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Hybrid Reaper Build (maybe?)


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Hello, i consider to make a new char (necro of curse) so i played a bit with a skill editor.



I tried to make some kind of power reaper but without using precesion on weapons/armor/trinkets.

Instead i wanted to get a bit Condition Damage and leave the crit chance to "Decimate Defenses" and "Death Perception" traits.

Unfortunately there is no stat combination with Power, ferocity, Condition Damage so i used Cavalier and Grieving stats.


Im not sure about a few things like utility skills, the second weapon set (greatsword is fine i guess) and some traits.

This build (and my possible new char) will be used in PVE only, no raids, maybe fractals (guess not T4), mostly open world.

Do you think it's worth to give this build a chance?


PS (Sorry for no good english, me no navit english-man :) )

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I'm not sure you got near enough damaging condition output to justify all those condition damages on your gear.


As for your question, in open PvE anything might work, however, honestly, you'll struggle with such a build. Avoid toughness in PvE, it's really near useless, as a necromancer you'll do better with more vitality than more toughness. More than that in PvE, you'll always want to build offensively, not because you don't need defense but because killing faster as always been the best defense in PvE in this game. If you really need survivability ditch out death magic and take blood magic, with siphons healing you throught shroud you'll have better chance to survive than with a few % of damage reduction. If your goal was more power in taking death magic, honestly, spite would have done a better job for you.


Also, remember that staying in shroud (even in PvE) as a reaper is a lot harder than it used to be. Your whole setup seemingly aiming at killing things very fast with power damage while in shroud might very well backfire on you (especially since you spoil your gear with condition damage and your utility bar with skills that won't help you with life force management).

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Reaper condi damage is achieved through


- Deathly Chill (Shroud 5+4 combo)

- Dhuumfire (Shroud 1)

- Scepter + Curses traitline

- and to a lesser (but still noticeable) extent: Chilling Nova (critical hits -> chill -> bleeds) and Chilling Darkness (GS4/Shroud2 blind -> chill -> bleeds)


You don't use any of these... your condition stats are completely wasted.

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Thanks for your feedback so far.


The thing with the Toughness is, that i tried to avoid Precesion because no need (i wanted to get something more usefull instead). I found Cavalier stats and thought its fine because of the "Deadly Strength" trait. More Toughness -> more Power.


I agree with the condition source problem. I was struggeling between Dhuumfire/Death Perception and Deathly Chill/Reapers Onslaught (and not sure about other traits).


Maybe this version is a bit better (still not sure about utilitys and second weapon set)


It dont have to be a max DPS build, (wich is not possible as a hybrid build i guess), but i hope i get some synergy into it. :)

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There is really no benefit from Death Magic. I highly recommend to not use it. It is the most useless traitline for a Necro.


A strong hybrid build would look like this:



This build (focused around Rune of the Reaper and Deathly Chill) stacks Might, Vulnerability and Chills -> Bleeds in an AOE like crazy on low cooldowns, which makes it very satisfying for open world content. It's really fun to play.

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Like KrHome said death magic is not worth it, looking at your second build feel like you are trying your very best to convince yourself that it's a good solution but if you really want a bit more than 100 extra point of power, just take signet of spite and trait for signets, don't waste your time with DM.


Your trust in DM is commendable but all this toughness is nothing more than a waste, especially in PvE. You would be able to gain from it if you intended to play in WvW maybe but not in PvE. In PvE toughness have next to 0 impact in large group fight and/or solo fight. As for the 20% condi damage reduction... excuse me but that's gw2 pve... you'll either be overloaded by conditions and die (20% or not) or it won't even tickle you.

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This caps bleed duration, while having as much condi damage as viper reaper, using decimate defenses to max crit. It does most of its bleeds through blind and chill that's part of the direct damage rotation.


Running this atm, getting a constant 30 bleeds on any mob that lives long enough. Still does decent direct damage. Working on gearing it now, but even the trash gear I'm wearing now (half carrion half berserker exotics) it's quite impressive

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I played around with the idea of a somewhat hybrid build in wvw. I've got a mix of gear which roughly puts me at marauder stats like i run in pvp. I swapped out some trinkets and changed up some foods and perhaps a weap or two. I kept it mainly power based but before might stacks i wanna say i had around 700 condi or so. I still kept pretty good power stats around 2k pwr and pretty close to 50% crit. I realize that isn't much but at the time getting over with bleeds and chill wasn't too hard to manage. The idea was to try and make the condis i do apply carry some kind of weight behind them. As for how effective it was I'm not really sure. If anything it made me feel clever for a quick minute.

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The build I posted above just clocked 21k on golem with realistic buffs. Half geared.


4 ascended grieving armor. Grieving greatsword. And a mix of berserker and carrion exotics for everything else... No back piece. (did use the good food tho)


I'm beginning to think that grieving is where it's all. I've never actually *wanted* to run legendary bounties before.... Huh.

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With the right build, DM can work in WvW but it's fairly useless elsewhere, mostly because it just gets outpaced by the powercreep in the game.

In the core game DM was a really strong trait line for power builds due to the mentioned toughness -> power conversion and all the free utility it gives in shroud.


With reaper's changes to LF decay rate, you're looking at largely asking for failure to depend on shroud, simply because you're not going to have much access to it.


With the changes to Onslaught and the removal of SoS's shroud cooldown reduction, I'd honestly recommend core necro more than reaper at this point for open-world PvE since it also gains the benefits of ranged AA's, overall superior mobility in target-rich environments, and is much better on LF management.

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I changed my build to this, get my Necro to lvl 80 and tried it a bit.

I played some Open World Events, Worldbosses an Dungeons and i'm happy with the result.

I do reasonable well damage, have no crit problems and i know vitality is not needed for those content but it's an enjoyable gameplay this way (maybe it's just the big lifepool + shroud and the extra vitality do not help that much, but i don't know^^).


I'm sure this build can be optimized way more for more dps and something and mybe i will look at it sometime, but for now it's exactly what i want from my Necro.

So i want to thank you for your help. :)

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> @"Karaha.3290" said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRQQNAR3YnMbCt0gtbCO2A0biFcBD6qFAaBUnh2Q0K+K+FHjA-jxRAQBA4iAcWlfaS9H2qEcq6GIwTAYL7PAA-e


> I changed my build to this, get my Necro to lvl 80 and tried it a bit.

> I played some Open World Events, Worldbosses an Dungeons and i'm happy with the result.

> I do reasonable well damage, have no crit problems and i know vitality is not needed for those content but it's an enjoyable gameplay this way (maybe it's just the big lifepool + shroud and the extra vitality do not help that much, but i don't know^^).


> I'm sure this build can be optimized way more for more dps and something and mybe i will look at it sometime, but for now it's exactly what i want from my Necro.

> So i want to thank you for your help. :)


What if you swap the your Trinkets for Viper instead while keeping the weapons zerker.

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> @"Karaha.3290" said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRQQNAR3YnMbCt0gtbCO2A0biFcBL+K+FHjQXtAQLg6M0GiWA-jxRAQBhU5HAuIAbZ/BC8EA4juhbqEUTq/AA-e

> you mean like this?

> With this changes you would have ~220 less Condition Damage, 17% less Crit Damage, 3% more Crit Chance, 20% more Condi Duration and 36 more Power.


Basically, I actually have the gear for that. I haven't logged in for days since the balance patch killed all my interest in playing any more. On the bright side though my Dragon Knight in ESO is now lvl CP160 and I'm putting together my beginner End Game tanking build.

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> @"BrokenGlass.9356" said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAnYRnM0At1gN2AW3A0biFcBD6qFAaBxXxv4YMaDMB+AA-j1RAQBA4JA0j9H6q6PsVJ4ZV+RgTBwU1HEAIBY8IeEPxDwNdT30NdT3Utpb6mupb6mupb6mupSBsoeL-w


> This caps bleed duration, while having as much condi damage as viper reaper, using decimate defenses to max crit. It does most of its bleeds through blind and chill that's part of the direct damage rotation.


> Running this atm, getting a constant 30 bleeds on any mob that lives long enough. Still does decent direct damage. Working on gearing it now, but even the trash gear I'm wearing now (half carrion half berserker exotics) it's quite impressive


Have you tried that build with Grenth runes for the Chill Duration increase?

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