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Feedback on Jackal Rune Greaves (Charr)


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First off, thank you to the Arenanet devs for releasing a couple new armor skins in the gemstore. However, I feel that the design of the greaves could have been better for those who have Charr characters. The large single toecap does not go well with the charr's foot anatomy, especially with the large claws that they have. This design makes it look like the claws were just removed in order to fit their feet into the greaves. In most of the footwear for the charr, the toecaps are individual parts to cater for each toe, so why was this not done for these greaves?


I have done a little screenshot edit to show how I feel the greaves COULD have been like. It is a simple design change, but it makes the greaves for charr, in my opinion, a whole lot better and something I would have purchased in a heartbeat. Sadly, because of how they are now, I will not be purchasing them. The gauntlets however are definitely fine in terms of design for charr.


![](https://i.imgur.com/RBUrekQ.png "")

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To much design work to implement, it's simpler and far easier to make skins that are the same style across the board and just resize for the different characters...in case no one has been paying attention for the past 5 years, that has always been the reason why there aren't more armor skins in the gem store...**they take up to many resources.**

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> To much design work to implement, it's simpler and far easier to make skins that are the same style across the board and just resize for the different characters...in case no one has been paying attention for the past 5 years, that has always been the reason why there aren't more armor skins in the gem store...**they take up to many resources.**


I beg to differ. Over those 5 years they have made the effort to make the footwear for charr look anatomically suitable, some even as far as to look like what i've suggested as a more suitable design for these greaves, like the Ascalonian Sentry Boots, Paws Of Koda, Ghostly Outfit, and the more recent Warbeast Boots, Warbeats Greaves, and Awakened Zealot Outfit. The fact they made the greaves suitable for Asura feet only show that they could have made the same effort for Charr. =(

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Agreed. Asura are catered for, Charr recieve little time for or review of sizing adjustments, placement or position of character models, as gaps or clipping for back-pieces or armor. I eternally hope for a change in this policy or at least an explanation for its pervasiveness. Please. I really want to pay money for lots of these things.

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> @"Demented Sheep.1642" said:

> This is why I've never really supported the idea of adding new races. They already have issues with the races they have. Unless it's a reskined human they are going to add to the problem even more.


I can fully understand where you are coming from, but these issues are purely down to the willingness of the developers to make it look right in the first place. Don't get me wrong, Arenanet has done a great job implementing Charr and Asura into the game, and a lot of the stuff they have made for them have been exemplary. But its the few things like these that slip through and can really stick out like a sore thumb to those who like to play these unique races. They have proven that they can make clothing work very well for these races, so to see how these greaves were done for Charr is a huge disappointment to me, especially since they did it right for Asura.

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