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Idea: PVE real player enemy Champions

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I was wondering for a while how we can play the best MMORPG there is and with the best difficulty, and I came to the conclusion, that we need real player enemies in PVE too!

How is it work, it's very simple: The Anet employees create Champion professions and characters for each map type, and each with trait lines, multiple skills that players can choose from! - - Players will be chosen from Anet employees

- Champions will gain skills, trait lines and level ups according how many players they did kill

- To participate on a map against a Champion there will be a notification for each server, and map, you can choose to participate or not on it

- Real employee players can play whenever they desire against PVE players, can choose their strategy how to play, they will get total freedom, even they can escape from being killed (if they are good, and eventually evolve them selves into World Champion Bosses


I have more ideas, I think this is the start for a great MMORPG there can be in our present. People know every mechanic, how the NPC works, what to do, that's why many of us play WvW, we need thinking enemy. The idea for a living enemy in PvE with his own mindset, and we actually could loose a battle, or make a strategy to kill it, capture it would be amazing! I don't say we need this every day, and many of us couldn't even get to a map, it would be full, there are many things to adjust here, but it is a start for a great MMORPG that Gw2 can offer us! Think about it!

We actually saw an employee riding a wyvern, it would be great to battle against him! Just a thought!

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Something like this as an event with hand picked players or even better the developers themselves controlling the champions? Why not. Anything further than that, especially turning this into a main feature? No. There is a reason why some people play PvP while others whouldn't touch it in a million years.

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