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Do Heart of Thorns adventures need an update?


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I think adventures got too easy. PoF adventures are horribly easy also in most cases. And now these LS4E2 adventures? I did one of them with almost 2min to spare for gold on first try without even knowing the path. The griffon adventure can also be done in half the time allowed for Gold. At this point the medals are just a bad joke and it could be renamed to complete the adventure

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If modifications are being considered, I'd like to ask for the ability to eliminate the "map state" gate to the adventures. I would do them a lot more if I could go to the adventure location and be confident that I could play it. But more often than not, the adventure isn't playable because it's waiting for something to happen in the map. This has happened to me so often, I hardly bother with them anymore; it's just a waste of time going to the adventures only to find I can't play them. I think that's the most significant shortcoming. I would suggest allowing all the adventures to be played at any time, and if the map isn't in the state the adventure was designed for, perhaps make a warning of "blah blah....do you want to play anyway?" -- but at least let us do them when we have the time to do them, please.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know I'm late chiming in here, and that is basically due to the fact I normally don't do the forums however, I had been banging my head against the wall trying to finish one of these adventures so I decided to search out some advice or help in finishing, and I ran across this post. I guess prior to my current situation I neither liked or hated the adventures. I think they are along the lines of jumping puzzles, and well, I can take or leave those as well. I've also been able to complete most adventures at least bronze. But apparently completing Sanctum Scramble to bronze prior to opening up Glint's Bastion under Specialization collections doesn't count for that achievement. I honestly don't even remember completing this one at all, but apparently I did it must have been way back, and it is only bronze. The thing I do remember about this adventure before and now currently is: attempting it OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER ...... and most times getting 3 steps away from finishing and the time runs out. As I said before I could have taken or left them but now that I'm required to complete it I'd just soon leave them. I no longer have patience to attempt this adventure . I'd like to finish that achievement, but for self preservation due to my current frustration level , and not wanting to just hate indiscriminately, I think I'm not going to attempt to finish it. My only suggestion here is remove any connection to making it mandatory. Like with Glints Bastion. Some people are just not able to complete some of these adventures. Or remove the time limit when its associated with another achievement, and by all means if you've done it once... its done.... don't make people do it again, because you have no idea what it took for them to get it done in the first place.

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I don't think the adventures are too difficult from a design standpoint, but latency has too high an effect. I've gotten Gold on certain adventures on the first try at home, where I have a good, low latency connection. When I tried those same adventures at my parents' house in another state, I struggled to make Silver.



While it's probably too much effort to make changes to existing adventures, perhaps dynamic timers can be implemented for new adventures in the future. There would be a base time limits for those on low latency connections while those on high latency connections would have a time limit calculated by their ping. For example: A player with 50 ping would have 30 seconds for Gold while a player with 400 ping would have 40 seconds for Gold.

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Maikimaik.1974 I do think I said " some people are just not able to finish them"... Also you saying the adventures are not hard is relative, because if you can complete them they aren't difficult, if you can't then they are. I'm sure if you could ask Stephen Hawking if quantum gravity is difficult to understand he would have told you absolutely not, but most people would have issues. Just saying your comment wasn't helpful or even necessary.

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  • 2 months later...

Yes the adventures in HoT need some updates i am running out of time most of the time so after getting enough points i never touched them again (exept for 1 or 2), the stress level in most of the HoT adventures is way too high adding more time to them would make them much more fun. ;)

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They've already made several updates and made getting gold for most of them a joke. I suggest watching some videos and see how people are doing it as well as to learn the mechanics of the adventures. For example, in order to get gold in Sanctum Scramble, you need to learn to use the different abilities.

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