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Yet another "returning player" thread


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Hi all,


It's been years since I've played GW2, I don't think I reached max level, I would have to check. I think I quit before the first expansion.


I currently play WoW and kinda getting worn out by the same old thing, log in - do emmisaries - curse because no legendary - rinse and repeat on a few alts. I run dungeons but all in all getting burned out. I really didn't want to because I was trying to get hidden skins, hoping to get legendaries, farm mounts and pets, but unfortunately I don't find myself looking forward to logging in. (And my RNG sucks, I don't think I have 10 legendaries across my account)


Sorry, all that to say, I was looking around to see what I could play and GW2 caught my eye. I like the sound of Guardian, looks fun. I'm not a tank type, never really done it before but would I still enjoy the class? Any advice you can give or where to start? I only have the base game for now. If I get immersed in to the game I don't mind picking the expansions up.


Is it too late to join back in? Will zones be empty? Any guild advice?


Thanks in advance and hope to see you on the field!

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It's not too late no, all the zones are well populated since all maps and content remain relevant unlike more traditional MMO's.


Forget the notions of tank/healer etc at this stage. Classes can be adapted to play how you want and guardians are pretty versatile on that score.


Start a character and just dive in is the best advice anyone can give. The game early on is extremely relaxing and casual whilst still being great fun.

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> @"Syndi.9678" said:


> Is it too late to join back in? Will zones be empty? Any guild advice?


Def not! Because:


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> It's not too late no, all the zones are well populated since all maps and content remain relevant unlike more traditional MMO's.


Unlike in so many other games, even old content is still pretty valid. Just recently discussed with someone who came back after years and was pleased that all his old level 80 stuff & achievements and such was still usable. New things has arrived, but they are not that OP, but may be interesting to certain things. Some content may fallen back, it looks like dungeons are not that popular anymore: I started so recently that I don't know if they have been popular content ever. Instead people run fractals.


> @"Syndi.9678" said:

> Sorry, all that to say, I was looking around to see what I could play and GW2 caught my eye. I like the sound of Guardian, looks fun. I'm not a tank type, never really done it before but would I still enjoy the class? Any advice you can give or where to start? I only have the base game for now. If I get immersed in to the game I don't mind picking the expansions up.


If you enjoyed it back then, then probably you will still enjoy. I would say that go back to areas where you left, start playing and see if it still suits you. Central Tyria (aka core maps) still have lots of fun stuff to do, at least as a starter.

As said above, forget the tank stuff. Guard is - well, guard, a class who dishes out some DPS and has some support tools to allies.

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Could you tell me what kind of healer type class there is, please? I know you said forget about tank/healer classes since everyone can adapt but what can be a healer? I have a lot of fun with the druid in WoW, I like the versatility. What is similar to that in GW2?

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> @"Syndi.9678" said:

> Could you tell me what kind of healer type class there is, please? I know you said forget about tank/healer classes since everyone can adapt but what can be a healer? I have a lot of fun with the druid in WoW, I like the versatility. What is similar to that in GW2?


There isn't such a thing as a healer class....however...


Guardian can have healing, although I'm not sure if that's more solo than group. Revenant has healing via one its specs (you would need HoT for Revenant though). Ranger has the druid spec, but you will need HoT again for that. Ele has poss the best core healing. Warrior has very nice passive healing for itself. I have a thief which can self heal superbly through hits and crits.


There are prob other options, but for f2p ele would likely be your top all round choice for solo and group play. Poss Guardian after that

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> @"Syndi.9678" said:

> Could you tell me what kind of healer type class there is, please? I know you said forget about tank/healer classes since everyone can adapt but what can be a healer? I have a lot of fun with the druid in WoW, I like the versatility. What is similar to that in GW2?


GW2 has no dedicated healers other than the Elementalist having some good group heals. This game was mostly designed where every profession can self sustain until you get into harder content like Raids or WvW.


Condition cleanse is another major factor. Some professions are better at it than others.


You mentioned the Guardian which to me is an all around type profession. You can go tanky, full glass or condition. If you have HoT, you can get Dragon Hunter and use Longbow for range and traps if that's your kind of thing.


PoF offers the Firebrand which is more melee with Mantras like the Mesmer uses. It to me is more group oriented support.

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> @"Syndi.9678" said:

> Could you tell me what kind of healer type class there is, please? I know you said forget about tank/healer classes since everyone can adapt but what can be a healer? I have a lot of fun with the druid in WoW, I like the versatility. What is similar to that in GW2?


Like Loosmaster said above - if you're interested in guardian - then you can stick to it. FB (the Heart of Thorns elite spec) allows you to play a healing / support style if you prefer. Meanwhile you can play as tanky- or glass cannon-like as you prefer. Guardians can pretty much do it all. They work well in most scenarios and are in general a pretty strong class offering both viable ranged and melee alternatives.

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Don't worry about a healer role. That is only really needed in raids and high level fractals. If you are interested in those for end game, then ele and ranger are usually the best healers for that content. However, a big balance patch can change that, so find a class you enjoy and learn it really, really well, and you will have fun.


Also, the mobs and bosses change their fighting styled radically in the xpacs, so be ready to change yours. I hated condi ranger until HoT; the jungle mobs made me love it.


And I made a guard over the holidays; he's been a blast to level since it's so

different from ranger.

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In case you really enjoy healing (I do), let me explain.


So, right now Druid (elite level 80 only spec requiring HoT expansion) is basically THE healer. And it really has two primary jobs: heal and keep a lot of buffs active. I don’t like it as much as healing in other games, but trying to heal with anyone else right now risks angering groups, getting kicked out, etc. I would recommend planning for this, and either level a ranger or boost one (level 80 boosts are included with the expansions). I assure you being even half decent at healing in fractals will result in better success rates with pugs than being exceptional at dps, so rest assured healing is valuable in this game. I have not had anyone complain I was a healing Druid yet, even when I sucked horrifically.


The Elementalist healing feels more like traditional healing, and I actually like it a lot more. I’m tempted to make a healing gear set for Elementalist just to use in open world and wherever else I can safely play it. You will quite possibly enjoy this more as it feels more like the healing you are used to doing. The elite spec helps, but is not strictly required.


The revenant also has a healing spec (again, requires expansion and level 80), although I have no experience with it, it can supposedly put up absurd theoretical numbers. If it sounded like it would be accepted more openly in groups, I’d try it out in an instant.


I do not know of any other profession with a viable healing build that would be accepted. And I definitely look as healing group content is what I enjoy most.


For dps builds of the healing professions, Elementalist has a top tier option, and Ranger has perfectly acceptable options. Revenant is in a worse place, at least with the community at large (they seem perfectly acceptable to me, but what do I know?). But I just adapt to community expectations instead of trying to fight to prove otherwise.


The game seems stuck in a place where the developers are making healing more and more expected, but simultaneously dismissing the need to balance and offer options because most game modes do not need a healer. Hopefully that changes, because having multiple viable healers would be fantastic! It also means no healing mods, and poor UI design for helping healers.


Hopefully this gives you an honest view of what to expect. Since it might seem negative, let me say I do really, really enjoy the game. It has a lot more personal responsibility, and I enjoy needing to dodge out of bad stuff. I enjoy the whole combat system a lot. It feels far more dynamic and far more engaging than other games.


And all of this is just my opinions, so feel free to dismiss it all and forge your own path.

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