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WVW - World Destruction

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I think this is the worst thing you could do to us. To start, Separating EU from NA. Some of my best friendships are with people from EU and I would have never met them as I'm in NA. You are going to take that away from present and future players. That is a wonderful thing in this day and age when we are suffering from learning how to share our real world. We have become wvw families and that is going to change. Many players play in wvw, without being in the same guild. So you say, well they can select NA or I can select EU so we can still play together... Then what is to stop groups from still doing that and having the same problem that people complain about now. Truthfully I have no idea why they complain. It makes no sense. Some of us are morning players and some evening players. So having EU grouped with NA is actually beneficial to players who are night owls or early risers. There has to be a different way to stop the whiners. You can't win all the time. Maybe if you made a shorter rotation time, say 4 days, and never group teams with the same match up consecutively. I don't know, there has to be other ways rather than breaking up our server families. Lastly, there is talk already of grouping up and having elitist Alliances. They talk, they know each other, they recruit, they pay for the best players. I believe this will make it easier to be elitist. You are still going to have the best of the best on certain teams... it will fix nothing.

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> @"Arayvena Tempest.2153" said:

> I think this is the worst thing you could do to us. To start, Separating EU from NA. Some of my best friendships are with people from EU and I would have never met them as I'm in NA. You are going to take that away from present and future players. That is a wonderful thing in this day and age when we are suffering from learning how to share our real world. We have become wvw families and that is going to change. Many players play in wvw, without being in the same guild. So you say, well they can select NA or I can select EU so we can still play together... Then what is to stop groups from still doing that and having the same problem that people complain about now. Truthfully I have no idea why they complain. It makes no sense. Some of us are morning players and some evening players. So having EU grouped with NA is actually beneficial to players who are night owls or early risers. There has to be a different way to stop the whiners. You can't win all the time. Maybe if you made a shorter rotation time, say 4 days, and never group teams with the same match up consecutively. I don't know, there has to be other ways rather than breaking up our server families. Lastly, there is talk already of grouping up and having elitist Alliances. They talk, they know each other, they recruit, they pay for the best players. I believe this will make it easier to be elitist. You are still going to have the best of the best on certain teams... it will fix nothing.


For one you can still play on EU if you are located NA and Vice Versa..... WvW guilds now have limit of slots if a player likes to play with others on a consistent basis they can join/create a WvW Guild, The Alliance system and limited player cap per guild and Alliance stops overstacking and Bandwagoning, what was the issue with the server model, Players can’t swap WvW guilds until the next match up and since their are caps per Guild/Alliance no Overstacking, you know the main big bad boost man that Created things like BG etc.


This is all clearly explained in the WVW restructuring post.

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@"BlaqueFyre.5678" Love the condescending tone. So, In that vain I will reply to you. The EU players are on my server, so they as people are not separate from me. Servers are being done away with, so we will not be together. You actually restated what I had said in my post about being able to select one or the other. Maybe you should read it again to see what I clearly stated.

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> @"Arayvena Tempest.2153" said:

> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" Love the condescending tone. So, In that vain I will reply to you. The EU players are on my server, so they as people are not separate from me. Servers are being done away with, so we will not be together. You actually restated what I had said in my post about being able to select one or the other. Maybe you should read it again to see what I clearly stated.


Read the World Restructure thread thoroughly, Remember Region is completely separate from Server, since they are on the NA Region already they will stay in that Region after the change as well, reading the Thread thoroughly tells this another thing is on that thread there is the option to search for the Arenanet responses to get alll the pertinent information on 1 to 2 pages.



So again the EU players playing on the NA Region will stay on that Region after the change.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > Korea isn't EU just saying


> Go open up the Region tab on the world select screen.... tell use what Regions you see and how many. All players except most Chinese players fall into one of two regions NA or EU.


The point was that there's nothing distinctly EU about Koreans. This guy seems to think that the Koreans he's playing with now won't be able to play with him in the future but that makes no sense.

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> @"KokopellisFlute.5236" said:

> Well, Guess I am leaving GW2. Servers are what make WVW worthwhile. Without them, its just going to be Ktraining. That is boring.


There's k trains with servers being a thing. What are you talking about? If anything there's gonna be more action and balanced match ups. If you like you're server join their alliance.

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I know what WvW guild(s) is running during my playtime. I'm not part of their guild but I do roam and jump into the fray from time to time. Had it planned roughly since I **know** which guild/community to associates with to suit my playtime. That said, its still unclear if we need be part of the guild for the alliance? Or its sufficient to just select the guild/server I want to be linked with to be part if the alliance.


Question for the players disagreeing to the idea of coverage are WvW players? Or WvW dailies runner? For those who plays WvW, I don't see the reason why reject the idea of getting "free transfer players" to form an alliance to strenghten numbers and better coverage for a competative gameplay. WvW is going to be World War.


Spare me server etc. especially those who transfered, my condolences. As long as the reward for winning is worthwhile, no matter what server or difference is in the alliance, everyone will fight to the bitter last. Example but don't need to be, say a legendary part and trophy parts for a guild monument to the victor, even friends will be foe if they're part of the enemy's alliance.


And untill the system is up and ready, **everything will just be speculations and more speculations trying to reach a conjecture**. Wasn't announced or given an estimation date which could me months for it to be ready.

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