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[Suggestion] LFG Tracker

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It would be nice to be able to 'track' one or more LFG groups, much like we flag dailies or achievements to track. Next to the name could be a count of the number of groups and squads (2 different numbers) in the LFG group being tracked. Clicking on the name, or some other little button, opens the section in the LFG so you can pick a group/squad to join.


I just though it would be nice to be able to track a few things more easily and continue to play but still be able to watch groups in areas. Maybe the option to get a notification when a new group or squad shows up in a tracked LFG, and have it flash for a few seconds?

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> I am failing to see how this is really useful.. if your in a group, why are you interested in monitoring other LFG's.. you can only be in one at a time so what is the point of tracking multiple LFG's?


Oh I'm not in a group yet. And the purpose of tracking multiples would be a nice way to see if anything organized starts to pop anywhere in the world that I might be interested in. Maybe a squad is starting up for that big thing in Vabbi. Maybe it's a HoT meta like Lexi said. Maybe someone has a VB squad going, pushing the level high, and that sounds fun. Maybe a Mentor throws a party up in Adventurer's Guild to offer to help anyone with anything (personal story, old event).


It would be a way to monitor a few areas you might be interested in without having to stop and pop the LFG up periodically and look around and continue on. You could just track-n-forgot during a play session, and be notified as new squads and parties pop up in areas you are interested in.

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