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Bizarre bug with characters shown in different positions on different clients

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Since yesterday me and my party are experiencing this strange bug where characters are shown in different positions, but can nonetheless fight the same boss, do the same jumping puzzles, etc. It happens in different zones, it does not depend on a particular map or area.


To better understand, see the two attached images. They have been taken a few seconds apart, without moving the characters. On one client, they are close to each other, on the other client they are a few hundred meters away:




We are on 64-bit Mac client build 85,841.

Any help?


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Hi, i have the same issue you describe. But no answer why...

I think it begin since the January's 23 update...

It's kind of boring.. really boring. I see my mate next to me, 2 secs later I see him 100m away from me. Or I him him falling in holes and valley, but he's not..

Some time I dont see him at all... I can only follow him when he have his pet, his pet show him his real position.

Same for me, sometimes he can only follow me seeing my pet...


I'm on Mac, but not him. Version: 85 841

I'll appreciate some help too.

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And being on Windows, he sees you in the wrong position too? That would exclude a problem with the Mac client.


To add one more info, it's not just lag. While seeing my partner in the wrong position, if I ask her to move I see her character move in real time, just in the wrong position.


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this problem exists for me and a friend since two days too. We both have windows clients. Im standing next to her and she cant see me. 5 Mins ago she was fighting against the Vinewrath. I was standing a a hero point and saw her character fighting and moving next to me. Also we see eachother stuttering around without any animation and mounts are not shown. Internet connection is fine on both sides when it happens. Very annoying bug. The bug is not present all the time but every couple of minutes.


best regards

Stuttering Joe

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Yeah same, the bug is not all the time, when I disconnect and reconnect I see him for some minutes, and at a moment position are fucked up again.. I don't understand.

We saw that when we're on mounts we see the real position, otherwise we only see us with the pets...

Same when he's on the ground, dying, sometimes I can't heal him because I think i'm not on his real position, even if I have the button to heal him... It's hard to play :s


> @"Giluil.2534" said:

> And being on Windows, he sees you in the wrong position too? That would exclude a problem with the Mac client.


And yeah, to answer, he's not on Mac client, but perhaps the problem comes from me ? I don't know..

Kindda strange.


> @"Abdel Muhti.6431" said:

> Hi,


> this problem exists for me and a friend since two days too.


> best regards

> Stuttering Joe

Yeah same, never appended before...



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Happens to me as well, my friend is warping over the ground yet he is on his mount.

Earlier today I was standing at a champion hero challenge in VB and suddenly the champ got engaged by a to me invisible player and said player finally turned visible to me once the champ was dead; I did see their spell effects though.

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My other half and I fought this for several hours today while running PoF story. Our computers are only a few feet apart, so I kept looking over at her screen to figure out where she really was. I could see her aoe markers next to me while we were fighting, and she could see mine. Our toons appeared to be no where close to each other.

We are both on windows 10.

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Windows 8.1 and it's happening to me. I've got two accounts and will regularly have both up on a separate monitor to farm my home or run through a JP together. Was in Dry Top and on one screen I see both toons standing next to each other and on the other one, just the one. Different time, both characters were in the same spot, on the same map, but not visible to each other, but the minis were plainly visible. Earlier tonight, I was partied up with another guildie and he swore I was over running into a wall at one corner of the Secret Garden JP in Mt. Maelstrom. I was up by the chest at the time. And later, I watched him drop all the way to the ground on my screen, while he was actually opening the chest. My brother has noticed similar weirdness while teamed up.


Also believe this started with the January 23 update. It is happening on multiple OS's and machines. And it does NOT appear to be lagging.

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Good morning,


i can confirm that its not about lagging. The Jan 23 update brought the error. There must be an error in The Code (mystic music playing). I can't play with friends like this. Every few Minutes you have to ask: Can you see me? Where are you? ...and so on.


Hopefully the issue will be fixed soon.


With best regards

Grumpy Skritt

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I'm also experiencing this phenomenon. Latency is normal for myself and my friends, but sometimes we don't see each other in the positions we actually are, or we see each other teleporting or stuttering on the screen in a manner similar to how you would when someone has latency issues. Skills still activate normally, and mobs behave/interact normally. It just seems to happen with players.

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There are a couple threads in the bug section about this as well. As far as I can tell, it's affecting all players when in a group (and also when solo, like when trying to rez someone you pass by, and being unable to.) I'll post in this thread too, because it's a pretty major issue that needs mending badly.

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Proving to be a pretty big issue when running HP trains - you see the commander running off into the middle of nowhere on your screen but in reality, they're somewhere totally different. I know someone who holds great HP train runs who said she isnt holding them until it's fixed because it nearly ruined her last attempt recently.

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Thank you for your post!


I have same problem, in maps season 3 (Draconis Mons and Siren's Land, i have only 2 i don't know others). Not only i, but some friends in my guild and in same party.


We all from Brazil, in diferent regions!


We are all waiting for a response from the arena net!

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> @"Abdel Muhti.6431" said:

> Good morning,


> i can confirm that its not about lagging. The Jan 23 update brought the error. There must be an error in The Code (mystic music playing). I can't play with friends like this. Every few Minutes you have to ask: Can you see me? Where are you? ...and so on.


> Hopefully the issue will be fixed soon.


> With best regards

> Grumpy Skritt


I actually first noticed it on January 16. My husband was taking me to a mastery point or something in Verdant Brink, he climbed up a branch, I followed, stopped next to him. Then he turned to me and said "where you going?!" After a short and confused conversation, I looked over his shoulder and saw that, while I'd stopped right next to him, on his screen my char had kept going, fallen off the branch and was currently attempting to scale a wall on the other side of the gap. At the time, it was only ever happening to me and it had probably been happening for some time. I'd actually dyed my dress bright yellow and pink because he kept losing me and claiming he can't see me or he thought I went -that way-. Prior to seeing the wall-scaling, I assumed it was just my asura being too tiny. Recently though it seems to have intensified and now his char does it as well.

It's not lag, lagging would cause the char to appear at an earlier position not run off into the sunset to a place it hasn't been that day.

Repearing the client does not fix the issue. Relogging does reset the position(in case you are dead and cannot mount).

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I noticed two issues that might be related, both this desynching thing as well as a mount issue.

For the past...I'd say month or two, maybe a bit longer, my mount often is underneath me or invisible even as I'm moving. Sometimes it pops in and loads back in, sometimes it doesn't for a while until I dismount and re-mount.

Along with this, as this is what I think might be related, I often see someone else who is supposed to be on their mount but they're zigzagging around the screen and seemingly running around in circles. Having them dismount and remount will fix that. But I wouldn't be surprised if that is also related to the desync.


The other day I was following a commander for an HP train on my new Revenant and as we were going to the next HP in verdant brink, I saw him flying to his death below with the vines. A few of us followed him until it was obvious he was going too low, but when we asked what he was doing, he wasn't anywhere near where we saw him.


Yesterday I was following someone to something in VB and I stopped on the commander's tag, who was next to a ledge on my screen. Then I suddenly see him using a bouncing mushroom (when there wasn't one anywhere near me) and face-planting into a cliffside. When asked where he was going, he marked the mushroom we're supposed to take with a squad marker and cue the confusion. The mushroom wasn't anywhere near that ledge, in fact, it was quite a ways down from where I saw him at.

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Yeah I have this too with my girlfriend. We see eachother in totally different positions than we actually are. Also coming towards eachother while mounted doesnt show us as mounted or simply doesnt show ANY character at all. We then say to mount demount so our characters actually load.


This half perma stealth thing is really annoying.

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