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theorycrafting contest. help ranger and you could win 100g

Daniel Handler.4816

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The rules are pretty simple.

1: Using http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ theorycraft the best and worst Soulbeast builds for PvP

2: The builds must use core pets.

3: Post links to both builds as a response to this comment **AND** explain why they are the worst or best.

* 3a: Spelling/grammar/punctuation doesn't matter but explanations must be understandable by a native English speaker.

* 3b: Length is not important but you must describe the playstyle of the build, why you chose both pets, and why the build is the best or worst.


4: You can only submit between now and the next sPvP balance patch (which is probably Feb 6th).

5: The worst build and the best build that are **least affected** by the patch will each get 50g.

* 5a: If anet buffs or nerfs the builds you came up with, it counts against you.

* 5b: this means you need to theorycraft the best and worst Soulbeast builds for sPvP that are also the most in need of Anet's attention going forward.

* 5c: this also means your builds need to be different from other submitters to avoid receiving a similar number of points against you

* 5d: it's possible that your best is not the best of the submission to play, but if it's the least affected you still win.


6: **Both builds must try to use Soulbeast traits. builds with no synergy and/or missing gear/trait/pets/utilities/etc will be disqualified**


Comment below if you don't understand the rules or with your submissions.



* changed PvP to sPvP

* Added rule on synergy.

* Clarified rule on explanations.

* Switched "." to ":" in lists to avoid weird format problems

* Lettered bullets to rules. Add bullets to edits.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> Question ... PVP means sPVP or WvW too ? Because builds are different for these 2 types of game.


sPvP. It would be too expensive to test WvW. That's a contest for a later day.

> @"Eggyokeo.9705" said:

> Why only core pets?


Not everyone owns both expansions. Rather than just ban HoT pets from the contest I limited everyone to core pets. Now some of the balancing data will be halfway usable when applied to Druid.

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> @"Rognik.2579" said:

> > @"Eggyokeo.9705" said:

> > Why only core pets?

> I second this question, especially as you have to have PoF to unlock Soulbeast at all. I can see disqualifying HoT pets, but honestly, most players of Soulbeast will have both expansions available to them.


In addition to the other reason I've given, its also because Soulbeast is balanced against all archetypes/beast skill and it's much easier to get feedback on the meta options without resorting to a contest.

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I could do with 100g, so I'll give this a spin despite not playing PvP.


This is my bad build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnEqAtsgN8COsActglJBzZyVBycNBgH3EIf3+bLupwasfYE-jZhRABlfEA2+SAk8DAY5yAAs/AA

I assumed you didn't want the literal worst builds (e.g. those that don't fill every available skill/trait slot or which aim for deliberate anti-synergy) so this is rather this build is one which I could see a player using which I think would fair the worst against the big three builds I see discussed at the moment (Scourge, Spellbreaker & Mirage).

This build is a bunker build: it has block & evade skills, self-heals, three condition mitigation mechanics, weakness & mobility debuffs, stab & stunbreaks and a modest damage output. Staying mostly in beastmode this build uses the swamp drake for its healing bite, weakening blast finisher and supportive buffs; the dog is just a backup pet for pre-buffing with regeneration or for an emergency heal after Eternal Bond has been triggered. It's actually pretty close to being a build that I think could work (bear in mind I have no PvP experience!) but it has I think a fatal flaw: this build is designed to stay on a point and makes heavy use of boons, in an environment awash with spellbeakers and scourges that can put down areas of boon destruction.


I suspect that the best build for fighting these targets would be some kind of glassy longbow build like this one http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBMhN6kgXohFshXwVQgrFssHYPxhm3TLv9+ezvL3uAwoLjNmQWF-jZxHQB9Y/BE+AAY4RAQJlBAwpAAA

I think the weapon/skill/trait options here are fairly obvious choices for a glassy build, mixing invulnerability, self might/quickness/swiftness, unblockables and damage buffs. Two dogs are fielded here because they are good in comparison with other core pets at sticking to a target and applying CC/mobility debuffs.


EDIT Why Second Skin? @"Dragonzhunter.8506" has pointed out that this build uses a trait that depends on protection despite having no way to apply that boon to itself. Nonetheless I still think that Second Skin will usually be the best choice: whilst it is true that this build applies no protection it is also true that it barely applies poison or quickness either; when the soulbeast is on its own then all three traits are of negligible value. PvP is a team game however, and when the contribution of allies is considered the value of Second Skin becomes clearer. There are very few effects in the game which could give our soulbeast the ability to apply poison - Vulture Stance and a thief's shared venoms are the only ones I can think of, and I'm not 100% confident that these effects will trigger Predator's Cunning in a sharing scenario. There are also not that many builds that can grant quickness to the soulbeast - admittedly one of those is quite common at the moment (Firebrand), but even when such an ally is present the effect of Essence of Speed is fairly modest. On the other hand many builds are capable of sharing Protection to our soulbeast (including Firebrands, as well as Elementalists, Mesmers, Heralds, Holosmiths and other Rangers), and on the rare occasions where this build is in a 2v1 or 2v2 with a protection-granting ally the effect of Second Skin is going to be quite dramatic.

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> @"Professor Sprout.1560" said:

> I could do with 100g, so I'll give this a spin despite not playing PvP.

> I suspect that the best build for fighting these targets would be some kind of glassy longbow build like this one http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBMhN6kgXohFshXwVQgrFssHYPxhm3TLv9+ezvL3uAwoLjNmQWF-jZxHQB9Y/BE+AAY4RAQJlBAwpAAA

> I think the weapon/skill/trait options here are fairly obvious choices for a glassy build, mixing invulnerability, self might/quickness/swiftness, unblockables and damage buffs. Two dogs are fielded here because they are good in comparison with other core pets at sticking to a target and applying CC/mobility debuffs.


Professor, I don't want to steal your money (even are not yours yet :P ) , but after a short/quick view of this build, I can tell you that Second Skin is useless, because you don't have nothing who gives you protection, so you will not benefit for this trait at all. :P

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"Professor Sprout.1560" said:

> > I could do with 100g, so I'll give this a spin despite not playing PvP.

> > I suspect that the best build for fighting these targets would be some kind of glassy longbow build like this one http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBMhN6kgXohFshXwVQgrFssHYPxhm3TLv9+ezvL3uAwoLjNmQWF-jZxHQB9Y/BE+AAY4RAQJlBAwpAAA

> > I think the weapon/skill/trait options here are fairly obvious choices for a glassy build, mixing invulnerability, self might/quickness/swiftness, unblockables and damage buffs. Two dogs are fielded here because they are good in comparison with other core pets at sticking to a target and applying CC/mobility debuffs.


> Professor, I don't want to steal your money (even are not yours yet :P ) , but after a short/quick view of this build, I can tell you that Second Skin is useless, because you don't have nothing who gives you protection, so you will not benefit for this trait at all. :P


You won't be stealing the prize because you haven't submitted a best and a worst build.

:confounded: Right now @"Professor Sprout.1560" is the automatic winner.

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I don't know how good for sPVP this one is, but this is what I use in WvW and works very well. (in WvW I use Durability instead of Leadership)



Ofc, regarding of what kind of classes the enemies team has, I change Zephyr with Sick' Em! or Signet of the Hunt.

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> @"Professor Sprout.1560" said:

> I could do with 100g, so I'll give this a spin despite not playing PvP.


You are the only submission so far so the odds are good.


> I assumed you didn't want the literal worst builds (e.g. those that don't fill every available skill/trait slot or which aim for deliberate anti-synergy) so this is rather this build is one which I could see a player using which I think would fair


This is correct but I forgot to specify that. I updated the rules so any further submissions play by the same standards you did.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> I don't know how good for sPVP this one is, but this is what I use in WvW and works very well. (in WvW I use Durability instead of Leadership)

> http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAT8XnEqAN8ilsAusAUtglJBrJA84mA572f7x1ZyVBycn8q0tC-jpxHABffBAA4gAMwRAw/HAw1lBEf/BA


> Ofc, regarding of what kind of classes the enemies team has, I change Zephyr with Sick' Em! or Signet of the Hunt.


Can't accept the submission. It break rules two and three. It uses a HoT pet and doesn't explain why it's the worst or best build.


I updated rule three to clarify what I mean by explanation. Basically describe the pet choice, the playstyle, and why its the best or worst. Look at professor sprouts submissions as an example.

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Best build : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAT8XnEqAN8ilsAusAUtglJBrJA84mAOTuKQmLf3+bPun06rKC-jpxHAB+/AAG4IAcdZAAOIAffBAEf/BA

High survivability, lots of condi remove vs condi build (the most dangerous one for ranger), both pets in beast mode gives you 4s and 3s of imune vs power damage.

Sword and Axe are very good for defense and control of the fights on the point (we know that sPVP it is about keeping points and not about killing enemies).

I think this build is very balanced, gives you sustain and dps in the same time. you are not like a glass cannon but still can put down someone in 3 seconds with LB+Zephyrand Live Fast.

The worst build ? I don't know if it is any regarding of your requirements (like Professor said: you didn't want the literal worst builds (e.g. those that don't fill every available skill/trait slot or which aim for deliberate anti-synergy), because any other builds who don't use anti-synergy can be good due the composition of your team, due to your duty in the match (dps, defender, support etc).

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worst (edited)


condi ranger doesn't apply enough cover conditions in pvp and while it has good burst conditions it doesn't reapply most of them often enough. your main source of cleanses come only from your 2 suvival skills, bear stance and the trait "soften the fall."

traps are used for point control, this is an on point fighter against anything but scouges. Murrellow provides an additional poison field, defy pain and a heal/dmg combo atk. The spider also provides a poison field, Immob and both pets bring Primal Cry for Vuln/bleeding/blindess and taunt. poison and bleeds are your primary damaging conditions, use them well and often to maintain stacks of both on an enemy.




best coming soon ""tm""

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Oh boy, a thread where I get to show off how horrible I am with builds!


My bad build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnE8CN8ilsAOsAs8ilFBLv5GdvuLtgAwg751dCWdnA0J2C-jphTABPfIA8+IAE8FAA1yAAs/Q2PAAA


While it may seem like this is meant to be a horrible build for this thread, it really is a build I've been using in pvp at times when I've felt like taking a break from pve. While not a great build by any means, and I'm sure it may even make better ranger players grimace juts by looking at it. It's done an okayish job so far for my casual pvp experience.


Generally the build is meant for picking off roaming thieves and mesmers and stopping their escapes through the usage of taunts by going in and out of beast-mode. The general theme of chills when it comes to pets is to mess up mesers and their general skill rotations and escapes, giving you ample time to take them down should they be unable to escape. You'll mostly be jumping in and out of beast-mode for general fights around a contested point as usually should. But if you find yourself having to chase down your "prey" like a mesmer for example teleporting away, going into beast-mode for the Alpine wolf and using a combination brutal charge, crippiling leap, and swoop on your great sword should catch even the speediest of mesmers. In terms of thieves that try to retreat and kite around the area before re-engaging, polarbeat mode should help with your prelude lash beast skill to drag thieves back towards to fight on your own terms while also aiding you through usage of defy pain should they try to counter you with their own burst. When it comes to point control you should be swapping between your pets and beast mode as you see fit while using their pet skills at optimal times, with both pet skills having 600 range on chill application it should keep you relatively safe from mesmers/thieves trying to contest the point from risk of getting too close to your pets. In terms of team fight capability, you're rather poor at it but with the aid of your stances you can aid your probably far more skilled team mates even in the slightest of ways to achieve victory over whomever you may be fighting.


Why is this a bad build? It's a bad build because it's just focusing on beating down bad players like myself that don't use their skills correctly, or waste them at inopportune times. So in just straight up casual pvp you may be able to kick the mesmer/thiefs butt that doesn't know any better then you. But against any compitent player, you're far more likely to just lose the war of attrition. I won't go into much detail about other classes as you'll probably won't be able to 1v1 them all that well, aside from the possibility of elementalists which do get hurt by chills rather badly as well.


Edit: Just updated with a small edit to better explain the usage of the polar bear. On a small random note not relating to the topic at all, I hope Moa's get buffed in the future. One of the pets I tried running in the past for this build was the White Moa, but it just fails in all areas compared to the other pets with similar applications of chill.

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best (edited)


power soulbeast. This is a sniper and +1 fighter,high ferocity, lots of crits.

Start your fights at range, unmerged from your pet. The pets will provide some additional damage and this will also allow you to choose the best pet for the situation.

The Siamoth gives you a huge boon buff and 2 available stealths. The Drakehound provides an immob, knockdown and cripple for CC.


damage reduction from both protection and regeneration. condition damage reduction from protection. weakness - condi removal, against condi heavy comps swap dolyak and OWP for 2 survival skills of your choice.


i've run this build successfully in spvp and wvw roaming and it works well, just don't forget to switch skills when needed to get the additional cleanses. Menders and Avatar amulet can be chosen in spvp for more sustain but less burst dps.



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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> Best build : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAT8XnEqAN8ilsAusAUtglJBrJA84mAOTuKQmLf3+bPun06rKC-jpxHAB+/AAG4IAcdZAAOIAffBAEf/BA

> High survivability, lots of condi remove vs condi build (the most dangerous one for ranger), both pets in beast mode gives you 4s and 3s of imune vs power damage.

> Sword and Axe are very good for defense and control of the fights on the point (we know that sPVP it is about keeping points and not about killing enemies).

> I think this build is very balanced, gives you sustain and dps in the same time. you are not like a glass cannon but still can put down someone in 3 seconds with LB+Zephyrand Live Fast.

> The worst build ? I don't know if it is any regarding of your requirements (like Professor said: you didn't want the literal worst builds (e.g. those that don't fill every available skill/trait slot or which aim for deliberate anti-synergy), because any other builds who don't use anti-synergy can be good due the composition of your team, due to your duty in the match (dps, defender, support etc).


Good. This submission counts.

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@"Prophet.1584" @"Xenash.1245"


Your submissions don't count. Please fix them to follow rule 3. "length is not important but you must describe the **playstyle** of the build, **why you chose both pets**, and why the build is the best or worst.


* @"Xenash.1245" you need to talk about why you chose bear. Everything else is fine.

* @"Prophet.1584" you need to talk about playstyle in both submissions and the pets in your entry for "worst." The comment "2 knockdown pet skills" in your entry for "best" meets the minimum for discussing both pets.

* @"Daniel Handler.4816" you need to make sure these people aren't disqualified because they weren't notified.

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> ...

> 5: The worst build and the best build that are **least affected** by the patch will each get 50g.

> * If anet buffs or nerfs the builds you came up with, it counts against you.

> * this means you need to theorycraft the best and worst Soulbeast builds for sPvP that are also the most in need of Anet's attention going forward.

> *...

I personally think the competition would be better if it were this:

Best build least affected; you picked the most balanced build that works as OP builds will get nerfed in theory.

Worst build most affected; predicting some new meta from a build that was almost but never really good enough.

Anyhow, it's your competition, your rules. I'll submit something later.

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i have been playing ranger for a very long time but im mainly a pve guy so when it does come to wvw and pvp im shoting in the dark and hopeing i have a good idea but with that i can say how the ranger feels. i think from most of the changes ranger is in a very odd postion right now. we went from being a very balanced class to so meny changes that we kind of lost our balance. if you dont know/remember when sword first came out we had a kick that we had to use skill to use right and was hard to do melee now we just get a stack of might instead to me this lost some skill for ranger and makes them way to easy to play. now i know druid was nurfed becouse some peps just abuse the hell out of everything makeing it get nerfed. i think druid needs a few more tweeks to clarify how druid should be played but other then that its in a good spot. when we talk about soulbeast this is in a spot were its nice but the merging needs some more tweeks and the traits and skills need a tweek as well. i hope this helps you all understand were i am on ranger.

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> @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > ...

> > 5: The worst build and the best build that are **least affected** by the patch will each get 50g.

> > * If anet buffs or nerfs the builds you came up with, it counts against you.

> > * this means you need to theorycraft the best and worst Soulbeast builds for sPvP that are also the most in need of Anet's attention going forward.

> > *...

> I personally think the competition would be better if it were this:

> Best build least affected; you picked the most balanced build that works as OP builds will get nerfed in theory.

> Worst build most affected; predicting some new meta from a build that was almost but never really good enough.

> Anyhow, it's your competition, your rules. I'll submit something later.


I did think about this but ultimately I decided the competition should be helpful. If you pick what Anet already knows then the only benefit is to your ego. (assuming they aren't reading this thread for last minute ideas). But if you pick what Anet doesn't know then we get the patch and something for the community to focus on.

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > ...

> > > 5: The worst build and the best build that are **least affected** by the patch will each get 50g.

> > > * If anet buffs or nerfs the builds you came up with, it counts against you.

> > > * this means you need to theorycraft the best and worst Soulbeast builds for sPvP that are also the most in need of Anet's attention going forward.

> > > *...

> > I personally think the competition would be better if it were this:

> > Best build least affected; you picked the most balanced build that works as OP builds will get nerfed in theory.

> > Worst build most affected; predicting some new meta from a build that was almost but never really good enough.

> > Anyhow, it's your competition, your rules. I'll submit something later.


> I did think about this but ultimately I decided the competition should be helpful. If you pick what Anet already knows then the only benefit is to your ego. (assuming they aren't reading this thread for last minute ideas). But if you pick what Anet doesn't know then we get the patch and something for the community to focus on.


Fair enough

Bad build least likely to change:

The remorseless cavalier. High toughness and 3 sources of power damage immunity (2 signet proc and a bear merge) for great power damage resistance. Power/ferocity from your amulet, SB merge bonus, vicious quarry, signet of the wild and runes yet zero precision. However synergy is of course that remorseless, in theory, carries that crit chance: every equipped utility, heal, elite, VQ, weapon swap, and F3 gives fury to proc it. Red moa is a ferocious pet and gives fury outside of merge. Bear is also ferocious but gives defensive skills.


Build might stacks up with sword auto/sigil of courage. Essence of speed extends that might duration. Evading with sw/d, F3, heal and swapping to GS all give quickness for EoS procs. Swap to GS for a mega burst. Who needs ranged weapons anyways?


If someone fails at this build, it's obviously a learn to dodge issue. All weapons have evades and you gain vigor on evade so why should you be getting hit by conditions attacks. /s It’s obviously horrible with no vitality nor condi clear. I also don’t think it’ll be changed much because I took mostly meta stuff from different builds and mashed them together in a high synergy but ultimately bad build. Possible/wishful changes would be sword auto buffs (maybe PvE only so does that really count for a PvP contest?) or changes to opening strike.




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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> i have been playing ranger for a very long time but im mainly a pve guy so when it does come to wvw and pvp im shoting in the dark and hopeing i have a good idea but with that i can say how the ranger feels. i think from most of the changes ranger is in a very odd postion right now. we went from being a very balanced class to so meny changes that we kind of lost our balance. if you dont know/remember when sword first came out we had a kick that we had to use skill to use right and was hard to do melee now we just get a stack of might instead to me this lost some skill for ranger and makes them way to easy to play. now i know druid was nurfed becouse some peps just abuse the hell out of everything makeing it get nerfed. i think druid needs a few more tweeks to clarify how druid should be played but other then that its in a good spot. when we talk about soulbeast this is in a spot were its nice but the merging needs some more tweeks and the traits and skills need a tweek as well. i hope this helps you all understand were i am on ranger.


Don't worry. There will be opportunities for PvE guys to contribute in later discussions. You don't need to post idea now.


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Once again paging @Prophet.1584 and @Xenash.1245


Your submissions don't count. Please fix them to follow rule 3. "length is not important but you must describe the **playstyle** of the build, **why you chose both pets,** and why the build is the best or worst.


* @Xenash.1245 you need to talk about why you chose bear. Everything else is fine.

* @Prophet.1584 you need to talk about playstyle in both submissions and the pets in your entry for "worst." The comment "2 knockdown pet skills" in your entry for "best" meets the minimum for discussing both pets.

* @Daniel Handler.4816 you need to make sure these people aren't disqualified because they weren't notified.

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