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The 2018 Quality of Life Request List

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Build templates, build templates, build templates, build templates, build templates!


Build templates.


It doesn't have to auto switch gear if that is what is holding it up. I mostly just want to be able save my trait lines and skills.

I would also like to have a space to write short notes (so I can remind myself how to play it) for builds but the main thing is the skills and trait lines. The lack of one was annoying and killing my desire to experiment with builds when the game launched and it's even worse so now. The the more specializations they add the more of a pain in the rear the lack of build template is going to be.


A place to store interesting trophy/ story type items that are otherwise useless, especially the books. For a recent example for me, I would actually like to keep the diaries from bloodstone fen but really I can't justify a place in storage for it.


Not really QOL but I miss my guild wars 1 menagerie.

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Yes, I know build templates is on everyone's list. It's actually why I didn't add it on my own. I'm pretty sure we will see build templates with the next expansion. A library of some sort is a great idea but something I think would have to come as a home instance addition. These a lot of stuff that I want to see happen to the home instance, but you can go read the pile of posts of people wanting player housing for those ideas. There are many threads.


Personally, I'd like to see the home instance turn into something closer to the hall of monuments from GW1, where the player has shelves to show off trophies, minis, outfits, weapon skins, etc.


I still haven't seen a good argument for mid air dismounting. I've seen people say it would break things but haven't seen any examples. Please post how this would break anything in a significant way. Really I'm curious.


As always, keep it civil, keep it kind.

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I agree with the OP that Armor Repair is an outdated mechanic that would not be missed at all if it were removed. And a souvenir shelf/depository in our home instance would be a great way to make the instance into something like the old Hall of Monuments. It would be a terrific improvement.


But I can't really agree with some of the other points. Invisible walls are annoying but the developers have to balance their manpower and resources with deadlines, and sometimes they have to accept necessary evils. Invisible walls are a very minor inconvenience compared to other issues like bug-fixing.


Time walls and soulbinding are mechanics to help control the in-game economy and while they are annoying like invisible walls, I would rather the game had them rather than letting the economy go amok. From what I've read, an MMO's economy is almost as complex as those in the real world, so I can go along with the need for controls on it.


The souvenir shelf is a really awesome idea, though, and it's nice to hear that other people hold onto silly, useless mementos they find in game. I still keep the Broken Flute item one of my characters found somewhere.


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