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What are the worst deficiencies for Necro?


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > reaper burst is on ranger-level. nothing compared to dh, holo, ele or even thief.


> What. If it that would be the case. Reper could destroy literally every class. Ranger, esp soulbeast has such an high dmg burst, like40-50k in less than 2 seconds. Unbuffed


Where exactly you have this burst ? Im roaming a lot in wvw... with soulbeast too ... mellee variant in marauder, longbow zerker variant for unblockable burst... but still cant do that much. Soulbeast dont have same type of burst like scepter weaver or power shatter mes... which can wipe you faster then you try to dodge:)


Reaper can kill scourge... but every other roaming class will kill scourge... that class is focused on aoe bombs.... once you start harassing him on range... or dance around him... then he is doomed.

And if i count roaming with power reaper.... its effective as a suprise bomb in face, but once you aproach 1v1, its really bad class.

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Ah well. A friend of mine tried a build on soulbeast. He rlly does that dps burst. I dont know his exact build. And the problem is, arc isnt working, if you pewpew at 1500 range.


So we tried in pve. I killed a mob and took about 5 seconds with little bit higher than 10k dps.

My friend pewpewed once and it was dead.


So it is possible. Sure you can dodge it. But the same goes for reaper.


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