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Free to play fractals???

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> Just out of curiosity what profession/build woud you suggest to free to play player for fractals? (I mean normal T4)


Condi ranger.

Presuming that you figured out how to get 150 AR (or close enough) without the extra infusion slots from fractal masteries etc.


A skilled player could manage any of the old school fractals with any of the profs, since they are relatively unchanged since the launch of fractals. However, they won't be as effective as other players might expect, which could cause some friction, depending on the circumstances. For the new fractals, it largely depends on how skilled they are.

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> @"Geisterlicht.6083" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Condi ranger.


> Do you have access to ascended vipers gear as F2P? If yes, I think condition ranger is good. But idk how well it works without, since they nerfed condition food last year.


F2P won't have access to Viper's, no. You can get Sinister's by buying the exotic insignia|inscription recipes from Silverwastes and stat-converting (remember, we are assuming they have access to ascended gear to reach AR150). The Sinister build variant isn't as good, but under the conditions (pardon the expression) outlined by the OP, I think it qualifies as "good enough."


Although that highlights another potential issue for F2P: infusions **cannot** be recovered because access to infusion extractors is currently gated by fractal masteries. So one would have to obtain the set of ascended gear without using infusions or throw away any infusions used prior to transforming into Sinister.



As a side note: at this point, I'd be wondering how someone has enough time to invest in obtaining enough ascended gear via F2P without being able to afford US$30 for one of the expansions (or better: US$50 to get both). Surely, a neighbor needs some boxes moved to storage or a lawn mowed or something so you can convert some hours of grinding in game to grinding the modest payment of RL funds. (Well, perhaps not; circumstances vary. It just seems like a good question for the OP to consider.)

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Mh then you will be limited to the 25% condition duration from Runes + 2x condition duration sigil? I don't think cranger has any duration increasing traits.

So I'd rather go for engineer - if condi - or stay away from it and go with a power build like Power Engineer, or Thief. Idk about power base Elementalist.

Pretty meh anyways :/


edit: maybe a meme burnguard could work?

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> @"Geisterlicht.6083" said:

> Mh then you will be limited to the 25% condition duration from Runes + 2x condition duration sigil? I don't think cranger has any duration increasing traits.

> So I'd rather go for engineer - if condi - or stay away from it and go with a power build like Power Engineer, or Thief. Idk about power base Elementalist.

> Pretty meh anyways :/



I agree with the "pretty meh" assessment. Or at least, I think the F2P options are "good enough" and "just barely good enough", while adding either expac offers "really good" and "excellent" choices.


Specifically... I dunno about p-engineer: it's a theoretically effective build, but I've honestly only seen 1-2 people play it effectively (outside of elite teams). P-thief... yeah, that might work; the skill requirement is high, but I've seen plenty of good p-thieves. Power elementalist... that's also a decent option.


So, my strong recommendation is that someone serious about fractals should buy one of the expansions.

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Thanks for answers. I personaly own both expansions but i personaly know few players that purchased the base game before hot was out and dont have time to play so they havent bought any expansion but still sometimes turn gw2 on. (They are technicaly not F2P but its similar). Also crafting ascended is not as hard. I personaly made my full ascended set 2 months after geting first lvl 80 (i was doing auric basin when it was on to get masteries required for mistward armour and made some gold during that (f2p can do silverwastes if i am correct) and then made gold by crafting exotic berserker weapons/orichalcum crafting components and selling them back).


But its true that either player enjoys the game and buy the expansion or the probably quit before/shortly after geting lvl 80. But there are still only core game accounds and althoug they are not the same there are some similarities

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Oh core-only gaming is **much** easier than F2P, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is access to all of the TP plus less gating on recipes. And if you're playing with these folks, then you can somewhat carry them through a lot of T4 fractals, to help them earn AR enough to make up for the missing slots.


Under the circumstances, _when_ you have specific people in mind, walk them through the options at [MetaBattle](http://metabattle.com/). There are some core-only builds that can be modified for gear choices. [snow Crows](https://snowcrows.com/builds/) & [Discretize](http://discretize.eu/) sites are also a good source of ideas. Let the player(s) decide where to start looking.


As @"Geisterlicht.6083" says, the core-only options are less exciting, especially without expertise etc. But good players will be able to succeed handily without.


Good luck and please let us know if anyone does end up doing fractals core-only style... and what builds they ended up using.

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I didnt have specific players in mind, but used them as an example that there might be players without any expansions that play long enough to get ascended gear. I know its not the same but perhaps there might be someone who is f2p but cannot get expansion now (like for example a kid that is promised expansion to his birthsday/at end of school year).

Its interesting cause i was sure "right way" would be berserker gear since viper is locked (with viper ranger would be clear choice) but you still think that its not so sure.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:


> Its interesting cause i was sure "right way" would be berserker gear since viper is locked (with viper ranger would be clear choice) but you still think that its not so sure.

Ah I see. I think it's more that I prefer the HoT builds for power and you ruled those out. @"Geisterlicht.6083" does like power, so maybe it is an "obvious" choice for most folks.


The main thing, though, is that successful fractals are always much more about player skill than the build. A stellar build offers faster solutions to the same encounters, but it won't be enough to help folks who struggle with seal mechanics in Cliffside or the god manifestations in TO's final boss fight. Better builds can help change "barely fail" into "barely succeed", but it's rare that's the blocking issue.




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Back when core condi builds worked with sinister, we got up to +40% condiduration from pizzas (and +10% from crystals).

Nowadays, food gets you almost no condiduration in comparison.

That is a ~35% difference with sinister gear.

Which will definitely affect your dmg output.


With the last condi food change, core condi ranger lost more power than other classes, because it was full vipers with duration runes already.

Thats why i said, if condi, i would go engi - he can switch to duration runes.



In comparison, power builds lost nothing.


A core power engineer can probably still hit something like 28k. It has decent cleave, cc, softcc, combo fields... but as a longtime engi main, i am probably biased.

It might not be as easy as i think.


With a F2P account you wont be able to join super-toxic lfgs, so maybe even a full sinister core-burnguard could work ;)


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The main thing, though, is that successful fractals are always much more about player skill than the build.


^This is the most important part.



Edit: rephrased a lot

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> @"Geisterlicht.6083" said:

> Mh then you will be limited to the 25% condition duration from Runes + 2x condition duration sigil? I don't think cranger has any duration increasing traits.

> So I'd rather go for engineer - if condi - or stay away from it and go with a power build like Power Engineer, or Thief. Idk about power base Elementalist.

> Pretty meh anyways :/


> edit: maybe a meme burnguard could work?


Condi engie still does very good damage. Base ele can be good if you play the class well enough.


I had base support guards in my runs and it was fine :)

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Yeah, condi builds mostly rely on vipers gear to be competitive which is xpac-only, so with core stats you have to decide between power zerker's builds. Zerker core ranger isnt too bad in fractals, with moderate AoE and burst from longbow and X/axe, still less than ideal but I don't think you'd have to worry about getting kicked from any but the most elitist groups for "holding everyone back". Zerker dagger/dagger thief with backstab rotation isn't bad on single target dps either, and for less-than-organized pugs even P/P unload spam is a solid amount of single target dps that gives you full freedom of mobility and positioning plus good healing back from signet of malice.


Those are two that I myself have done and had no big problems with, some other classes might have decent power builds as well. Maybe something with warrior since most people expect their bannerslave to only do like half dps anyways.

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I didn't read the replies or comments up there but if already covered pls disregard this.

First you need minimum of 150ar for t4.. Once you have minimum 150ar.. You can play any vanilla build with none meta group

To get 150ar you probably need full asc gear inc armour trinkets and weapons. Without 150ar.. Your character will die instantly when agony hits at anytime even if you play god build

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