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Is there anything left?


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> @"Reanne.5462" said:

> Is there anything left that costs less to craft, than to buy on the tradepost?

> Is there anything left that can be salvaged and sold for more than the cost of crafting it, or buying it on the tradepost?


All sorts of stuff, all the time. Plenty of foods, many exotic items (notably insignia). The list varies throughout the day or week or month. You can either visit a site like [GW2 Profits](http://gw2profits.com/) to identify recipes for you or you can wait til you have an interest in something. Then you can use [GW2 BLTC](http://gw2bltc.com/), the wiki or [GW2 Efficiency](http://gw2efficiency.com/) to compare the cost of crafting versus the TP prices and decide whether to buy or craft.


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Also "anything left" implies that the situation was notably different in the past; it wasn't. A lot of things have been cheaper to buy on the TP since the trading post's first stable month. Much of the stuff we can craft also drops from foes and people value it less because they consider it "free". Similarly, a number of things are cheap tools to level up crafting ranks, so they exist in abundance... and again, people value them less.


The more interesting question to ask is: under what conditions is it reasonable to expect that something we craft is worth more than its component materials?


* Does the item have a sink? If yes, it's more likely to be worth more. Case in point: the rares that can be exchanged for provisioner tokens are worth more than nearly-identical rares with stats that aren't accepted by those same vendors.

* Does the item have multiple non-crafting sources? If yes, then it's more likely to never reach a point where it's more valuable to craft. Case in point: "of slaying" sigils. They drop like flies from salvaging gear and people are always salvaging gear. Same is true for all the Wintersday Foods & Utilities: the drop rate from W-Gifts is high enough to make them far cheaper to buy than to craft.

* Does the item have an independent reason to be crafted? If yes, then also likely to remain cheaper to buy directly. Case in point: "of slaying" potions, which are used to level crafting ranks.

* Does the item require low-drop rate items or recipes? If yes, it will tend to be priced higher. Case in point: jeweled patches or dowels.

* Is the item used for any sort of important meta build or other use? If yes, will be priced higher. That's why Powerful Blood is nearly always worth far more than other T6 crafting "activators."

* Is it laborious to produce? If yes, then will be priced higher. This is why it's typically cheaper to refine your own.

* Is there a time gate on the item or its components? If yes, will be priced higher. Case in point: the basic ascended refined mats, such as elonian leather or damask patches.

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I've never run into either problem. I salvage exotics that I pay an average of 38s for, and although any given one might yeild less value than the item, over time the average is to my advantage. Are you using the best extraction tools?

Also, I never fail to make a profit by buying mats, crafting items, and selling them. I only bother with lvl 80 exotic items, usually with berserker stats. There's a good 15% profit in it.

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I make lots of food by buying the mats on the TP and then selling it.

Usually make around 10 - 20% profit after the TP 15% take.

To maximise the profit I put in buy orders for the mats which saves quite a bit, but means you dont get instant gratification as you have to wait for the mats to arrive.

But most people seem to instantly sell food mats so normally dont have to wait long.


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Yes. All things are cheaper if farmed first. Get the lowest mat and then craft it to something higher then sell or craft it. Crafting hardened leather to an insignia is almost 3 times more if it’s ascended. Just you need to be specific about what you want and look how to craft it. A lot of things can be duplicated in the mystic forge. Sometimes you can buy 1 mat. And then duplicate it. Craft something out of it and sell it. Then repeat.

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