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Shows us the name of the person who merged parties


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Yeah I think the best bet is to make a pop up to the commander that says: "player 'x'" wants to merge squads; so you can accept or decline. I think there was some talk about this maybe 5 months back, a bit before PoF came out and was said something was being worked on for this. Haven't heard / seen any new info since then though.

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as for fractals party, people finish their dailies and merges the group with a bunch of offline people or

with some people that won't come to the instance and won't leave unless you ask if they want to tag along.

or even worse, SW parties merged with World Boss parties. don't forget parties without commanders!

maybe if by default does not allow merge unless commander or a named party leader check it somehow,

preferable with a custom message typed by the leader like "Hey let's rock this boss".

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  • 6 months later...

So with pitchforks and torches ready on hands we can chase and harass them? No thanks, that’s a clear way to rise the in game toxicity. U can’t fight fire with fire when talking of wrong behaviour or trolls. A simple confirmation by both groups leaders are enough, or by the majority of the two teams.


Edit: noticed that is an old thread, then take it as a bump

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  • 2 weeks later...

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