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Achievements impossible to complete after some time

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > You can make achievements based on things that do not require organisation or big group of players.

> > > >

> > > > Yes, and the game has many, many such achievements. There are only a tiny number of achievements that depend on "swarms" or much organization at all.

> > >

> > > But that's the point, personal achievements shouldn't have group requirements.

> > > Also the whole reward structure is poorly thought out, which allows these events to die out.

> >

> > You’re assuming that it has to be one or the other. Achievements are just that: achievements. Some can be done solo and some require a group as this is an MMO after all.


> I'm sorry you didn't understand, please try to re-read my posts, maybe you will then.

> There's a difference between an achievement that requires a group to be completed, and achievements that require the whole group completing them to complete them.

> And then there's also the lack of incentive for groups to even do those achievements, which, if you miss the bow wave of people rushing the content, you're screwed. Not great for the game's life-time if all there is to the game is that first week of content.

I'm glad that there are some achievements that are more difficult to complete than others. I haven't finished the "nap" achievement for the same reason as the OP, but I look at it this way. If it was really that important to me I would organize a group to do it, whether that's LFG, map chat, or a guild group. So far, that achievement isn't so important to me that I want to expend the effort to organize a group. That may change in the future, especially if I knock out every other PoF achievement except for the "nap" achievement. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > I mean, and to simplify this for everyone that doesn't understand this: Imagine you're in Physical Education class.

> > > You're being graded on football (soccer for the hand-egg fans).

> > > Tequatl's achievements are like your teacher/coach saying: "Score a goal on this match, and if your team wins you get an A"

> > > Serpent's Ire is like him saying: "Score a goal on this match, and if your team wins you get an A. But the rest of your team gets a C, if they already played a match, and you have to get a team together"

> > > No Flying zone, and other group achievements is like him saying : "If everyone on the team scores a goal and you win, you get an A"

> >

> > Except we aren't being graded, so it's a poor analogy.

> >

> > We're being rewarded. Some rewards are offered to anyone who puts in the time. Some are rewarded for personal skill. Some are rewarded for ability to work in a team. (And yes, that is a grade at some schools, e.g. "Works Well With Others" and it's required to succeed at a lot of jobs, too.)

> >

> > The fact is that GW2 has always had a variety of achievements. Most can be done solo, some need a group. Most are a matter of effort, some require skill. Many require spending coin and/or collecting mats; many do not. You don't have to enjoy all the types of achievements and I doubt very much if everyone does. Even those at the top of the leaderboards admit to hating some; they are just willing to suffer some discomfort to complete _everything_.


> 1) AP is and has been used as a grade for player's skill. And it's a pretty good analogy for the issue at hand, even if i say so myself. (I'm not even going to discuss the pedagogic uses of grades as positive or negative reinforcement - rewards/punishments).

> 2) It's not about working well with others. It's that some achievements are simply poorly constructed, i've given several examples. It's not about doing achievements in group content (i've already cited tequatl as an example of well made achievements).


> PoF Events in general aren't rewarding enough to compel people to repeat the content there, which is bad on it's own. PoF has bad player retention, that's simply a fact. (It's barely half a year old and it's less populated than way older content like SW, Dry Top, etc).

> That poor retention has an impact on achievements, and player perception of the game as a whole, which is something that should be fixed.


> The other point that i make is while your achievements should be stuff that depends on your actions or stuff that is within your control. (Like dodging tequatl's tail), there are a few achievements that require things that aren't. Achievements that require dozens or hundreds of other players to do specific actions in order for you to obtain it make no sense.

If I was going to complain about PoF achievements, it wouldn't be that there are too many that are difficult or require zergs. It would be that there are too few that are difficult/"off the beaten path"/etc. I've completed the majority of HoT achievements, but I still have many left to complete because they aren't as simple as "be at the right place at the right time with a zerg". I've already completed a higher percentage of the PoF achievements without putting in a fraction of the effort I put into HoT achievement hunting.

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> @"Shostie.6435" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > I mean, and to simplify this for everyone that doesn't understand this: Imagine you're in Physical Education class.

> > > > You're being graded on football (soccer for the hand-egg fans).

> > > > Tequatl's achievements are like your teacher/coach saying: "Score a goal on this match, and if your team wins you get an A"

> > > > Serpent's Ire is like him saying: "Score a goal on this match, and if your team wins you get an A. But the rest of your team gets a C, if they already played a match, and you have to get a team together"

> > > > No Flying zone, and other group achievements is like him saying : "If everyone on the team scores a goal and you win, you get an A"

> > >

> > > Except we aren't being graded, so it's a poor analogy.

> > >

> > > We're being rewarded. Some rewards are offered to anyone who puts in the time. Some are rewarded for personal skill. Some are rewarded for ability to work in a team. (And yes, that is a grade at some schools, e.g. "Works Well With Others" and it's required to succeed at a lot of jobs, too.)

> > >

> > > The fact is that GW2 has always had a variety of achievements. Most can be done solo, some need a group. Most are a matter of effort, some require skill. Many require spending coin and/or collecting mats; many do not. You don't have to enjoy all the types of achievements and I doubt very much if everyone does. Even those at the top of the leaderboards admit to hating some; they are just willing to suffer some discomfort to complete _everything_.

> >

> > 1) AP is and has been used as a grade for player's skill. And it's a pretty good analogy for the issue at hand, even if i say so myself. (I'm not even going to discuss the pedagogic uses of grades as positive or negative reinforcement - rewards/punishments).

> > 2) It's not about working well with others. It's that some achievements are simply poorly constructed, i've given several examples. It's not about doing achievements in group content (i've already cited tequatl as an example of well made achievements).

> >

> > PoF Events in general aren't rewarding enough to compel people to repeat the content there, which is bad on it's own. PoF has bad player retention, that's simply a fact. (It's barely half a year old and it's less populated than way older content like SW, Dry Top, etc).

> > That poor retention has an impact on achievements, and player perception of the game as a whole, which is something that should be fixed.

> >

> > The other point that i make is while your achievements should be stuff that depends on your actions or stuff that is within your control. (Like dodging tequatl's tail), there are a few achievements that require things that aren't. Achievements that require dozens or hundreds of other players to do specific actions in order for you to obtain it make no sense.

> If I was going to complain about PoF achievements, it wouldn't be that there are too many that are difficult or require zergs. It would be that there are too few that are difficult/"off the beaten path"/etc. I've completed the majority of HoT achievements, but I still have many left to complete because they aren't as simple as "be at the right place at the right time with a zerg". I've already completed a higher percentage of the PoF achievements without putting in a fraction of the effort I put into HoT achievement hunting.


Well that's exactly one of the problems with PoF... You complete everything way too fast and then there's no incentive to return there, which makes running the few Meta events that exist there that much worse, because there's simply not enough people interested, which is one of the points i've made consistently in this thread.

PoF content doesn't offer re-playability like HoT. The rewards are slim, and the costs for the stuff you would want to get there are ridiculous.

I mean the ascended stuff with new stats... Why would you bother with buying it from PoF merchants for thousands of trader contracts plus hard to come by stuff like laurels and brand-stone sparks, when you can buy them in fractals (and other places) for a fraction of the cost?

That's why people instead of trying to obtain the warbeast armor in PoF they do it in WvW or PvP.


They totally missed the mark with rewards and costs in PoF, and it's showing. Seriously, compare PoF maps and metas with any other similar content in core or HoT. It pales in comparison, because there's nothing interesting there to keep people coming back, and the few things that could be interesting to obtain, are so ridiculously price it discourages people.


Also i never complained about difficulty of anything, other than getting other players to do stuff with you. Open world events aren't ever that difficult, if there's enough people to complete them.


I mean, i've rarely met someone that enjoys playing in Tangled Depths (although there are some), and yet you can pop in there during Chak Gerant and more often than not you'll find people doing it. Serpent's Ire, not so much.




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It would be nice to have another "daily" added in to include difficult things that require tons of people. For instance, Not So Secret diving, Ley Line Anomaly, etc. That would help out new people as well as vets that have never gotten them done. Maybe pick out some of these things that people are having difficulty completing and put them on a set schedule so people can know when they can get them done.

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Isn't this resolved by being part of an active PVE guild?


My current guild is winding down and very inactive, so I am presently experiencing some of the OP's concern for the first time in a long time.


In the best guilds, in my experience, getting something - anything - done requires no more effort than calling it out in guild chat.


Perhaps you (we) need a better guild?

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Well, I think the bigger problem here is this:


* The world keeps getting bigger.

* As a result of level-scaling, the world - unlike virtually any other MMORPG - **actually** gets bigger, as new zones are added, old zones don't become outdated in itself.

* As a result, players are spread thinner and thinner.

* Wanting to do something sensible, they will congregate in the few zones with the best reward/time ratio for what they're doing. Plus the new thing, of course.


There are two possible solutions to this. The easy one is to stop expanding the world. Initially, this was the plan with Living World, btw. The idea was to mutate existing zones instead of adding.

The more complex one is to intentionally "retire" zones as new zones take over their primary functionality, that is, they exist for solo/grind potential, but all group content etc is removed or scaled donw, and only "current" zones feature huge metas and large group chains requiring lots of players.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > In my experience there is no such thing as "impossible" achievements. Not as braindead-easy as when the ap hunters are out and about in the early days of content, but I have yet to find an achievement that is really impossible.

> >

> > I don't like playing new content right away, as there are too many people around for my taste and you don't really get to explore and experience everything there is in a new map/event/story/whatever when there's a zerg steamrolling any kind of npc resistance, so I don't bother looking at achievements until some time into the content. Yet I stumble upon achievements months (and years) after they've been introduced without even trying for them, and have a pretty good number of them done in all areas of the game (to the amount of 28k+ ap on my main account) just by casually playing.


> Try doing "No Fly Zone" nowadays...

The shatterer achievement? Well, to be honest, I stumbled upon the shatterer fight for the first time since it was reworked just a couple of weeks ago when a friend who had just bought her commander tag decided to try her hand at leading the shatterer. There was her, another friend (even more casual than me) and my self together with a random map and whoever jumped in via lfg and that not only got me my first kill of the new shatterer but also the "Smash the dragon" achievement. Sometimes all it takes is one person who's read up on the content and is willing to give some explanations in map chat plus random people willing to read (and translate ... we were a pretty mixed european map ;) ).


As another example, I've also started the Nevermore collections recently. I simply went to AB occasionally to check on the state of the eastwatch event chain, and eventually found one where we were able to finish the chain and take down the Vinetooth prime with a handfull of people and some rudimentary explanations (including calling out the event on map chat).

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > In my experience there is no such thing as "impossible" achievements. Not as braindead-easy as when the ap hunters are out and about in the early days of content, but I have yet to find an achievement that is really impossible.

> > >

> > > I don't like playing new content right away, as there are too many people around for my taste and you don't really get to explore and experience everything there is in a new map/event/story/whatever when there's a zerg steamrolling any kind of npc resistance, so I don't bother looking at achievements until some time into the content. Yet I stumble upon achievements months (and years) after they've been introduced without even trying for them, and have a pretty good number of them done in all areas of the game (to the amount of 28k+ ap on my main account) just by casually playing.

> >

> > Try doing "No Fly Zone" nowadays...

> The shatterer achievement? Well, to be honest, I stumbled upon the shatterer fight for the first time since it was reworked just a couple of weeks ago when a friend who had just bought her commander tag decided to try her hand at leading the shatterer. There was her, another friend (even more casual than me) and my self together with a random map and whoever jumped in via lfg and that not only got me my first kill of the new shatterer but also the "Smash the dragon" achievement. Sometimes all it takes is one person who's read up on the content and is willing to give some explanations in map chat plus random people willing to read (and translate ... we were a pretty mixed european map ;) ).


> As another example, I've also started the Nevermore collections recently. I simply went to AB occasionally to check on the state of the eastwatch event chain, and eventually found one where we were able to finish the chain and take down the Vinetooth prime with a handfull of people and some rudimentary explanations (including calling out the event on map chat).


Yeah, but did you do the No fly zone one? Cause Bash the Dragon is easy, you just have to show up in time... Don't need commander tags or whatever.

Again Vinetooth Prime isn't hard, you just have to be there on time, with enough people.


That's not my issue... If you'd bothered reading, you'd understood that.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > In my experience there is no such thing as "impossible" achievements. Not as braindead-easy as when the ap hunters are out and about in the early days of content, but I have yet to find an achievement that is really impossible.

> > > >

> > > > I don't like playing new content right away, as there are too many people around for my taste and you don't really get to explore and experience everything there is in a new map/event/story/whatever when there's a zerg steamrolling any kind of npc resistance, so I don't bother looking at achievements until some time into the content. Yet I stumble upon achievements months (and years) after they've been introduced without even trying for them, and have a pretty good number of them done in all areas of the game (to the amount of 28k+ ap on my main account) just by casually playing.

> > >

> > > Try doing "No Fly Zone" nowadays...

> > The shatterer achievement? Well, to be honest, I stumbled upon the shatterer fight for the first time since it was reworked just a couple of weeks ago when a friend who had just bought her commander tag decided to try her hand at leading the shatterer. There was her, another friend (even more casual than me) and my self together with a random map and whoever jumped in via lfg and that not only got me my first kill of the new shatterer but also the "Smash the dragon" achievement. Sometimes all it takes is one person who's read up on the content and is willing to give some explanations in map chat plus random people willing to read (and translate ... we were a pretty mixed european map ;) ).

> >

> > As another example, I've also started the Nevermore collections recently. I simply went to AB occasionally to check on the state of the eastwatch event chain, and eventually found one where we were able to finish the chain and take down the Vinetooth prime with a handfull of people and some rudimentary explanations (including calling out the event on map chat).


> Yeah, but did you do the No fly zone one? Cause Bash the Dragon is easy, you just have to show up in time... Don't need commander tags or whatever.

> Again Vinetooth Prime isn't hard, you just have to be there on time, with enough people.


> That's not my issue... If you'd bothered reading, you'd understood that.


The quantity of people that show up isn’t relevant to Vinetooth Prime other than the bare minimum which is roughly three. What matters is having enough players with CC to match the current scaling.


Doing the Bash the Dragon is fairly easy. You just need to advertise the map beforehand to get it organized enough so people know what to do. This is still entirely possible to do, as unlike with the OP’s issue, you are not hindered by the quantity of players.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > In my experience there is no such thing as "impossible" achievements. Not as braindead-easy as when the ap hunters are out and about in the early days of content, but I have yet to find an achievement that is really impossible.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't like playing new content right away, as there are too many people around for my taste and you don't really get to explore and experience everything there is in a new map/event/story/whatever when there's a zerg steamrolling any kind of npc resistance, so I don't bother looking at achievements until some time into the content. Yet I stumble upon achievements months (and years) after they've been introduced without even trying for them, and have a pretty good number of them done in all areas of the game (to the amount of 28k+ ap on my main account) just by casually playing.

> > > >

> > > > Try doing "No Fly Zone" nowadays...

> > > The shatterer achievement? Well, to be honest, I stumbled upon the shatterer fight for the first time since it was reworked just a couple of weeks ago when a friend who had just bought her commander tag decided to try her hand at leading the shatterer. There was her, another friend (even more casual than me) and my self together with a random map and whoever jumped in via lfg and that not only got me my first kill of the new shatterer but also the "Smash the dragon" achievement. Sometimes all it takes is one person who's read up on the content and is willing to give some explanations in map chat plus random people willing to read (and translate ... we were a pretty mixed european map ;) ).

> > >

> > > As another example, I've also started the Nevermore collections recently. I simply went to AB occasionally to check on the state of the eastwatch event chain, and eventually found one where we were able to finish the chain and take down the Vinetooth prime with a handfull of people and some rudimentary explanations (including calling out the event on map chat).

> >

> > Yeah, but did you do the No fly zone one? Cause Bash the Dragon is easy, you just have to show up in time... Don't need commander tags or whatever.

> > Again Vinetooth Prime isn't hard, you just have to be there on time, with enough people.

> >

> > That's not my issue... If you'd bothered reading, you'd understood that.


> The quantity of people that show up isn’t relevant to Vinetooth Prime other than the bare minimum which is roughly three. What matters is having enough players with CC to match the current scaling.


> Doing the Bash the Dragon is fairly easy. You just need to advertise the map beforehand to get it organized enough so people know what to do. This is still entirely possible to do, as unlike with the OP’s issue, you are not hindered by the quantity of players.


Dude, please stop... I'm not talking about Bash the Dragon... That's just killing Shatterer, that's easy.

Go read the previous posts, make sure you understand what i'm talking about, instead of hitting the same subject which isn't the subject being discussed.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > In my experience there is no such thing as "impossible" achievements. Not as braindead-easy as when the ap hunters are out and about in the early days of content, but I have yet to find an achievement that is really impossible.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I don't like playing new content right away, as there are too many people around for my taste and you don't really get to explore and experience everything there is in a new map/event/story/whatever when there's a zerg steamrolling any kind of npc resistance, so I don't bother looking at achievements until some time into the content. Yet I stumble upon achievements months (and years) after they've been introduced without even trying for them, and have a pretty good number of them done in all areas of the game (to the amount of 28k+ ap on my main account) just by casually playing.

> > > > >

> > > > > Try doing "No Fly Zone" nowadays...

> > > > The shatterer achievement? Well, to be honest, I stumbled upon the shatterer fight for the first time since it was reworked just a couple of weeks ago when a friend who had just bought her commander tag decided to try her hand at leading the shatterer. There was her, another friend (even more casual than me) and my self together with a random map and whoever jumped in via lfg and that not only got me my first kill of the new shatterer but also the "Smash the dragon" achievement. Sometimes all it takes is one person who's read up on the content and is willing to give some explanations in map chat plus random people willing to read (and translate ... we were a pretty mixed european map ;) ).

> > > >

> > > > As another example, I've also started the Nevermore collections recently. I simply went to AB occasionally to check on the state of the eastwatch event chain, and eventually found one where we were able to finish the chain and take down the Vinetooth prime with a handfull of people and some rudimentary explanations (including calling out the event on map chat).

> > >

> > > Yeah, but did you do the No fly zone one? Cause Bash the Dragon is easy, you just have to show up in time... Don't need commander tags or whatever.

> > > Again Vinetooth Prime isn't hard, you just have to be there on time, with enough people.

> > >

> > > That's not my issue... If you'd bothered reading, you'd understood that.

> >

> > The quantity of people that show up isn’t relevant to Vinetooth Prime other than the bare minimum which is roughly three. What matters is having enough players with CC to match the current scaling.

> >

> > Doing the Bash the Dragon is fairly easy. You just need to advertise the map beforehand to get it organized enough so people know what to do. This is still entirely possible to do, as unlike with the OP’s issue, you are not hindered by the quantity of players.


> Dude, please stop... I'm not talking about Bash the Dragon... That's just killing Shatterer, that's easy.

> Go read the previous posts, make sure you understand what i'm talking about, instead of hitting the same subject which isn't the subject being discussed.


I meant Smash the Dragon as that’s the only one that requires any remote trace of coordination. In case that name is wrong, it’s whichever one is for breaking the bar.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > > In my experience there is no such thing as "impossible" achievements. Not as braindead-easy as when the ap hunters are out and about in the early days of content, but I have yet to find an achievement that is really impossible.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I don't like playing new content right away, as there are too many people around for my taste and you don't really get to explore and experience everything there is in a new map/event/story/whatever when there's a zerg steamrolling any kind of npc resistance, so I don't bother looking at achievements until some time into the content. Yet I stumble upon achievements months (and years) after they've been introduced without even trying for them, and have a pretty good number of them done in all areas of the game (to the amount of 28k+ ap on my main account) just by casually playing.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Try doing "No Fly Zone" nowadays...

> > > > > The shatterer achievement? Well, to be honest, I stumbled upon the shatterer fight for the first time since it was reworked just a couple of weeks ago when a friend who had just bought her commander tag decided to try her hand at leading the shatterer. There was her, another friend (even more casual than me) and my self together with a random map and whoever jumped in via lfg and that not only got me my first kill of the new shatterer but also the "Smash the dragon" achievement. Sometimes all it takes is one person who's read up on the content and is willing to give some explanations in map chat plus random people willing to read (and translate ... we were a pretty mixed european map ;) ).

> > > > >

> > > > > As another example, I've also started the Nevermore collections recently. I simply went to AB occasionally to check on the state of the eastwatch event chain, and eventually found one where we were able to finish the chain and take down the Vinetooth prime with a handfull of people and some rudimentary explanations (including calling out the event on map chat).

> > > >

> > > > Yeah, but did you do the No fly zone one? Cause Bash the Dragon is easy, you just have to show up in time... Don't need commander tags or whatever.

> > > > Again Vinetooth Prime isn't hard, you just have to be there on time, with enough people.

> > > >

> > > > That's not my issue... If you'd bothered reading, you'd understood that.

> > >

> > > The quantity of people that show up isn’t relevant to Vinetooth Prime other than the bare minimum which is roughly three. What matters is having enough players with CC to match the current scaling.

> > >

> > > Doing the Bash the Dragon is fairly easy. You just need to advertise the map beforehand to get it organized enough so people know what to do. This is still entirely possible to do, as unlike with the OP’s issue, you are not hindered by the quantity of players.

> >

> > Dude, please stop... I'm not talking about Bash the Dragon... That's just killing Shatterer, that's easy.

> > Go read the previous posts, make sure you understand what i'm talking about, instead of hitting the same subject which isn't the subject being discussed.


> I meant Smash the Dragon as that’s the only one that requires any remote trace of coordination. In case that name is wrong, it’s whichever one is for breaking the bar.


Actually no, it isn't... There's No-Fly, which is doing that 20 freaking times, good luck! Doing Smash the Dragon, once you can get, flukes happen (still don't think it should even be a thing), now having the luck of a group of people just wanting to do it for the chest at the end getting it right 20 times... That's the crappy part...


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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > > > In my experience there is no such thing as "impossible" achievements. Not as braindead-easy as when the ap hunters are out and about in the early days of content, but I have yet to find an achievement that is really impossible.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I don't like playing new content right away, as there are too many people around for my taste and you don't really get to explore and experience everything there is in a new map/event/story/whatever when there's a zerg steamrolling any kind of npc resistance, so I don't bother looking at achievements until some time into the content. Yet I stumble upon achievements months (and years) after they've been introduced without even trying for them, and have a pretty good number of them done in all areas of the game (to the amount of 28k+ ap on my main account) just by casually playing.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Try doing "No Fly Zone" nowadays...

> > > > > > The shatterer achievement? Well, to be honest, I stumbled upon the shatterer fight for the first time since it was reworked just a couple of weeks ago when a friend who had just bought her commander tag decided to try her hand at leading the shatterer. There was her, another friend (even more casual than me) and my self together with a random map and whoever jumped in via lfg and that not only got me my first kill of the new shatterer but also the "Smash the dragon" achievement. Sometimes all it takes is one person who's read up on the content and is willing to give some explanations in map chat plus random people willing to read (and translate ... we were a pretty mixed european map ;) ).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As another example, I've also started the Nevermore collections recently. I simply went to AB occasionally to check on the state of the eastwatch event chain, and eventually found one where we were able to finish the chain and take down the Vinetooth prime with a handfull of people and some rudimentary explanations (including calling out the event on map chat).

> > > > >

> > > > > Yeah, but did you do the No fly zone one? Cause Bash the Dragon is easy, you just have to show up in time... Don't need commander tags or whatever.

> > > > > Again Vinetooth Prime isn't hard, you just have to be there on time, with enough people.

> > > > >

> > > > > That's not my issue... If you'd bothered reading, you'd understood that.

> > > >

> > > > The quantity of people that show up isn’t relevant to Vinetooth Prime other than the bare minimum which is roughly three. What matters is having enough players with CC to match the current scaling.

> > > >

> > > > Doing the Bash the Dragon is fairly easy. You just need to advertise the map beforehand to get it organized enough so people know what to do. This is still entirely possible to do, as unlike with the OP’s issue, you are not hindered by the quantity of players.

> > >

> > > Dude, please stop... I'm not talking about Bash the Dragon... That's just killing Shatterer, that's easy.

> > > Go read the previous posts, make sure you understand what i'm talking about, instead of hitting the same subject which isn't the subject being discussed.

> >

> > I meant Smash the Dragon as that’s the only one that requires any remote trace of coordination. In case that name is wrong, it’s whichever one is for breaking the bar.


> Actually no, it isn't... There's No-Fly, which is doing that 20 freaking times, good luck! Doing Smash the Dragon, once you can get, flukes happen (still don't think it should even be a thing), now having the luck of a group of people just wanting to do it for the chest at the end getting it right 20 times... That's the crappy part...



It doesn’t take a whole lot of people to break the bar. I’ve see it easily go below 50% with people not even trying. Taking the initiative to organize a map, rather than expect to end up in one, goes a long way. Again, this isn’t the same kind of problem the OP is running into.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > > > > In my experience there is no such thing as "impossible" achievements. Not as braindead-easy as when the ap hunters are out and about in the early days of content, but I have yet to find an achievement that is really impossible.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I don't like playing new content right away, as there are too many people around for my taste and you don't really get to explore and experience everything there is in a new map/event/story/whatever when there's a zerg steamrolling any kind of npc resistance, so I don't bother looking at achievements until some time into the content. Yet I stumble upon achievements months (and years) after they've been introduced without even trying for them, and have a pretty good number of them done in all areas of the game (to the amount of 28k+ ap on my main account) just by casually playing.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Try doing "No Fly Zone" nowadays...

> > > > > > > The shatterer achievement? Well, to be honest, I stumbled upon the shatterer fight for the first time since it was reworked just a couple of weeks ago when a friend who had just bought her commander tag decided to try her hand at leading the shatterer. There was her, another friend (even more casual than me) and my self together with a random map and whoever jumped in via lfg and that not only got me my first kill of the new shatterer but also the "Smash the dragon" achievement. Sometimes all it takes is one person who's read up on the content and is willing to give some explanations in map chat plus random people willing to read (and translate ... we were a pretty mixed european map ;) ).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > As another example, I've also started the Nevermore collections recently. I simply went to AB occasionally to check on the state of the eastwatch event chain, and eventually found one where we were able to finish the chain and take down the Vinetooth prime with a handfull of people and some rudimentary explanations (including calling out the event on map chat).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Yeah, but did you do the No fly zone one? Cause Bash the Dragon is easy, you just have to show up in time... Don't need commander tags or whatever.

> > > > > > Again Vinetooth Prime isn't hard, you just have to be there on time, with enough people.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That's not my issue... If you'd bothered reading, you'd understood that.

> > > > >

> > > > > The quantity of people that show up isn’t relevant to Vinetooth Prime other than the bare minimum which is roughly three. What matters is having enough players with CC to match the current scaling.

> > > > >

> > > > > Doing the Bash the Dragon is fairly easy. You just need to advertise the map beforehand to get it organized enough so people know what to do. This is still entirely possible to do, as unlike with the OP’s issue, you are not hindered by the quantity of players.

> > > >

> > > > Dude, please stop... I'm not talking about Bash the Dragon... That's just killing Shatterer, that's easy.

> > > > Go read the previous posts, make sure you understand what i'm talking about, instead of hitting the same subject which isn't the subject being discussed.

> > >

> > > I meant Smash the Dragon as that’s the only one that requires any remote trace of coordination. In case that name is wrong, it’s whichever one is for breaking the bar.

> >

> > Actually no, it isn't... There's No-Fly, which is doing that 20 freaking times, good luck! Doing Smash the Dragon, once you can get, flukes happen (still don't think it should even be a thing), now having the luck of a group of people just wanting to do it for the chest at the end getting it right 20 times... That's the crappy part...

> >


> It doesn’t take a whole lot of people to break the bar. I’ve see it easily go below 50% with people not even trying. Taking the initiative to organize a map, rather than expect to end up in one, goes a long way. Again, this isn’t the same kind of problem the OP is running into.


No, it isn't, but it's the same root problem: Badly designed achievements/rewards.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > > > > > In my experience there is no such thing as "impossible" achievements. Not as braindead-easy as when the ap hunters are out and about in the early days of content, but I have yet to find an achievement that is really impossible.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > I don't like playing new content right away, as there are too many people around for my taste and you don't really get to explore and experience everything there is in a new map/event/story/whatever when there's a zerg steamrolling any kind of npc resistance, so I don't bother looking at achievements until some time into the content. Yet I stumble upon achievements months (and years) after they've been introduced without even trying for them, and have a pretty good number of them done in all areas of the game (to the amount of 28k+ ap on my main account) just by casually playing.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Try doing "No Fly Zone" nowadays...

> > > > > > > > The shatterer achievement? Well, to be honest, I stumbled upon the shatterer fight for the first time since it was reworked just a couple of weeks ago when a friend who had just bought her commander tag decided to try her hand at leading the shatterer. There was her, another friend (even more casual than me) and my self together with a random map and whoever jumped in via lfg and that not only got me my first kill of the new shatterer but also the "Smash the dragon" achievement. Sometimes all it takes is one person who's read up on the content and is willing to give some explanations in map chat plus random people willing to read (and translate ... we were a pretty mixed european map ;) ).

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > As another example, I've also started the Nevermore collections recently. I simply went to AB occasionally to check on the state of the eastwatch event chain, and eventually found one where we were able to finish the chain and take down the Vinetooth prime with a handfull of people and some rudimentary explanations (including calling out the event on map chat).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Yeah, but did you do the No fly zone one? Cause Bash the Dragon is easy, you just have to show up in time... Don't need commander tags or whatever.

> > > > > > > Again Vinetooth Prime isn't hard, you just have to be there on time, with enough people.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > That's not my issue... If you'd bothered reading, you'd understood that.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The quantity of people that show up isn’t relevant to Vinetooth Prime other than the bare minimum which is roughly three. What matters is having enough players with CC to match the current scaling.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Doing the Bash the Dragon is fairly easy. You just need to advertise the map beforehand to get it organized enough so people know what to do. This is still entirely possible to do, as unlike with the OP’s issue, you are not hindered by the quantity of players.

> > > > >

> > > > > Dude, please stop... I'm not talking about Bash the Dragon... That's just killing Shatterer, that's easy.

> > > > > Go read the previous posts, make sure you understand what i'm talking about, instead of hitting the same subject which isn't the subject being discussed.

> > > >

> > > > I meant Smash the Dragon as that’s the only one that requires any remote trace of coordination. In case that name is wrong, it’s whichever one is for breaking the bar.

> > >

> > > Actually no, it isn't... There's No-Fly, which is doing that 20 freaking times, good luck! Doing Smash the Dragon, once you can get, flukes happen (still don't think it should even be a thing), now having the luck of a group of people just wanting to do it for the chest at the end getting it right 20 times... That's the crappy part...

> > >

> >

> > It doesn’t take a whole lot of people to break the bar. I’ve see it easily go below 50% with people not even trying. Taking the initiative to organize a map, rather than expect to end up in one, goes a long way. Again, this isn’t the same kind of problem the OP is running into.


> No, it isn't, but it's the same root problem: Badly designed achievements/rewards.


An achievement isn’t badly designed because you have to work with more than yourself to obtain.

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