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Pending WvW Change That PvE Players May Want to Know About


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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26547/world-restructuring/p1


> The biggest impact here is of course WvW, and the current proposal is subject to a lot of change before implementation months from now. But this bit affects everyone:


> "Since worlds will not exist any longer, the "World Selection" that currently is available in character select will be eliminated, and instead a selection for playing in either North America or Europe will replace it."


> Foggy and mysterious as the megaserver workings are, chosen server has supposedly been one factor in who you tend to share maps with. So being on Tarnished Coast I've had a higher chance of seeing RP in cities and in the wild. I'm guessing that won't come into play any more.


While this may impact some people, I'm pretty sure most PvE-only players are most interested in whether or not these changes will affect how they obtain the Gift of Battle.

If Anets plan works, it will, hopefully, reduce the number of people who simply give up and go the AFK route because their server does nothing but get flattened or has no zergs to run with during their play hours.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> For PvE purposes, the Megaserver system is not changing. And the Megaservers currently works as follows;


> With the megaserver system, **players won’t be separated into different copies of the same map based on the world they selected** on character creation. **Instead, you will simply arrive in a map and be assigned to the version of that map that makes the most sense for you as selected by the megaserver system** we’ve developed. This new system takes your **party, guild, language,** ----*_home world_*----, and other factors into account

> I'm playing on a English Client, in a non-language designated World, and get landed in maps where the majority of players mapchat in German or French. I'm not saying I have a problem with that, but pointing out the current situation in PvE with Megaservers is not changing from what it currently is now.


I added some dashes and italics to point out the bit that sparked my posting this thread in the first place: Home world is currently a factor in map assignment. Given the 'unofficial RP server' status of Tarnished Coast and Piken Square, being on one of those servers has helped (not guaranteed, but helped) cluster RPers into the same maps. The new system eliminates home worlds, so I wonder about the impact on that particular factor.


> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> I think the best solution for this would be behind the alliance system they are looking to implement. WvW guilds can form a multi-guild "alliance" with other WvW guilds. If they were to add extra tags (PvE, PvX, RP, sPvP) to guilds aside from just choosing whether a guild is a WvW one or not, they could also make alliances that work in the same way, and give mega-server map placement priority to anyone in the same alliance. Adding this kind of designation could actually make it EASIER to find people to play with rather than harder (particularly for RPers who this will probably effect the most).


This is brilliant. I intend to direct-link it in the WvW thread along with some expanded discussion of the concept.

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> Having two threads for this discussion is confusing


Well, this thread was to alert non-WvWers about it, and to focus on the effect on PvE map grouping. I only found out about the announcement because a guildie mentioned it, since I almost never visit the WvW forum. The big thread in WvW is the place to put in feedback and brainstorming for the devs to view, imo, which is why I linked Sojourner's excellent suggestion over there. There have been a number of comments in that thread on concerns about the effect in PvE.


This thread is to help make players aware of the change so they can go weigh in at the main thread, not to go into deep discussions.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26547/world-restructuring/p1


> The biggest impact here is of course WvW, and the current proposal is subject to a lot of change before implementation months from now. But this bit affects everyone:


> "**Since worlds will not exist any longer, the "World Selection" that currently is available in character select will be eliminated, and instead a selection for playing in either North America or Europe will replace it.**"


I've noticed that some people aren't paying attention very closely...even though this is a WvW change the above bolded part will have an impact on PvE, the worlds we selected at the beginning of account creation...even those from 2012 are going to go bye bye if this system gets implemented. You will then truly be a part of either a North America(NA) Megaserver or European Union(EU) Megaserver. Only for WvW does the criteria of language, amount of time participating, etc., come into play...whether the current mechanics of how Megaservers work will stay in place or not no one has said, but, if they are actually able to have it use language as a criteria for WvW there's nothing saying they can't improve the use of that criteria for PvE. Your "world" status would now show as North America or European Union in PvE maps IF the World Restructuring system ends up coming to fruition, but remember, it will only be implemented if it works like how ArenaNet wants it to work.



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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> For PvE players, only “downside” i see is the gift of battles taking longer if youre not in a wvw guild.


Not really, it depends on where you land.> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26547/world-restructuring/p1

> >

> > The biggest impact here is of course WvW, and the current proposal is subject to a lot of change before implementation months from now. But this bit affects everyone:

> >

> > "**Since worlds will not exist any longer, the "World Selection" that currently is available in character select will be eliminated, and instead a selection for playing in either North America or Europe will replace it.**"

> >

> I've noticed that some people aren't paying attention very closely...even though this is a WvW change the above bolded part will have an impact on PvE, the worlds we selected at the beginning of account creation...even those from 2012 are going to go bye bye if this system gets implemented. You will then truly be a part of either a North America(NA) Megaserver or European Union(EU) Megaserver. Only for WvW does the criteria of language, amount of time participating, etc., come into play...whether the current mechanics of how Megaservers work will stay in place or not no one has said, but, if they are actually able to have it use language as a criteria for WvW there's nothing saying they can't improve the use of that criteria for PvE. Your "world" status would now show as North America or European Union in PvE maps IF the World Restructuring system ends up coming to fruition, but remember, it will only be implemented if it works like how ArenaNet wants it to work.



EU and NA will still be separate regions.

Also i'm sure your selected language is already a part in what megaserver you land on, since i don't see many german, french or spanish in my World chat.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26547/world-restructuring/p1

> >

> > The biggest impact here is of course WvW, and the current proposal is subject to a lot of change before implementation months from now. But this bit affects everyone:

> >

> > "**Since worlds will not exist any longer, the "World Selection" that currently is available in character select will be eliminated, and instead a selection for playing in either North America or Europe will replace it.**"

> >

> I've noticed that some people aren't paying attention very closely...even though this is a WvW change the above bolded part will have an impact on PvE, the worlds we selected at the beginning of account creation...even those from 2012 are going to go bye bye if this system gets implemented. You will then truly be a part of either a North America(NA) Megaserver or European Union(EU) Megaserver. Only for WvW does the criteria of language, amount of time participating, etc., come into play...whether the current mechanics of how Megaservers work will stay in place or not no one has said, but, if they are actually able to have it use language as a criteria for WvW there's nothing saying they can't improve the use of that criteria for PvE. Your "world" status would now show as North America or European Union in PvE maps IF the World Restructuring system ends up coming to fruition, but remember, it will only be implemented if it works like how ArenaNet wants it to work.




I'd love some clarification on that too. Does this mean you get dumped into whatever map the system chooses instead of opting for, say, Alpine or Desert, etc.? On a meta-level, I really don't get how the system works. If so, that's going to royally stink. Some of the maps are the antithesis of fun.


Not crazy about this push toward guilds, either. I'm a casual roamer. My only guild is my personal one. I don't like dealing with massive obligations, schedules, or anything else, which is why I exclusively solo in this game. I'll be glad to declare my guild a WvW one if I have to-- but, yeah. This sounds like choice and agency are getting thrown out the window in favor of matchmaking and convenience for the hardcore players. Honestly, that trend is getting tiresome.

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> @"juhani.5361" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26547/world-restructuring/p1

> > >

> > > The biggest impact here is of course WvW, and the current proposal is subject to a lot of change before implementation months from now. But this bit affects everyone:

> > >

> > > "**Since worlds will not exist any longer, the "World Selection" that currently is available in character select will be eliminated, and instead a selection for playing in either North America or Europe will replace it.**"

> > >

> > I've noticed that some people aren't paying attention very closely...even though this is a WvW change the above bolded part will have an impact on PvE, the worlds we selected at the beginning of account creation...even those from 2012 are going to go bye bye if this system gets implemented. You will then truly be a part of either a North America(NA) Megaserver or European Union(EU) Megaserver. Only for WvW does the criteria of language, amount of time participating, etc., come into play...whether the current mechanics of how Megaservers work will stay in place or not no one has said, but, if they are actually able to have it use language as a criteria for WvW there's nothing saying they can't improve the use of that criteria for PvE. Your "world" status would now show as North America or European Union in PvE maps IF the World Restructuring system ends up coming to fruition, but remember, it will only be implemented if it works like how ArenaNet wants it to work.

> >

> >


> I'd love some clarification on that too. Does this mean you get dumped into whatever map the system chooses instead of opting for, say, Alpine or Desert, etc.? On a meta-level, I really don't get how the system works. If so, that's going to royally stink. Some of the maps are the antithesis of fun.


> Not crazy about this push toward guilds, either. I'm a casual roamer. My only guild is my personal one. I don't like dealing with massive obligations, schedules, or anything else, which is why I exclusively solo in this game. I'll be glad to declare my guild a WvW one if I have to-- but, yeah. This sounds like choice and agency are getting thrown out the window in favor of matchmaking and convenience for the hardcore players. Honestly, that trend is getting tiresome.


As far as the WvW map that will probably stay as is on the UI. Alliances, guilds and unaffiliated are only used for the World creation.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26547/world-restructuring/p1

> > > >

> > > > The biggest impact here is of course WvW, and the current proposal is subject to a lot of change before implementation months from now. But this bit affects everyone:

> > > >

> > > > "**Since worlds will not exist any longer, the "World Selection" that currently is available in character select will be eliminated, and instead a selection for playing in either North America or Europe will replace it.**"

> > > >

> > > I've noticed that some people aren't paying attention very closely...even though this is a WvW change the above bolded part will have an impact on PvE, the worlds we selected at the beginning of account creation...even those from 2012 are going to go bye bye if this system gets implemented. You will then truly be a part of either a North America(NA) Megaserver or European Union(EU) Megaserver. Only for WvW does the criteria of language, amount of time participating, etc., come into play...whether the current mechanics of how Megaservers work will stay in place or not no one has said, but, if they are actually able to have it use language as a criteria for WvW there's nothing saying they can't improve the use of that criteria for PvE. Your "world" status would now show as North America or European Union in PvE maps IF the World Restructuring system ends up coming to fruition, but remember, it will only be implemented if it works like how ArenaNet wants it to work.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I'd love some clarification on that too. Does this mean you get dumped into whatever map the system chooses instead of opting for, say, Alpine or Desert, etc.? On a meta-level, I really don't get how the system works. If so, that's going to royally stink. Some of the maps are the antithesis of fun.

> >

> > Not crazy about this push toward guilds, either. I'm a casual roamer. My only guild is my personal one. I don't like dealing with massive obligations, schedules, or anything else, which is why I exclusively solo in this game. I'll be glad to declare my guild a WvW one if I have to-- but, yeah. This sounds like choice and agency are getting thrown out the window in favor of matchmaking and convenience for the hardcore players. Honestly, that trend is getting tiresome.


> As far as the WvW map that will probably stay as is on the UI. Alliances, guilds and unaffiliated are only used for the World creation.


Thanks for the clarification :) What I'd read about the UI completely changing made it sound like map choice was going away too. I'm glad I misunderstood.

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