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[Suggestion] Multiples guild hall upgrades


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Hi everybody,


First of all, I know that some of these suggestions have already been made, I am only supporting the previous posts. I think I’m adding some new ideas but if everything has already been post at least once, then sorry in advance.


Being a regular user and decorator of the guild hall, I came up with a number of ideas that would make this kind of “home sweet home” even more captivating and realistic. I am an happy owner of the Lost Precipice but those ideas are adaptable to all guild halls.


**1 - Choose the weather**


I dream of seeing my Lost Precipice under the rain, in a dry or rainy storm, in a morning mist or in a sandstorm... Just like the bad weather that can be found here and there.


![](https://i.imgur.com/1eeFUTx.jpg "")


I think especially of the second screen in the old Aetherblade instance (or Mai Trin fractal) with storm, lightning, driving rain and rough sea. It would be nice to have access to an upgrade to choose the weather in the lobby or a random mode. This upgrade could be offered by the notary Pall Gilmore and would allow us to choose among the following modes (generic list which can be completed).


- Random mode

- Sunny

- Normal rain

- Rainy storm, rough water (frequent light flashes in the Gilded Hollow because there are fewer areas for rain)

- Sandstorm (adapted to a vaporous storm for the Gilded Hollow : white fog, strong winds)

- Intense mist

- And finally less realistic but for the principle: snowy in the same effect as the Divine Promontory during winters.


Of course, those effects would be implemented with sound effects. For the Gilded Hollow, the particles could be emitted only in the open parts of the cavern, also adding great importance to the sound effects. Of course, it's a lot of adaptation work in each hall.


**2 - Choose the time : night / day / actual time**


The improvement would be the same as above but this time for the "time zone". The choice would obviously offer the list below, which can be completed with the dawn and dusk possibility.


- Actual time / Server time

- Permanent Night

- Permanent Day


I must admit for the Gilded Hollow, there is little interest except if the lights were a little more intense during the day and weaker at night.

I think it's a little easier than for bad weather and it would be nice.


**3 - Add a decoration counter and increase the number of nearby decorations**


As a decorator, I would really like to have a counter of the total number of decorations placed. It's always good to know how much empty places we have left. I made a small preview of what it would look like in the guild decoration window.


![](https://i.imgur.com/4XvNM5F.jpg "")


It would also be nice to be able to put a little more nearby decorations. Sometimes we reach the limit a little fast with small models.


**4 - Decoration mode hotkey**


It would be really convenient to have the ability to configure a key to enter directly into decoration mode once in the hall, or possibly a special decoration mode button like the special skill system (when one has rank permission). Outside the lobby, the key would display a message saying that this action is only accessible in a guild hall.


**5 - Decoration placement mark**


It's in the title but I did a preview to better visualize.


![](https://i.imgur.com/dHlkchZ.jpg "")


When a decoration is overflown or selected, the map would display points (such as those indicating a friend / foe / guild member) at locations where decorations of this type are placed. It would allow us to find decorations more or less lost, sneakily hidden by a rival (it looks like lived situation but it is not), or just better distribute them. Of course, it would just give a clue to where we should be able to find them with the up / down arrow marker.

As in the picture, this window could also remind the number of decorations placed as previously mentioned.


**6 - Sell decorations**


Sometimes we have too many decorations of a type in the storage. It would be interesting, with a right click on the selected decoration (with additional rank permission) to resell some in favor of a random material necessary to the hall, or in aetherium / favor / resonance. It would help small guilds get rid of unnecessary decorations for the benefit of evolution. Of course, it must not be profitable, not a way to fill the treasure at a lower cost. Each decoration sold must not be able to give more than 1 or 2 materials maximum with a very low percentage on expensive materials.


**7 - Add crafting trees, architectures, characters and more**


We have a lack of "buildings" like small huts, command tents, hermit tents or simple buildings like those outside Amnoon. This would allow us to give life to empty flat areas, set up villages or camps. I would also add various wide platforms made of wood or stone droppable on a cliff face on which we could put a lot of things. I took a screen of some interesting elements.

Similarly, there are basically only 3 real trees without pots (not plants) available. The game has many and beautiful trees here and there. I put a screen below, it would be nice to be able to create them too.


![](https://i.imgur.com/HSZOj9y.jpg "")


Finally, it does not really correspond to the scribing but if we could "create" static NPCs with no interaction and only an idle animation, it would be great to make the hall more alive when there are no members inside. There could be models of guards, villagers, nobles... of any race as in the picture below. It may be a bit far-fetched but I would really like this implementation.


![](https://i.imgur.com/Kl2Eeps.jpg "")


**8 - Selection mode, rotations x/y/z and scale**


It would be also great to have a “selection tool” in decoration mode. Once a decoration is placed, it would be possible to select it (with a trimming as on the characters). When selected, it would reveal a pivot allowing rotations in all directions and including a system of scale. Of course, the size change would be limited to 20% maximum to avoid stretching textures and uncontrollable extreme sizes (tiny or gigantic). It would give a better customization and variation with the existing decorations.


**9 - A customizable waypoint**


Another possible improvement offered by the notary. It would give access to a customizable waypoint, dropable anywhere in the guild hall. It would be offered in a special decoration category and each hall could only got one. I think we would all love to be able to go instantly to a place we love, or convenient for quick access to some NPCs.


**10 - Music packs of Guild Wars original, wintersday, halloween and more**


Pretty simple, I would love to unlock GW1 musics (like M.O.X), as well as wintersday music, halloween and others like “Battle on the breachmaker” , Mordremoth, Zhaitan... There are musics like "Festival of Lyss" in GW1 that I would love to listen in my hall. They have add the SAB music pack so I think it is possible to do it for other music packs without difficulty.


**11 - A new “building” for general crafting**


There is quite a lot of space available and especially in the Lost Precipice, there are buildings that originally seems to be future crafting stations. I made a screen of one of those unused rooms with crafting tools (chief in the example below).


![](https://i.imgur.com/ofzzaJY.jpg "")


So I thought it would be nice to implement a new main "building" with many improvements to access general craft with the associated NPCs. Everything would be available in the hall without the need to go back to big cities.

I know that Arenanet stated that it would never be implemented to not depopulate major cities, but I still dream of that.


**12 - Add a personal banker**


It would be nice to have an NPC, unlockable to the notary, to access our personal bank alongside the other central merchants. It would avoid having to run to the scriptorium and it wouldn’t change the frequentation of major cities. Personally, I’m always using the scriptorium to access my bank so I would like to just have another NPC near the other basic merchants to gain time.


**13 - Add a black lion specialist at market**


The market could offer an improvement, attracting a member of the black lion allowing us to access the trading post. In the Lost Precipice, there is an empty market building that could be used for this new character. For the other halls, I guess there must be places too. Again, I know that Arenanet stated it wouldn’t be done to not depopulate the major cities. Personally, I’m just using black lion NPCs to claim my gains before disconnecting or to claim my materials and come back to my hall to craft. Furthermore, there is frequently black lion specialists spawned everywhere, outside or inside cities. Si, I’m sure it won’t change a lot but just saving us time and unnecessary inconvenience.


**14 - Add visitors NPCs for life in halls**


This is a little more hard to add because I would like to see characters walk around the hall in the same way as in the personal home instance. NPCs would enter the hall, go to the tavern and then walk away, or wander in the main areas... No particular interactions but just a little movement as in big cities, as if the hall was living without players inside. I know it's difficult to set up and totally useless but I would like it.


**15 - Guild hall insurrections**


The idea would be to incorporate random insurrections of our guild hall. They would not be very frequent but at least once a day. It would simply resume the system set up for the capture of the hall with groups of enemies appearing randomly, and a champion at the end (at the crystal). Of course, there could be other possibilities but I'm talking about the easiest implementation. A message would warn us of an imminent attack in the guild hall "XXX" (depending on the guilds in our list) in the next 5 minutes for example (as for the legendary anomaly). The event would of course adjust to the number of active representative members, with or without count down. It would allow to regroup guild members for a special event that would reward either for the guild (special decorations, materials, favor, aetherium, resonance...), or personally (guild weapons, guild armors, recipe, materials...).

The siege weapons decorations could become interactive to really defend the hall during those insurrections.


**16 - Buy or charm animals for hall**


I think a lot of players have too many guild recommendations. I think it would be interesting to use them to buy animals for our guild hall.

A better idea would be to charm animals in the wild. We could buy “charm kits” with recommendations and used them on animals everywhere in the world that could add them randomly in the hall. Underwaters and terrestrial critters could be added with a general limit counter. If the limit is reach, we could delete animals by interacting with them (with a special rank permission). Of course, those animals must be considered as allies in the hall to not be killed by players.


This is roughly everything that went through my head. Everything is not necessarily interesting for all of you and everything is not easy to implement. I also know that the halls are not the focus of the game, that many players have nothing to do with it and it costs a lot of resources to set up.


Arenanet has integrated a new guild hall with Path of Fire and adds new decorations with each festivals / extensions. They are not abandoned so I would really like to see at least some of those ideas added to the halls, I would be delighted.


Thanks for reading my post and have a nice day.

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> @"Skynet.7201" said:

> But wasn't there a statement awhile ago that nothing further was going to be done for guild halls?


I don't know but if it's right, it's a little bit sad... I will still hope to see some of those ideas integrated in the future.

Thank you for the information and for your comments.


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  • 2 months later...

> @"jimgao.2091" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Whats the second picture in your weather screenshots?


> Hey, it's the Mai Trin fractal (or the ancient Aetherblade dungeon during living world season 1). The weather was really good in this area : thunder, rain... tempest!


You know, i just cant visualise it in the fractal. Ill def have to pay attention next time im in that one. Stunnng screenshot!

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One other upgrade I'd like to see is a treasurer that is just for decorations so people other than scribes could donate acct bound mats for decorations. Maybe a limit of 100 or 250 but some way of a person with no interest in leveling a scribe can still contribute to decorations.

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