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toggle to see invisible barriers?

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I realize the need for invisible barriers in core maps in some places as those maps were not designed with mounts in mind. In other games we are able to toggle to see such barriers though (either via an option or a keystroke). Just interested, would I be the only one who would LOVE to see that option and use it?

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That would help! Been having some trouble flying my griffon in core Tyria, as I tend to crash to invisible walls pretty often.

The same with springer jumping. xD


It would also be great if the mount & gliding restricted areas could be highlighted as well! The warning flashes quite a bit too fast and late specially when soaring on a griffon, and I always end up falling after my mount suddenly disappears. I'd imagine I'm not the only one with the same problem. ':D

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Can see that it might allow for people to try and bypass them but think saving player sanity might be worth it. Have many a time tried to go up a path and suddenly could not - one does not know if it due to a stone in the way or an invisible wall. So support it but fear we might not get it for reasons we cant get most of the nice things we want.

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> @"Ellegon Mcleod.5931" said:

> Can see that it might allow for people to try and bypass them but think saving player sanity might be worth it. Have many a time tried to go up a path and suddenly could not - one does not know if it due to a stone in the way or an invisible wall. So support it but fear we might not get it for reasons we cant get most of the nice things we want.


Not being able to see them doesn't stop people trying to get past them. There's quite a few of us who like to spend our time trying to get around, over or under these barriers, just to see if we can and what's beyond them. (Even though we already know the answer is almost always either an area of empty, badly assembled terrain where the ground and the image of the ground doesn't match up or on the side of the map a perfectly flat break in the ground and then empty water and sky beyond it.)


But I don't think there's any real harm in letting players try that if they want to. Of course those rough edges (and the actual edge where things go all glitchy if you try to walk along it) should be hidden so you can't reach them during normal gameplay, because it's not good game design to let players see it. But players can't do any harm if they manage to reach those areas, the worst that will happen is you get stuck somewhere and have to use a waypoint to get out and if you made the decision to go into an area you're clearly not supposed to be able to reach you can't complain about it not working right.


I've only seen this option in games that let players edit the map themselves (like Sims), or games that give players access to the Command Line, so they can change all sorts of things. I don't think it's a standard feature. But I'd still like to see it here.

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I was trying to unfog part of a core map yesterday. I hopped somewhere that nobody would think was somewhere an invisible barrier would be at. Bam. Go a bit aways, try again. Bam. Repeat until it randomly let me use my hopper somewhere. It was not like I was trying to break or something, I just wanted to have 100% on the map. If I could have seen barriers I just would have gone until where they stopped and continued explorations there. As it is you do not always have a clue when you will run into a barrier. DR makes for a nervous wreck trying to guess where the invisible ceiling is at for any given location.

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> I dont know, It seems pretty intuitive. Tall places are more apt for barriers. This is more likely on the outskirts of the zone. This is not as likely in the middle of the zone but still does occur. Simply take your mount to ground level and follow the designated path.


Not always, if the side of the map is fogged you know there is something there you should be able to reach.

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I'd like this - if they are going to have those invisible walls all over the place, most of which there is no intuitive reason for them to be there, make them visible. Perhaps a transparent yellow or something, so you know what they are in, but can still see what is behind them.

I don't have an issue with them putting the invisible walls around the edges of maps, but even in those cases, not necessary obvious where that 'edge' is.

I have found a lot within the valid play area of maps, and those are the frustrating ones, as the OP says. You think you can just hop over this hill to get somewhere, and then find out you can't.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> I frankly would prefer if they just finish those areas to be truly explorable, or truly unreachable. There are a bunch that seems like a really neat area to jump in with the springer, but you are unnaturally blocked by an annoying barrier of nonsense.


Yes, I was clearing up the NW portion of Queensdale because I could see some fog in that area. You do not expect an invisible barrier if you hop up a couple feet.

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