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What about all the other counter intuitive play patterns besides phantasms?

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With the devs, finally, doing something to fix Phantasms, I can only question, what about all the other base game mechanics with similar or even the exact same problem? Are they going to be addressed? Do the devs even admit they are problems in the first place? I mean, with some of these its just ridiculous they even made it into the game at all, let alone that they've gone virtually unchanged for five years of live development.


**Necromancer's Death Shroud**

You need kills to use it, but you need to use it to survive long enough to get kills, making it useless in prolonged attrition fights, the EXACT type of fights the Necromancer is purported by the devs to specialize in and which the death shroud mechanic was made for! This is, in my opinion, the most borked mechanic in the game, it works against itself in an even more direct manner than the phantasm/clone interaction that is being fixed on Tuesday.


**Mesmer Shatters and Clones**

Clones are intended to be a defensive mechanic, and shatters the offensive "trump card" you play from them. This has never been true in the entire run of GW2. Clones do not even fulfill the fantasy of an illusionist, let alone the mechanics of one.


Clones are not tricky or misleading, and players never avoid attacking the mesmer because they don't know where the Mesmer is, it's always obvious. Players avoid attacking the Mesmer because they are strafing around what essentially equates to a field of bombs; bombs which regularly replenish, which when detonated have varying travel times that stagger their detonations, which move around cover, do not require line of sight after the initial cast, and have ridiculous range. Or in short, shattering basically circumvents the majority of normal defensive play options to some degree or another, making one final unique option more viable than the rest, killing the clones. But if shatters were not such a threat, and didn't nullify so many defensive play options, players would completely ignore clones, as they do not "trick" anyone.


Second, a clone build is forced into shatters to the point that they couldn't be used as a trickster mechanic even if they worked as one. Mesmer damage is basically nonexistent outside phantasms and shattering, phantasms prevent you from having clones, shattering gets rid of your clones, there is no offensive option where you can even use clones as defense. Furthermore, shattering is heavily balanced around PvP, particularly its cooldowns, which make it just about the slowest offensive mechanic in PvE in the entire game. This PvE vs PVP issue is then even further exacerbated by the aggro system. Most PvE mobs decide their aggro by what damages them first, or hits them the hardest, and since illusions don't really deal damage and pop like balloons, the mesmer is pretty much always the aggro'd target, making a clone defense just as vulnerable in PvE as a shatter offense is slow.


**Elementalist Conjures and the Attunement System**

With the least amount of passive defense in the game, constant use of the attunement system to cast and proc sustain and defensive buffs and abilities is mandatory to survive for any amount of time, and to deal the elementalists maximum potential damage. Conjures, lock you out of the majority of this system for whatever duration you use them. Furthermore, when abilities on the conjures or the entire conjure itself are buffed to the point where they have sufficient defense/damage/control/utility/etc to justify use, they are instead used in a pop-and-drop playstyle for 1-2 skill uses in a rotation, creating an imbalance where you get a copious amount of their power without any of the drawback that is supposed to come with it.


I don't think I'm even scratching all the mechanics that have similarly counter intuitive play patterns, these are just my top three. Feel free to add your own.

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ill list my top 3 in no particular order:


ai builds are nonexistent. I never liked them much but theyre not even viable. its because they either die too quickly, are completely ineffective or both.

rev energy costs are too high for minimum benefit.

still cant use other skills while in shroud, something people have been asking for since day 1. I see no logical explanation as to why this is.


I would like to take a prod at all the useless traits/traitlines/skills/weapons but it would take too long.


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