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Everything posted by Jwake.7013

  1. > @"lokh.2695" said: > Concerns are being voiced for years without end and nothing happens. ANet gives us the "they're not bots, they're just unattentively gaming which is ok" speech. I'd care if they did. But as long as ANet doesn't care it's kinda effortless to voice your oppinion. That's the exact opposite approach I'd personally have in that situation; where I want to keep voicing my concerns to make sure they're continued to be heard so anet knows they aren't just long forgotten gripes by the player base, especially something that such fundamentally ruins their game for the player base. I also don't believe they are just ignoring it, however they have not been putting the resources needed to actually fix the larger issue of bot and hacking detection and have just tried to fix the symptoms over and over which clearly is a bandaid and not a solution.
  2. People acting like they don't have the same access to the TP and info of it as everyone else does. If you put in the same amount of effort they do you'll get the same back, if that sounds boring or you just don't want to, that's fine, just stop complaining when people make gold off of it after you've looped dragonfall for the 100th time and are bored of it but aren't nearly as rich as they are. Also having gold for the sake of having gold is kinda meaningless, at least to me. Ok so I'm rich, now what? (I"m talking in a video game). I think someone at 2k gold can be just as happy as someone at 200k gold, if they both have everything they aiming to buy, then there really is no difference. All just depends on what your goals are and also having long term goals that take a while to get in an mmo is the opposite of a bad thing.
  3. It's funny how people complain about the economy and barrens messing with it but when it's bots doing it there's push back from people "why should I care?" and then there's lag in a bunch of maps from bots teleporting around gathering nodes and opening chests all the time but "why should I care" because they don't understand. I mean if you don't care, why are you pushing back against the people that do care about the health of this game? Maybe just be quiet and let the people who actually care voice their concerns.
  4. There are very large data sets if you look at reddit/youtube/discords to see drop rates. To talk about what the OP brought up though, we use to make way more gold but this festival has been nerf'd twice now over the last few years. It'd be nice if there was more content of some kind to do to bring it in line with how jam packed the other festivals feel, let alone the gold making availability there are from the others but it seems like aside from the races added and the Celestial Challenge event we didn't much because it came with nerfs to the Envelopes and while the new event is nice it just wasn't enough as it's really only used for a daily and nothing else to aim for from it.
  5. I'm honestly fine with it being a challenge, but I will say it is the outlier for the DRM's for sure. They should be comparable with one another and Snowden isn't. Either bring Snowden down to compare to the other CM DRM's or bring the others up to Snowden.
  6. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: ok, so there's no issues then I assume.
  7. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: Very weird, never saw/seen and image or link of any kind.
  8. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: You seem pretty dead set on not wanting people to discuss this, maybe this isn't the thread for you? Also haven't actually seen anyone name drop so not sure what you mean 'name and shame.'
  9. When you have interactions like that, just assume as ugrakarma said they are 12 or younger. Most of the time it's true and if they are an actual adult... well, their age may have gone up but they certainly haven't matured any for sure. Heck I once got blocked after someome complaining in map chat that it was saying how it was taking forever to get enough gold for the griffon and they didn't have a lot of time during the week to play. So I sent them a mail with a fair bit of gold and then like a week later went to mail them just to ask if they had gotten it yet, and I was blocked. Actually sent them a mail from another account in case it really was an accident, they never replied.
  10. The last two expansions have had release an info dump/trailer for better or worse on the last episode of the season leading into it. HoT seemed like it was stretched too long with it being 8 months and the hyped for it was a bit strained. Then PoF got everything in one announcement trailer 8 weeks before it dropped, which seemed too fast and couldn't really gather the hype it deserved for it imo. If they maybe 4 months out did a bit info drop about a date, the big 'thing' to get people in (gliding for HoT; mounts for PoF) showed us some visuals and what not. Then maybe drop a trailer. And do like weekly lead into EoD with small tidbits about elite specs and so forth. I think they did nail that really well with how they dropped info weekly about the elite specs going into HoT with a teaser pic then a live stream for each one. Doesn't have to be exactly that, but those were really fun to follow along with.
  11. It can be better profit overall for greens, but you have to watch prices. I will say for newer players or people that don't care that much about profit lines then yes I wouldn't worry about this salvage o matic and stick to copper and silver ones.
  12. You sound like your misunderstanding salvage upgrades 100% of the time with recover (which it doesn't do). It'll breakdown and you'll get loot (Lucent Motes) 100% of the time and 20% chance to obtain Glob of Ectoplasm and Glob of Dark Matter from salvaging rare and exotic equipment. The description is pretty bad at explaining it in game but wiki does do a better job (I copy/pasted from there).
  13. Yes that is the cap for those. In the hero panel you can hover over your achievement number it will show you your month and dailies are at a combined 15k. It would be nice with some sort of in game indication for sure, I know the wiki says if you look it up there though. As for why to still do dailies? well you don't have to if your only reason was for AP. Still a quick 2g though, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.
  14. Like 6months or so before cooking 500 came out there was a post from a dev (too lazy to try and find atm) that talked about them wanting to raise all the 400 crafting professions up to 500. Then we got the cooking quest. I assume when they decided to do EoD side projects like this got pushed to the back burner for now. I am looking forward to the day though when this gets added.
  15. I went in with pugs from lfg and did it. Not saying it wasn't hard but after two tries we got it down and completed it a few times. Adjusting the timer I'm not totally against mind you, but when I see people saying a raid group can barely do it, I have to just smh a bit.
  16. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > Unless it has recently changed, it is not NCSoft that offers support, but ArenaNet. > That does not mean that the CS Team is always up-to-date on all changes, but they are ArenaNet employees. It always seemed depending on the category of the ticket it'd be sent to one or the other. However in recent years the majority always seem to be handled by NCSoft people if it was anything outside of sololy being game related bugs. This could though be totally my misperception and I couldn't find any clarifying statement.
  17. Remember, CS is NCSoft people, not anet. Most of them know very little to nothing about the game or statements made by anet devs that aren't announcements. Pretty sure it has been said they wont go back to update stuff for these kinda things, but will just try to make future ones have the options. (note, not saying it's impossible to happen just improbable) ofc things can change as such statements were made quite a while ago, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
  18. you can change them in the hero panel still, just not directly on the skill bar
  19. I mean if you want to spend your karma, plenty of ways to convert it to some gold if you really wanted to. Though nothing wrong at all just saving up till there's something you want to buy with it / something new comes out that you have to buy with karma. Note, people who make legendaries are pretty much always starved for karma so it's not in abundance for everyone. Also anyone not a few years into end game seems never to have more then a mil or so unless they go out of their way to never spend it. Honestly think it's in a decent place balance wise for supply and demand it's just whether you choose spending it or using it for gold to be worth not having extra on you for the future.
  20. Imagine a game having a community manager... and listening to them.
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