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Postprocessing is inconsistent across the maps.

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Old maps have a gentle postprocessing, friendly for eye, while the new maps (since LW3) and especially the aerodrome have different postprocessing settings that hurt the eyes, are too bright, blur out my character or make me glow purple (istan, ember bay). this is really annoying because i like postprocessing in normal maps. I hope changes will be made. either tone down that posprocessing or redesign the option settings to let us set it how we want for entire game.

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Yeah, i had to remove sweetfx from guildwars because in PoF maps it was getting too over the top.

Post-processing options have always been a problem with GW2. Players have basically no control other than enable or disable stuff in bulk, which often leads to you either disabling things you want to keep to remove things that are annoying, or having to keep annoying things if you want to have some of the effects you like.

And the reason is most likely because they hard-code post-processing for every map instead of a more dynamic approach.

I seriously doubt we'll ever get proper post-processing options and execution.

It's all about their vision, doesn't matter that their vision will not always look the same on our end as it does on theirs.

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I wouldn't mind if they hardcode it for every map but it should be done consistently according to some formula set earlier. right now it's literally unplayable especially in group fights (like in istan). istan is the only map that makes me dizzy with all this shine, blur, contrast, saturation and other stuff.

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  • 3 months later...

I agree. I bought the two expansions and started playing again recently.


I didn't notice anything in Heart of Thorns.


In Path of Fire it is very obvious, the shadows are just flat out dark. It's really harsh and I think you could say objectively bad. Like those crappy SweetFX filters that are all over the web. ps: i think the devs were going for a "harsh" environment in POF similar to the Resident Evil 7 example screenshot in this article below, except in PoF it just looks bad (imho).


There is a really good critique of post process edit: the article: https://ventspace.wordpress.com/2017/10/20/games-look-bad-part-1-hdr-and-tone-mapping/


To summarize the problems with typical junk post process in video games:


- awful heavy handed contrast

- crushed blacks.

- randomly saturated whites in the sunset


What's aesthetically pleasing:


- balanced transition from light to dark tones,

- the over-brightness is used tastefully without annihilating half the sky in the process.



This game is truly a work of art and I've rarely had anything to complain about on the art side;. so the post process in PoF is really a surprise and disappointment.


PS: and I agree with OP, the post process makes things a little too blurry and glowing. Kinda silly to say but it's better in GW1 even though it was very strong. But in GW1 there is not so much contrast, so it worked fantstically to both create a dreamy atmosphere as well as make the low polygon edges less obvious which makes the game still look OK today.


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Here is the article I mentioned, which explains how and why those filters affect the final picture quality:




Look at those first screenshots that "goes spectacularly wrong" and it looks pretty much like GW2's Post Process in Path of Fire.


" They are instantly recognizable as video games, because only video games try to pass off these trashy contrast curves as aesthetically pleasing. "


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Yeah, not happy with that over-contrasty and by implication, over-saturated look either. It reminds me of when I started digital photography, and over post-processed my images to similar effect. It took some time to develop some taste and restraint B) . But I think post-processing on the old maps isn't all that better - some areas of the Orr maps are more or less unplayable since it becomes really hard to distinguish between green and red tags (and I'm not colorblind) with the heavy color filters applied.

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