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Why do people do this?


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When you only own home point and its under attack sometimes with the fight being 2v1 for the enemy and people respawn and run to the middle which is the other teams color and has 2 to 3 enemy just milling around it. It happens all the time. Do people not look at the minimap? Do they get propagandized so much about the importance of middle they just go there automatically? Doesn't it make sense to clean out home and then use the numbers advantage youll have during enemy respawn to get other points? This stuff happens well into platinum and its ridiculous how do people that do this stuff win enoujgh to get past like low gold.

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Because 90% of the people either have no idea how rotations in this game work or zero awareness of what's happening around them. Or both. Some guys have called their guild "get mid or die tryin", which is one of my favourite GW2 guild names ever, because it's just so accurate.

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Because there is no tutorial to explain people how to play conquest mode, many players (saw a lot on gold 3 and even plat ranks) have a deathmatch mentality, see an enemy? I gotta go kill! Even if they are 2 or 3 or 4, they just go face them and die miserably.


After you play a while it is just common sense of never going 1vs2 unless you are a bunker or can play your profession good enough to handle 2 people.


But many people in plat or higher gold just got carried by good teammates and their skill is actually bronze level by making those newbie mistakes.


I mean if you are not sure of winning a 1vs1 it is completely fine to avoid it, better stay alove and go help your teammates in another node outnumbering than just take that 1vs1 at any cost and dying plus losing the cap.

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