current form, staff #2 is quite awkward. Surely reducing the cast time would help, but I don't think it in itself would be enough. Would you say further increasing the CD would be enough? Or do you just not agree in general with moving the skill in that direction?



The issue with Staff #2 in its current state is that it cannot reliably interrupt. I think staff #2 needs 2 changes:


1. Activation time reduction on first skill. Slight activation time increase on second skill.

2. Move the daze to the First skill, but only make it daze if enemy is using a skill.


Hence it resembles current functionality, except the punishing parts activate on the first skill if the requirement is met, while the second skill is used for damage.

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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > > Staff Changes: I agree with the changes to autoattack orbs into a heal pulse. I agree with reducing the cast time of Punishing Strike. I do not agree with turning it into a leap.

> > >

> > > Other changes you propose are good. I hope devs consider.

> >

> > Fair enough. I do believe that the leap could make the staff too powerful, but in its current form, staff #2 is quite awkward. Surely reducing the cast time would help, but I don't think it in itself would be enough. Would you say further increasing the CD would be enough? Or do you just not agree in general with moving the skill in that direction?



> The issue with Staff #2 in its current state is that it cannot reliably interrupt. I think staff #2 needs 2 changes:


> 1. Activation time reduction on first skill. Slight activation time increase on second skill.

> 2. Move the daze to the First skill, but only make it daze if enemy is using a skill.


> Hence it resembles current functionality, except the punishing parts activate on the first skill if the requirement is met, while the second skill is used for damage.


Yeah, I think that could definitely work. Would you say that the flipover skill would still be worth casting though? The damage is nice and the weakness would still be helpful, but it still comes at the cost of energy, and I feel like the daze is the main attraction for the flipover currently. I personally like that the daze is on the flipover skill because it requires more of a setup and more of an energy investment to use, which is why I think a short leap on the initial skill would help solve this. Just my opinion, but I still think your idea is solid.

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> @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> Staff skill 2 if the initial hit was a leap daze would make it a great opening move for the staff and it would combo really well with staff 5.


I mentioned it above, but attaching the daze to the first hit would take away a lot of the incentive to using the flipover skill, which in my eyes should be the better of the two skills. As much as I like the idea of having the initial hit daze, I dont think it really needs it.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> > Staff skill 2 if the initial hit was a leap daze would make it a great opening move for the staff and it would combo really well with staff 5.


> I mentioned it above, but attaching the daze to the first hit would take away a lot of the incentive to using the flipover skill, which in my eyes should be the better of the two skills. As much as I like the idea of having the initial hit daze, I dont think it really needs it.


I am proposing to remove the flip over skill.

If the idea of a leap takes to long, make it a slide like phase traversal, but only a 300-450 range.


> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> > Need to have **2 more utility skills for each legend!**

> >


> How quickly would enemies get pushed out? It seems like it may be weird to have functionally opposing effects with the push/pull, but perhaps that is the point if using it as an area of control.

> I was thinking yesterday about how boring I find Embrace the Darkness, and how it would be cool to have it enhance the other Mallyx skills. This is just a super rough draft that I came up with on the spot yesterday, but I think it would give the legend some depth:




Here is the original version (see below) of the skill which ppl complained about, but if you added the option to pull the foe back in I think ppl would really like it. I would still remove the self cripple, and that is why it has a strikethrough.


**Original Version**

Leap toward the targeted area, tormenting foes and creating a demonic field that displaces enemies. Apply bonus torment if you have equal or more conditions than the threshold applied to you.

Damage: 184

Condition Threshold: 3

~~Self-Cripple (3s): -50% Movement Speed ~~

Bonus Torment (5s): 330 Damage, 477 Damage if Moving

Torment (5s): 330 Damage, 477 Damage if Moving

Number of Targets: 5

Pulses: 4

Duration: 4s

Displace Distance from Center: 240

Radius: 240

Combo Field: Dark

Range: 600

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> @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> > > Staff skill 2 if the initial hit was a leap daze would make it a great opening move for the staff and it would combo really well with staff 5.

> >

> > I mentioned it above, but attaching the daze to the first hit would take away a lot of the incentive to using the flipover skill, which in my eyes should be the better of the two skills. As much as I like the idea of having the initial hit daze, I dont think it really needs it.


> I am proposing to remove the flip over skill.

> If the idea of a leap takes to long, make it a slide like phase traversal, but only a 300-450 range.



I see. Well that sure would be powerful. So maybe with an energy cost of 10? Where would you suggest the weakness application go? Would it also be tacked onto this skill? Or would you suggest removing it? Personally I think the weakness needs to stay in the staff kit as it is appropriate for the theme and purpose of staff. If the weakness stayed on staff 2, the damage would probably need to be similar to Punishing Sweep as opposed to Debilitating Slam.


> @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> > > Need to have **2 more utility skills for each legend!**

> > >

> >

> > How quickly would enemies get pushed out? It seems like it may be weird to have functionally opposing effects with the push/pull, but perhaps that is the point if using it as an area of control.

> > I was thinking yesterday about how boring I find Embrace the Darkness, and how it would be cool to have it enhance the other Mallyx skills. This is just a super rough draft that I came up with on the spot yesterday, but I think it would give the legend some depth:

> >

> >


> Here is the original version (see below) of the skill which ppl complained about, but if you added the option to pull the foe back in I think ppl would really like it. I would still remove the self cripple, and that is why it has a strikethrough.


> **Original Version**

> Leap toward the targeted area, tormenting foes and creating a demonic field that displaces enemies. Apply bonus torment if you have equal or more conditions than the threshold applied to you.

> Damage: 184

> Condition Threshold: 3

> ~~Self-Cripple (3s): -50% Movement Speed ~~

> Bonus Torment (5s): 330 Damage, 477 Damage if Moving

> Torment (5s): 330 Damage, 477 Damage if Moving

> Number of Targets: 5

> Pulses: 4

> Duration: 4s

> Displace Distance from Center: 240

> Radius: 240

> Combo Field: Dark

> Range: 600


I was a little late to the ballgame with Rev, so I never got the chance to play with this. Does this essentially function similar to the tornado/whirlwind effects that certain PvE mobs have, where you can still use your skills and move but your character is essentially being moved? Or did it actually prevent players from using skills? I think the pull could be really great attached to the teleport, as you suggested, but I'd personally rather have the chill application over the displacement. At least in theory, as I never tried out the old version.

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Just curious what you all think of incorporating a 100% energy reduction to heal skills into a minor trait in Salvation. This would make all heal skills free, including Ventari's Will, which would of course be the main point of the trait. Assuming that you are moving your tablet every 3 seconds--which is quite realistic---that means that you are regenerating energy at 66% the speed of a normal revenant: 10 energy vs. 15 energy every 3 seconds. This is partially made up by the fact that the legend skills cost a bit less than most other legends' skills, but I would argue that Ventari is still very energy hungry if you are trying to do more than just heal or just cleanse conditions, which realistically should be happening in an engaging fight. My question is whether you all think it would be too powerful to include into a minor trait, or even to have at all. Part of me feels that such a change would be unhealthy and take away from the purpose of the energy mechanic, but another part of me feels that this would tremendously benefit the overall feel and functionality of the legend.

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