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returning after age, need to know the meta


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That all depends on what you like. There are great resources out there. The first place I would go is [metabattle.com/](http://metabattle.com/ "metabattle.com/") .


Also it is hard to answer that question, since we have no idea what expansions you own. Vanilla mesmer is still very viable in small groups, but I don't think you would be getting many raid invites.


I hope that helpped.

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[Pve meta](https://snowcrows.com/raids/mesmer/) : **support chronomancer** (usually commander+berserker gear mix) focused on sharing quickness and alacrity, **condi dps mirage** (viper)

[Pvp meta](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Mesmer) : **condi chrono/mirage**

Wvw meta : **power/condi chrono/mirage** (any combination works very well, but if you're condi, mirage would be better pick) for roaming or target focusing while following big groups (more-less same builds as in spvp). **Support chronomancer** (minstrel gear) focused on boon sharing, condi cleansing, healing a bit and even interrupting enemies.

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