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[Suggestion] Tonic / Travel wallet


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I've got lots of fun tonics but just keep a few handy and the rest gather dust in the bank. Similar to the mount button, can we get a tonic button (that can be hot-key bound) with a selection mechanism for selecting the specific tonic, similar to how we select our mount?


Similarly, can we get a way to also select our travel toys?


Both would encourage use of game content; in the case of the travel toys, direct purchase of gemstore items. It would help increase the tonic market and maybe open up some options for gemstore-only tonic, too.


As it is now, tonics and travel toys are hard enough to use they don't get used much. I supposed the cheap way to do this would be to just let us hot-key the first tonic or travel toy in our bags.


Just a thought- seems a shame not to get more out of tonics and travel toys & might yield to direct and indirect gemstore sales.


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I'd love to get more out of tonics, but their use is so severely limited: either you can't use weapons with them, or you can't ride mounts with them, etc. I remember buying a hoodie with no sleeves that looks really good on my toons, only to find that I couldn't do much while wearing it. It's not like it was a fancy transformation into a bat or something. It was just clothing. While a hot-button would be nice, it wouldn't be enough to encourage me to use tonics. Other than RP where you can stay in character for periods of time, general use in pve requires you to keep popping in and out of the tonic and that's just annoying.

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  • 2 months later...

I would love to see a Tonic Wallet or Tonic Storage, something similar to how the outfit panel is setup. I have seen this request come up several times on the forums and as well as on reddit. I am curious if this is something that is just shelved, thought about by devs, or maybe something they are planning in the future. I would hate to trash my tonics and find out that it comes available for people.

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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> I'd love to get more out of tonics, but their use is so severely limited: either you can't use weapons with them, or you can't ride mounts with them, etc. I remember buying a hoodie with no sleeves that looks really good on my toons, only to find that I couldn't do much while wearing it. It's not like it was a fancy transformation into a bat or something. It was just clothing. While a hot-button would be nice, it wouldn't be enough to encourage me to use tonics. Other than RP where you can stay in character for periods of time, general use in pve requires you to keep popping in and out of the tonic and that's just annoying.


For the hoodie tonic (if you mean one of the "Endless Something Hoodie Tonic" hoodie tonics), take it to the NPC near the Trading Post collection points (Black Lion Exchange Specialist) and you can exchange the tonic for an outfit version that will unlock in your outfit wardrobe. That has the advantage that you can dye it, although some of the dye channels are a bit messed up. And you can fight or ride while "wearing" it, just like any other outfit.

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