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Nerf Reaper


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How many people is needed to kill one Reaper? I guess two are not enough? And people are still complaining about condi Thief, rofl. Reaper Shroud is by far the best defensive ability in the game: you take no dmg for 10 to 15 seconds while still doing crazy amount of dmg. Condi Reaper is even more retarded then Power one.

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It might actually be serious. I can relate to both sides of the argument honestly. I'm fairly new to the game. Only got a year under my belt. But I've played pvp the whole time and I have played each of the professions a fair amount except for Mesmer.


Before I played necro I thought they were the most OP thing in existence. From a noobs point of view: necro can do good damage to you and use its heal and utilities to survive or do more damage. Then they pop shroud and become an unkillable monster just when you thought you were about to kill them. Nope they get another life and do tons of damage in that form too. If you aren't quick enough in killing them they can go into shroud again.


Now several months of learn to play later I don't think they are the most OP things in existence anymore. I think mesmers are (pretty much a L2P issues there). I started playing necro to see how people counter me. And I learned that I'm actually more afraid of reapers outside of shroud than in shroud. I basically just try to kite shroud or blind them. What I still find annoying is the condi reapers. And it's not really because of the general condi hate going around. It's really for one reason only: the cc they put on you with chill and fear to let the condis do their thing. I have been chain chilled and feared to where it felt like I couldn't do anything. I guarranty I still have more learn to play left, but I do understand complaining about chill.


Also, even though many may disagree with me, I had a much easier time playing reaper as a noob than many of the other classes. Shroud is a panic button. Not sure how it is in super high levels of play, but noobs against other noobs I think it's a pretty friendly class. At least is was for me.


I think there is some learn to play involved for people's complaints about necros. But I don't think they are completely unfounded complaints. Perhaps just exaggerated.

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If you are losing with a Bunker ranger to a necro, just give up.... As a necro there is no way I would win a ranger in 1 vs 1... I can decap /cap points meantime I'm fighting a ranger but I would never win a good ranger... So can I change the post to Nerf ranger instead of nerf necro? I suggest to change the post to how to fight a necro with a ranger /druid instead of just asking for nerfs...


Nerfs are necessary to builds with low risk high reward, not because you don't know how to play against them...


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> @Kiritodatrth.1548 said:

> If you are losing with a Bunker ranger to a necro, just give up.... As a necro there is no way I would win a ranger in 1 vs 1... I can decap /cap points meantime I'm fighting a ranger but I would never win a good ranger... So can I change the post to Nerf ranger instead of nerf necro? I suggest to change the post to how to fight a necro with a ranger /druid instead of just asking for nerfs...


> Nerfs are necessary to builds with low risk high reward, not because you don't know how to play against them...



Actually it's kinda easy to kill bunker ranger with boonstrips and the perfect burst combo (no condi). But yeah, if you get focused by someone with lot of condies or high direct damage you die pretty fast :/

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Bunker Druid can clean condies pretty well... and yeap if you get the burst you can kill them... but my point is that they have so much mobility that you can catch them...

That's why I told... I can sustain a lot against ranger, I can decap and cap a point when 1 vs 1 against them (cause if they stay in the point trying to counter me they will die)... But if they kite in a certain point I have to leave, they have mobility on demand that I don't, and I can't keep up with that... Ask Stronio....

But I agree if the ranger sits on point or let you hit him hes faded to dead, but that's only a l2p issue. If he's good you gonna waste hours chasing him, meantime you are needed in other team fights... Usually against a good ranger I go 1 vs 1 only and only if I have other points or if I'm +1 with another high mobility class... otherwise they will avoid damage and pressure you to leave point in a certain moment... and best of all they can kite you enough to make you lose time you should be helping in team fights that is what necro do best.

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> @Kiritodatrth.1548 said:

> Bunker Druid can clean condies pretty well... and yeap if you get the burst you can kill them... but my point is that they have so much mobility that you can catch them...

> That's why I told... I can sustain a lot against ranger, I can decap and cap a point when 1 vs 1 against them (cause if they stay in the point trying to counter me they will die)... But if they kite in a certain point I have to leave, they have mobility on demand that I don't, and I can't keep up with that... Ask Stronio....

> But I agree if the ranger sits on point or let you hit him hes faded to dead, but that's only a l2p issue. If he's good you gonna waste hours chasing him, meantime you are needed in other team fights... Usually against a good ranger I go 1 vs 1 only and only if I have other points or if I'm +1 with another high mobility class... otherwise they will avoid damage and pressure you to leave point in a certain moment... and best of all they can kite you enough to make you lose time you should be helping in team fights that is what necro do best.


Well what you could do is kill their pets and counter-kite them. Druids have 0 pressure without their pet, and staff and longbow are easy to LoS. Sword is more tricky but they'll still have 0 pressure without the pets, and the pets melt under focus. I know it's generally inadvisable to focus on the pet but in some situations that tactic has merit.

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I kill their pets XD... I use even to build some HP (i'm currently using the wells build)... it doesnt change the fact they will always avoid you...

I don't wanna 1 vs 1 a Druid or counter kite them... it's just a waste of time... you just kite a druid when you are being focused by one during team fights and you need to reset... otherwise you just sit decap, if possible cap and leave cause you are wasting time... And only if you have nothing better to do in the map...

Uhn I find it easier to kill GS rangers... I love a ranger inrange I have no problems with that.

In a 1 vs 1 situation no caps involved, you can kill how many pets you want... they will counter kite your pressure everyday.... You run one side they run the other... You can use condies to generate some pressure, but a good druid will avoid reaper in anycase, it's gonna be hard to build pressure only with staff scepter... once you try to close the gap, they will move to the other side of the map.... You can do it, as you can kill another class in the game, but it's far fetched to say the Necro is a counter to druids.

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Many new players in PvP have issues dealing with Necros because they are intimitated by their 2 health bars or they fought against one with an ele at his side and are unaware of how strong that combo is.

The truth is that Necros have no means of disengaging thus are focused down a lot, if you play as Necro vs a decent enemy team all you will be seeing is... well not much since you will be getting thrown around like a rag doll by heavy cc skills (knockdowns, pulls, floats, moa etc.) and a million of condis stacking on you seemingly out of nowhere, all you can do in this situation is survive and do as much dmg as you possibly can before going down or before your team turns the tide in that fight.

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> @MikeL.8260 said:

> The truth is that Necros have no means of disengaging thus are focused down a lot, if you play as Necro vs a decent enemy team all you will be seeing is... well not much since you will be getting thrown around like a rag doll by heavy cc skills (knockdowns, pulls, floats, moa etc.) and a million of condis stacking on you seemingly out of nowhere, all you can do in this situation is survive and do as much dmg as you possibly can before going down or before your team turns the tide in that fight.


This. Necro is so much handicapped when it come to duels that it involves some serious mistakes and luck on the opponent's side to sustain and win a fight. Lack of stability and mobility make necro an easy prey and the 'double HP' bar doesn't help much as most good players will either kite you to death or push you and CC you endlessly till you fall. Not to say that in -1 situation necro dies miserably fast. So taking into account all these I can't say necro is overpowered, rather the opposite, because he has some serious disadvantages the class needs to be played carefully and always look for team support.


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HP don't mean anything in sPvP, not with all the insane damage that some classes can do. A single immunity skill grant you better survavibility than a full shroud (sadly true...).


Also, if you think that the necromancer is strong, you're seriously doing something wrong.


The Reaper Shroud is good but easy to counter:

1) stay ranged, the reaper is purely melee and can't hit you if you go range with few mobility skill. A thief will Never ever lose against a reaper is if barely good.

2) kite. The shroud consume life force and if you stay away the necro will go out of shroud by his will to don't waste his LF knowing that you will only wait to his shroud to disappear to turn back and fight again.

3) burst hard. Shroud make the necro lose ALL the defensive skills (at best, have only traits to keep him alive) and have only a stability skill. The movement is barely acceptable because the aftercast make it move fast as if you have swiftness, nothing more. If you face a reaper in melee, active your defensive skills and prepare to burst as your best, you will strip him out of that shroud easy and fast. A warrior 100Blades or a backstab+burst combo will be enough.

4) if you use conditions, that's your moment! while in shroud can't send back/eat conditions and you will do your top damage. Maybe he can be lucky and have th passive plague signet ready but at 75% it will be in CD.

5) immobilize (or chill), if you have a ranged weapon and CC you will kill him easy.

6) corrupt/remove his stability and CC him. depending on your class/build, that strategy always work.

7) evade/block/blind/kite his reaper shroud combo 5+4. (If you do that, his damage will be so bad that you will not even try to evade him. Expecially if the necro is condition.


There's a large amount of ways to kill a reaper!

First of all, stay away, kite and hit by range. or just stay away, his LF will drop quickly, expecially after the LF diration nerf. If you can't, just burst all you have and push him out of the shroud.


in different situations and with full LF a reaper can be dangerous, but is not OP for shure.

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