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Suggested fixes for PvP combat.


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I know this has been said before but lets this be a discussion on what you would like to see to HELP the DEV of guild wars 2 make new improvements to the game. guild wars 2 is the best game and nothing is better from what i have seen in 2017. i would like for players to express there words in helping the Dev understand how they can improve player to player combat NOT MATCHMAKING (this i can understand but Anet wanted player to be given a FREE play of classes)


I will start first.

I would like to SEE NECROMANCER AOE Nerf as the AOE is LARGER than the cap itself also the range is beyond huge which allows massive stacks where the player can fully stand in one position applying pressure

I would like to see ELE with the ability to tank with the mixture of damage as a weaver think this as a Hybrid tempest (previous season when tempest were god mode LOL)

I would like to see Ranger Soul Beast to have more Range with daggers and pressure to the player as it requires to focus in combat. this allow rangers to become the mercenary the are.

I would like to see REV POF ELITE get a FULL REDO of the class, trait, and bow skill (some evade like ranger shortbow and stuns.) and some condi clean..... (they have nothing) . rev class was know to mainly pressure yet provide boons. till this day i have master power rev and have no problems killing new elites as there is a challenge with current skills and learning experience.

I would like to see Mesmer spamming confusion Axe skill have longer cast times as players can apply condi 25 stacks in 2 -5 seconds and still be able to fully block 100% attacks by dodges, shatters, and distance skills.

I would like to engi damage reduced a bit not much as it a well done class.


Now with pvp system itself

I would like to see more GAME MODES. Conquest is fun but it does get repetitive over the years. from guild wars 1- guild wars 2

I would like to see more 1 vs 1 ---- 2 vs 2 ----- 3 vs 3 ----- 4 vs 4 and allow players to join with friends as it helps the community join together and communicate with each others. Season one was the best experience for me having friends joining together fighting the other team ( can be an option with problems but yet be resolved by reducing MATCH POINT WON AND if LOST DOUBLE POINTS ARE TAKEN) this can be a solution.

I would like to see OMG MY ANET A BIGGER EDGE OF THE MIST>>..>>>>>>>>>>> WHY>>>>>>> I love the older map which allow players to MOVE AROUND have DISTANCE to test combat skills and strategies against NPC the older map allows players to have space as with the new map you can get knock down or have someone attacking your NPC the new map is beyond small and needs the same amount of space as the old map.. allowing players to move freely.

I would like to see More REWARDS TRACKS in PVP and a few ANET DEV joining use in batter would be great and fun. and they can cheat XD LOL

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I'm not sure this is the right place for it, but if I agree with anything in this post it's the comment on game modes. PvP can get fairly repetitive as it is, even while individual encounters are inarguably dynamic. I enjoyed the one season of PvP I played in GW2, but I just can't see myself investing that kind of time into it with basically only 1.5 game modes available. This is another area where I feel WoW came out ahead of GW2. I loved being able to hit the battlegrounds, despite their issues (PvP always has issues!).

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