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Everything posted by steki.1478

  1. Condi mesmer is a very heavy counter to any ele build because confusion hurts a lot considering that you need to cast a lot of skills which can kill you in the process. I think your best options are something like d/f with lightning rod (shocking aura helps counter the evades and I dont think that mirage has that many stun breaks) or fire sword because of constant pressure with condies (iirc mirage cleanses arent that strong either). Both builds should be played with some kind of cleanse in them (can be harder on d/f because air spec has no cleanses and arcane is just too valuable for any pvp build). FA is just a suicide unless you take the first shot and burst the mesmer down before it stun breaks/evades your initial combo.
  2. https://gw2mists.com/builds/necromancer
  3. I'd suggest running fire spec as 3rd since all 4 of your fire skills deal quite a high burst damage (3-4-5 into 2 and swap to air while channeling 2). Air on daggers mostly serve as mobility, cc and constant damage with auto attacks. If you're stacking in the corner and waiting for mobs to appear you can channel your earth 5 for even more burst before you do your fire chain. Also, having swiftness boon overrides the speed buff from air trait so you should focus on stacking swiftness (you have arcane trait and lightning field which you can blast to give it to allies). Also, if you just wanna blast mobs with damage and you have access to 2 specs only, use fire and air since they boost your offensive stats a lot.
  4. At this point you might slap anything and call it an open world build because there are far more effective builds than any of these. You can be resilient and still do insane damage, like on condi weaver and fun only depends on your skill choice, not traits, so might as well choose something with high synergy and effectiveness. Earth and water in the same build are good only on tempest that's trying to stay alive for a long time while supporting allies, it's a waste of breath in every single situation otherwise. When you use staff you don't benefit from a single earth trait to begin with.
  5. Just run a condi build with sword and dire/tb gear. You're practically a tank with the same if not better damage than whatever you're using now. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/107218/open-world-domination-fire-weaver#latest
  6. > @"Yasai.3549" said: > > @"Jski.6180" said: > > What anet likes to do when they "shuffle" things on the trait line they tend to nerf the effect. Its not important if they move it up or down in some way they nerf it. > > > > There needs to be a hard line drawn that non used effects needs to be removed from the game or anet will only "limp" alone with updates never fixing the problem. > > I rather Inscription got reworked or removed then. > That thing is way weaker than the Raging Storm or Storm Soul. > Inscription should be something like superspeed (+ fury/quickness?) on glyph usage, while stormsoul is swapped for some supportive trait, like removing movement impairing conditions on air swap or giving nearby allies a stack of discharged lightning (or something else, all of these are random ideas). The same needs to happen with GM traits because all 3 focus only on damage, there's no mobility or supportive options in there (however, with suggested change from above, FA could be used for both dps and support builds). 20% dmg on <50% hp targets should IMO be removed from all classes because those traits are just boring and on most of dps builds (on all classes), you'd pretty much always choose them and they don't affect your build at all. In ele's case, BttH could be swapped for aoe quickness on superspeed application for example, or giving all allies with shocking aura and/or allies who enter your lightning fields some extra bonuses like ferocity, static discharge stacks etc for some period. Basically, anything that would enable auramancer or any supportive build to provide some offensive bonuses other than might.
  7. > @"Nimrod.9240" said: > > @"steki.1478" said: > > > @"Nimrod.9240" said: > > > > @"Zeesh.7286" said: > > > > The trashiest bit is the root while casting meteor which totally kitten you up. (Remove the kitten root on meteor anet. PLEASE) > > > That's why I use sigil of celerity on my core ele, so I can quickcast the MS, makes it sooo much more convenient. > > > > Rage one seems more reliable since you wont always disable someone (unless the sigil procs on targets with stability), but quickness duration is shorter. > > With rage sigil you cant control the crit = the proc. Celerity is way more reliable even if it does not proc on stab. I mean we are talking about zerg fights, there is always someone around without stab to trigger it. You have pulsing aoe fields and at least 60% crit chance so it's a lot more reliable.
  8. > @"Nimrod.9240" said: > > @"Zeesh.7286" said: > > The trashiest bit is the root while casting meteor which totally kitten you up. (Remove the kitten root on meteor anet. PLEASE) > That's why I use sigil of celerity on my core ele, so I can quickcast the MS, makes it sooo much more convenient. Rage one seems more reliable since you wont always disable someone (unless the sigil procs on targets with stability), but quickness duration is shorter.
  9. On the bright side, power weaver should barely have any competition now since a lot of high dps builds got nerfed by quite a bit.
  10. There are no UI mods that are related to combat, nor ways to fully modify your UI (you can only hide it or move it up and down to swap with other UI elements, which you already tried).
  11. > @"Dadnir.5038" said: > > @"steki.1478" said: > > None of the ele traits are passive procs, they are just regular traits that trigger on other actions. Passive procs are the ones that trigger on low hp, getting disabled or getting hit, like frost aura traits from water/tempest, which for some reason have higher cooldown than all the traits you mentioned. > > _Woven stride_? 5s CD for a trait that proc on taking a "soft" CC. > _Elemental bastion_ proc on a 75% health treshold which is probably enough to justify the 40s ICD. _Which is, what, 10s higher than the engi trait that proc on being hard CC? Granting you frost aura, health and every single "on applying aura" proc that you've traited (which can be a lot)._ > > I understand what you mean, but it's a narrow point of view. There is objectively no reason for elementalist to envy other professions' similar traits. The first one, while being right, is just swiftness, which most of the time you already have, and the condition you get isnt even cleansed or anything. Ele bastion has a reasonable cooldown IMO. The comparison to engi doesn't matter that much since engi gets all the elixir benefits from the same specialization, some even on the minor traits, which is basically no sacrifice. Tempest needs to get various aura traits from other specs to get the best use of the ele bastion trait. And again, it's 1 trait vs 3+. You just proved my point, when you chain all those traits, it becomes obnoxious, which is exactly what's the problem with engi - 1 passive elixir means nothing, but when you chain 3 passive ones + traits from other specs, you get very strong passive sustain while focusing your skills mainly on offense. Similar to warrior pre nerf, one endure pain is a relatively solid defense, but when you chain it with other 3 passive defenses, damage conversion on heal etc, you get an unkillable tank which deals tons of damage (or at least it used to work that). I'm not saying that ele traits should always be on lower cooldowns or similar, but defensive traits and skills are usually pretty bad compared to other classes. Just compare armor of earth to stand your ground and dolyak stance and you'll see what Im talking about. Game mode doesn't even matter.
  12. > @"Opopanax.1803" said: > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said: > > The goal is to reach 100% increased burn duration. Anything over that is wasted. > > > > I would say that earth is probably better? It increases condition damage and passive defense. I prefer arcane mostly for the boons on demand and dodge effects on evasive arcana, but that could just be a me thing. You should try both and see what you prefer! > > I know this is a dumb question, but it has been so long. > > On the calculator, on a lot of builds I end up at 99.XX% burn duration (or other condi, depends on class and build). > > My understanding is that Condi's were split on ticks a while back so you dont lose anything if you arent right at 100%; IE, you retain the full amount of partial tick. Can anyone validate this? It's been a LONG time since I looked at that. Would love a confirmation; I hate overcapping with a passion. Just dont bother with that. With same logic, having 102% instead of 99.76% means that you could utilize extra 20 condi damage and 10 precision and achieve better damage or something along those lines. Those minimal differences are completely irrelevant since you'll absolutely never manage to do perfect rotations and achieve the highest numbers you could possibly get. A single auto attack chain cancel will lose you more damage than that minuscule % difference. Focus on your mechanics, not on contemplating a build that can be built in 7 different ways.
  13. > @"Kodama.6453" said: > Well, context matters I guess. > Don't know where you are getting the healing from the elixir passive procs, do you possibly mean because of the trait compounding chemicals, which heals you for 37 for each boon applied? > The healing is useful for pulsing boons, but one single elixir proc from alchemy really doesn't heal you much. > > Also, engineer has exactly 1 passive stun break in their trait lines: reactive lenses. And that trait is legit never taken by anyone..... Why nerf something that is virtually non-existent? > > Also I wouldn't call 100 seconds cd for 3 seconds of protection (Elixir E) "low cooldown". Usability shouldnt really matter, you either nerf all or none. I've never seen a warrior using offhand sword, yet its skills got nerfed in the feb patch. And sure, 1 elixir proc wont do anything, but when you have 3 or 4 then you're practically getting lots of stuff for free without doing a single thing. Wvw cooldowns are also nowhere near 100 last time I checked. > @"Dadnir.5038" said: > But his sentence is a double edge sword, since elementalist do have quite a few procs of protection on "low cool down with other benefits added" (_elemental shielding_, _elemental attunment_ or _elemental lockdown_). Funnily enough, prot procs on "low CD" are also true for Ranger (_Protective ward_/_companion's defense_), Necromancer (_dark defiance_/_corruptor's fervor_), guardian (_steadfast courage_), mesmer (_illusory membrane_) or even revenant (_eye for an eye_/_spirit boon_). Even thief can boast nigh perma 33% damage reduction (equivalent to protection) through _flickering shadow_. None of the ele traits are passive procs, they are just regular traits that trigger on other actions. Passive procs are the ones that trigger on low hp, getting disabled or getting hit, like frost aura traits from water/tempest, which for some reason have higher cooldown than all the traits you mentioned. Btw, I'm not "attacking" engi because I think it's op or something (just mentioned it because I know its traits), nor Im defending ranger etc. I'm just confused that the passive proc cooldowns on non ele classes are extremely low, while also being stronger most often than not. Ele passive procs are crap and they still get high cooldowns. It's not even about ele, the cooldowns for such traits should never be low or the traits should simply not exist. There are too many autopilot features in the game.
  14. > @"Kodama.6453" said: > > @"steki.1478" said: > > Meanwhile engi still has 2/3 elixir procs in alchemy with relatively low cooldowns. > > The procs from engineer are not really on the same power level as the 300s CD traits, tho. > > One gives some boons (might, retaliation, swiftness, fury), one converts 2 conditions into boons and one grants protection + barrier. > Compared to a stance, which pulses 2 stacks of stability for 4 seconds, is an automatical stunbreak and also makes you immune to critical strikes for 4 seconds, these elixirs are not nearly as powerful. Idk, ele has a 3 attack block and prot+stability procs and they are on 300 sec cd. Engi gets plenty of stuff from elixir procs like might/reduced damage as well as heal and none of engi's passive stun breaks have 300 sec cd. Protection procs on low cooldown have pretty high value in a long run, especially when you get other benefits from that. Ranger trait that also redirects cc to its pet (which works for 1 cc only on soulbeast) also has 300 sec cd and I wouldnt group it with damage immunity procs.
  15. > @"FrownyClown.8402" said: > Serrated stones should be a 10% modifier with no bleed duration increase. > It doesnt need any damage modifier since you never take earth to do direct damage. It should be % condi damage instead. Maybe another trait that gives extra condi duration against bleeding/crippled/immobed enemies (for example +5% on first two, +10% on the immob).
  16. Meanwhile engi still has 2/3 elixir procs in alchemy with relatively low cooldowns.
  17. > @"Zape.2094" said: > > @"steki.1478" said: > > Use trailblazer herald, it's one of the strongest solo builds nowadays. > > Any chance you could hook me up with a build for it? Which legends and weapon sets do I use? > > Thanks alot guys! :) You can try looking on metabattle/youtube.
  18. Use trailblazer herald, it's one of the strongest solo builds nowadays.
  19. > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > @"JohnWater.5760" said: > > I agree with you. > > Swap Attunements isn't a real mechanic, you gain nothing with that. > > huh. How is this not a "real mechanic"? How do you "gain nothing with that"? Which class mechanics do you consider being "real" and by what standards? Tbh it does feel a bit lackluster considering that it's one of the few core class mechanics with drawbacks. You have more skills, but they have lower impact (for the most part, not every single skill) compared to other classes. The only other class I can think of is necro who, while having a pretty good mechanic, suffers from the lack of mobility and stunbreaks which somewhat balances out. Rev can maybe be put in there as well due to the energy system, but all other classes have actual mechanics that are functional and work like additions to weapon+utility skills, not their replacement.
  20. > @"Opopanax.1803" said: > I always thought Marshall's gear would make a good stat for a hybrid Ele, since it has good Healing, Power, and Condi damage. Has anyone ever tried a blend of set, say Celestial trinkets and Marshall's Weapon? I've been curious about it. It's good for wvw, but kinda sucks in pve. There's not many places where you can utilize those defensive stats since most of the time you dont even need them. Meanwhile, your offense is severely lacking.
  21. > @"DeanBB.4268" said: > I wasn't suggesting a scepter. The OP wanted to use one. > > "Just use full dire or get some trailblazer for burn duration." + "With cele armor the OP will already have enough sustain to stay in melee facetank range for general pve." > > So can't she use whatever she wants, since general pve is faceroll anyway? Which is it, gotta use the best weapons, or pve is too easy? People with that mentality usually come up with builds with 0 synergy and think that they invented hot water. Then months later they realize that their build cant do sh*t so they ask for some helpful advice. People like OP skip the part of having a fragile ego and just ask about something they aren't sure about. Nothing wrong about that. Pve can be faceroll, but if it was always the case then these threads wouldn't appear at all. Also some people can be both bad at playing and bad at build craft so no matter how faceroll the content is, they can still manage to fail it. Builds that are relatively tanky, do high damage and aren't particularly hard make everything more smooth and fun. There's a reason why all those websites are popular.
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