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Are you going to purchase the 3rd expansion?


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I'll probably buy it. I held off on HoT but when I bought it they are some of the best maps I've ever played in any game. PoF is not as good map wise as HoT, but it added good additions and is still fun to explore.


I really want them to rebalance the game. Older skills and traits are just not that functional or are obsolete. That needs to change more than anything else on my list.

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If Im not burnt out and I havent left the game like I did years back for other reasons, a resounding yes. HoT was amazing. PoF...eh, Im honestly burnt on leveling my characters through the content. Right now, Im just playing...a little farming, fractals, wvw.


Im hoping to see an expansion within the next year or two at max. But honestly, not sure I can hang on that long.


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Sadly i would by a 3ed one as there still nothing out there i want to play in an mmorpg setting then gw2 BUT for other ppl WoW expansion is about to drop and monster hunter world just came out for the pc as well as other major games coming out soon if Anet dose not put something new into the game more then just a living story or a re do of a festable i cant see this game lasting to a 3ed expansion (if one not being worked out and is close ish to being done.)

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Yikes... I feel like I'm in the terrible minority here by saying yes...


Despite the ending of HoT, something I disagree with even as a new player, I am still enjoying the story and am very curious and interested in seeing how things continue to develop with the Dragon's Watch Guild, what new threats other than the dragons we may have to juggle, and what will become the ultimate solution to the problems the Commander has accidentally caused the world of Tyria.


I bought the two expansions and the living stories within half a month of starting to play, having fallen in love with the characters, the story, the look, and the lore. Even if there are flaws in all of them, it's not enough for me to hate it. Guild Wars 2 has become my go-to game since December, and no other games are making my happy or excited anymore. The Pokemon franchise has burned me 2 and a half generations in a row, I've fallen behind on the console race and am still prior-gen anyway, and a lot of PC games I either just do not have an interest in, or I have burned out on it. GW2 I keep coming back to almost every day, even for a little bit.


I would be more than happy to not only purchase the next expansion, but I am considering making it a pre-order if possible.

I am very excited and am on the edge my seat just waiting for any news what-so-ever on the next Living World chapter. I imagine my hype when the expansion is announced is going to be intense.


Inb4 sometime tells my bright eyed and bushy tailed self that I am wrong for enjoying anything because they themselves are jaded over something. Or I'm too casual.

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Honestly, GW2 has kind of ruined me for other MMOs. The other MMO I spent the most time playing was WoW, and in that game:


1- My gear and spec was changing constantly, not necessarily because I wanted to, but because the game changed so much, even during the same expansion.

2- I hated questing, couldn't care less about anything but the overall story for the expac, NPCs, dialogue. I would grind dungeons or whatever to get to max level as quickly as possible so I could start playing the real game.

3- If I didn't play for a month I would fall so far behind the curve. After 12 months into the expac, they would introduce catch up mechanics that made all the efforts you went through meaningless

4 - You had to pay a sub every month.


In GW2

1- My gear changes, but once I hit Ascended, I know stat wise it can't go higher. This allows me to spend resources on other alts, or to make alternate sets. While my profession may get tweaks or nerfs here or there, I haven't had to completely re-learn how to play Daredevil or Soulbeast as yet.

2- I love leveling up through heart and map completion. I still have unused LV80 boosts because with every new profession I roll, I want to experience the open world with them. I love map meta, world bosses, dynamic events, and ever after doing them several times over, I still find them fun. Personal story is a bit different, but still not something I dread.

3- If I quit for a month, I'd fall behind on my login rewards and daily completionist reward, but that's it. All the content in the game remains relevant, whether I want to go and kill the Karkka queen, head to Dry Top, complete Dragon Stand or farm Istan.

4- No sub required, I pay for only what I want off the Gem store. These days I just accumulate sufficient enough gold to buy the gems I need for the items I want off the Gem store, but if something big comes along, I don't mind shelling out $20 given I used to pay $15 a month.


GW2 has set the standard for me now, and I could never go back to WoW, even if they addressed all the issues that caused me to leave in the first place, because now I have different expectations for how an MMO should play.


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Hell no. I don't need PoF for absolutly nothing but story and i could watch Wooden potatoes for that.

As a WvW player and a mesmer i haven't gotten a single thing from PoF, i'm still stuck on chrono, wvw wasn't updated, hell even sPvP didn't get anything. Both are bleeding population for years now and now we only have like 4 tier 1 guilds that are able to compete on kinda equal footing. There are no commanders anymore, everyone is hostile to you if you are above average or want to raise the community. It's just bad all around, except for combat system. He i am hoping for GW3.

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